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There have been 100 items by Miiami (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#670218 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by Miiami on 23 November 2014 - 06:11 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Pic overload coming....









me and my anime crew


Me and a few friends at an anime con. I'm the black dude lol.





gym selfie


Dat Gym selfie





bar with some of the other football players


Me and a couple of the guys on my football team went out to a bar on campus that night. I'm pictured here with one of my friends whose also the quarterback.



halloween as a Chippendales or "Magic Mike" as many of the girls called me



A few Halloween pics. That last pic is a bad angle haha, I'm way more ripped than that one makes it seems.

You look so good, I love your dressing style too! :woot:

#640673 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Miiami on 05 November 2014 - 11:23 PM in Latest Releases

My response for NS <3

#638469 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Miiami on 05 November 2014 - 05:29 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


?  I guess that you, as SS fan, are enjoying the situation. :zaru:

Nuh, bro it's just funny how you make a pairing have all this development, tell that they're fated, and just cut it. I'm not buying NH worst pairing ever, Naruto and Hinata now both are my least favorite characters, they can kitten themselves, I'll pretend this manga is called Sasuke and Nardo+titnata dont exist. I'm cool with SS atleast they have development since part 1, actual hints, unlike certain someone lmao. NS was always most logical but whatever, who am I to question someones writing ability... Money does the thing :thumb:

#638211 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Miiami on 05 November 2014 - 04:37 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I just want a fanart right now. Naruto and Sakura showing each other back going to different directions, a visible red thread on their fingers and Kishimoto in the middle cutting it :chuckle:

#637091 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Miiami on 05 November 2014 - 02:06 PM in Latest Releases

Well I for sure am not gonna read part 3 Naruto. I like SS and I'm happy for Sakura, SS was always most beautiful couple in Naruto, my both favourite characters I actually enjoy SS. But when I saw how Naruto kids look, they have those ugly bum hair, I ain't interested in them not one bit, if it's story about that child of Sakura's and Sasuke's, she seems interesting lol xD If it's about her then I wouldn't mind, but of course it's gonna be all about Nardo's kids that are ugly as kitten

#636661 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Miiami on 05 November 2014 - 01:21 PM in Latest Releases

I much rather have SS than NH.

#636598 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Miiami on 05 November 2014 - 01:12 PM in Latest Releases

It's legit. But his kids are ugly. It has been a fun ride guys. The popular ship wins. Wow I'm so disappointed, not gonna read any other Kishi's mangas :down:

#632497 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 04 November 2014 - 09:13 PM in Konoha Theater

Wow that black dress of Hinata, so freaking ugly. I want to see Sakura :confused:

#631863 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Miiami on 04 November 2014 - 05:29 PM in Latest Releases

Evil is going to spoil chapter 700 tonight.Get ready guys

Oh god really? Pls my heart :argh:

#631624 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Miiami on 04 November 2014 - 03:51 PM in Latest Releases

Now I'm worried and insecure again. :umm:

#628925 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 04 November 2014 - 12:55 AM in Konoha Theater

Because she has been hiding behind them for too long.

Oh my god this comment killed me. SUCH A BURN :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:

#628489 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 03 November 2014 - 09:37 PM in Konoha Theater

Full databook comes out tomorrow right?

#625300 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 01 November 2014 - 08:32 PM in Konoha Theater











Isn't Hanabi the cutest? :wow: I love her Kimono. I wonder what's on her kunai lol

She's so pretty, I like her hair a lot, that bang reminds me of Rukia and I love that kind of tail

#623009 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 06:44 PM in Konoha Theater

Nah, if it was Hinata why would they be revealing it canon in the trailer of all things? Its obviously not going to be canon by the way they're showing SO much of it. It's a red herring. Whomever Naruto is talking to, they're misleading us in a direction they want controversy to brew so they'll go see the movie.

There is no one else he can say it to :ermm:

#623002 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 06:40 PM in Konoha Theater


Actually, he doesn't say that to Hinata, we only know that he said it, and SP showed Hinata at that moment, but you know... SP...  :ermm:  :ermm:

Definitely to Hinata, it's a movie about Hinata getting captured in the end. What, is it Sakura? She's not even in danger. Hanabi? WTF would that mean, there's no denying it :confused:

#622991 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 06:36 PM in Konoha Theater

What'd I miss? I was at page 133 when I went to bed....

Well appearently Naruto says:
"I have finally found someone I must absolutely protect!"

