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There have been 361 items by Awes9 (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#863454 Naruto Live Action

Posted by Awes9 on 02 August 2015 - 07:27 AM in Konoha Theater

I can't wait for this masterpiece!!!

#863309 Konoha and Tobirama demonization

Posted by Awes9 on 02 August 2015 - 12:57 AM in Naruto General

Tobirama was a visionary and a hero, he just wanted to spare us from this uchiha garbage, most of the uchiha we have seen were murderers, self centered kitten and drama queen it's totally reasonable to be wary of them when the whole manga is proof that a great majority of them are deranged and mentally unstable. Unfortunately Danzo failed to carry on his legacy and we were left with Uchiha whining, uchiha crying, uchiha hating and a ruined manga.
Tobirama is just a misunderstood hero he's the only good that came out of this manga, total support for Tobirama.

#859730 Berserk (aka Adventures of Badass Guts!)

Posted by Awes9 on 24 July 2015 - 01:20 PM in Otaku Square

Yes Berserk is back !!!! And monthly !!!

#822845 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Awes9 on 15 May 2015 - 09:37 AM in Naruto General

Congratulations to Kishi for making it 2 times in a poll, and top ten no less, him who loves popularity must feel proud.

#818288 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 07 May 2015 - 06:08 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

There are Shounen manga and then there is this beast.......

kittening sexy beast, best character ever, time to put a Gatsu avatar again.

#816135 Worst Anime/Manga Ending of All Time?

Posted by Awes9 on 04 May 2015 - 03:59 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Bad endings in games?


Mass effect 3, nuff said

The trilogy is still awesome tough, the ending is absolutely horrendous but I just ignore it and make my own.

#816110 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 04 May 2015 - 03:29 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles


Uchihas are by far the most popular in terms of characters/clans as a whole 

However, there's also more known Uchihas compared to characters from other clans, which helps boost up their popularity 


See if Kishimoto spent time on other clans and actually went in depth with them then they could also be popular, but no he likes to play safe 


It's all about popularity with Kishi and since Kishi's unable to develop characters decently playing safe may be his wisest decision. Akatsuki is popular too that's most likely why they are making a comeback.

He sell well.

At this point it's beyond that the man worships Itachi he even said in an interview that Itachi was too perfect, he's Itachi number 1 fanboy.

#816071 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 04 May 2015 - 02:34 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

6 months and that's the best they could do rehashed plotlines with neo Akatsuki and of course the usual Itachi wank, praise the man who commited genocide and killed even old men and women, I will never get Kishi's obsession with this character and no matter how much he tries to paint him as the god of heroes Itachi will never be one, Kishi has really some twisted morals.
As for Sarada she could be the love child of Sasuke and Danzo that I wouldn't care. More proof that the man has no imagination and no writing skills, I'm almost sure now Akatsuki was not his idea either, most likely his first editor or another manga that Kishi ripped off that's what he does best anyway.

#812183 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 28 April 2015 - 07:42 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I agree with you.
Kishi is a hype maker and a hype killer at the same time. That's why so many disappointment with this manga.

hype maker - hype killer good way to put it, an other good example is Minato who was hyped to death and who killed himself because he couldn't stand to live without his waifu even if that meant his son would live alone and hated and who was a huge disappointment during the war. Funnily Tobirama who was never hyped was really a genius since he's the one who created some of the most powerful jutsus from scratch and was also the most realistic character.

#812177 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 28 April 2015 - 07:07 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Sakura has always been hated because of her part 1 self and how she treated Naruto but her hate increased after her fake confession which is understandable, Kishi tought that was heroic tough(Kishi's mysterious ways) and after that he simply decided to give up on her and turned her into a pairing fodder with no self respect and dignity, chapter 676 where she wonders if Sasuke gives a kitten in the middle of the war and after multiple murder attempts and 693 were simply the coup de grace but as I said she has been destroyed way before that when she reverted to a Sasuke fangirl during the Kage summit arc. Altough to her defense a good portion of Sakura hate comes from beta male who can’t stand to be rejected by women.

As for why can she be more hated than some villains I don't see the mystery the poll isn't about who is the worst human being but about who is the worst character and Sakura definitively belongs to this list along with a good portion of the Naruto cast, many villains are better characters than the angelic and dull protagonist.

She did have potential like a lot of Naruto characters but unfortunately she could never reach it thanks to an imcompetent and sexist writer. I still think Naruto and Sasuke are worse because they were hyped so much and got most of the screentime but ended up being failure of epic proportions, inconsistent and uninteresting characters especially Naruto who was supposed to be the child of destiny the one who would bring a revolution and surpass the previous generation, all this hype and Kishimoto failed to deliver.

