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There have been 294 items by PhenixElite (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#794416 Sakura Hiden

Posted by PhenixElite on 03 April 2015 - 10:16 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

hmm. it whats fustrates and angers me to no end. it boggles my mind how anyone can call themselves a Sakura fan and support SS its amazing. they just like them because they good drawn together. THATS IT!


I'm fine if Sakura cared and loved Sasuke but romantically is out of the question she was supposed to have realised she never really loved him that way. you could see her feelings grew stronger for Naruto anyway. but even was if sasuke was caring at all, it still wouldn't feel right. Naruto was her soulmate.



I'm so angry because i feel like NaruSaku development was just tossed away and kitten on. Sakura feelings ignored and everything retcon to death. SMH.

Thank you!!!

#791026 Sakura Hiden

Posted by PhenixElite on 30 March 2015 - 07:56 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

This is Nartuo, Sakura can forgive Sasuke for what he has done cause its fictional and trying to kill in this manga is irrelevant look at Gaara with his siblings.


Sakura is the most hated character in the series even more hated than OBITO so I don't get that especially since the MAIN CHARACTER hands out forgiveness like nothing and kittening fainted over Sasuke who tried to kill him much more than Sakura and it wasn't justified....


The only differnece between Naruto and Sakura is that Naruto doenst want to have a romantic realationship with Sasuke as far as i know. So i think theres a difference between forgiving a friend or someone you would like to have as your partner. If Naruto would keep on loving Sakura after she tried to kill him it would be same for him.


The most unrealistic kitten ive ever seen even for fiction

#791021 Sakura Hiden

Posted by PhenixElite on 30 March 2015 - 07:41 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Lmao how cant someone see SS as abusive???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I dont know what else you could call a realationship with someone who tried to kill u and insulted you during the story more then once. I would like to see someone coming together with the one who tried to murder you several times. Just try to imagine a realationship with someone like that and now tell me that its no abusive.


Also imo almost all the hate for Sakuras character is because of her love for Sasuke and its well deserved...

"Sakura" a character that keeps on loving an kitten that tries to kill her many times insults her and generally treats her like crap is just plain stupid and deserves to be hated.

#788788 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 27 March 2015 - 08:58 PM in Naruto General


Yeah killing someone to "save" them was pretty stupid of Sakura (One of the reasons I don't like her) but going by canon she did it because she didn't want to see him fall into darkness, she was willing to be hated by Naruto for that. 

LOL, Hinata is a meat shield I agree, but I was just saying that both her and Sakura "worked harder" than Naruto....

Funny i remeber Sakura doing exactly nothing other then using Naruto to get Sasuke. All Hinata did to get Naruto was stalking him and neji playing matchmaker. Naruto on the other hand made a promise and sacrificed his own happyness for Sakuras sake.

#785856 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 23 March 2015 - 08:45 AM in Naruto General

Sakuras incredible deep love for Sasuke just because of his looks, seems legit. What an amazing story, it has to be a special skill to be so bad at writing romance.

#770433 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 03 March 2015 - 11:30 PM in Naruto General

It's funny how the NS fans are talking about the NARUTO manga to make fun of it while the NH/SS are mad that we're not accepting the ending so much that they try to cross tag all the time. They're supposed to be celebrating and yet they can't be happy. Who is the salty one now?If he denied what Sakura said, then what you said is true. But in the movie he agreed to what she said. So that means he knew it himself that he was only using her for rivalry. And no, that means he didn't love her. He pretended he loved her out of rivalry.

If that was the case naruto must have been a damn good lier looking back at the manga.

#770416 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 03 March 2015 - 11:16 PM in Naruto General

It's the same. He used her for his rivalry with Sasuke. He flirted with her and wanted her to fall in love with him while HE didn't love her, just so he could feel like he won against Sasuke. He wanted to make a girl fall in love with him just so he could feel victorious.

Doesnt it mean that he thought he loved her? And if he thought so, its not using.
Left aside tht i dont think its possible to love someone out of rivalry. But well kishi gotta find a way

#770402 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 03 March 2015 - 11:01 PM in Naruto General

It goes both ways. Naruto did things for Sakura and Sakura did things for Naruto. And in the end the last chapters and THE LAST movie showed that they were just using each other. For Princess Hinata's sake their characters were forced to turn kitten.

But in the last she says that he loves her because of rivalary with sasuke not because he wants to use her.

#770387 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 03 March 2015 - 10:50 PM in Naruto General

I don't mind that scene because well....after everything Sakura did for Naruto, he was only using her to get back at Sasuke. So she really has no obligation to feel grateful for him.

As far as i know it was the other way around

#768369 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 01 March 2015 - 07:56 PM in Naruto General

Guilt....I said it. How can she marry Naruto if she feels guilty for making him go through things and calling him worst of the things. Naruto feels guilty amd Sakura as well. Both those idiots never talk it out! How will they resolve it then! I wouldn't really feel like I deserve someone if what I do hurts them.

