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There have been 401 items by Atheck (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#902469 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 17 February 2016 - 01:06 PM in Naruto General

Why would these people choose to have such a meek and subservient caricature like Hinata for a spouse? I mean do they find the concept of someone who will live and breathe only for them with no other defining traits that appealing? It sounds almost depressing how they would elect to have someone who is incapable of living for themselves or other motivating drives share that type of interpersonal relationship with them -- no ambition, no confidence, nothing. They come across as being narcissistic in a way.   

#898751 My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

Posted by Atheck on 18 January 2016 - 09:41 PM in Naruto General

I do know that it appears to be largely thanks to popularity that Vegeta is still active in DBZ. Unfortunately, that same benefit doesn't appear to extend to Gohan, Trunks or Piccolo. What an odd coincidence that is. Naruto in certain regards is similar.  

#895944 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Atheck on 01 January 2016 - 07:08 AM in Naruto General

You know I once thought some time back that Pierrot would at least have the decency to resolve Shippuden before the recent movie came out. I can see I was wrong on that account. They appear determined to prolong it for as long as they can because it's their primary source of revenue as someone else explained. It would not surprise me if this new mangaka had some kind of association with the people at the animation studio since it's their product whom most people have been following since the manga ended. 

#894595 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Atheck on 24 December 2015 - 02:00 AM in Naruto General

If there was any sense of an honest and even-handed justice system in this series then practically every villain to trudge onto the scene would be in chains for decades as a minimum sentence or dead. Even the ones whom you could describe as having a moral framework that overlaps the accepted notions of right and wrong have still killed, persecuted, or fought for those who seek to undermine the health and livelihood of others at one point or another. I would have no qualms with someone like Orochimaru whose crimes have absolutely no moral justification that have impacted thousands in such horrific and repugnant ways being executed. That man is a monster, pure and simple, and the fact that an elected official like Naruto who is sworn to protect the well-being of the people in Konoha and act as a role model for human decency would not only turn a blind eye to Orochimaru's actions, but openly correspond with him according to what some here have said should be grounds for impeachment and prosecution. 

#893833 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Atheck on 20 December 2015 - 03:11 PM in Naruto General

I feel this type of exploitation of a series that has long since descended into mediocrity from its original prime will separate those who have actually managed to escape from the shackles of Naruto and those who are still bound to it for whatever reason. It's come to a point where the production isn't even being handled by Kishi anymore. There really is no incentive, is there? 

#892914 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 15 December 2015 - 07:17 AM in Naruto General

What if they do Naruto Super, using the already made movies content but now on anime tv.


The Dragonball series mishandles their characters even worse than Naruto does in some respects. With the exception of Vegeta who appears to have been given immunity to this trait for whatever reason, the cast of characters are discarded after an arc or two's worth of nominal significance. Rather than kill them off to instill some kind of worth or context to their existence so they could at least be utilised in some way, they're constantly revived using the plot device known as the Dragonballs. You're left with a swollen list of characters who have no intrinsic purpose to fulfill besides occupy the background and stroke the egos of the villains or Goku/Vegeta. I can't tell you how much I've grown to despise DB for this. Part of me wishes for the anime to fail so that Toei can understand that they need to innovate their franchise rather than stick to tired old formulas.

#889620 So who is Bolt REALLY gonna end up with?

Posted by Atheck on 25 November 2015 - 02:53 PM in Naruto General

How is it feasible that we will see anything more of this post-epilogue world? I thought the series was coming to an end after the anime is concluded.These are questions which I feel and hope will never be answered. However, on the off chance that they decide to prolong things for whatever reason, if there's any consistency with Kishi and Pierrort's logic then they'll refrain from putting the spawn together. Their relationship from what I've heard appears more similar to the dynamics of Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry than any romantic attraction; their personalities both are brazen and aggressive, making them "incompatible" or "too difficult" to reconcile. I would sooner hope that the Karui lovechild or Kurenai's daughter become smitten with him. It's possible they might successfully learn to fold over and become docile house wives with no meaning in their lives except to please their hairless primate of a husband. After all, you can't be driven by any career or calling while being married at the same time. If what some of you have stated is true, the female wants to become Hokage, yes? Well that alone should make her off-limits to the male primates since she chose her career over the possibility of excreting more primates. 