#811835 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 27 April 2015 - 09:19 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I know some people say that giving older Naruto a "minato" look would be boring and uncreative.......But I would rather have Naruto looking like "Minato" than have this hideous look imo  :pinch:

I suppose Kishi thinks the coolest guy is a better role model than Minato.

#810797 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 26 April 2015 - 02:24 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

l don't think he's a decent man, look at the kitten he writes. This is what he believes ideal relationships and inspirational messages are. It's supremely messed up and it all comes from his mind in a very straightforward way, you're supposed to take it at face value there's no subversion or satire here.
lt's one thing to write very dark fiction that's supposed to be morally questionable and depressing like Berserk or Attack on Titan, it's another thing entirely when you get the same result while trying to write a heartwarming epic about world peace, human understanding and bonds between people.

The man is messed up for sure and has some disturbing philosopy of life but I don't know him personally so I'll refrain from judging the human being, he has no criminal history nor did I ever people complain about the person, besides I'm not even sure he is the writer of the manga and not just a figurehead.

#810597 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 26 April 2015 - 07:29 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Sakura belongs to an asylum with the rest of the Naruto cast.

#810586 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 26 April 2015 - 06:13 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I trust you, India is the biggest movie production on earth.

Back to ricket again ^^

I don't have any problem with masashi as person, since I don't know him personally.

I have a problem with him as a mangaka.

Rickert is cute

I'm sure Kishi is a decent man but he is a fraud and cant be called a writer or mangaka, nothing against the man himself but sometimes I really wonder if he is demented.

#810524 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 26 April 2015 - 03:43 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Let's put things into perspective tough Kishi isn't the Naruto writer or even a writer he's just a figurehead "Writers can’t stand suggestions, if you suggest something, we’ll do exactly the opposite."he has no writing talent by himself and doesn't know what to do with his characters or story, we are putting all the blame on him but I'm sure the decisions were taken by different people Kishi just went along because he just didn't know what to do and has no backbone, Sakura Sasuke the chunin exam and so many other plot points were never his ideas. Unfornutalety for this manga the people surrounding Kishi at the end were just as bad as him. Don't be so hard on the man he's just incompetent, the poor man doesn't even know what a red herring is.

#809429 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 25 April 2015 - 01:50 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I don't know if Kishi hates Sakura. I just believe that Kishi truly believe his writing is good. Trust me, there are bad writers. Vince Russo is the first for me to realize this.

Thats the funny part it's not that Kishi hates Sakura he is just that bad and he doesn't even realize it and neither do the people around him who are just as stupid if not more.

#809421 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 25 April 2015 - 01:41 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

What some people don't seem to get is that many of the "pro ending" people are just now figuring it out.
SS is generally shocked that Kishimoto thinks this is a good idea.
Of course we aren't shocked at all. After all he made SS canon in the first place, of course he is out of his league and doesn't know what the hell he is doing. :lmao:.
A large percent of SS though will swallow this bullsh** to the last shovel full, so long as in the end it is confirmed that their self insert character eventually got to kitten Sasuke. That's what this is for way to many people.
As I've said at least 36 times, Sasuke would not have a fifth of the fans he had today if he looked like Quasimodo. Kishimoto has shown that yet again with that "Kakashi" reveal. How do you make a character popular? Simple make them "hot". He doesn't have the talent to make something compelling on the merits.

I don't buy that this is the wake up call for some SS fans, SS has absolutely no redeeming traits to begin with and we didnt need this chapter to establish that fact when we already had 700 chapters of various physical and emotional abuse, the people whining right now will be praising Kikitten when SS will be finally canonized no matter how kitten convoluted and forced it will be.

As for Kikitten the man is so out of touch with reality it's amazing, he's just an awkward man with no understanding of human psychology and relationship, on top of that he has no integrity as a writer and doesn't care about his story, his characters and his fans, he's just a fraud who was lucky enough to be well surrounded and a good artist I will give him that.

#809400 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 25 April 2015 - 01:12 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Of course. That doesn't mean Kishimoto won't destroy everything on the way to "happiness". The man has the talent of a dead turtle.

On this we definitively agree, the execution will be terrible.

#809395 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 25 April 2015 - 01:08 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I wonder how much Sasuke will be destroyed to get to this point, Kikitten has shown no mercy for his characters but Sasuke is his favorite, it must be so hard for him to do that but the sound of money is so powerful he won't be able to resist it.

#809381 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 25 April 2015 - 12:54 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Remember the Vas were just bsing about what they think the relationships are like. They had no clue unless kishi told them what was going to happen. He clearly didn't.

