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There have been 831 items by candycane-chan (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#483364 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by candycane-chan on 26 July 2013 - 06:28 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

A voice in the wind by tricksie has been updated with chapter 34  http://www.fanfictio...t/s/5827210/34/

omg.. Tricksie i can't believe you updated it i thought you stopped writing it for a while there

#477333 Naruto 635

Posted by candycane-chan on 19 June 2013 - 09:35 AM in Latest Releases

Again I doubt she really feels that way, I mean by comic relief is look at the way she says it He even tried to kill me..and it felt of good...No it didnt you dont see sarcasm there?


she was denying it because she was being tsundere like she always is when it comes to sasuke.

but okay so what if it's comic relief? is that all to karin's character? comic relief?  

#477320 Naruto 635

Posted by candycane-chan on 19 June 2013 - 09:23 AM in Latest Releases

Really like this chapter! and sakura's smile was so heart breaking. ;A; and things are difinetly getting more serious. SS doesn't really stand a chance anymore, there's absolutely nothing from sasuke and sakura's barely holding on to her feelings.


The last page was really shocking I hope kakashi doesn't die he's my favorite. It just doesn't make sense for naruto to lose another sensei.

I am sure Karin liking what sasuke did to her was just for comic relief, and you guys are taking it too literally.


Are you serious?

That time when sasuke "apologized" to her and she started clinging to him like a fan girl everyone was going on that it was "comic relief" but this?! implying that she enjoyed being stabbed by sasuke ? 

it's like kishi's not even trying anymore!

I've lost all the respect I've ever had for her character...

Well, seems like NF gaining respect for Sakura for starting to leave Sasuke? Huh, interesting development.


Anyway, it does seem to be like once Sasuke does something bad, that's it, Sakura is done. Pretty much, she's at the very last peak and well, the reality is finally kicking her. Sad, but truth hurts. Ok, sleep time.

lol really? finally

#468963 Naruto 632

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 10:02 AM in Latest Releases

People are never happy... *sigh* If "Sasuke-kun" is going to be the focus of the discussion, then I think I'll stay away from here this week. This chapter was supposed to be all about Sakura proving herself, and we should be happy about that.


I find it really disheartening to see so many instead pointing their fingers at one panel. A panel that has nothing to do with the chapter itself. It gets right under my skin too, because the last thing this chapter was supposed to be about was pairings. It's about Team 7, and Sakura finally being able to stand proudly beside her other two teammates. Please, please, please, please, please don't take that moment away from her over pairings. Please.


We already know that Sakura loves Sasuke. We already knew that some SasuSaku was on it's way. We also know that she has feelings for Naruto. We've established this over the past ten+ years. So stop.


I hope that this doesn't happen again next week, because frankly, I'm tired of having to defend any positive moments for Sakura, Naruto, and NaruSaku from my own fandom.


It really bothers me. Yes I'm a narusaku fan but I'm a sakura fan first. She was blushing yes but I don't see what's so special even naruto was jealous ( I'm here too) She was absolutely amazing and those flashbacks with tsunade I'm guessing that was a follow to the same flashback we had in the sasori fight.


I still can't believe she's been saving her chakra for three years !!

Also, the last line was a bit touching "tsunade sama..I think I  can finally catch up to them!" shows how much it means to her

#468806 Naruto 632

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 08:46 AM in Latest Releases


#468786 Naruto 631

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 08:35 AM in Latest Releases

Another 30 minutes....

#468766 Naruto 631

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 08:18 AM in Latest Releases

I'm so glad on my part. Free day, 11 o'clock here and waiting, no tiredness. Excitement to the max.

It's 11;20 right now here

but it's like I can't start my day already before reading it  :pinch:

#468724 Naruto 631

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 07:55 AM in Latest Releases

Knowing the haters they're probably going to bash her because she had to get saved...  -_-

i'll be to happy to care :P lol

just ignore them. 

#468712 Naruto 631

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 07:49 AM in Latest Releases

I literally can not contain myself anymore :argh:

I've been waiting for this  :twitch:

#468676 Naruto 631

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 07:34 AM in Latest Releases

Those spoilers  :twitch: 

what is this.

#468670 Naruto 631

Posted by candycane-chan on 29 May 2013 - 07:30 AM in Latest Releases

All these pagessss It took me forever to catch up with you guys.

 Guys, you do realize that Sakura is using..UZUMAKI techniques... I mean, Uzumaki... if you know what i mean :fu:

:chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:



Okay. I know I'm too crazy about this series when I start getting butterflies while anticipating the chapter.

LOL same here. I can't even have my breakfast because I'm too excited :P

#466838 Heaven & Earth 2.0! [New Features Listed]

Posted by candycane-chan on 26 May 2013 - 08:15 AM in News and Announcements

It looks amazing ! 😄

#463956 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 09:28 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Quinny52 @ May 22 2013, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, can we now add Minato to the list of NS supporters in the series?? biggrin.gif

I thought we already did that since road to ninja tongue.gif

#463940 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 09:16 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (soraandven @ May 22 2013, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
might be on tumblr

I've only seen one on tumblr though, the rest are positive.

#463933 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 09:12 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (六道仙人 @ May 22 2013, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wow, guys... fandoms SS/NH are exploded.... fully enraged.... they're scaring me... huh.gif

weird I don't see anything, what are they saying?

#463926 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 09:09 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (redragon88 @ May 22 2013, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really hope that's what happened. Right now there's also a another translation going around that it's slightly different.

what does it say..

#463919 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 09:07 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (HauntedCake @ May 22 2013, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, they will just cover uyp this chapter saying Kishi has skipped a chapter and next wekk will be full of NH goodies lololol rolleyes.gif

I'M tooo happy to care lol laugh.gif

#463889 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 08:44 AM in Latest Releases

WHY CAN'T IT COME OUT ALREADY shamefulcry0js.gif

#463849 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 08:04 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Chatte @ May 22 2013, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
GOOOD Team 7! Guys dunno but for the moment I am so happy. NS plus Team 7... WHAT COULD WE WISH FOR MORE?


#463836 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 07:53 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Chatte @ May 22 2013, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


#463813 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 07:36 AM in Latest Releases

IWON't read the full translation. seriously though i hate it when spoilers come out, because this means the chapter will be late

#463809 Naruto 631 Spoilers

Posted by candycane-chan on 22 May 2013 - 07:32 AM in Latest Releases

QUOTE (Chatte @ May 22 2013, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As far as I heard, Minato asks Naruto if Sakura is his gf or something along the lines and Team 7 reunites.

#462960 Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth

Posted by candycane-chan on 18 May 2013 - 08:54 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

lol that was such a great chapter. And I just loved seeing sakura's parents here.

#461465 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by candycane-chan on 13 May 2013 - 03:58 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

kns : Do you know that people are dedicating fanart for your fic on tumblr?

#460127 628

Posted by candycane-chan on 07 May 2013 - 05:43 PM in Latest Releases

I was surprised too.. until I found out that the new chapter doesn't come out till thursday.