#887258 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 15 November 2015 - 04:32 AM in Naruto General

I always feel that gate in part 2 is just a fanservice. Especially gai eight gate.
In part 2 is all about gai from team gai.


The gates are still one of the most impressive techniques seen in the series. They allowed Guy to go toe-to-toe with someone like Rikudou Madara for a time. A feat which Madara himself acknowledged was worthy of praise. Lee certainly isn't as powerful, but he's strong enough to stand out amongst the Rookies, Jonin, and even some of the weaker Kages.  

#887230 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 14 November 2015 - 11:51 PM in Naruto General

Can Rock Lee move at The Speed of Sound?


The speed of sound is approximately 340 m/s. I'm not certain whether Lee's optimal speed is equal to that or not. He can unlock upwards to the 6th Gate, but whether that is equal to or greater than the speed of sound is unknown. Regardless, he's still one of the most powerful members of the K11. The only ones more powerful than him being Naruto and Sasuke themselves. 

#886926 Kishi Made Us Hate Sakura? What do you think

Posted by Atheck on 13 November 2015 - 09:17 AM in Naruto General


You know, a lot of things people keep saying is completely inaccurate from Sakura's, Naruto's, Sasuke's, and so many other characters stand points. Let's talk about how Naruto couldn't just "dodge" some things rather than just standing there and letting other characters literally die from taking the bullets, couldn't heal a dislocated shoulder, but can regenerate an eye, and lost resolve in the war all because Neji died when in the past he showcased that people dying wouldn't break his spirit leading to a side character just to get a moment. Let;s talks about Sauske who is by far the worst character when it comes to resolving issues from claiming victory saying "I killed my brother" when really not only was Itachi already on death's door, but died from over-exhaustion than by his hand, who couldn't do ANYTHING in the story and was always side-tracked, and got killed because he got stabbed with his own sword after a reckless attack on a man who he knew was too dangerous to attack alone. Let's talk about Hinata who basically did NOTHING for the entire manga and was praised for it, couldn't even beat white zetsu clones, and is so pathetic that eventually other people had to make Naruto fall in love with.

Naruto's idealism and philosophical viewpoint was so uncompromisingly rigid in its expectations that it came as a shock to him when he failed to meet one of them. He's the sort of person who obstinately clings to what he feels is possible while failing to take into account the possibility of failure or contingencies. In that context, it must have devastated him when Obito threw his self-prescribed convictions of not allowing any of his teammates to die right back at him. Not that it justifies him having a complete mental breakdown over someone like Neji. If it were someone closer to him such as Kakashi, a person whom he actually had made the promise especially for and held a close attachment to, then I could see that scenario being more realistic.

As for Sasuke's battle with Itachi - well of course the moments of creativity and skill that Sasuke showed were going to be softened down to lucky breaks achieved only through the convenience of his opponent being preemptively weakened. Itachi is the walking textbook example of a Gary Stue. I can't remember a time where he wasn't in control of a situation or did not possess the means to resolve it by virtue of Kishi's penmanship. With the possible exception of Kabuto bisecting him through a surprise attack, he's never even been legitimately damaged before in a fight where he was in top fighting capacity and did not want to be injured in the first place.

Yes, let's actually point out every other characters stupid and inaccurate flaws for once instead of keep attacking Sakura over and over and over again.

There's plenty to criticise the other characters for. However, most of them aren't defined by their imperfections or shortcomings. Sakura is consistently known for her blunders and taking two steps back for every one step she manages to gain.

Let's talk about how Naruto has not learned a single wind technique other than just adding it to his rasengan, who learned no frog techniques, and was a complete and total waste of time to teach him Frog sage mode when all he uses it for was a Nature Steriod boost.
Let's talk about how Sasuke, master of the rasengan and the sharingan, doesn't seem to know or use actual helpful techniques until AFTER the battle is over, help in no way against Kaguya other than use his part of the seal, and had to be saved by Sakura and Obito through dimension hoping only to be able to dimension hope later in the story.

