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#481034 It was you?

Posted by Nath0man on 13 July 2013 - 01:32 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

So.. this is a NaruSaku fanfiction of another "forehead scene", only this one takes place shortly after the war whenever Naruto and Sasuke are competing for Hokage and Naruto actually does this without transforming into anybody. This is pretty much how I imagine NaruSaku will become cannon and please keep in mind this is the first fanfiction I have ever written.



It Was You?



It was a hot summer’s afternoon in the Leaf Village. The birds were chirping and the trees were whistling to the light breeze of the wind. The beautiful young medical ninja, Sakura, was out for a walk after a long day of hard work in the hospital.

“Phew, that was tiring. So many patients today”, the pink haired medical ninja said, as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with a drowsy look on her face. The Kunoichi pondered for a moment as she walked, thinking about the long day at work she had, then showed a smile of happiness. “Oh well, I’m glad we managed to save everyone. That’s all that matters”, she thought with a sigh of relief.

After a few short minutes of walking, Sakura came across something very familiar, it was a bench, but not just any old bench. Sakura glanced over with a smirk on her face and then moved over slowly to sit down. “Hm... Sitting here brings back memories”, Sakura said to herself, smiling at the feeling of nostalgia that was rushing through her as she relaxed back on this bright summer day.

The young Kunoichi thought about the good old days of Team 7, the fun times she had with Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi. She remembered the missions they went on with their sensei when they just started out. Sakura rolled her eyes and giggled to herself when she thought about the times Naruto messed up, and the arguments he had with Sasuke afterwards.

Then her face dropped and her heart ached as she thought about the present time. She was happy now that Sasuke was back and he was safe, and she cared for him deeply, but, there was something else. After all the Uchiha had put her through, there was only one person that gave her a reason to smile when she woke up in the morning, ever since her love left the village. There was only one person that gave her confidence and faith. “What is this feeling I’ve been getting...?”, the pink haired Kunoichi thought as she raised her head curiously to the sky.

“I still can’t get that moment out of my head though”, the young medical ninja thought as she reminisced back to her younger days as a Kunoichi, before Sasuke left the village. Sakura lowered her head from the sky and stared at the ground. “Sasuke-kun was the first person to compliment me on my big forehead”, she thought, smiling back on the memory.

The young girl furrowed her brows and her heart started aching again. “I used to get bullied every single day of my life. The kids would tease and hurt me in every way, calling me names and hitting me. Going to school was like hell for me. I was so scared I couldn’t even tell my parents”, she said in a hushed voice as her dark memories replayed in her mind. Tears managed to escape from her eyes, rolling down her pale cheeks.

The pink haired Kunoichi raised her head and wiped away the tears with her sleeve. “But he... Sasuke-kun thought my forehead was beautiful. He was the only person to ever praise my forehead. I used to hate my forehead, but he changed that. I will never forget that, I will never forget those words he said to me”, Sakura said with a gleaming smile on her face.

Suddenly a voice out of nowhere called out, “You sure have a large, charming forehead.. ‘Makes me want to kiss it”. The bushes rustled, then out stepped a young ninja. His soft, golden, hair swayed with the summer breeze. His sapphire blue eyes and deep marks, that resembled whiskers, accented his beautifully sculptured face. The young man calmly walked out of the bushes, revealing his full body figure, wearing his usual tatty, orange jumpsuit. He wore his famous grin as he looked into Sakura’s emerald eyes.

The pink haired Kunoichi gazed at the orange ninja, her eyes widened in surprise. “Naruto?...,” the shocked Kunoichi said in a faint voice.

Sakura’s heart was pounding fast. So many questions were rushing through her mind as she sat there startled and confused. Why was Naruto here? Why did he say the same words as Sasuke? Even in the exact same way? With the exact same look? Sakura paused for a moment and then thought carefully. This moment was exactly the same as last time, only... it was a different body? Then suddenly a memory rushed back to the shocked Kunoichi, she thought back to what Sasuke had said back then. “Only Naruto would say something like that”. Sakura’s mouth dropped as she stared Naruto in the eyes.

