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There have been 1 items by NaruSaku24 (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#975157 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by NaruSaku24 on 08 October 2019 - 08:52 PM in Naruto General

Wow, it's been so long since I've posted on here. I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I hope everyone is doing well! A lot of memories on this forum.
The Naruto series has been crossing my mind ever since the whole Area 51 fiasco put it into the spotlight again, which obviously led to some negative flashbacks from my end.
Years later, my feelings haven't really changed at all. I tried to ratione everything that happened, but I really couldn't accept what was being fed to us. It's an insult to my intelligence. It really was just a whole disaster. All of the main characters (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura) took severe, detrimental L's (losses) to their entire character developments, stories etc. just so a secondary character who is non-involved with the protaganist could take the spotlight. You don't even have to ship anything to know that is wrong - it's basic logic. It really destroyed the series. I'm happy to see the chaos it has caused honestly, because it justifies the opinion that it goes against the grain of everything.  :facepalm:  
Anyways, just wanted to air that out. Happy to be back on the forum and see it lively!

Hey! I’ve just come back on after 4 year hiatus as well haha. (Almost couldn’t log in cause I forgot my password and the password reset doesn’t work thought my account was lost forever) I feel your pain. I love this community and the memories that were made here. I still have a little bit resentment towards the ending. Still can’t believe that all logic was thrown out the window and we were forced a terrible ending.