Naruto's style isn't defined by knowing a smorgasbord of different techniques weaved together through a complex series of hand movements. It's his efficiency at using what he has while playing to his own strengths that makes him so good. He's effective with the abilities he already has. Well...that was true prior to the Kurama power up. I don't particularly care for any of the power attainments made during the war arc and onward. Moreover, I dislike how Sage Mode by itself was discarded so quickly after just one outing against Pain. Putting the Celestial Gates aside, it's the narrative equivalent to Kaioken for the protagonist. But at least Naruto eventually discovered a means to incorporate it into his current power states so that it could hold some worth again.

Oh, there's no doubt that Sasuke was playing second fiddle in that battle. I don't understand what Kishi's intentions at the time were, but he failed spectacularly at portraying the two characters as equals who mutually depend on each other and work together to achieve a common goal. Naruto was clearly the most dominant force of the group. It just so happened to be a convenient opportunity for Sakura to shine temporarily since it would be her last moment of glory before the end of the manga.

Let's talk about Kakashi, the supposed "Master of 1000 techniques" maybe only using 6 techniques throughout the entire manga. A teacher who didn't actually teach his students and is by far the worst role model in the story, but hey, at least he taught Sasuke something....too bad he never gave Naruto or Sakura the time of day. Not even as an adult does he contribute, but pressures Sasuke to be with Sakura because "love doesn't need a reason." Well, I hope Rin never hears you say that Kakashi, because you certainly had not reason NOT to love her other than you were an emo child just like Sasuke only less psychotic, but the jury is still out on that one.

I attribute Kakashi's lack of diversity in execution to Kishi. He likely did not want to be troubled in creating hundreds of individual jutsu for the character to use before never seeing them again.

With regards to his status as a role model, once again, I agree. Although, the state of mind and ethics of the character are at the discretion of the writer. To any sensible person, they would understand how self-destructive and perverse this so called "love" which Sakura has contrived for Sasuke actually was. Kakashi was moronic at best and insane at worst for allowing his student to continue harbouring inane feelings for someone who never acknowledged her as anything more than a teammate worth protecting on his best day before his gradual decline into murderous insanity. Kakashi might have disregarded Rin and her life, but I don't recall him actively trying to kill her or crush her spirit.

Let's talk about all the other characters who actually made a useful and purposeful things in the story and yet everyone just forgot because "NH and SS became canon." Yeup, hey you guys remember the time you....oh wait, sorry you're not important enough to remember. We're just gonna give you stupid hair cuts and make you miserable because we need a new generation.

So the next time you want to once again make "Technicalities" about things....do me a favor and point out all the things EVERY character does including all the stupid things too. Shall we bring up the smart and intelligent Sasuke making probably the worst plans to fight against madara and made Naruto do all the work by himself? No? okay. I guess Naruto and Sasuke should just be ignored because despite their stupid, reckless, and asinine forced plot elements put in by a man who has no love for his own story because...hey, without them there is no story.


Well it's as I stated above. There are very many things to hold against the other characters for. But they usually have some redeeming factor that mitigates the stigma associated with that particular action or trait. With Sakura, she has her moments of competence and strength, but they're almost always counteracted afterwards with a mistake or oversight that paints the accomplishment in a half-hearted and ambiguous light. I personally believe that these questionable circumstances of feats might have been Kishi's way of portraying Sakura as a flawed, vulnerable girl. She's not some indomitable powerhouse or emotionally toughened Mary Sue with no personality flaws to speak of. The human quality of hers is what is supposed to distinguish her from the others, albeit in the process it makes her seem less competent than those around her.

#886915 Kishi Made Us Hate Sakura? What do you think

Posted by Atheck on 13 November 2015 - 04:24 AM in Naruto General



Eh... I wouldn't say that description is completely accurate. For example, the relationship between Naruto and Hinata prior to the ending wasn't intimate or too close, but the former did respect the latter for what self-improvement efforts she did; which were few and far between, admittedly. Their bond was certainly closer relative to Naruto's with the other less explored members of the K11 such as Kiba, Shino, Tenten, ect. The worst you could argue is that Naruto was being insensitive and neglectful for misinterpreting Hinata's confession and failing to address it so that any confusion on where their friendship stands is resolved. While that certainly doesn't make Hinata entitled to Naruto's feelings, I do wish he could help her move on and discover new meanings to her life such as her teammates, her duty as a shinobi, and as someone trying to bridge the two subgroups of her clan and repeal the old antiquated family tenets that have plagued her clan for so long. And I don't mean that in the sense that he feels it to be his obligation as the object of her affections, but as her friend and a genuinely good person who wants the best for those around him. 


