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There have been 21 items by FrenchMyToast (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#663283 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 17 November 2014 - 05:43 AM in Latest Releases

So has anyone explained why Kankuro looks like he's developed a meth addiction? He looks terrible. 

#660449 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 14 November 2014 - 04:02 AM in Latest Releases

Guys, what do you think of this?



It's really bad logic, I think. All of the examples they brought up were either trashed as poorly written (Itachi and Obitio being pardoned even though they don't really deserve it), or had a lot more significance/depth (Neji's struggle with the branches of the clan) than Sakura's shallow love for Sasuke.

#660435 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 14 November 2014 - 03:47 AM in Latest Releases

Well guys...it was fun. Thanks for everything! I'm taking my official bow out of the series fandom. Don't worry. We'll all move on. :grouphug:


RIP in peace. Was good knowing you.  :wink:

#659464 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 13 November 2014 - 05:51 AM in Konoha Theater

They also have...well... a naughty one as well : |


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

#659396 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 13 November 2014 - 04:16 AM in Konoha Theater

Haha a Hinata clock. Seriously? 


There's no way this whole thing isn't just a way to milk Hinata's (and her voice actress') popularity for all the money it can. Good marketing move, I guess. 

#659365 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 13 November 2014 - 03:07 AM in Latest Releases

I have 66 volumes on my shelf that I could just a happily toss in the garbage because that is what Kishimoto has reduced the series to by making everything Naruto ever said or stood for and absolute lie


If you sell them, I'm sure you could get a decent amount of cash. 

#530681 Naruto 677

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 21 May 2014 - 06:46 AM in Latest Releases

Ehh.. while this certainly doesn't help NS, it doesn't bother me too much. I dunno, Naruto seemed pretty worried around Sakura last chapter as well, so whatever. I guess at the very least it cancels out.


So I guess the Edos don't get affected by this? Seems like they'll play a big part in actually defeating Madara then. 

#528196 Hi everyone

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 13 May 2014 - 03:56 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Welcome!  :pimp:

#528183 Naruto 675

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 13 May 2014 - 02:53 AM in Latest Releases

There is not only that to me. You see, I know what the raw say and rationally I know that there is no ambiguity in his words, that SS is dead, but seeing everywhere people saying otherwise and even on professionnal translations make me wonder if there wasn't an ambiguity to see in Kakashi's words and that ambiguity would mean that indeed Sakura's love for Sasuke is on another level from what they were before (on a higher level). Because really VIZ gives the impression that her love is super deeper from what it was before with their "on a totally different level", I really don't know how some of you do to not be bothered by this false translation, it's a pure expression used to say it is better, like a sportive being on a totally different level compared to another one, meaning that the first is well better than the second. This VIZ translation really confused me. Not because of my personnal translation, because I'm sure of it, but because of the way the professional translators interpreted this passage to transformed it into a SS passage.


If I were you, I wouldn't focus on Viz. They have shown time and time again where they stand when it comes to pairings. 

#528141 Manga Japanese!

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 13 May 2014 - 12:22 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

While I don't have the exact pages, if you go to the Chapter 675 discussion and start on page 54-56, you will see translations by members of this forum. 

#528135 Naruto 675

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 13 May 2014 - 12:04 AM in Latest Releases

So to sum up the last 15 or so pages...


SS fans actually did have the raws, but they butchered the translation to make it seem pro-SasuSaku. In reality, the MangaPanda/MangaReader translations were mostly accurate, and this whole scene was more anti-SS than pro-SS. Also, Viz continues to blow. 


Does that sound accurate? I've been skimming the past dozen pages and that's what I've learned, more or less.

#527735 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 12 May 2014 - 01:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think what bother me is that to many fans, her reaction to the "great guy"comment was proof that she loves him still.

....well...that's what they see anyway.


Well either way, I'm fairly certain it was a way for Kishi to demonstrate how her feelings towards Sasuke (no matter what they may be) have a negative impact on her.


I mean, Kishi could have confirmed Sakura's feelings without having her look all sad and depressed, but he didn't. Writers do things like that a reason!

#527727 Naruto 675

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 12 May 2014 - 12:48 AM in Latest Releases

I love how this chapter showed how important Naruto is to Team 7. He is the glue that keeps them together. Without him, it would be very awkward, I think, as every SS interaction seems forced and cold at this point.

#527725 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 12 May 2014 - 12:45 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


This also going against the fact that just before this chapter came out, they claimed she was already supposedly in love with Sasuke since part 1. Funny how tunes change when they are proven wrong.


It also completely ignores the entirety of Part II. How can one logically assume that Sakura has fallen deeper in love with Sasuke after the murder attempts, him joining Akatsuki and putting Naruto in danger, her reaction to the "great guy" comment, her fake smile to Sai, and her general unease in Sasuke's presence? Not to mention all of her interaction with Naruto/her budding feelings for him. 

#527513 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 11 May 2014 - 01:28 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Has anyone ever heard of someone named mezzomarinaio?? I was on tumbler and I found someone who said this person had the RAW text of chapter 675 and translated it to being supportive of SS. Is this person legit cause I know people on here have been waiting for the raw scans for awhile now....


From what I've heard here, the raws were fake, and they've "had" them from even before the raws normally come out (Friday is apparently when they usually come out, but not this week). Somehow they acquired the text from a Chinese source. 


Sorry, but I need some evidence to believe that. Even just a picture of the raw page would do. Also, it seems fishy that literally the only people who have seen this raw are SasuSaku fans. 


Either way, I wouldn't put too much weight into this. This is the same group of people that deduced that Minato was referring to Sakura as a "friend who is also a girl" rather than "a girlfriend (significant other)" by using raws from 631. So excuse me if I don't take anything coming from the other fandom too seriously. 

