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There have been 97 items by Fairy Tail Fantard (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#799839 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 12 April 2015 - 04:41 PM in Fun Cafe



#797321 Which anime has the best sound track?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 08 April 2015 - 05:22 AM in Fun Cafe

Openings, battle music. endings, etc.


For me...it's in my name. I have yet to find an anime that had music I caught more onto than Fairy Tail. Naruto had decent music, Attack on Titan had some pretty fitting stuff, too, but it just didn't give you that feel like "Oh, shi*t things are getting real now!"

#797043 World's Worst

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 07 April 2015 - 04:18 PM in Fun Cafe



"And you will do what I say and when I say it! This is no longer a democracy!"


World's worst stunt pilot.

#796819 World's Worst

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 07 April 2015 - 05:43 AM in Fun Cafe

Anything on Cartoon network today XD


"Today, kids, we're going to talk about gore, sex, war, and all this happy stuff"


World's worst NAVY SEAL

#796396 Describe the Naruto series in "two words"

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 06 April 2015 - 04:45 PM in Naruto General

1 - Bull


2 - kitten

#796393 World's Worst

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 06 April 2015 - 04:44 PM in Fun Cafe

Wait....what was my line?


World's worst NASCAR driver.

#794910 World's Worst

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 04 April 2015 - 05:18 PM in Fun Cafe



Worlds worst ninja

#787357 Games you never finished

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 25 March 2015 - 05:47 PM in Gamer Lounge

Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask


Resident Evil 4


Donkey Kong 64


Many, many others.

#786255 What does the future hold for Sakura?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 23 March 2015 - 05:05 PM in Naruto General

There's going to be another Naruto series? Really? I'm a little surprised people really even care about that stuff now...


Truth be told...I don't much care for Sakura or Naruto in general now, but if I did I'd say her development is pretty much over unless Kishimoto decides to pull some random ass move in the series which is inevitable if you ask me.

#783561 exactly 1 year till kung fu panda 3 comes out

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 20 March 2015 - 06:03 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

God damn! It's already been almost eight flippen years since Kung Fu Panda 1 and Wall-E came out. What the hell happened to my childhood?! One minute it was there, and the next it was gone. W.T.F, life?

#781242 Was naruto the manga doomed the moment it became a series?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 17 March 2015 - 05:25 AM in Naruto General

I liked it up 'till the Pein Ark. After that it pretty much went to kitten and I didn't care what happened. That's why NS not happening didn't have much of an impact on me.


Really, IMO, Naruto really ended after the Pein Ark. After that I couldn't tell if I was still reading the same story.

#780007 Ezra X Sabine (Star Wars Rebels)

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 15 March 2015 - 05:36 PM in Fun Cafe

I think Asoka will somehow try to talk Anikin out of the dark side and almost succeeds, but the Emperor intervenes and ruins it all.

#777792 Ezra X Sabine (Star Wars Rebels)

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 13 March 2015 - 03:55 PM in Fun Cafe

The only thing I didn't like about the ending of season one was the Inquisitor died. He was such a cool villain.

#773703 Ezra X Sabine (Star Wars Rebels)

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 08 March 2015 - 05:04 AM in Fun Cafe


I will probably give Rebels another chance someday. 

What I liked in clone wars was how they managed to humanize the clones and how the whole war was constructed in general. 

And I feared for Ashoka, she wasn't in the third movie or in any other, this means she was an expendable character. The whole setup with her leaving the order was cool, I think she could appear in rebels maybe



She's actually in Rebels, and I think it's the same voice actress who plays her.


Don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVED Clone Wars. It kept me entertained, wondering what was going to happen next, and left me thirst for more at the end of every episode and I was VERY depressed when I finished the series. I liked pretty much every episode. But I'm sold on the episodes when Anakin and Obey Wan are together XD

#772084 Ezra X Sabine (Star Wars Rebels)

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 06 March 2015 - 06:00 AM in Fun Cafe

I never gave it too much of a chance. Clone wars was so awesome, this Rebels one looks too childish.


It has gotten better in some way? 

Clone Wars was good, but it never really offered anything to really make an impact on you. Clones died in every episode, you knew the majority of the cast were going to live through the entire series, and it jumped around too much.


Rebels is completely different. It doesn't jump around episode to episode, it has a continuous story. You get to have a strong connection with the cast, and each member has their own unique personality and skills.


