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There have been 7 items by One_Who_Is_Not_Named (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#60514 Their relationship

Posted by One_Who_Is_Not_Named on 17 May 2006 - 09:31 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (gamerman_007 @ May 11 2006, 07:48 PM)
IF sakura regressed into a squeeling fangirl when (if) they bring back sasuke or even now, i will hate her.

Yeah, I proabably would too. But thankfully, Kishimoto-sama wouldn't do that. After all this time, and after all of the maturing that Team 7 has done, Sakura knows much better. Especially after she tried and failed to stop him from leaving by being by his side in Konoha. She understands that Sasuke really isn't a noble or heroic guy, and she really had him all wrong.

#59932 I heard a rumor...

Posted by One_Who_Is_Not_Named on 14 May 2006 - 01:33 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Wait a sec... I just thought of something... shouldn't Naruto be 2 years older than the other rookie 9 group? I mean he was held back from graduating for 2 years... Or did I mess up and miss something? Just a thought, sorry its off-topic

#59931 What would you do if NaruSaku actually happens?

Posted by One_Who_Is_Not_Named on 14 May 2006 - 01:23 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (surlymoogle @ May 11 2006, 09:04 PM)
Bringing it back to Naruto now. I PRAY that Naruto does not end with a flash-forward episode to the future for this exact reason. (Oh, okay, fine; I would burst in a fit of squeeing if we saw Naruto and Sakura as the First Couple of Konoha.) But I really think it's for the best if the book doesn't close on them as adults. Digimon's attempt at it was beyond poorly handled; I just don't want to see that happen to Naruto.

I don't think Kishimoto-sama would make another timeskip where the group is all grown up... I mean he himself said in the manga on one of those filler pages that he was 'a real sucker for young boy adventures' or something like that. And on the subject of Digimon (which I have no idea how it popped up and we started talking about it), I also was Tai/Sora, and when she was suddenly with Matt I was like "WTF?!? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!?". And the first and second seasons were the only good ones too in my opinion! dry.gif

#58015 Kiss or Confession?

Posted by One_Who_Is_Not_Named on 06 May 2006 - 03:56 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

OR... there's always that teeny tiny chance that the series will end without any romance and Naruto and Sakura bring Sasuke back, Hinata is still too shy to say that she loves Naruto, Naruto is still oblivious about Hinata and still crushes on Sakura, Sakura still crushes on Sasuke and thinks of Naruto as a friend, and Sasuke just doesn't give a kitten. That'd be funny to see all of the romance fans going "NO F*#$ING WAY!! th_cussing.gif "

...uhhhhh... please don't kill me for saying that!! PLEASEOHPLEASEOHPLEASEDONTKILLME!!!! *cowers behind a cow*

#56913 Kiss or Confession?

Posted by One_Who_Is_Not_Named on 30 April 2006 - 09:43 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

About the thing of Sakura and her hair... I don't think Sakura kept her hair short because she doesn't have a crush on Sasuke anymore, rather her thoughts were that she used to be totally and completely obssessed over Sasuke and so only did the things she did (the long hair and even becoming a shinobi) to be closer to Sasuke. She kept it short because:

a.) Possibly she remembers that time period as her being weak and just playing along as a ninja to be near Sasuke.

b.) She wanted to overcome that 'weakness' and be a strong shinobi so she doesn't slow down her allies and especially not Naruto.

The thing with the crushes that Hinata, Sakura, and Naruto had... well... I guess I can actually see the logic between all of them being plausible or not (but don't get me wrong, I'M A DIE-HARD NARUSAKU FAN). It's true that when they were younger, Hinata's liking Naruto for his qualities could be seen as envy of him, Naruto might have just liked Sakura because she was so pretty, and Sakura obssessed over Sasuke simply because he was 'so incredibly cool' (which was sort of true if you compared him to what Naruto was during the academy and on some missions). It's also true that Hinata really admired Naruto and probably still would if she found out about the Kyuubi. Naruto really loved Sakura and would have died to save/protect her. Sakura really cared about Sasuke and claimed that she would spend her whole life with him if she had the chance when he was leaving. So really, all 3 of those couples do have a shot. (BUT I HOPE ITS NARUSAKU)

And finally, as for No_WhereMan's original question, Kishimoto-sama could set up an emotional or maybe humorous situation with either one. Personally, I'd like to see a kiss, but the confession will probably come first with Sakura saying that she loves Naruto and realizes that the Sasuke she thought she knew is gone or that she can't have Sasuke and will be Naruto's girlfriend instead. The kiss would come sometime way after that in a near-death situation where Naruto almost dies to protect her. (I mean if you've ever seen the anime of DNAngel, Daisuke only kisses Riku at the very, very end though they confessed their love for each other way before that)

#56255 naruto wallpaper

Posted by One_Who_Is_Not_Named on 26 April 2006 - 03:19 PM in Artists' Square

WOW! That is REALLY good!! It looks as good as when Kishimoto-sama draws for the real Naruto!! Really it's awesome. The shading and details and everything are perfect.

***** stars!! biggrin.gif

#55975 What's your favorite fanfiction pairings?

Posted by One_Who_Is_Not_Named on 25 April 2006 - 01:44 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Wow... most of these people have one character paired up with more than one other character.

...Am I just really weird for only having 1 pairing for any character?


Naruto/Sakura (Duh... would I be on this site if I didn't support them?)

Shikamaru/Temari (I don't really like Ino that much and I think Temari is cool)

My only problem is that I don't know about Hinata. I mean, she's really cool and one of my favorite characters, but I like the idea of Naruto with Sakura and I really don't see the hints and nudges in the anime of Hinata with Kiba. Maybe I'm just blind? Unless something signficant happens with them after anime episode 181 (which is one episode before the end of the 'filler arc' which is right before Naruto leaves with Jiraiya to go on his 2 and 1/2 years of training)...