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There have been 9 items by SlyNinjaKnight (Search limited from 12-June 23)

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#960795 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 28 January 2018 - 05:06 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

A lot of people say that shipping the heroine and hero together is cliche, but I can't help it because their so compatible with each other. That's one of the things I love about NaruSaku, the compatibility.


Same thing for me with Harry Potter. The relationship between Harry and Hermione was so much better than Ron/Hermione or Harry/Ginny. 

#948728 Rocko's modern life

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 12 September 2017 - 01:58 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Is he still going to be working at a phone sex hotline company?

#940903 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 28 May 2017 - 07:44 PM in Naruto General

Regarding the Uchiha clan massacre, I had always thought Itachi was ordered to only kill the leaders of the coup (the elders, his parents) but leave the others alone but it was Obito/Danzo (ROOT) who killed the remainder of the clan. Am I right or I am just taking a fanon thought and believing it to be canon? 

#937688 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 18 April 2017 - 09:56 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Brats as in they always get in trouble. Not their character.


Both. Harry x Hermione was shown in all books. Ron x Hermione began in book 4.


I would say that there were moments of RonxHermione in as early as Chamber of Secrets (Ron defending Hermione from Malfoy "Eat Slugs") but I always felt that Ron and Hermione's relationship was an "opposite's attract" type of relationship, or even that 'cliche' of young boy who likes a girl will put gum in her hair-type of thing, while Harry and Hermione's relationship was much more mature, and stable, more toward what an older couple would be like. 

#936141 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 11

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 03 April 2017 - 02:59 AM in Latest Releases

Who is the 'ninth' that they are talking about on page 35? Naruto is the seventh Hokage, and I am pretty sure that none of the other major villages have gotten close to that number of Kages, so who is the ninth?


And also, Sarada is literally being completely sexualized in this. No pants on, not even those under shorts that Sakura wore in the beginning of Naruto, several inch heels and the poses. Someone said earlier that the writers were trying to ensure that Sarada was well-liked right off the bat, making sure they didn't make the mistake they did with Sakura. Notice how when Burrito jumped in and did something stupid, and she made the 'wide-eyed'/shocked face, she didn't hit Burrito. Sakura would have done that to Naruto, trying to teach him a lesson, and for comedic effect, yet Sarada doesn't do anything.

#935595 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 27 March 2017 - 12:37 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Ginny didn't appear that much in the Harry Potter series. She was seen cumulatively few times in the Chambers of Secrets and Half-Blood Prince, and much fewer in the Deathly Hollows. Well, she's a side character.


We saw of Harry x Ginny in terms of romance in Half-Blood Prince and it was so sudden. Harry liked Ginny in Half-Blood Prince and Ginny already did like Harry since we saw her in The Chambers of Secrets. That's why JKR admitted that Hermione was better for Harry cause they spent so much time together and many loved the chemistry between them. Honestly, there were some nice moments between Harry and Hermione in every movie.


I got the urge to talk about Harry Potter XD


That's the point. We didn't see Ginny in really any part of the books or films, outside of Chamber and Half-Blood. JKR could have easily put in a few scenes of Harry interacting with Ginny to that pairing a little bit more substantial. Harry and Hermione was the most complete relationship (platonic or romantic) in the series, just like Naruto and Sakura was in the Naruto series. It wasn't until Half-Blood Prince came out that we saw a shift in JKR's writing to put more emphasis on the pairings, and even then it was still more in the background than in Naruto. Kishi or SP decided to go full bore with regards to pairings with Naruto to try and get more fans/money because they saw how popular those type of manga/anime was becoming. 

#935551 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 26 March 2017 - 06:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I give this guy credit for standing up on how bad the anime ending was unlike everybody else.. here it is: 



C'mon guys, Naruto is not a shoujo anime. It's shonen. Despite that, they end on a wedding instead of showing the build up towards Naruto achieving his dream of becoming Hokage? Seriously, we sat through all of those episodes, listened to all of his speeches, delt with all the stupidity and fillers and stupid fillers, and yet, despite all this, Naruto Shippuden focuses on the most minor aspect to the series: romance.

Look, I get it, you enjoy seeing your ship come to fruition... but it's not what Naruto's about. If I just watched the show on TV like I would have watched DBZ as a kid, I would never get to see Naruto achieve his dream. This focus on the wedding and the high budget animation in comparison to most of the canon scenes and fights just left a bad taste in my mouth.

They couldn't even do chapter 700.

This ending was bullcrap and I'm calling all of you out for eating it up anyway.

Here also some comments too: 

I actually agree, they really overdid the romance stuff especially these last 10 episodes.

I would've preferred seeing Naruto going on missions and learning how to be a decent hokage instead. Or give us some Naruto and Sasuke bromance, that's a lot more interesting than a wedding.

Jiraiya wasn't even mentioned once. He was more of a fatherly figure than Iruka ever was. I always considered Iruka being like Naruto's big brother.

They ruined him in boruto and it makes me sad. Including his awful haircut he should've had the cut like his dads. In that episode road to tenten where he had those really long sides. It should've been that not what he has now. His current cut doesn't suit him at all. A growth similar to Minato would've been perfect. There's art of it and it's just great.


