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There have been 1 items by DJSparty (Search limited from 22-June 23)

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#969652 Lost and Found Fics

Posted by DJSparty on 12 December 2018 - 02:37 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Hello all, I am looking for a specific oneshot Narusaku fic that's told from Sakura's POV where they are both old, and wrinkled. General summary of it is basically she gets up out of bed, preparing for the day and reminiscing about her life with Naruto, children, and grandchildren. When she goes to wake him up she finds that he has passed away in his sleep. Although the ending is sort of ambiguous, it is implied that she goes back into bed next to him and passes as well. I've read this fic a while back, but after some time away I've been binging on fics again and am looking for this one for my personal list.