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There have been 5 items by SkiesEagle (Search limited from 25-June 23)

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#921245 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by SkiesEagle on 20 September 2016 - 09:52 PM in Otaku Square

I would like to thank to Liu bie for let me recommend to read Digimon Fusion manga.
​I am starting to like to see more details expression of that.

Speaking of which, does Digimon Adventure Tri does have closed caption yet? I would like one since I am hard of hearing, it making me difficult to hear them clearly...  :sweat:

#921241 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by SkiesEagle on 20 September 2016 - 09:36 PM in Otaku Square

I haven't watch Pokemon quite a long time. Last I stopped watching it was the end of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. When Black and White show release, I haven't got any time to watch it and got skipped several times. I manage to watch XY show flexible enough. :<


#920930 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by SkiesEagle on 16 September 2016 - 03:57 AM in Otaku Square

That's a good choice.


Digimon was always more exciting XD

Pokemon and Digimon are my childhood favorite shows. I watch all Digimon exceeeeept Digimon Fusion(I haven't watch that yet). I already heard about Digimon Adventure tri though I don't know where am I suppose to watch it.



That negative rep...


Seriously, the anime looks like a spin-off of what if.

When I saw that trailer when Ash is in Pokemon Sun and Moon's region, I am surprise the animators drew him in different style and Pikachu looks so damn cute.

I was almost thought as a spin-off but no I would think it will be new season.

It interesting to see new drawing style but can't help that style seem familiar. :/

#920926 Hola! Hello everyone

Posted by SkiesEagle on 16 September 2016 - 03:25 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Thanks, everyone! I can see some familiar faces around here! It makes me happy to see them again! :D
By any case, have a good weekend, everyone! I will be around here for hearing more of your conversation. :3

P.S: I better change my icon and my signature drawing. It so old to see that! Ahahaha!

#920855 Hola! Hello everyone

Posted by SkiesEagle on 15 September 2016 - 05:12 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

It been so long since I last visit this site. It was the aftermath the last ending of Naruto. I don't accept that conclusion of ending because it doesn't make a good satisfy ending without several good reasons. Sigh...But then, I move on and do my place to enjoy things than terrible time.

I guess I feel like want to come back after a long time and communicate with theories and other interesting parts.

I can stick around when I have time to join in then. :)


Plus, a little art can't be hurt. ~