Also, with regards to the "requiring everyone else to save her" portion, she did perform better than Sakura in moments like when the Mokuton barrage was hitting the Alliance forces. I don't understand what was happening with Sakura at the time, but it was downright pitiful how she couldn't even protect herself with those hyped reflexive skills that she supposedly acquired when her inferior teammates were able to survive on their own. 

#886234 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Atheck on 08 November 2015 - 03:49 AM in Naruto General

Oh, how I yearn to see someone incite Sakura for her blatant hypocrisy. She decries Naruto's love as being a byproduct of his rivalry with Sasuke while ignoring the fact that she ended her friendship with Ino over a hormonal yearning for Sasuke while pledging that they were rivals in the pursuit of "love" now. The callous manner in which they discarded all of Naruto's feelings for Sakura was harsh enough, but it really pisses me off when they fail to acknowledge the fact that the excuses used in obliterating said feelings are the same crippling attributes that help make her infatuation over Sasuke look toxic. 

#884897 If Naruto: The Last didn't exist, would Naru/Hina be more swallowable?

Posted by Atheck on 31 October 2015 - 06:03 PM in Naruto General

What happened? I stopped watching the new DBS series since I saw that the fillers started.


Quite a bit of backlash. I personally haven't watched the series myself, but there's been various topics and comments posted on places like Kanzenshuu and DBZF that denounce her for being insensitive and unlikable. 

#884885 If Naruto: The Last didn't exist, would Naru/Hina be more swallowable?

Posted by Atheck on 31 October 2015 - 05:23 PM in Naruto General

Yeah! Goku got married to Chi-Chi. So Naruto should've got married to Sakura. Good point you just made there!


Have you seen the recent Dragonball series? Chichi is vilified to such a degree that it's caused even fans of hers to question her integrity and the reasoning for her being with Goku. She's not the best example to equate Sakura with. 

#884659 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by Atheck on 29 October 2015 - 08:27 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

The problem with her development was that it was on-off-on-off. Kishi drops her, then picks her up again. She does something amazing just to revert back to selfish weak girl or is simply forgotten about. She fights Sasori and we never see that side of her again. She gets her seal and kicks ass, but has to be saved by her male comrades she was so eager to reach up to. She expresses mental maturity in the war with two great speeches, just to end back to "why don't you love me Sasuke?".


There wasn't a realistic means for her to compete with her teammates once they started acquiring absurd godlike powers. It's the same as the tired old debate over how to revitalise the humans' roles after they were eclipsed by the Saiyans and their transformations in DBZ. At best, had Slug Sage Mode actually been made a reality and if it were combined with her seal, she might have been able to rival SM Naruto and MS Sasuke. A commendable level, but still incapable of making any significant difference against the figureheads of the opposing side like Madara. 


Original topic: I had a faint suspicion that there might be a potential upset where nH and SS occurred, albeit they were faint. There were also moments of complacency and near-absolute self-assurances that Naruto and Sakura would come together, but unfortunately the screeching masses got their dream pairings and now we're left with a battered and broken franchise where development and accountability mean nothing. 

#883115 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Atheck on 21 October 2015 - 11:07 AM in Naruto General

Isn't someone else handling the DBZ Super manga besides Toriyama? I wonder if a comparison could be made with those Naruto novels on their validity to the factual series 

#883084 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Atheck on 21 October 2015 - 02:26 AM in Naruto General

That is why i said 'I THINK' right? im just stating my opinion on the matter, to me this can't never be finished/complete until he state which is true, so far his interview just keep contradict the older one. He should have do this be clear not adding confusion, NH was plan from the beginning, then NH was plan in the middle, he even go as far to use his OWN WIFE as a shield to justify the ending, really?? is he a REAL man? using your own family to cover his own mistake? he is a father a head of the family he should be the one who protect his own family and now that rabid fans insult his own wife because of him.

Really??? is this FINISHED?? complete?? someone insult your wife and then ok whatever im leaving to write something new.


