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There have been 217 items by rocci (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#968398 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 27

Posted by rocci on 22 September 2018 - 07:41 AM in Latest Releases

It Seem like everyone Will become op.

I think salad would become irrelevant just like her mother unless they Buff her power to the point of asspull.
Three tomoe sharingan Will not do Jack kitten. That's why Sasuke get curse seal and later mangekyo sharingan in part 2.

Salad can't escape her destiny to be sakura 2.0, even with future hokage AND pair up with burito.

I hope she fall in love with nail so there would be another love triangle and when buritoxsalad happen we can laugh at anti ns hypocrysi.

#967172 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by rocci on 24 July 2018 - 01:29 AM in Premiere Screenings

It's like using your hand to use energy beam.
Eye power is cool and it sell.

#967151 Sakura was written to be Disliked

Posted by rocci on 22 July 2018 - 11:49 PM in Naruto General

Hell, Asuna from Sword Art Online. Tsundere, but without any haters and with legions of fans wanting bet to be their Waifu.

Asuna has love Arrow to kirito and she's not into hidup rival or friend. that thing doesn't happen to sakura. Sao has Harem tag and otaku love to be in the shoes of protagonis of Harem manga since they're desire by tsundere.

Asuka from Evangelion behave the same like sakura since she like kaji. In the new movie she become part of Shinji "Harem".

That curse seal scene is one side from sakura. What Sasuke really do is testing his new power and while the hug is romantic ss scene it's not mutual because all of that come from sakura. That's the problem of ss argument that Sasuke secretly has a feeling to sakura. Which is not happening because if he does have feeling we Will know it, for example Sasuke feeling to Naruto.

pairing in Naruto ussually one side love, including ns.

#967106 Sakura was written to be Disliked

Posted by rocci on 20 July 2018 - 02:49 PM in Naruto General


Yes, Asuka from Evangelion. She has big hater but her fan is much more. Asuka is popular and considered how popular Evangelion, i think it's safe to say she's popular. After all she's tsundere champion and otaku waifu.

Otaku in Japan. I Will call foreignner as weeb.
I think if she's popular, she Will not be place behind Hinata in the last jump popularity poll.

#967105 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by rocci on 20 July 2018 - 02:38 PM in Premiere Screenings

The Kishi approval is what make it Canon. And the Canon status is what make the movie bad for they retcon many thing from Naruto know kagebushin to Naruto love = ramen.

Unless Kishi himself decanonize it, the last is still a Canon Naruto movie.

#967097 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by rocci on 20 July 2018 - 07:12 AM in Otaku Square

O Tama is better kunoichi than Hinata.

Does kaido represent bad America while Luffy Will present good America?

#967096 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by rocci on 20 July 2018 - 03:28 AM in Premiere Screenings

Burito has plot armor and the force writting. He Will be fine.

Despite full of retcon and contradiction, the last is Canon because it got Kishi aprovval. I don't think Kishi write the last.

#967095 Anime Everyone But You Likes

Posted by rocci on 20 July 2018 - 03:26 AM in Otaku Square

I read that Boruto was bestselling actually. Or most watched. So my answer is Naruto. Idk what else it would be since I dropped all series except one piece.

How much the sell of burito manga? 500k or more?

I don't like any shonen/shoujo ai and Yuri/yaoi.

I don't like stupid apocalypse manga/anime when everybody become stupid for the plot.

#967094 Sakura was written to be Disliked

Posted by rocci on 20 July 2018 - 03:22 AM in Naruto General

I don't see why Sakura is hated yet other tsunderes are beloved.

The other tsundere is actually hate, but the difference is the love outnumber the hate.

The same can't be said with sakura, who get hate because of personality, character relationship, and character role.

Another thing is sakura is not tsundere enough for otaku to said Kawai or more. So she lack moe factor that make Asuka ultra popular.

I mean sakura is not popular enough among Fangirl. I blame them for not supporting sakura and narusaku.

#966685 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by rocci on 08 July 2018 - 11:26 PM in Otaku Square

According to the interviews released the reverie that we saw was the whole arc. Probably.
I think well just see the aftermath of it after or during Wano, what country the shadow chooses to destroy. This chapter is the start of a very long arc. I dont mknd tthe jumping and I think its over now. Except between different characters in Wano there might be jumping, but not from arc to arc.

I think Wano arc would in universe a status quo breaker. Two emperor Will most likely gone and how Luffy Will fight wg later.

Anyway, i think oda now focus to Japan isolationism and the meiji restoration.

Nami wear elegant cloth.

#966684 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by rocci on 08 July 2018 - 11:21 PM in Naruto General

Give her more fight and relevancy in the story, it work with Asuka.

#966682 Sakura was written to be Disliked

Posted by rocci on 08 July 2018 - 11:19 PM in Naruto General

Sakura is not Made to be disliked.
She's Made to be annoying character, because Kishi thought it is interesting. This is taken from Naruto author note in the early volume of Naruto.

