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There have been 62 items by TouKen4Life3g (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#975434 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 18 October 2019 - 09:35 PM in Otaku Square

Its a joke. I knew before anime that it was this greatness.

#975402 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 18 October 2019 - 03:05 AM in Otaku Square

Shounen with quality? What is this witchcraft?

#971434 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 32

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 23 February 2019 - 05:04 AM in Latest Releases

Darn. I was hoping Himawari was going to shock the world and kick her ass. She is technically a half-breed you know.

#971416 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 22 February 2019 - 12:12 PM in Otaku Square

I feel like Im missing something this week. Oh well, Black Clover is out!

#971273 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 15 February 2019 - 10:15 PM in Otaku Square

I laughed so much for Noelles one shot. Like I know I asked for a good heroine in Jump, but I didnt ask for One Punch Man. Its probably the most amusing way to introduce a villain special perk. Usually, its like a typical no way, but this one was played by accident. That was fun. Charmy in a battle against art that I am amazed Tabata can keep up while having normal to less page count.

#971250 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 15 February 2019 - 11:22 AM in Otaku Square

You thought there could only be two heroines in this main battle, but it is I, Charmy! But seriously, pretty fun Chapter all around. This series continue to surprise with funny yet smart moves in writing and action. Cant wait for next chapter.

#971085 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 08 February 2019 - 11:30 AM in Otaku Square

Sweet justice! It is finally over!

Well, I look forward to discussing more, luckychi.

#971052 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 07 February 2019 - 12:59 AM in Naruto General

Six Quirks of OFA does make it too easy.

#971032 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 06 February 2019 - 05:28 PM in Naruto General

Bad news to haters:


There was an interview with Ikemoto and he said he's looking into working within 30 volumes worth of Boruto.

#970960 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 02 February 2019 - 09:07 PM in Otaku Square

The only way for Class B to get good is to pull a Return to Shiganshina Arc for them and all of them are "recruits." That's all I can say.

#970959 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 02 February 2019 - 09:04 PM in Otaku Square

It's been a while that I judge her as a love interest satellite character, so this works out perfect for me. It is narrowing down everything she has to take in order to solidify herself as the best heroine in current Jump; as if she wasn't already. Truth be told, last chapter had me ready to say, "Looks like Noelle is going to take a backseat. That's cool." Then she joins. Now she's on her way to earn a ticket of taking a vacation of no screentime up to three arcs. That's how good she has earned.

#970933 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 01 February 2019 - 09:31 PM in Otaku Square

No I did not, know I feel ridiculous

What else is new...

#970914 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 01 February 2019 - 11:41 AM in Otaku Square

We finally reached to the end of the tunnel! *man tears*

#970866 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 31 January 2019 - 12:44 AM in Naruto General

That is any character that is not Naruto or Dragonball Z related

No Big Three
No Asta
No Deku
No Ichigo
No HxH and YuYu
Basically anyone you hear many times in USA soil. Therefore, my only selections are City Hunter (to my knowledge)...Huh...the selections seem weak?

#970838 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 29 January 2019 - 10:46 PM in Naruto General

Ill choose characters that will make USA say, Whos that?

#970810 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 28 January 2019 - 11:52 AM in Otaku Square

Excuse me for getting a bit irate...

#970767 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 31

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 26 January 2019 - 05:50 PM in Latest Releases

If only Naruto has Six Paths...oh crap, this is the series that spawned the joke. So what is ninja again?

#970720 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 25 January 2019 - 12:07 PM in Otaku Square

"Asta, they need you. You have to go. You have the swords perfect enough for their advantage."


Yeah, that make sense. It was fun with you, Black Bulls. Not even complaining. Noelle had her greatness, so I don't mind a break or so. This should be really good with the set-


"Go with them, Noelle."



#970645 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 21 January 2019 - 04:49 AM in Otaku Square

See, the thing with Superman is was making up powers in the pre-crisis era and he was very OP too, but that was never the point of Superman. His story was never the story of a man trying to be the strongest, but rather being a god among men. It was all bout whether or not he was doing the right thing. So not really a good example.

Just because Deku is OP doesn't mean the story can be boring. It is all how what kind of trials to play. What would all those powers do for say a suicide jumper?

Look at One Punch Man. OP main character....bored out of his mind. I know Saitama is going to win and I still love it.

Well, the problem is nothing has come to reinforce that type of story like you said about One Punch Man. ONE is smart to know how to write a story with an already OP characters yet get everyones attention by its writing. MHA isnt like that. The story is heading to perfection. If youre not up to date, you cant really make any claim until you know how it is written completely. OPM and Mob Psycho from the get-go always established OP doesnt mean good for the protagonist and it shows: comedy and drama.