I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that he was using his wife as a deflection apparatus. All he's doing is describing how the final choice for pairings almost created a rift in their household. What he states in regards to citing her as an inspiration for Hinata was articulated more in the context of that he was trying to achieve some kind of short term appeasement with her because she was furious over a specific manga character not becoming romantically involved with another one. If the grounds for whether you're happy or not in a relationship is based upon such flimsy notions then perhaps your chief concerns are misplaced. Having your own opinions on the manga is one thing, but to allow it to dictate the terms of your actual marriage in real life is just silly. 

#883063 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Atheck on 21 October 2015 - 12:08 AM in Naruto General

I think the word of 'MOVED ON' is more suited for the fans who read his manga. He cannot simply moved on from this, this is 12-14 years manga, if i were him[kishi] trying to move on and write new manga means 'I am running away'. I believe deep down he knows this himself that he screw up, instead of at least trying to repair things he just adding more and more damage just look at each of his own interview, now he wants write new manga, he is pretty much admit he wants to run away from this situation.


Running away from what? The series which he's stated to be decisively finished with since the end of Gaiden and the movie? There's nothing left for him to do at this point unless you want him to continue perpetuating these half-assed truths and fabrications in interviews just so people can take jabs at him. I've personally come to despise the man myself because he lacks any integrity, but I do believe he should be allowed to move onto other projects instead of being hoisted back into Naruto constantly by the studio or whoever else is pulling his strings. Even if he wanted to, I doubt Kishi could do anything to rectify the ending or the series in general. 

#883054 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Atheck on 20 October 2015 - 10:37 PM in Naruto General

And here I thought romance wasn't a strong suit or concern of Kishi's. He should be trying to put the past behind him and move on to his sci-fi seinen rather than dwell on things which have already been finalised. Do you think anyone is going to be concerned over what Kishi's wife thinks? To them, she's just one unimportant background person pitching a fit because the shallow unlikable ex-heroine that's based off her didn't get with the scumbag. If he's becoming so upset over her protestations then maybe they should look into a separation or at least a mutual agreement to forget about the issue since it's done and done. If I were in his position, I would be plunging myself into the new manga while asking her to look towards the future instead of the past. 

#883051 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Atheck on 20 October 2015 - 10:03 PM in Naruto General




It's funny that WSJ video has omitted the wife being upset that NS never happened  :twitch:


I don't see why he or anyone else feels the need to justify it. If it was truly what he intended from the beginning then there shouldn't be so much attention committed to the question. Kishi should simply move onto his next project and hope that any future pairings he tries to create are better supported in that series. 

#882946 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Atheck on 20 October 2015 - 10:34 AM in Naruto General

Where was it stated in the interview that Kishi's wife was upset? 

#881203 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Atheck on 11 October 2015 - 01:08 AM in Konoha Theater

I've been keeping up with it, well mostly skimping (I think this is the correct word for not watching it entirely just skipping forward to what interested me).

It's ok, I guess. The animation is fine except for one episode were it sucked. As much as I liked Battle Of Gods (well just the fight), I find the new DBS quite boring. The magic is gone or I'm just really picky.

I also saw Resurrection of Frieza, and was disappointed with the logic behind it. I found it quite stupid.


What's wrong? Didn't care for Frieza rivaling Bluper Saiyan Goku in 4 months time? How about Gohan not being sure that he can still use Super Saiyan? Maybe it was Piccolo being taken out by someone claimed to be Zarbon-tier that annoyed you the most? Or could it be that the series has become so totally derailed that we now have Roshi taking on Frieza's army while Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Goten, and Trunks get sidelined because it's too much for them? 


That's just the movie. Personally, I have yet to watch either of the films or the new series. From what I've heard, it's just a muddied down rehashing of the films, as you said, with much more filler added in. 

#881183 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Atheck on 11 October 2015 - 12:47 AM in Konoha Theater

No, not really.


You should, I hear it's received a fairly mixed reception. One of the most notable episodes is 5 with its questionable animation and art standards. 

#881179 Masashi kishimoto will be going to comic con in new york city

Posted by Atheck on 11 October 2015 - 12:41 AM in Naruto General

He barely got asked since they restricted that. So no.


Interest... What about nH or Hinata? I assume people were probably allowed to ask about that. 

#881176 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Atheck on 11 October 2015 - 12:40 AM in Konoha Theater

Well I found out something interesting that my friend did when it came to the tickets for Boruto Naruto the movie.


Good interesting or bad interest? 


Edit: To NS4Life: Have you been following DB Super?