I can get where he come from because most Japanese Mangaka rarely make perfect Heroine. Most of them has flaw because most author then can develop them. From Nami, kagome, winry, casca, Akira "Heroine", and so on. All of them has hater but since the authors has either plan or writing skill to make them likeable or relevant to the story, the hated is not as big as sakura.

Sakura is universally hated, so it's not only in the western fandom.

#965101 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 16 May 2018 - 01:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Mira has takeover magic meaning she can take over a demons souls and make it part of her like she did to a member of tartartos. Also does hinata gentle fist work on anyone or just those with charka cause against someone with out charka she has no chance?

Oh sorry i thought you said Mira from soul Eater.
Mira in fairy tail is a shape shifter. She's strong character, as strong as erza without the plot armor lol.

There are two product of gentle fist. One who deal internal damage, this is the most common attack utilize by a Hyuga.
The other is the one who close tenketsu. Tenketsu is a spot where chakra come out to other body. This is and advance technique since not every Hyuga can do that. Hinata can't close tenketsu in part 1 nor does i think she can do that too in part 2. Hyuga fighting style doesn't work if you fight someone with long range attack, faster, and or have "iron" skin.

Hyuga is hype in part 1 but they are not strong. Their fan think they're the strongest when in reality they are not.

Let's agree to disagree since i don't think both of US Will find agreement.

#965069 Menma

Posted by rocci on 14 May 2018 - 11:33 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Is it NS or NH?

Ns of course.

Wow the art truly nail Kishi artstyle.
You should be the artist who draw Naruto son sequel.

#965068 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 14 May 2018 - 11:28 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

You want to know why you bring Hinata character weakness? because you know sakura Will not win again Hinata thus you need to bring that to make sakura win the fight again Hinata. You ignore what gentle fist can do and what byakugan can do.
Just said that sakura Will win no matter what. That's a typical fanboy response just like Hinata fanboy.

No, Lee Will win again Neji with gate, i said that in the previous post.
No, that statement doesn't work in part 1 sakura but work in part 2.

Better have more Jutsu than nothing. That's what sakura vs Ino fight show Or do you want sakura to not learn any Jutsu for the entire manga? Because byakugan counter them.
Bushin no Jutsu is not kage bushin so a byakugan user can see it.
Kawarimi is also counterable by byakugan since it can see where Will land so sakura trick again sound three Will not work.
And what is sakura counter to gentle fist who deal internal damage?
Does sakura has fighting style like rock Lee or Kiba?
Does sakura has speciality like tenten?
Does sakura has a Jutsu that offensive, defensive, or supportive?

I told you before if sakura has jutsu (not basic Jutsu), she Will the fight. That's why sakura always win in part 2 and i Will defend her for that.

That's what i mean, but typo. In the manga she learn healing Jutsu after she ask to be Tsunade appearantice. Or more precisely right after Naruto leave hospital.

I just compare sakura and maka character and role in their respective manga. Wow she can do that? I don't really since i only remember Marie Mjolnir effect.

#965050 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 14 May 2018 - 05:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I mean, in the manga she knew the healing technique before the hospital fight, I don't see why she wouldn't know the chakra enhanced strength by that point either. and I don't see why they'd just give her it in a pre shippuden movie if she didn't already know how to do it by then in the manga

Only in part 1 and only what happen in manga. Sakura doesn't know any healing technique before hospital fight. She only know it after she ask to be trained by Tsunade right at the end of part 1.

The crescen moon movie happen when Naruto part 2 is in progress, at That Time sakura is known to have super punch and healing Jutsu. You can say it is a fan service.

#965044 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 14 May 2018 - 12:09 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yes, i said that Hinata Will win because of gentle fist and byakugan and no that's not angka assumption.
That's statement is true but that doesn't apply to sakura IN PART 1. Why? Because she doesn't have a Jutsu beside some basic Jutsu. You need more jutsu or trick like Lee have gate. Sakura has that in part 2 thus the statement stand.

What advantage being a ninja born with bloodline power or secret Jutsu from clan? They have a guarantee Jutsu, but usually they don't go outside the box. Unlike clanless ninja who can learn anything. Hence why sakura capable to learn all of Tsunade moveset despite come from ordinary clan while Ino only learn healing.

I never considered that Hinata is equal with Neji. When i ever state that. Infact i correct someone when they said Hinata has kaiten and i even considered she's bad fighter.

Hinata never acknowlegde that Naruto love sakura, ever. And that's one of my problem with her character and nh, because for a character like Hinata who stalk and look out only one person. The fact that she doesn't acknowlegde that Naruto love sakura only show that she's in Denial or she's a yandere. That's why I don't think she care enough if fighting sakura Will hurt Naruto feeling.

I don't considered that because in battle dissusion i only considered character feat and that need to be Canon. i don't considered Hinata filler Jutsu.

By that logic sakura Will never win again Hinata post ending because sakura Will never hurt Hinata because she's Naruto wife. Or war arc sakura Will never win again sasuke in chunin Exam because she will never hurt sasuke. That'stupid.

#965025 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 13 May 2018 - 01:59 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think sakura needed a naruto version of mira Satan soul that would be awesome and she'd be powerful. Sakura is kind of like Mira a kitten character changing later in life. Though I like Mira more. Mira vs hinata Mira wins Satan soul and Mira is sexier and hotter than hinata.