As far as i know she was blushing and happily asking Sasuke if she could come with him. Doesnt look very guilty if you ask me.

#768343 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 01 March 2015 - 07:17 PM in Naruto General

Yes! Despite loving him, she felt unworthy of his love. The guilt she carried is to the point which makes her hate herself for what she did to Naruto in the past before he went on to train with Jiraiya. Remember she said, "That baka....how can he love someone like me?" It goes in line with that. You remember PoAL? When Naruto said he'd bring back Sasuke. Do you remember her dialogue?

"Naruto.....despite everything I did, he is always there for me. He understood me everytime" She felt guilty for that bench scene then. All the stuff she did for Naruto was because she wanted to make.it up to him for all the terrible things she did to him when they were small and her feelings 'f course. Gaara's episode(Part 1 Naruto vs Gaara)....that was a glaring example. Its probably her guilt which made her take this decision. She was not being a b*tch to Naruto. She knew very well about her feelings by the end.....but she felt like she deserved a punishment for what she did. She knew that Naruto, never in 1000 years will be able to hurt her leave apart punishing her. Marrying someone like Sasuke who destroyed her so much was in itself a punishment for her.

Maybe in another world.....

This reminds me of the song '1000 Years'...

Thats the fanfiction Sakura not the real one. I see no sense in loving somebody but leaving him even tho the other one loves her too.

#768322 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 01 March 2015 - 06:35 PM in Naruto General

Thanks a ton Ichigo :D Sorry for all the pain you had to go through :sweatdrop:

Anyway, this smile....it looks so painful. It is much like Naruto's smile which he threw when he gave away PoAL. Hiding all the pain behind that smile just for the sake of the one's you love. It is so painful goodlord! Sakura feels that she is unworthy of Naruto's love and that she doesn't deserve him. She thinks Hinata deserves it more since she never hurt Naruto and loves him unconditionally and that she can give him happiness that Sakura cannot give Naruto since she has insulted Naruto way too much in the past 'f course. That forehead thing...looking down on him and all. That poor girl carries that guilt of her past. I won't be surprised if she goes on to say that she deserves someone like Sasuke and not Naruto because she has made Naruto go through too much and in the end she ended up doing very very small things for him. She thinks she deserves this curse. In the end, she thinks that marrying Sasuke is her only way out of her guilt. Taking this curse on herself....taking on this punishment. Its a punishment for all the terrible things she said to Naruto and the pain she gave her when they were small 'f course. She just cannot marry Naruto cuz of her past. Poor girl cannot let.go of her past :cry:

Its so sad that two relationships were sucked out of their life just cuz two people couldn't say what they really felt for each other. Sigh....

Must have been the reason why she wanted to go with Sasuke in the last chapter becuase she loved Naruto so much...

#765803 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 26 February 2015 - 06:09 AM in Naruto General

It may be the weakest insult you use. That doesn't mean it isn't incredibly insulting and offensive.


It isnt't an insult, it's a slur. It's ableist, disgusting and I see it all the time here. But people don't care about that.

I still think its a pretty much fitting word for that person.

#765619 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 25 February 2015 - 10:55 PM in Naruto General

"Retarded" is a very heavy and insulting term in the English language.

Lol i use this word like 10 times every day. Calling someone a retard is like the weakest kind of inuslt i use. 

#765612 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 25 February 2015 - 10:39 PM in Naruto General

You could be truthful without going that far lol

How is that going too far?

#765604 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 25 February 2015 - 10:26 PM in Naruto General


Lay off the insults.

truth must be spoken

#765551 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 25 February 2015 - 09:18 PM in Naruto General



"A NaruSaku shipper’s comments on The Last………."

So I saw The Last yesterday in NYC with rieriebee, MY BESTIEEEEE (hiiii XD!) and before we rushed to the train station to catch the 4:15pm train, she made me get my red scarf to wear so we would match in the theater. (Obviously I wasn’t too thrilled buttttt I did it anyway lol.)

The trek there was FREEZING!!! I hateeee the cold!! But when we got there, we met another NaruHina shipper from Peru that was really sweet. And the ambiance on the line was very warming. Narutards had headbands, there were cosplayers… And everyone was excited! The theater was going to have a raffle too for a poster of the movie!

In the theater we met two more fans of the Naruto series, and they were awesome people. It was really fun discussing everything with them and our different views. Honestly it was so amazing being in the USA in NY, united with all types of otakus to watch something that everyone grew up with… Finally coming to an end on the big screen all the way from Japan!

And I actually won a poster in the raffle, go figure XDDD!!! Me, the NaruSaku fan haha! I was actually really happy. I never win anything! And it felt really nice to have a part of the final installment that I grew up with.