#527208 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 09 May 2014 - 11:17 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

So have the raws been released yet? 

#526237 Naruto 675

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 07 May 2014 - 07:15 AM in Latest Releases

I don't understand how her changed feelings could be misconstrued as greater then they were before. If you look at the previous ~50 chapters, not to mention this one, I don't think you can find her looking at him for too long much less thinking about her love for him at all


But people are saying that she loves him more now and I just don't quite understand how you can get that from "Your feelings have changed since that time" and "Even if you still like him, it's probably a different feeling"


Different feeling meaning it is not romantic, at all. Because that's what her feelings were before 100% idolization + romanticism. So in order for it to be different those two reasons for her liking him have to be tossed out!


When you have literally spent years convincing yourself that you're correct, it becomes really difficult to accept that you may be wrong. 


Let's just be glad that it isn't our ship that's imploding.  :happy:

#526206 Naruto 675

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 07 May 2014 - 06:54 AM in Latest Releases

The only line that is bugging me is, "You still have feelings for someone who tried to kill you..." While I'd like to believe it was just an awkward translation and that he meant feelings of friendship, I won't make my judgement just yet. But context clues from the other parts of Kakashi's speech (and my own bias) have me thinking this is addressing Sakura's waning feelings for Sasuke. 


The other few lines about Sakura's feelings are very anti-SasuSaku. He classifies her feelings as having "changed" and are a "different feeling." This can't be good for SS.


I think Kakashi is basically saying that while Sakura may not have romantic feelings for Sasuke anymore, she still cares for his wellbeing, which shows how "kind" she is, as most people wouldn't care for someone who has tried to murder them. 

#523688 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 21 April 2014 - 03:57 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm starting to wonder if a Rin parallel is even necessary at this point, what exactly would Sakura say or do that would trigger Obito to think of Rin? Naruto left kamuiland so she can't really say something that Rin once said to Obito, besides it looks like Obito barely has a few chapters left in him. Who knows maybe Obito will drop an NS bomb if it is a question (after all Sakura did thank him despite all the stuff he's done which pretty noticeably shows how much Sakura cares about Naruto) or if it is a request like mangastream said and that she has to view him as an enemy (as oppose to it not mattering) it will likely have to do with BZ though if she kills BZ then there goes Obito's life support and she...well basically pulls what Piccolo did in the ROSAT


Dunno. Wasn't Rin pretty protective of Obito? Maybe he noticed how attached Sakura was to Naruto and his dreams when she had her hand in his chest?

#523681 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 21 April 2014 - 03:23 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I've come to understand it when people say they like them as siblings, but I hate to see it used as an argument. I have liked ships where one part loves the other romantically, but she doesn't return them and therefore he is simply very protective of her. When I realize that, I revert to shipping them as a 'brotp'.


That said, it is only a fanon thought or a headcanon, nothing more. I should not be as an argument, because rarely are these ships written off as siblings. It is just a way to say you'd want them to be as close as siblings.


(The pairing I'm talking about is in a series called Reign, which airs on CW. The pairing is BashxMary, which I gave a chance, but now I don't think it'll happen.)


That's completely true. If you see a certain bond as sibling-like, that's cool. It really depends on how you interpret the interactions between the two characters. But that's all it is. A different interpretation. It shouldn't be used as an actual argument because there is often very little basis to it.


And while you could say, "but aren't ALL shipping debates just different interpretations," it's a bit different because at least there is usually evidence to support shipping claims. But that never seems to be the case with the brother-sister line of reasoning.


Especially in this case, because there has never been any mention of Naruto and Sakura (I think!) seeing each other as brother and sister. Heck, whenever other characters reference them, it always seems to be in a romantic/teasing way. :nslove:


It's more of a copout, really. If you know a couple, such as NaruSaku, is close enough to actually be in a relationship (something NaruHina and SasuSaku cannot say), then claiming that they're sibling-like is the easiest way to discredit that. 

#523676 NS vs SS Fanfics Are A Bad Influence For NS

Posted by FrenchMyToast on 21 April 2014 - 01:50 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Not sure about being a "bad influence" but I believe the NaruSakuSasu love triangle plot device is one of the laziest in fanfiction (love-triangles in general are bothersome). It's just a cheap way of adding drama to a story, in my opinion.


Also, it just kills my NaruSaku-vibes and the writers usually make Naruto a pathetic lovestruck child. (See: Seduce My Wife!)


*puts on tinfoil hat*


My hypothesis (which is completely anecdotal) is that you see this a lot because there seem to be many more Sakura fans than Naruto fans, at least in the shipping fandom. There are multiple reasons for that, which I won't get into, but that fact has become very clear to me as I spent more time on tumblr (which is where "shipping" is concentrated).


Therefore, these people want to see Sakura happy since she is their favorite character. Her happiness/well-being is a priority over Naruto's, at least to them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but that seems to be what happens.


How does this relate to SasuSaku? Well it's not completely unreasonable (to them, to me it's a horrid couple) to imagine Sakura being happy with Sasuke either. He was her first love, after all. So of course, Sakura fans will tend to ship SasuSaku/NaruSaku. 


I also am a "victim" to this, except from the opposite angle. Since Naruto is my favorite character, I want to see him happy, and I don't think SS allows that. So I am probably much more accepting of NaruHina than the average NS fan. I don't "ship" it, but I wouldn't be 100% against it if it happens in the right way (which is now impossible to me now, so...). 


*takes tinfoil hat off*


Nothing against writers who use this, but I don't really bother with them. People will always have preferences, and that's okay. It sucks that you spent quite a few hours with a story that ended up SS, but it happens.