The VAs are working on the new Boruto movie so they must know about what will happen at the end, hell they even brought Karin in the itw saying how Sasuke is loyal to Sakura and other kitten and here we have Karin in the first chapter of this kitten tele novela thats not a coïncidence. They are most likely aware of the end so I wouldn't execpt anything other than some sappy SS resolution, like they said SS is tru lub. Sasuke will be forgiven as usual and his slave will come back crawling to him without any self respect and dignity like the pathetic fangirl she is and mini Karin will finally have the happy family she always wanted, Burrito will finally understand his father and everyone will live happily ever after.

#806751 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 23 April 2015 - 09:56 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

romance make money, just look at naruto :fu:

Sure when you’re an untalented hack but Toriyama Togashi Oda and many more didn't need that to make money and still be respected. Kikitten is a joke.

#806745 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 23 April 2015 - 09:46 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

He want to make a romance manga.
Yeah good luck.

The only thing Kishi wants to make is money, he could care less about the genre.

#806742 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Awes9 on 23 April 2015 - 09:43 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

First chapter and Kishimoto is already using pairing bait ! What a pathetic man, the only thing he is good at is using his characters to create fandom drama, so cheap, another proof that this man is incapable of writing a decent story. Naruto isn't even a shoujo anymore it's a kitten soap opera.

#802830 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Awes9 on 17 April 2015 - 05:56 AM in Naruto General

Heh, I agree the series is sh*tty. Wait would that mean Sakura's obsession (Even though it doesnt come close to Naruto's) is justified because she loves him? :umm: I admitted HashiMada is better but its not much of an insult to NaruSasu as that relationship is probably the best in the series.

How disingenuous can you be ? You gave a background to Naruto's affection for Sasuke, Sakura has none of that she just loves Sasuke because (most likely because Kishi wanted her out of Hinata's way and just gave up on her character), and at least Naruto can get some emotions out of Sasuke whether it's hate or jealousy or any other negative emotions he gets an emotional reaction from Sasuke whereas Sasuke only feels deep annoyance apathy and indifference towards Sakura. Naruto has an effect on Sasuke, Sakura doesnt. Don't make me loose my time please by acting dumb Im sure you understood what I meant.
As for Hashimada being the best it's just a subjective opinion, I guess for the standard of this manga it's ok but it's not that great either (look at my avatar this is how a good relationship is written and it completely trumps anything Naruto has to offer). Besides that wasn't my point, my point was that NaruSasu who was developed troughout the manga, 700 chapters and 15 years, still fell short compared to Hashimada which took only few chapters to develop which in turn clearly shows NaruSasu is bad writing because logically something more developed should be better. I don't think what I said was that hard to understand, so if you could please not completely avoid or deflect my points I would be grateful so I won't have to lose time making a long post explaining what should be obvious. Thanks in advance.

#800261 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Awes9 on 13 April 2015 - 04:35 AM in Naruto General

A person who never gets complements and is even insulted a lot will take complements infinitely more than a person who isn't insulted and/or is complemented on, Naruto is pretty much hated by everyone and nobody smiles at him (they actually opposite and gives him looks of hatred), so that makes Sasuke's smile much more special. Sasuke basically sacrificed his life and dream to protect Naruto from Haku and was ready to do that again to Naruto and Sakura during the Gaara fight, Saskue acknowledged Naruto's strength, and he made Naruto feel like he had a brother. I'd say Sasuke is friend material based on these things. 

Sorry but all of Naruto's main friends did f**cked up kitten to him, Sasuke actually saved Naruto, by having someone else who was like him Naruto felt comforted and didn't give in to hatred, he literally states it  in the Five Kage Arc. In response to "destroying everything Naruto values", those are empty threats that haven't been carried out futhermore Naruto is a very empathic/forgiving character, he knows that Sasuke's clan was slaughtered and it was ordered by the Leaf, it wouldn't make sense if Naruto was still ignorant about it but he wasn't.


While I do think NaruSasu could have been better (HashiMada was much more better), its still not bad. I would consider trying to save your bestfriend from darkness extremely noble and Naruto stopped being selfish after he learned about Sasuke's clan.

I agree with the rest of your points though :D

Oh no I don't want to enter a debate over such a sh*tty serie as Naruto, come on just admit NaruSasu is forced and nonsencical, you're almost there since you admitted that Hashimada which took just a few chapters to develop is much more better. Honestly the only way I would admit Naruto's obsession with Sasuke as understandable is if Naruto was in love with Sasuke, now it would make more sense for Naruto to chase after Sasuke.