As of late, its more of a convenient, similar to how Naruto gets lucky to square against Obito/Madara/Kaguya. OP is not even my biggest concern, though the power gap will be huge. All for One is like watching a glimpse of high tier battle, equivalent to Orochimaru vs. Sarutobi. After it, its been largely new enemy equal stronger than the last except one, but even then, Deku just won. So I have little confidence until from this point forward, everything must go forward with better direction.

#970618 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 19 January 2019 - 04:56 PM in Otaku Square

That panel with all Black Bulls members, aside from Yamucha I mean Finral, is something the series can pull off and make me believe their bonds.

Luckychi, you know where Im going with this...

#970617 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 19 January 2019 - 04:04 PM in Otaku Square


That is only your assumption that just because the characters are getting stronger that means the drama is thrown out the window already. Are you seeing over the top powers and abilities that would break the story just by existing? because I don't, and the sole exception, Eri, has been addressed, since she can't control her quirk.


plus you are thinking that just because characters increased their abilities that makes all fights pointless because they are pulling DBZ, Bleach, and Naruto levels of "cool just for the sake of being cool" powers when it hasn't even hit that level with most characters. It has shown no matter how strong they get there is a way to counter their powers so the drama and tension of the fights is still intact. In most cases anyway.


And Lastly you are only assuming the endgame of Deku being op when nothing of the sort has happened yet as he is still learning to control the super strength of OFA, the other quirks have not popped out yet. and the ONE TIME he did show his full potential with OFA's strength was with help from Eri and again, she can't do that at the moment at will. Not to mention when we reach that point who's to say there won't be villains that are at AFO's level or stronger. The shonen formula has always introduced new villains as bigger threats than the last, and yes it WILL most likely devolve to the point of being so ridiculous that it simplifies to having the most OP kitten come out on top (who has the biggest stick, so to speak), but we are not at that point yet. You are having those assumptions and feelings prematurely when we are not even there at this point in time nor do we know how it will be handled and written.  

Why do I have a bad feeling in the future, I will have a gif of a character leaning forward for an apology as the other character takes time to say, "I'm sorry." Seriously, while it is an assumption, it's not something to disregard.


The series has hardly keep up with everyone to be in the same wavelength. With all due respect, I believe we have officially hit the breaking point of the fanbase and where we may begin to split apart. I am hearing loud noises over 4chan and reddit. I remember thinking I was alone on the non-sense that happened with Overhaul and it turns out I wasn't. I did some digging and apparently a lot of people hated it. The one thing people took great advantage is "explanation." We get explained, but we shouldn't eat everything they give us, no matter if we like the series. It's like Pain's revival. We know he can do it and hell, we know he is capable to revive everyone. The question is, must we? For narrative sake, no. That's Eri. I can another 30 minutes why that arc harmed the series. Even the announcement for Season 4 got people only talking about the reactions of fans, more so than the content itself.


Optimistic or not, the writing in the past hasn't favored any character that isn't Shouto, Bakugou, or Deku. If they were, I would like to know when. School activities don't count. Because of experience, there's no way I would believe the students are up to the same wavelength. Even in this arc, barely anyone got developed. Do you honestly want me to remain hopeful? Do you believe everyone will remain hopeful? I know Naruto may have scarred everyone and while this series isn't there yet, it's garnering the elements that will be its downfall. I'm sorry for being part of the fanbase, because I can imagine people want me out for having an opinion outside of "praise the sun."


Once again, experience has led to this feeling. You may think Kohei's writing is top notch, I think it's mixed. If this revelation was to happen immediately after Hideout Raid Arc, I would have some confidence. Plus, it's earlier on before we establish the power gap is growing. However, after many hiccups and head scratching moments, I have the rights to feel worried and more. Plus, there's more takeaway from this chapter than future assumptions. Of course, future villains will always be stronger, but many of characters are being left behind already, development and action. I don't remember the last the class ever taken on a boss level character or even sub-boss. Can I be wrong? Yes. Can you be wrong? Yes. There's no denying that there's a lot to fear and understandably so. It's only matter if we feared nothing or scream for the doomsday.

#970599 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 18 January 2019 - 10:00 PM in Otaku Square

Hes going to be OP. The signs are all there. I get that OfA already grant him that but when you add in more, then why. As for signs, think about it.

Nomu 2.0 is happening and perhaps even more upgrade. It already caused enough problem for Endeavor, who is now number 1 hero. Yes, it does downplay other top 10 a lot but hey, writing. Thank God for Kimetsu.

High End can clone itself. That already sets up for weaklings, I mean Class 1-A, I mean weak heroes to fight against without worries to fight bosses. Not to mention, League of Lose Villains have those supplements to increase power, so more use of henchmen.

Shouto has a new power-up; one that overshadowed Endeavors flame when utilize right. He can, but needs work. That said he can do it and its only a matter of time that he will surpass him, the number one hero. Power level what?

Bakugou hasnt lost to my recollection, so hes already powerful. Enough said.

Dekus quirk reflects by his emotions. Expect power of love kitten inbound but hey, paring, am I right? But seriously, expect a lot of power scaling mishaps.

Deku can use 7 quirks now (OfA included). Funny how we are in a stalemate to believe all of his quirk will be either supportive or offensive. Like that wouldnt undermine anyone else. Right, Sero? One or two quirk with strong offense is enough to alarm the worst. Now that the five is just waiting to unlock, expect plot convenient that will make Yami Yugi believe its unfair.

We just have to wait and see, but know this. Next chapter is the closure to this arc that somehow made it worse than Internship Arc. Should we expect Deku squashing everyone? Well see. In the meantime, Im just wondering how many times Ochako has to be saved in a span of a chapter.

#970594 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 18 January 2019 - 07:31 PM in Otaku Square

Regardless of who did the saving, he needed to be saved. It's not resolved, as the predecessor said himself before disappearing. It was an obvious allusion that he's going to be tested in that measure going forward, and will struggle with it. And yes, he was having problems with Gentle before the girl used her quirk. It wasn't an easy fight for him. Regarding danger, not every struggle has to be life and death. Deku doesn't have to be on the verge of dying for it to count as a struggle. 


I'm with you if it turns out to actually be bad writing down the line, but to me, this opens up the road for Deku to develop on his own instead of having it taken away by enter-side-character-here. This is more exciting than anything we've gotten recently. To me at least. Of course, I'm not exactly confident that the author won't screw Deku over in favor of someone else, but that remains to be seen.

If you remember, Deku did his flick that ricochet and won. It's La Brava that basically gave him an extra round so to speak. I know not everything has to be life and death, but again, we are due for something new. The series has gotten too formulaic, so now it's time to freshen up a notch. Also, it hasn't been compelling since Hideout Raid Arc, which had a good amount of buildup to that moment. Here, it feels like couple of notes but not much to engage with the characters. It feels like a story driven series than a character driven yet it is not.


I don't find that as a compliment. It only tells me the series has been a snore-fest, only to give something "interesting" by a strange claim of set of power-ups. I see it more of "why" than impressed. Can I be wrong? Yes. If this arc happened after Hideout Raid Arc, I won't have doubts on Kohei's writing. After plenty of mishaps, including the future non-sense, I have so many reasonable doubts.

#970593 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 18 January 2019 - 07:23 PM in Otaku Square

The start did say that this was the story of how he became the greatest hero of all time. It is essentially Deku retelling what has already happened. So I can't say I am surprised. You can't be the strongest with super strength alone.

So it is kind of foreshadow.

Is that supposed to be an excuse? Might as well become Ichigo while he's at it. I believe you didn't read the series or caught up to it, but when you read the journey, you'll start feeling conflicted because it seems lost in its own shuffle. How would you feel if Superman suddenly has even more power than the established skill set. Isn't the number one rule with heroes is not overpowering them? Even he has weaknesses and problems as you pointed out. Don't you want your journey to be thrilling, exciting, and above all, earned? Perhaps I shouldn't spoil, but nothing really screams a necessary.

#970585 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 18 January 2019 - 06:21 PM in Otaku Square

So losing control of his quirks and having no idea what happened and being saved by Ochacko is not Deku struggling? And losing control of his quirks in his sleep is also not him struggling? But in a broader sense, since saving that little girl, how many opportunities have we seen where Deku could have struggled? The only time he could have was against that YouTube dude, and he struggled even then. He’s struggled at every turn.

Shinso did the saving while Ochako holds him down. Deku was struggling by himself and the funny thing is, it's resolved. Yes, he can screw up again, which is pretty much a trope of an angry protagonist. Also, those struggles you pointed out aren't worth feeling the threat or believe the danger because there is none. With Overhaul, yes, there was until he got the ridiculous star power that killed all hype and tension. Even the latest DB movie did it far better. He didn't have much problem with Gentle until La Brava's quirk activated, only he still wins without too much of a hassle. His concern was the festival being cancelled. Oh the humanity.


The feel of danger has been slacking for a while. It's not entertaining anymore.