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There have been 186 items by luffyq1 (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#939827 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 12 May 2017 - 08:49 PM in Otaku Square

can't wait for the sanami moment in the next chapter.

#929521 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 29 December 2016 - 04:49 PM in Otaku Square

It was completely unjustified. He definitely didn't have to beat Luffy down like that, especially when he realized that Luffy wasn't fighting back. Not only that, but he insulted Luffy's dream, full and damn well knowing how Luffy takes that. 


Sanji didn't realize anything about Big Mom. If they had any reservations about fighting Emperors, then they would have never left PH with Law. Keep in mind that Sanji was right there with Zoro not minding a damn thing about the plan, which involved pissing off Kaido. Lets not try to make Sanji out to be more than he is. He didn't realize that Luffy couldn't beat Big Mom, he just completely broke in a difficult situation. It's not naive to think that two years would be enough, that's exactly what they set out to do. 


Lol that's ridiculous. Doflamingo was fighting on par with Fujitora and Law, and had no reservations about fighting Aokiji on PH. Luffy buried Doflamingo in the wreckage of an island, and never batted an eye against fighting Fujitora. Try harder. 

stop being a fanboy. luffy ain't ready for yonko's or admirals. fujitora was clearly holding back, even sabo realized this during their little confrontation. doffy is not on par with an admiral. doffy is the same guy that crapped his pants at the thought of kaido bitc* slapping him. also, did you really use law as evidence? law ain't shi* compared to an admiral/yonko. your fanboyism never ceases to amaze me.

#929175 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by luffyq1 on 24 December 2016 - 07:25 PM in Otaku Square

So glad I dropped this garbage. Can't stand Bakugou, and I hate Deku's acceptance of this a-hole. The popularity poll is a good indication of how much panel time Bakugou will receive and things going in his favor.


You can try to list all the minimal things that separate their relationship from Naruto & Sasuke. But all I see is the main elements that made me hate the series. '


1). Deku being a complete beta male and allowing garbage like Bakugou to walk all over him and insult him at every turn


2). Bakugou being a complete scumbag and having no remorse for his actions towards Deku


3). Author continuing to showcase the friendship abuse as if nothing is wrong.


I hate bullies with every fiber of my being. I was constantly bullied in middle school and high school a lot until I started going to the gym. It's why I can no longer continue reading this filth.


I'm honestly insulted by the number of people who enjoy reading their interaction. I could no longer stomach Deku's beta male personality in the presence of Bakugo, and Bakugo's constant attitude towards Deku and everyone else for that matter. And no, I don't give a damn what his reasons are. There is absolutely no excuse to treat people like this, and there's no excuse for someone to act all buddy-buddy towards that person.



I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this post, but I felt I needed to get this off my chest. 


I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday!   :D

#928791 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 19 December 2016 - 05:28 PM in Otaku Square

the throne is only meant for them.





#928135 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 09 December 2016 - 05:08 PM in Otaku Square

Not gonna happen. Luffy can't become pirate king if he's dead.

he can though. just find another cook. obviously he won't be as good as sanji, but almost anything is good enough for luffy's stomach.

#928134 Spider-Man: Homecoming

Posted by luffyq1 on 09 December 2016 - 05:06 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

excited for the direction that marvel will take now that they share the rights. as for the trailer itself? well it was pretty underwhelming, and i'm so tired of iron-man.

#928081 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 09 December 2016 - 12:41 AM in Otaku Square

hopefully last chapter ends with big mom killing brook. that'll be a good shocker to end of the year.

#927286 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 29 November 2016 - 12:54 AM in Otaku Square

Oda showing support for Luna while throwing shade at Sanami lol

#926993 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 24 November 2016 - 02:57 PM in Otaku Square


#925728 Young Justice season 3

Posted by luffyq1 on 09 November 2016 - 02:15 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

netflix this time. cn ruins everything.

#924643 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 27 October 2016 - 03:44 PM in Otaku Square

 this was a very emotional chapter.


now i don't give a crap if he was acting, he crossed the line the moment he said luffy isn't good enough to be pk. 


the little fight sanji had going on was kinda embarrassing, considering luffy was eating his most powerful attack that we've been shown. the only thing he did was knock out luffy's tooth. just goes to show how durable luffy is, even after facing a commander for ten+ hours.


i love that luffy declared he was going on a hunger strike. and to top it off, he said he won't eat anything unless it comes from sanji's hands.


deep stuff.

#924106 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 21 October 2016 - 09:27 PM in Otaku Square

depleted of energy after facing a yonko commander and he'll still torch sanji for being disrespectful, and also making his navigator cry.


dead chief walking...

#923974 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 20 October 2016 - 02:57 PM in Otaku Square

sanji is in for an even bigger butt whooping for making nami cry. 

#923964 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 20 October 2016 - 01:09 PM in Otaku Square

enies lobby all over again, only this time sanji wants to die by the hands of luffy. you'd think this cook would have more faith in his captain after what he pulled in enies lobby against lucci. can't wait for luffy to beat some sense into him.

#923381 Power Rangers Trailer

Posted by luffyq1 on 13 October 2016 - 12:48 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

i can't breath!

#922623 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 05 October 2016 - 05:48 PM in Otaku Square

I wonder how Luffy will lose all those mass. Either God help that toilet or God help that river.

use awakening to make the toilet rubbery, so it can handle luffy's deposit  :lulz:

#922620 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 05 October 2016 - 05:07 PM in Otaku Square

i hope luffy's new gear 4 mode isn't circumstantial. 

#922588 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 05 October 2016 - 12:59 PM in Otaku Square

hahahahah this chapter was amazing. nami's face as she orders her underlings around was hilarious, and luffy's new gear 4 mode, which a lot of people theorized he had, looked pretty sick. he should have another form.


and yes folks, the luna is real!



#921290 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 21 September 2016 - 12:23 PM in Otaku Square

so sanji is basically not human? if that's the case, we may get some super duper power up from him lol. 


i knew oda was setting up his sister to be the only compassionate one of the group. oda's too much of a coward to have sanji hit a woman.

#921096 Happiness

Posted by luffyq1 on 17 September 2016 - 11:08 PM in Otaku Square

huge spoiler

#920922 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 16 September 2016 - 01:22 AM in Otaku Square

He doesn't like heavy women either.

of course. we all know sanji won't accept fat chicks, his shallowness wouldn't allow it.

#920889 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 15 September 2016 - 03:30 PM in Otaku Square

the first woman that sanji hasn't gone gaga over? guess we'll count that as character development. 

#920851 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 15 September 2016 - 02:26 AM in Otaku Square

she might actually have a thing for sanji. i expect sanji to feel the same way, she is a girl after all.

#920846 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 14 September 2016 - 11:21 PM in Otaku Square

Huh? I wasn't talking about SaNami.


#920821 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 14 September 2016 - 04:44 PM in Otaku Square

taking any sanami "hint" you can find, huh. 