I actually agree with you. I would rather see chapter 700 animated or at the very least, Naruto's interaction with his son and the final few pages with Naruto commencing the gokage council. Even if it was about being acknowledged, that shouldn't undermine all the moments he declared he'll be hokage. Since part 1, he's said that. In fights against Kiba, Neji and Kabuto he's declared it. He told his mother he'll be the orange hokage. Even after Itachi told him about the link between acknowledgement and hokage, Naruto was still saying he'll be hokage. You have moments of Obito telling him he'll be hokage. You have Naruto lecturing Obito on what it means to be hokage. You have Tobirama saying he'll surpass his brother as hokage. Shikamaru saying he needs to support Naruto as hokage. Etc etc etc. it was about acknowledgment but it was also about being hokage. That's what it's all been leading up to.

What i got instead was a finale focused on Shikamaru holding hands with Temari, Ino holding hands with Sai, obviously Naruto and Hinata and for some weird reason, Sakura, a bird, and Sasuke with a random minimal note that just reads one word. It did feel like the ending to a shoujo series. It didn't feel like a conclusion to the shonen series, but a conclusion to this arc that had a very different tone to the series as a whole. Even then, the episode was about the moment before the wedding began, not the wedding itself. I don't think we can just say it's about bonds and ignore the very heavy and obvious focus on romance in a series the original author very clearly declared is not about romance 


I couldn't agree more. So disappointing that the studio kept feeding these fans something to post for their tumblr accounts. "but but a lot of people came to support Naruto, etc." ah, he is already a living legend in the shinobi world. He doesn't need the wedding to show that people will bond together for him because even without it, everyone already acknowledges him. In konoha, way back pain's arc. And after the war, the whole world.

The animation from the climax of the war episodes, with Obito's and Madara's scenes were so poorly animated it hurts watching it a couple of times.

They could have just animate chapter 700 and filled it with some character interactions. But noooo. Ahh it could've been much better. Shippuden deserves better. We deserve better.

But oh well, it ended with episode 479 for me
Have to agree, I only just got around to watching it this morning and I thought it was just a cheap ending for everything it had made us all feel in the past. To be honest, I thought the anime was just going to end when the war ended, and when it kept going I thought, What left is there to do??? Oh right Naruto hasn't become hokage yet....... Nope we were waiting for a wedding... of a romance we didn't even see..... Really disappointed to not feel anything from the ending of what made me feel so much in it's years of airing.

Naruhina is so forced so yeah the ending was bad. They had no development whatsoever and naruto only decided he loved her back after realizing he should accept that she loves him. Oh, and after 5 minutes of genjutsu which he shouldn't have been affected by. Naruto barely payed her any mind and they barely talked. Hinata watched him from behind a tree when he was lonely instead of helping him. Sasuke was narutos only goal and sasuke said that naruto was the only one to save him from his loneliness. Iruka was the first to acknowledge naruto, not Hinata. Hinata cared more about a stupid scarf than her sister hanabi. Naruto sleeps on the couch and looks miserable with his family and has to take pills at breakfast. Are you seeing the picture?

Oh yeah and neji died just so NH could have a moment. Unacceptable.

And those scenes in the last with naruto and Hinata as little kids NEVER happened. In the show it shows sasuke and naruto acknowledging each other because they are both lonely as little kids. Hinata was never kittening there and even now In boruto because they decided to put those two together the family is entirely dysfunctional. Naruto stays in his office all the time while Hinata barely knows anything about him. They barely talk and the kid feels neglected and acts like a fool. Happy family? Meant to be ship? Ha.







From what I saw a majority of the comments tend to agree, but a few did defend the reasonings for the ending, but still I'm glad there people out there besides ourselves that can see just how bad the anime ending was. 




OMG! All of those comments of how much they hate the anime ending it makes me cry for joy. :cry:  There are still TRUE Naruto fans out there who only care about his dream of becoming Hokage and not marrying a big breasted girl.  


The fact that the FINALE of the Naruto animated series was all about Hinata achieving her dream (marrying Naruto) rather than Naruto achieving his (becoming Hokage) shows what SP was really about, the romance, rather than being a 'battle' manga/anime. Kishi even showed his true colors by bowing to SP, by making that weird one-shot of the inauguration. He couldn't even show Naruto becoming Hokage that way, instead Konohamaru became Hokage. Those two things right there show that Naruto dissolved from a good 'copy' of DBZ to pretty much a romance manga/anime that focused solely on the pairings of the characters, not the characters themselves. I call it the 'Twilight' effect. Several other series have fallen into that trap as well, including Harry Potter IMO. 

#935548 Naruto Episode 500

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 26 March 2017 - 06:02 PM in Konoha Theater

I think the biggest statement that the anime finale made was that instead of showing Naruto achieving his dream by being named Hokage, the finale was about Hinata achieving her dream by marrying Naruto. For all the talk about how the show was about Naruto, and Naruto achieving his dream, SP showed that the anime was only there for Hinata. Sure, some might say that the anime was just filler but this was the final episode of Naruto, not a filler arc to allow the manga to catch up, so why would the finale be anything but 'canon'. 

#933455 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by SlyNinjaKnight on 02 March 2017 - 02:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It is explain when she try to save naruto from pein theres a flash back naruto save her from bullies when they were a kid .... i dont know if that flashback is cannon or filler ...


Not sure either, but it is a complete rip-off of Sakura being picked on by the girls in their class for her forehead, and then Ino coming along and scaring them off. It was just a cheap way of the 'writers/managers' trying to give Hinata a relatable/sympathetic background story.