“Naruto...”, Sakura said softly as Naruto was slowing walking closer to her. The yellow haired ninja was directly in front of her now. She finally managed to come to a conclusion, “It... was you?”. Just as Sakura uttered those words she caught sight of the young ninja bend down through her stare. He was coming closer and closer to her. Her heart was pounding away like a machine. “What are you doing Naruto?”, she thought to herself in shock.

Suddenly, everything blanked out. All the doubts Sakura had, vanished from her mind. Her heart beat skipped and her eyes widened in shock and awe as she felt Naruto’s soft lips press against her forehead.

Warm tears stained her face as Naruto kissed her forehead gently. Suddenly at that moment, Sakura knew where her heart lies. She had no more doubts, no more questions, no more thinking to do. The one who had been there for her, loved her, gave her confidence, gave her hope and made her happy, was right there in front of her. Naruto
slowly slipped his head back. His sapphire, blue eyes meeting with Sakura’s emerald, green eyes. He raised his hand and gently wiped away the pink, beauties tears. “It’s ok Sakura-chan, I’m here now”, he assured her.

Both burst into joy as they stared at each other, and in that moment they threw themselves at each other without control. Face to face, lips to lips they kissed each other passionately with love. While enjoying each other's presence, they looked back on all the times they spent together, all the laughs they had, all the sad times they shared with each other and all the times they had lifted each other up and made each other stronger. They both knew, they were meant to be together.

Sakura raised her head, her hand resting on Naruto’s cheek. She said with a gleaming smile on her face, “Naruto, I love you”. She said it with such passion and love, that both of them knew, she was sincere and meant those words. Naruto paused for a moment in awe, after taking in what the love of his life had just told him, he had a bright smile on his face, filled with joy and happiness. “I love you too, Sakura-chan”, the orange ninja announced with pride. As their heads both fell onto each other’s shoulders before they hugged.

#475484 Naruto 634

Posted by Nath0man on 12 June 2013 - 09:26 AM in Latest Releases

I think Sakura is just crying tears of joy... before she started crying she looked happy.


I don't think the last page has to do with her crying. I think that face means she's suspicious of Sasuke.

#475424 Naruto 634

Posted by Nath0man on 12 June 2013 - 08:43 AM in Latest Releases

Honestly I don't see Orochimaru helping Tsunade.... Rememember when he went to her to get his arms healed but she said, "no". Then Orochimaru went through all that pain in his arms waiting for Sasuke's body. In the end he had to get a different body. If she would of healed his arms he would of been able to wait longer and would of had Sasuke's body.


I don't think he's gonna help her lol.

#475407 Naruto 634

Posted by Nath0man on 12 June 2013 - 08:34 AM in Latest Releases

Well. I think it's safe to say there won't be anymore SasuSaku moments. For a while anyway. Just sayin'


Also, why did Sakura look sad and crying in the last page :o

#474806 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 10 June 2013 - 02:11 PM in Latest Releases




We haven't had one in a looong time... just saying there could be a possibility.

#474803 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 10 June 2013 - 01:35 PM in Latest Releases

I have a feeling there's going to be a Tuesday release.

#473220 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 12:01 PM in Latest Releases

Hinata's logic: "Neji-nii-san taught me everything... thank you, Naruto-kun!"




I only liked the team 7 and Sai in this chapter.

#473086 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 09:56 AM in Latest Releases

Hell no. What makes you think that?

Also why do people think others are "scared" or something? No one is. We're just saying that Hinata constantly thinking about Naruto is annoying, geez.


I always thought Neji was ahead of her because he had 64 palms but now she has it and twin lions fists. Idk.

#473070 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 09:50 AM in Latest Releases

Does this mean Hinata has surpassed Neji with the twin lion fists? Good for her if she did.

#473060 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 09:42 AM in Latest Releases

Do you mean that you want her to die because you don't like her? Or do you actually think that she'll die now?