I went into the theater knowing everything. So of course nothing came as a surprise to me. But honestly, I think the movie was delivered well. I know I have fellow people in my fandom that are disappointed and I felt that too, but after watching it a second time (the first time will not be mentioned because it wasn’t the right way lol), I really felt okay with it. The Last was supposed to be about Naruto getting his happy ending. And he did. That’s why I was okay with how it turned out, I did not close my eyes or curse under my breath etc. when there were NaruHina moments (and there were a lot, obviously lol).

I was fine the whole movie with my emotions, playing it cool, and then all of a sudden at the end (spoilers!!) when Hinata and Naruto were running through the meteorites(?) going back to Earth before they kissed, I was hit right in the feels. I started to cry because I knew he was finally happy and all the moments in the manga and anime that I’d read and watched the past ten years came flooding back… And it was just too much. I looked over at Marie and was like “what the hell why am I crying this is ridiculous” and she’s like “because it’s beautiful” and I honestly had to agree. It really was beautiful. And the soundtrack was perfect.

The fight scene at the end was great too because the soundtrack was really emotional for me, with the original Naruto theme. I’m sure many of you agreed!!!

Okay this was super long and I am so sorry lol. Overall, it was a nice movie, and the animation was awesome! I’m very happy for Naruto and Hinata~!

But of course, I will always, always, love my ship :).






A real NS fan? More like a real retarded NH fangirl

#752494 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 04 February 2015 - 11:55 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

In war arc?
Sakura has two conflict, romance and uselessness.
Kishi give up on her in war arc.

Nah not just war arc dude

#752207 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 04 February 2015 - 01:19 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Both of you are right. Sakura wasn't about romance, Hinata was... about obsession. Naruto's confession and Sakura's answer with mutual feelings could create a solid basis for both of them in future, but we got nothing.

All Sakura has in her mind 24/7 is Sasuke. How is that not about romance. Its all just we will bring Sasuke back, Oh no Sasuke is cold hearted, oh no Sasuke abuses me, and all the time we have Sakura beeing depressed because of Sasuke. This is all her character is about. All those moments with naruto arent in the end because of naruto, they are just becuase of Sasuke-

#752190 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 04 February 2015 - 12:57 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't have a problem with romance. I do have a problem with how other people talked about Sakura in the final 100 chapters or so. It was always about her feelings, never her skills as a medic or fighter.

Sure cause thats how her character is.. 90% "romance"

#752183 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 04 February 2015 - 12:45 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Well actually I think he is far more selfish because after Naruto thought he got rejected by Hinata in the movie he simply gives up and was willing to let the world be destroyed. That's really pathetic, way more selfish than Sakura.

It looks like that started by the help of Sakura tho, with first seemingly denying his confession as well as trying to get him out of the way by coupling him with Hinata. Not to forget that she told him that his love for her was fake. If that happened to me, i would get selfish too.

#752176 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 04 February 2015 - 12:39 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It seems like that was her peak and that's such a shame. Her character was really reduced to romance by the end though. Sucks.

Romance is good  :excited: You cant call this SS thing romance. Theres nothing romantic at all.-


Basically the character ended up going full circle and learned nothing at all. Just terrible writing. I say the title character regressing into a scumbag and a loser is far worse though.

That too, but at least Naruto doesnt seem that hard selfish in the last chapter and the movie.

#752171 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 04 February 2015 - 12:33 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sakura's development wasn't useless when she kicked Sasori's ass and saved Kankuro and Chiyo. Romance shouldn't be all that she's worth. I agree though that everything she did amounted to nothing at the end because she ended up with a guy who tried to kill her and her friends multiple times.

In the end 90% of Sakuras motivation was Sasuke, All the time during part 2 u think that she might develope something and somehow gets away from this Sasuke obsession, but nope not happening. if you look back at the manga now, all her development was just useless.


You're joking, right? 


Dead serious here.


As readers, all we can do is follow the story and interpret what is presented to us. Kishi really was going somehwere with Sakura. The development was there. It's just Kishi is an idiot who either sold out or just doesn't care. 

Yeah it couldve been something, thats what it looked like, but not with this ending. All that happened to her character is going back to chapter 3

#752124 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 03 February 2015 - 11:49 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Lets face it, Sakuras development was useless all the way, especially the romance based development. The only thing that made people like her was the believe that all that would turn out to be something in end.... But it didnt.

#748127 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by PhenixElite on 30 January 2015 - 04:55 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I agree wholeheartedly with that.
However, while it is a disgusting thought she might have, I think she was afraid that her friend would end up alone b/c he couldn't move on b/c of her. It's not her right to decide though with whom Naruto should end up (especially with Hinata.)

Best thing she could have done is probably never talk to him again and leave him alone.