That's interesting.

I think from soul Eater, sakura is more like maka. Both is a booksmart, flat chest, plain, and easy to anger. Maka is more tsundere because of the twin tail and she's more kick ass.

Maybe because maka is the central character and the author know what to do with her character while sakura is unlucky with Kishi.

I mean blackstar is much more interesting than Naruto himself. The battle with is the best 1v1 in that manga. Unlike gayruto.

#965021 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 13 May 2018 - 08:50 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Ofc Hinata Will win because being Hyuga give her advantage of having byakugan and learning gentle fist.

Sakura can't win again someone whose touch can make internal damage, having high durability or not. On top of that sakura doesn't have any Jutsu to counter gentle fist. Her basic justu trick is pretty much usesless again byakugan since they can see it.

I mean look at Ino vs sakura. Sakura capable to match eventhough Ino is not a dedicated fighter. Ino almost win when she used her Jutsu and if not Naruto support that awakening inner sakura, sakura Will lose.
Imagine if Ino try to fistfight Hinata without using her justu, do you think she Will win?

That's why I said that sakura in part 1 Will lose again Hinata because jyuken and byakugan give her advantage. And Hinata can't perform kaiten.
And no this is not my favoritism since I am not Hinata fan.

#965018 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by rocci on 13 May 2018 - 06:48 AM in Otaku Square

Where that came from? D:

It just a theory of mine.
I don't think it's her thought.

I think jinbei is more powerful than Franky despite i like funky Franky more.

#965012 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by rocci on 12 May 2018 - 11:04 PM in Otaku Square

Not sure about now I just said endgame Sanji is def >Jinbe.

I think oda Will keep the trio monster with Luffy, Zoro, and sanji in that order.
So no jinbe to replace sanji.

Unless oda change his mind like certain Mangaka.

#965011 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 12 May 2018 - 10:59 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Why should Hinata kindes and kitten Will make her lose again sakura?
This is not different than hinata win again sakura in part 2 just because she's Hyuga.

This sakura is not from part 2. Yes she's kind of durable and smart but she's not a battle smart. She's book smart. And durability Will only make you so far if you fight again someone who also doesn't have any Jutsu or advance battle style.

This Will give disadvantage for sakura despite all the weakness of hinta because she has jyuken and byakugan. It's simple math.

Oh yeah, i forget to say that sakura draw again Ino because of Naruto encouragement.

#964982 Rewriting The Story of Naruto Part II

Posted by rocci on 12 May 2018 - 08:15 AM in Naruto General

I agree with most of your post.
There's something i think could improve.

At the start of part 1, Give Naruto wind element Jutsu and already rasenshuriken. That Jutsu could/should be a fuuin Jutsu or something else. But Naruto should learn fuinjutsu after print arc. Tone down his gayness toward Sasuke. Make him has more interaction with other character.

Make sakura learn genjutsu and one element ninjutsu, preferly water element. Improve her healing Jutsu so it Will be different from the other medic like give her healing range or more efficient. And last one give her slug Sage mode to "even" out Naruto and Sasuke.

Give Sasuke buff early on so there Will be no asspull. Make him learn 4 or 5 element. Increase his stat, give mangekyo sharingan buff to his body just like kurapika eye.

No kyubi tsundere. He muat remain evil.

No war arc between Akatsuki. War arc should be between country.

Make Naruto and Sasuke figh 2 Times in part 2.

More action.

More villain so the like of sakura and other character Van get screen fight.

#964981 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rocci on 12 May 2018 - 07:16 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

So Part 1 Sakura fights Part 1 Hinata. Sakura throws kunai at Hinata, to which Hinata uses Kaiten. So Sakura throws a shuriken at Hinata and Hinata then uses Kaiten. Sakura throws a love note she got from Naruto at Hinata, etc. So Hinata is exhausting herself while Sakura expends no energy at all. Then when Sakura throws her very last projectile she can go pick them up again while Hinata is winding up to use Kaiten or using Kaiten or recovering from Kaiten. It just seems absolutely worthless.

Hinata can't use kaiten even until the end of Naruto. The only Hyuga who ever show to do that are Neji and hiasi. Heck Hinata can't even closed tenketsu. Hinata is weak even for Hyuga standar.

But even so, i Will not make claim that sakura Will win because unlike sakura, Hinata has gentle fist(jyuken).
This is part 1. Sakura is incredibly weak despite having more combat potential.

Throwing kunai is what ordinary ninja do, but sakura is not tenten who is the weapon specialized. And byakugan give Hinata better preception.

All in all if kishi give sakura a Jutsu or two in part 1, I Will guarantee you that all the talk about sakura bring useless Will be reduce.

#964978 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by rocci on 12 May 2018 - 05:05 AM in Naruto General

The second box set use drawing for popularity polling. The popularity polling at that time happen in beginning of part 2 during rescue garra arc.

That's why Sasuke is still in his part 1 self and i think Hinata is not in top Ten.