Much better than Clone Wars in my opinion.

#771276 Ezra X Sabine (Star Wars Rebels)

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 05 March 2015 - 06:30 AM in Fun Cafe

I'm not going to lie. I have fallen completely in love with this animated series. When I first heard Disney had bought Star Wars I wasn't really sure what to expect. I saw a few adds on TV about the new "Star Wars Rebels" movie and just brushed it off because of how "childish" the graphics looked. Yeah, wasn't happy with myself because of that.


I watched all of Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Netflix in the past. Loved it, I have to say Rebels is better. It has a more interesting story, and I've grown quite fond of the cast..

#762305 Does anybody here do Let's Plays or record game play?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 20 February 2015 - 04:43 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Games like The Kerbal Space Program, ETS2, Skyrim, Oblivion, American Truck Simulator (when it comes out) And European Truck Simulator (ETS2) Just to name a few. I'd also like to record some console games like Halo as well.

#760684 Does anybody here do Let's Plays or record game play?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 18 February 2015 - 04:01 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I'm looking for a recording system that will record roughly thirty minute videos and won't eat away at my memory. Any suggestions?


Or can I merge videos together?

#751620 Dogs VS Cats

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 03 February 2015 - 04:26 AM in Fun Cafe

To be honest I love 'em both, even though I'm allergic to cats.


With cats, they don't require nearly as much attention, they can take care of themselves fairly well, and will just kind of do their own thing.


Dogs on the other hand require LOADS of attention. But if you're looking for loyalty and a true friend...you just can't beat a dog. They'll be your best friends until their days are done.

#737853 Is this....normal?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 22 January 2015 - 06:23 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I think it's normal. I'm a girl and I, too, enjoy being tickled. I actually wasn't aware that there were people who thought that enjoying tickling was odd.  :sweat:


Maybe you should ask her to tickle you next time and see how you like it, haha. 

Actually...it turns out I'm not very ticklish lol. She tried it just the other day, but it didn't have much affect haha


Well... I was always a loner throughout my childhood. I just didn't really fit in anywhere, so my social skills kind of suffered from that.

#737847 Is this....normal?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 22 January 2015 - 05:48 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

To be honest...I'm a little uneasy asking this on this site, but I don't really know where else to go for asking this question...


Hope this doesn't come off as me being a prevert or something...



Strangest thread ever for the win.

#693929 Ferguson

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 07 December 2014 - 09:28 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

This isn't a riot, this is a crime against America


I'm sorry, but if people are acting like this in AMERICA they need to be shot. This isn't a riot. This is crap terrorist groups do. 


And if you're going to call me 'racist' for saying that, I'm not gonna listen. People are taking the race crap too far. Blacks are practically using it to get themselves out of trouble when they get caught doing a crime. If you've got a problem with me saying something racist, yet think what they're doing in that picture is perfectly fine, you need to find a new country to live in. I'm not arguing with someone that delusional... or just flat down stupid. 


I'm proud to be an American, I want this country to be completely independent and self-sufficient, only relying on its people to get things we need. Does I'm saying here offend you? That picture, and you agreeing with what they're doing, offends me. 


This precious 'race card' crap some of you like defending so much just needs to go out the window. Crap like this wouldn't happen, and it's beyond annoying hearing people blammer about it every single time something happens.

#692486 Road To Sakura Episode English Dub

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 07 December 2014 - 04:54 AM in Konoha Theater

Wow...the dubs are just now reaching this episode? They're waaaaaaaaay behind.

#692463 Been having internet issues...

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 07 December 2014 - 04:43 AM in Tech Help

Okay, so... I dunno if it's the aircard, or if they're actually trying to shut down my internet.


About two weeks ago I started having trouble connecting to the internet. I was watching a Nerdcubed Let's play when it just cut out for no reason. I've had the same aircard since late 2007 or early to mid 2008. I used to keep it in my living room where my old desktop could connect to the Ethernet, but now I have to keep it in my room - on top of my gaming computer for it to work.


I'm with pioneer, still have an unlimited plan, never really had any issues with this router in the past... Is my router just flat down out of date, need an update, or are they legitimately trying to shut down my internet? 

#685540 Is walking home alone at night scary to you?

Posted by Fairy Tail Fantard on 04 December 2014 - 04:37 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I live in the country, carry a firearm with me whenever I go places...so...no.