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There have been 3 items by avengeme (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#518530 Naruto 668

Posted by avengeme on 12 March 2014 - 04:03 PM in Latest Releases

the chapter for me was ok. but what did gai's dad mean when he said that guy cant use ninjutsu when that cant be true because we have seen in the manga(chapter 506) that gai can use the summoning techinique which is a ninjutsu. 

#464418 Naruto 631

Posted by avengeme on 22 May 2013 - 02:33 PM in Latest Releases

so happy minato was great this chapter and there was a perfect narusaku moment. th_goodjob.gif narusaku.gif w00t.gif danarusakunp3.gif

#445301 Who is Sakura most likely to fight from Taka?

Posted by avengeme on 20 March 2013 - 10:12 PM in Naruto General

personally i see sakura gaining a slug sage mode then sometime after she masters that she fights jugo that way it beocmes strength against strength and natural energy(sgae chakra) against natural energy. Another reason i say jugo is cause i dont think sakura can beat suigetsu since he can turn into water and still attack making sakura's strength useless and as far as we've seen she doenst know any lightning attacks(or any elemental attacks for that matter) that could hurt suigetsu when he is made of water, neither do i think she is strong enough to beat orochimaru when tsuande couldnt beat a weakened orochimaru with jiraiya's help and in my opinion sakura hasnt surpassed tsunade yet. As for sasuke if she faught him he'd win since we all know it will all come down to him vs. naruto.