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There have been 23 items by Lady_duckish (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#906075 Batman VS Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Posted by Lady_duckish on 29 March 2016 - 05:50 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Overall, I did not like this movie /:



4/10. I'm not saying dont see it. I think any fan should go see it. I will say to set the bar low.

#901763 Would You Have Accepted an Open Ending?

Posted by Lady_duckish on 11 February 2016 - 05:49 AM in Naruto General

ehhh. I have things i like about open endings, and things I don't. 

 Open endings leave room for imagination, but at the same time may lack closure. 


but compared to what we got, oh yes. I certainly would have preferred an open ending. 

#849587 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Lady_duckish on 27 June 2015 - 04:31 AM in Latest Releases

did i miss the part where they address why Sakura was posting herself over pictures of Karin? Or is Kishi just gonna leave well enough alone ? Like, if SS is so lovey dovey this chapter why is she so insecure ?


Edit: Wtf even was the point of this mini series ? I thought it was suppose to be about Bolt??

#844983 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Lady_duckish on 18 June 2015 - 07:32 AM in Latest Releases

And the worst part of this whole damn chapter is the fact that Sakura still thinks Sasuke was the one that complimented her forehead, and not Naruto.

What?? Are you sure she was talking about that part one moment and not something that happened off screen or the silly poke from 699?

#821454 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 13 May 2015 - 03:05 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles


As I said he can ruin them more to make NH look better

I won't care for it but I wouldn't like to see that

which in a way would further whip Sakura for choosing Sasuke. 


Mind you, i still think its is all some huge troll and SS will "shine" through it, but if not it really just looks like he's punishing Sakura for choosing Sasuke. 


Here Sakura, this is the life you decided for yourself instead of being a reasonable woman and falling for Naruto. Here's your punishment for loving the distant cool guy who never made you or your feelings a priority, despite you deciding to give it all up for him in one panel. (speaking from what i imagine to be his perspective)

He could have allowed SS to have a semi decent marriage. Sasuke can do the traveling thing but come home at least once a year to see his child and the love of his life, but no. Sakura is ill, apparently hasnt seen her lover in 12 yrs and she's having financial troubles. Knowing all this she loses her temper and destroys a house she cant afford to fix...Happy ever after yall


In contrast Naruto and Hinata have a beautiful marriage, despite Naruto being a bit busy. None of these problems that make you feel like the character(s) just cant catch a break. 

#820234 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 09 May 2015 - 11:53 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

i think Kishi originally wanted Naruto and his eventual family to be somewhat "normal" but spectacular at the same time. None of these super flashy clan powers or huge names. So when Hinata replaced Sakura as Naruto's eventual wife, he stripped her of her birthright and decided not to give either child her clan's superhuman ability. 


Becoming head of her clan and using her position to better the Hyuuga i believe, was 100% going to be Hinata's big ending. She was going to grow out of needing to draw confidence and strength from Naruto and instead stand on her own two feet and take her father on for herself, proving she was just as capable as her little sister and Neji.

#819764 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 09 May 2015 - 05:20 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Kishi is lying through his teeth. There's misdirection which can be used to keep your readers on their toes, then there's what happened in Naruto. Idc if he goes to his grave insisting NH was always going to be the endgame relationship for Naruto, you don't build up one romance for your lead, use other couples in a way that supports a future relationship, only to make a sudden left that results in a completely one sided romance being made into cannon in a matter of mins. 


Every time i come here i think about all the canon material over the years that supported N/S becoming canon

Parallel after parallel and the big notion of Naruto succeeding where those before him failed ( Failures in love w/a team mate who did not return their feelings)

T/J got a strong hint right before Jiraiya dies, Obito goes off into the light holding Rin's hand, even Kushina basically holding the exact same opinion of Minato along with being extremely similar to Sakura (enough that Minato notes the resemblance)  gets tossed in their among countless other moments yet Naruto despite showing no romantic interest in Hinata for life of the manga, gets married to her. 


There's red herrings, then theres spending over a decade investing in one romantic relationship and tossing it for only God knows why at the end.


..yea i know he did it because he couldnt figure out how to make Sakura popular, while Hinata was basically the fan favorite. 


I will go to my grave insisting Naruto should have had a pink haired son with both the best and worst qualities of both his parents, instead of some great value rip off  of himself.

#815386 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 03 May 2015 - 02:06 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

If this was before his success, I could understand it, but how much money do you need???? Just makes me feel like he stopped caring about his story and reputation. Part two overall was mediocre (which lots of people, myself included have been saying long before that last ch) but now whose going to have faith in his abilities , if you cant even trust the guy not to sell out. 


I don't know, maybe I sound naive but I expect better out of someone who was certainly not pinched for money in any sense. 

#814878 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Lady_duckish on 02 May 2015 - 08:22 AM in Naruto General

How delicious!! Sakura hugs Naruto after he defeats Pain! That's his true love interest not the poor smiling girl. XD

speaking of, did we ever find out what was up with that panel where Sakura froze up after hearing about Hinata's love for Naruto ?

#814871 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 02 May 2015 - 08:04 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Nothing that Sasuke is doing right now will excuse the fact that he hasn't bothered to see his daughter's face in 12 years. He is a kittening scumbag just like Nardo.


My friendly advice is to let it go, because most likely there will be some huge over hyped reason why he left or B Kishi just doesn't care to explain and everything will be forgiven ala head tap for both Sakura and Sarada.