I'm just wondering what she meant by, "all the way". Does that mean she's going to exceed her limit and put her life at risk.


Not saying I want her to die

#473050 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 09:37 AM in Latest Releases

I have a feeling Hinata might die when she, "goes all the way". Unless that's a mistranslation.

#473010 Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 09:14 AM in Latest Releases

Didn't like this chapter tbh.. last page was the only good part.

#472889 Spoilers Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 07:42 AM in Latest Releases

What if the whole chapter is Kakashi v Obito and then Team 7 only appear on the last page? :lulz:

#472875 Spoilers Naruto 633

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 07:34 AM in Latest Releases

I'd like to see all those Hinata fans say Sakura is weaker then her now

LOL. kitten no.

#472867 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 05 June 2013 - 07:28 AM in Latest Releases

where is this chapter?? I can't contain all of this

#472753 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 04 June 2013 - 11:34 PM in Latest Releases

Guys. Never compare Sakura to Twilight. NEVER!

#471502 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 01 June 2013 - 11:51 PM in Latest Releases

OMG; has anyone seen this?



I saw it on tumblr. My jaw dropped when I looked through it; so sad.

#471200 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 01 June 2013 - 01:09 PM in Latest Releases

uuhh... hey guys, I just reread the chapter for god knows how many times, and I just noticed something...


I don't know if you did too, but everyone seemed to confuse the conversation between Naruto and Sakura on that last page, where we thought the lines "Don't get in my way, Naruto" were said by Sakura along with her next lines... but apparently, it wasn't. I don't know, but please correct me if I'm wrong :unsure:



apparently they were said by SASUKE, not Sakura.


and I just wanna know... does this somehow now change the meaning of the conversation and our standing as NS even for a little based on the translations by @ 天地長久  he posted here http://www.narusaku....=80#entry470869 now that we know it was actually Sasuke who said those lines, and was unfortunately included in the conversation rather than it being just Naruto and Sakura :glare:


but I apologize for my ignorance if this has already been obvious from the start and I was just slow to catch on... :lol:  :sweat:


I actually thought it was Sakura that said that when I first read it and I was like. kitten sake Sakura. But it was Sasuke :D

#471066 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 31 May 2013 - 11:29 PM in Latest Releases

They're gonna be in for a rude awakening when future chapters prove this once again. Hopefully Kishi makes it even more obvious for the blind. LOL 


I'm praying for Kishi not to mess up the next chapter :twitch:

#471047 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 31 May 2013 - 10:04 PM in Latest Releases




Omg. My feels :cry:


How can anyone hate this couple?

#471045 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 31 May 2013 - 10:00 PM in Latest Releases

Lol It's getting really out of hand

#471039 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 31 May 2013 - 09:49 PM in Latest Releases

LOL Look at what happened this chapter. They MADE a pairing moment out of Sakura's response. A simple "Sasuke-kun" caused soooo much fuss. -_- Absolutely mind blowing. I bet if she ends up yanking Sasuke out of the way of an attack, people are gonna scream SS is canon.  :confused:


Literally any interaction is considered a pairing moment. Sasuke smirks at Sakura's new power; fans reaction - "Sasuke looooves Sakura Ooommmg!!".   :wot:



#470854 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 31 May 2013 - 01:11 PM in Latest Releases

Are you sure about this ?


No I'm not. I was just told by Canadian_DJ.


It could just be speculation.

#470849 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 31 May 2013 - 01:02 PM in Latest Releases

Wait a chapter comes out next week then the next one is delayed 2 weeks? Or no chapter this coming week? I don't get it


Theres a chapter this coming Tuesday but then there will be no chapter the week after. Is what he said.

#470844 Naruto 632

Posted by Nath0man on 31 May 2013 - 12:55 PM in Latest Releases

Wait..what? The next chapter will be released on tuesday? And delayed for another week after that? If so then, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :arg::arg:


Lies! I refuse to believe it! :argh: