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There have been 62 items by TouKen4Life3g (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#969960 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 23 December 2018 - 05:47 PM in Otaku Square

There will be female characters; just not under pressure since they will remain in the background. No main character status.

#969954 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 23 December 2018 - 03:57 PM in Otaku Square

Smart move of Kishi. Have Samurai 8 consist only men, avoiding female cast at all cost. Well played.

#969898 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 20 December 2018 - 07:36 PM in Otaku Square

We have Kyuubi going on for now. Or cursed mark. Or Hollow Form. I guess we'll wait and see what is the result.

#969894 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 20 December 2018 - 05:52 PM in Otaku Square

You know what this unique series needs? Kyuubi.

#969890 Black Clover

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 20 December 2018 - 02:34 PM in Otaku Square

Noelle is in the front cover for the next volume. You know, a heroine that is treated with respect.

#969716 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 14 December 2018 - 07:32 PM in Otaku Square

This is BlueStars favorite arc after all lol 😂

Honestly, I want to mention it in my review so bad.

#969712 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 14 December 2018 - 04:17 PM in Otaku Square

Some of these class B students powers seem kind of useless outside these team fight. Double impact: a place where a impact occurred the guy can make it happen again. How is that useful?

It's more of a convenient since Class B are solely underdeveloped and would amount to being obstacles for the sake of arc. The weird part about this is how many quirks from both sides are team-based, yet we hardly get that many. Sure, there's this arc, but it's not like the fundamental will carry on to the next arc afterward. The lack of choreograph doesn't help either. By no means, I'm not here to start a fire, but this is where Black Clover does it right. Everyone is more of a fighter yet the teamwork ends up refreshing, For supporters, they actually work as intended. I was hoping for this arc to show some of that, but now, I'm just thinking, "Maybe Class B should receive Return to Shiganshina Arc treatment."

#969709 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 14 December 2018 - 03:52 PM in Otaku Square

Has the mangaka forgotten his own characters this arc? First we have Momo getting outsmarted, then we have a team with Shouto and Tenya scrape a draw, then we have Bakugou working well in a team, and now we have Deku who we've seen this entire manga analysing everything in his little book, coming up with such a basic strategy that the opponent will easily figure out and counter. They were even told earlier they were at a disadvantage as the opponents knew more about them than the other way around, so would need to up their game.


Have to say I'm kind of disappointed with this arc so far, Team A are coming off as muscle heads with no real plan, where Team B are not only coming out to be the better organised and smarter, also some of their quirks seem more OP than most of Class A.

Just kind of?

#969602 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 08 December 2018 - 11:37 AM in Otaku Square

It was his character, you guys! He is Number One!

#969596 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 08 December 2018 - 12:01 AM in Otaku Square

What he hasn't killed anyone yet. This is just them shilling the is character improved...somewhat.

I just felt saying it. But Ill be lying if I say it didnt insult my intelligence. Ill go far as saying, Its a crime to make me remember Naruto.

#969589 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 07 December 2018 - 08:51 PM in Otaku Square

That line about "you have a good childhood friend" was frankly embarrassing, and it was insulting that All Might was the one to say it. Horikoshi's obsession with Bakugou is disgusting.

Coolest guy ever!

#969516 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by TouKen4Life3g on 30 November 2018 - 12:30 PM in Otaku Square

YES!!! (It may not reach One Piece levels of popularity and top charts... yet, who knows in the next couple of years) Congrats to Horikoshi-sensei and the team!


Hopefully, the franchise will be very successful worldwide ala Pokemon, Dragon Ball, and *sigh* Naruto. Two Heroes crushed its box office debut in the US (passed Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F numbers). So I'm very happy for the franchise that it made it to the top 3!

It didn't pass Resurrection F numbers debut, let alone the overall. Just want to correct this.


Also, hard to say. The backlogs was strong this year, but like The Seven Deadly Sins, it could only be a one-time moment in shine. Unless Shueisha goes  hard and put all stocks on MHA next year over One Piece with a film and game on the horizon and USA fans migrants to Japan, it's hard to say if it would ever pass the titan. The momentum, we just have to wait and see.