#814866 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 02 May 2015 - 08:00 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

So once again, Sasuke and Naruto get to be proactive, while Sakura gets an even bigger demotion than she did towards the end of the series. 



#814860 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 02 May 2015 - 07:45 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

One that Sasuke doesn't know about ? As much as i hate this turn of events (As for as Sakura's story line goes), to go through all of this just to say she's their natural born daughter would be so freaking stupid. 

#814376 Was naruto the manga doomed the moment it became a series?

Posted by Lady_duckish on 01 May 2015 - 02:26 PM in Naruto General

Money makes the world go round, but he sacrificed the integrity of his story for it. The last quarter of this story was basically fan pandering. 

#807962 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 09:25 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I just realized something, so Sakura actually put her picture on top of Karin's? this is pathetic. 

The levels of desperation you would have to hit to do something like that... Lol, this has to be a joke. Its like she's delusional. Hell, Sasuke was probably gone all those years searching for the kid he had with Karin, not knowing Sakura kidnapped her. He's going to come back and Sakura will introduce the two of them just for him to reveal he's never touched Sakura past a few chaste kisses. 

#807818 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 07:43 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles




Edit : I just hate her expression in this panel tumblr_nn9snf54TZ1tww4hxo4_400.jpg After all these years, she still wears the same expression because of Sasuke. 


this might be the saddest post yet :/ Im still pretty sure this is all going to turn out differently, but just...Kishi could have let Sakura grow out of her romantic feelings for Sasuke naturally. Even if he stupidly built NaruSaku in all its entirety just to not have them be together in the end, he still could have given Sakura a happy ending. 

Either way she's in love with a man who is never around, and has been absent for 12 yrs. 

#806915 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 11:45 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Kishi doesn't give a crap about the opinions of NS fans. That much is obvious from the way he wrapped up their relationship. If this foolishness were true, it wouldnt have crap to do with validating NS fans. 

#806903 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 11:40 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

if this were canon we would probably find out she never married Sasuke and just signs all her documents with Sasuke's last name ..like the entire village probably laughs at her and Salad gets teased because of it. When people tell her she cant do that, Sakura probably tells them her epic love story to justify her unofficial union. 


and Sasuke probably did give her some gross disease that he was able to avoid through his mighty blood line.

#806853 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 11:11 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

you know what, im not even going to continue to be sad over it. This is a really stupid joke. Kishi isn't THIS immature. 

#806848 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 11:09 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Kishi doesn't respect himself ...its not even about the characters, its about the man behind them. No self respecting author would pull some garbage like this. He's turned her into a freaking joke.  ZERO respect for who the character used to be. 

What's next? Her friends and family never visit ? Naruto's too busy? Ino just doesn't care? 


If all this is to be taken at face value, what was the point of even implying Sasuke held some affection for Sakura? What, did he leave Konoha to get some space away from his clingy obnoxious side piece ?

#806835 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 11:01 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

i think this is all some huge ...trick or something. Yea I know SS happened at the expense of Sakura's character but this is petty hate fanfiction

#806828 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 10:57 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I swore I was never gonna come to this thread but...

LMFAO!!!!!!! Holy kitten I can't even contain it XD this is just too good. This is how my Thursday is shaping up:

1.) epic OP chapter = confirmed
2.) epic Bleach chapter = confirmed
3.) Salad finds out that Sakura ain't the mommy, she's never met Sasuke, Sakura threw everything away, including any kind of decency she ever had as a person, and she still didn't get the d, in fact she couldn't even get a kittening picture with Sasuke, she had to tear out Karin from Sasuke's picture, and literally tape herself next to Sasuke, and on top of it all, she apparently destroys her house because of the frustrating truth that she's kittening miserable, and got nothing that she ever wanted. Instead, she's taking care of Sasuke love child and she hasn't even screwed the man, as was her dream. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't even know whether to keep laughing until I'm in tears or cry because I have to wake up in 3 and a half hours. This is justice to those SStards. I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this. Ain't no shame in kingin' it like kong, no sir. :lmao:



 Sakura threw everything away, including any kind of decency she ever had as a person, and she still didn't get the d, in fact she couldn't even get a kittening picture with Sasuke, she had to tear out Karin from Sasuke's picture, and literally tape herself next to Sasuke, and on top of it all, she apparently destroys her house because of the frustrating truth that she's kittening miserable, and got nothing that she ever wanted. Instead, she's taking care of Sasuke love child and she hasn't even screwed the man, as was her dream. Correct me if I'm wrong.

This really happened ? Are you exaggerating??????? 

#806807 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 10:39 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

I see Kishimoto just cant help himself with all the pairing drama lol


So now it is SasuSaku vs SasuKarin now :laugh


Well, my money is on Sarada being Sakura's daughter. I refuse to be baited. I will be laughing at the SasuSaku fans though. I mean, did they really think that SasuSaku would be a happy perfect relationship like "naruhina"? then again, all the kids seem to have one issue or the other with their parents. lol



I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in this stuff. Say what you want about Kishimoto but he knows how to get people talking :laugh

Kishi is heavy handed with the "red herrings" and "tricks". He would make Salad a perfect replica of Karin, suggest its biological and then say otherwise. That was basically the entire romantic plot of his story.

#806800 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 10:34 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

so let me get this straight, Salada is not Sakura's biological child and  Sakura is sick and broke ? Why is her life turning out like the mean girl is some stupid one dimensional teen movie ? Why is she being punished?


Adoption is a beautiful thing, but from the way all this is sounding its going to be used as some vehicle for making Sakura look pathetic, to go along with her sad broken life. 