To Hinata, I don't remember exact text :/

#622966 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 06:22 PM in Konoha Theater


Omg lol. All they can say about Hinata is that she likes Naruto, while Ino,Sakura and others are noted for their abilities and stuff that has nothing to do with pairings. And somehow Hinata is still "well written character" :lmao:

#622825 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 04:58 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Well come on now . Dont give up yet. Isnt that the thing that naruto taught us . Never give up . We will just have to trust kishi on this.

Well it most certainly seems like Naruto gave up. That's why I'm disappointed, if NS didn't happen OK, but if Naruto goes with Hinata then he's nothing like Jiraiya... he's not the Naruto Uzumaki I knew. It's so OOC that I'm disappointed in manga. I dunno what drugs is kishi on,but that's just incredibly bad writing or selling to money.

#622565 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 01:54 PM in Konoha Theater

There's difference between fillers and something that Kishimoto writes. This is common romantic scene where someone looks at other character like that, Hinata is totally taking Sakura's role, telling villain "I won't let you destroy this world" and getting all the glory in posters,selling,movie trailers. Denying this any further makes me feel delusional, so I give up. I believed in NS before I saw that scene, too much evidence for nh, even if manga doesn't support it he can take any crap out of his ass. I'm so done, I was never so done with any manga :twitch:

#622555 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 01:43 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

You need to have trust! It's not over until it's over! (രᴗര๑)

Nuh, honestly I'm done. Really Naruto from my favorite mangas going to be on mangas that I hate, seems like it's just another cash cow manga.

Reminds me of this song honestly:


#622548 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 01:37 PM in Konoha Theater

Ehh i can still see a conclusive ending next week. I mean everything so far has been given from just hinata's perspective but not naruto's.

New trailer. It's Naruto's perspective, Hinata isn't even looking at him and he is looking at her with puppy eyes, please.

#622539 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 01:28 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Saying this RtN is just making assumptions. Everything points out to NH, with new trailer Naruto looks at Hinata with shimmering eyes, seems like Naruto is going to fall in love with Hinata. This movie is full of asspulls. Even if Naruto confesess, Sakura is going to turn him down, look even the current development for Sakura is that she loves Sasuke no matter what. It's done. I give up, this is a huge dissapoitment

#622519 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 01:11 PM in Konoha Theater

I give up, that's it. Naruto falls inlove with Hinata in movie. What a bunch of asspull crap.

#621329 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 12:26 AM in Konoha Theater

All of this reminds me of the whole zutara vs kataang ship war...

It wasn't that bad. Naruto fandom is the worst I had seen, it's the loudest one. For example Magi is very popular, it beat Naruto in selling, but pairing stuff is so cool with everyone, like I say I ship alimor everyone's "cool they're cute, I ship hakumor!" like it's best fandom, you can reblog any pairings and no one will unfollow you and stuff xD

#621304 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Miiami on 31 October 2014 - 12:14 AM in Konoha Theater

Well, Kishimoto. You did it. lol This came as a huge surprise, but you did it. I'd never thought I find myself saying this, but I hate Hinata. I truly do now. I hate her more than Sasuke now. Sasuke is actually a breath of fresh air compared to all of this.

A love Martyr? Really?

This story...this movie...is going to be a romance movie about Hinata and it is going to feature every romantic cliche plot point I have read in a Shojo manga. It's not even whether or not NH will be canon, but rather this story is....I can't even find the words. She has been in love with Naruto ever since a flashback we never got in the manga and Naruto ignored her? So, what now Naruto has to all of a sudden fall in love with her to save face and if he doesn't he is going to look like the biggest scumbag ever. "How dare Naruto let Hinata beat herself up over this."

I never thought I would say this, but I rather read Sasuke's story all over again. I rather follow Sasuke's adventures at being a wanderer than this. I am not happy with this story plot because this is going to be one huge forced mess where you really are just appealing to whatever the pairing fans are.

If this really is the entire story: That Hinata has loathed herself the entire time for not being with Naruto sooner....then I am not watching this movie. I am not even going to acknowledge it as canon. I am just not. I'm sorry. I hate to talk bad, but this movie's plot sounds ridiculous. Better screen cap this guys. This truly is a surprise

I am now going to go write an apology letter to Sasuke and Sasuke fans who I might have angered. I realized that Sasuke is a much better written character even with all his major flaws.

Woohoo :th_yeah: I agree with you. :lulz: