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There have been 165 items by lord287 (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#705341 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by lord287 on 14 December 2014 - 03:08 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

kishi had no problem pairing them up together, stealing our forehead scene and giving them a daughter. who's to say he won't do a wedding? sakura played the match maker for naruto and next time naruto will play match maker for sakura (ugh) lol.


i know, i know. it sounds repulsive, but this is kishi we're talking about. you know, the guy who rewarded a baby attempting murderer.

Agreed. We all know now that Kishi will do anything for money. He won't give a kitten making Naruto the best man and showing an SS wedding just to get more money out of those SS fans.


Hell he made Sakura tell Naruto that he only loved her because he wanted to compete against Sasuke, meaning all those smiles and moments of appreciation from Naruto towards Sakura were because of his misdirected love for Sakura.

#679701 Will you guys watch Naruto-The Last?

Posted by lord287 on 30 November 2014 - 02:53 PM in Naruto General

Yes, of course, I know kishi will make it alright.

Please tell me you are being sarcastic. :ermm:

#679698 Will you guys watch Naruto-The Last?

Posted by lord287 on 30 November 2014 - 02:47 PM in Naruto General

I was just thinking since it is pretty much clear that the reason kishi made this movie is because he wants to earn more money and wants to give stupid justification for NH/SS happening, will you guys be watching the movie.


I will never watch it for sure, because the characters will be OOC, the story will be OOC the whole plot will be OOC.


I won't be surprised if it's shown that


1. Naruto is giving up in a fight

2. Sakura is abandoning severely injured Naruto to tend to a little scratch on Sasuke

3. Sasuke goes all I will save you Sakura no matter what etc.


I just can't watch the movie at all, already stopped watching the anime, because it will be just too much to see NS moments when I know in the end they won't mean kitten, after all Naruto was just showing selfless love towards Sakura because she was in love with Sasuke and he wanted to compete against Sasuke in everything.


Also does anyone realize kishi saying Sakura couldn't move on because it will make her a terrible person canonically tells us that Rin was a terrible woman. Just WOW!


I see many people saying that they still trust kishi will do something nice for NS in the movie, but to all those people in denial, that will not happen at all. This movie is solely made for the purpose of giving stupid justifications for why NH happened despite the face that NS was the one to get the interactions and developments, parallels etc.


I think no Naruto fan should watch the movie(well NH/SS fans will to get some more happiness of how their crack pairing happened :lmao: ), it will just make Kishi more rich, and we will have to go through trauma of seeing stupid justifications.

#679629 Naruto:The Last Movie spoilers?

Posted by lord287 on 30 November 2014 - 11:54 AM in Naruto General

Its not confirmed but takL translated one of the many leaked spoilers and this was one among them. 


Apparently, Naruto goes and floats in a magical lake where he magically realizes his hidden feelings for Hinata. Then he goes and proposes to Hinata but she doesn't say yes. She leaves with the villain Toneri instead. Naruto gets all jelly and starts sulking like an immature brat.


Then Shikamaru and Sai try to act as advisors for NH but Naruto still remains sad that the angel Hinata rejected him. Then Shikamaru asks Sakura to help them and she goes to talk with Naruto.


In that conversation, Naruto talks about his feelings for Hinata and says- " Whenever I think about Hinata, I get a feeling of tightness in my chest ". Sakura responds- " That's how I feel about Sasuke. If a girl loves someone when she was young, that love never goes away. You never were like this when you liked me. What you feel for Hinata is much stronger. You only liked me because I liked Sasuke ".  


Its batsh*t crazy  :roll:

OMG, seriouslly!!


All those selfless feelings Naruto showed were nothing but just because Sakura liked Sasuke. Well done kishi, he seriously knows how to mess up everything, every development, every character, every moment.


I seriously will shoot him if I ever find him in front of me :wallbash: :wallbash:

#679617 Naruto:The Last Movie spoilers?

Posted by lord287 on 30 November 2014 - 11:16 AM in Naruto General

I just read it somewhere and don't know if it is true or not but does Naruto:The Last Scarf shows that Naruto's feelings for Sakura were nothing but just because of his competition with Sasuke.


I don't remember where I found it, but is this true?

#670800 One Last Rant

Posted by lord287 on 24 November 2014 - 03:22 AM in Naruto General

First of all I hope you do realize you're trying to justify something that makes no sense and it goes against pre-established information. Those kids having whiskers marks makes no sense.

I can blame Naruto for giving up on Sakura, because that's what he did. You can't possible tell me that the character that has been portrayed and said that will surpass everyone before him in the end gave up. Take a look at Jiraiya he loved Tsunade all his life even when Tsunade was with Dan. Another great example Obito, this guy started a war because of 12 year old girl and he never gave up on that love for her. Even when it was childish and stupid. Remember Naruto is the one that no matter what never changes and never gives up.


Even though it annoys me to say this but Naruto moving on but could've been integrated and it could've made some sense if it was done right. Have Naruto confess and then Sakura tells him sorry I just don't have those feelings for you. And then Naruto moves on. That's the problem all that love that Naruto had/has for Sakura was just forgotten and not mentioned again. Like it didn't even exist.

Was it pre established that if the father has the kyubi chakra it won't affect the features of their children. Naruto got the whiskers because kushina had kurama, but it is not known whether he would have/not have got the whiskers if Minato had Kurama. So that point is indeed pretty useless one.


Their is a lot of difference between Jiraiya loving Tsunade and Naruto loving Sakura. First of all Jiraiya hadn't actually done anything much for Tsunade unlike Naruto. Naruto did a whole lot of things for Sakura. ObiRin happened suddenly, because last I know she still loved Kakashi before dying and suddenly ObiRin happened after they both die.

Naruto just couldn't go on asking Sakura for dates and possible confess when it is so damn clear to him that she was ready to leave not only him but the whole village for that BASTARD, meaning she still loves Sasuke very much and he had no chance. HE LITERALLY DID EVERYTHING FOR HER, and if those things didn't change anything why would just some words out his mouth which she was already damn aware of make any difference.


I completely agree with many things happening out of nowhere in the ending including SS/NH, but I completely don't agree about Naruto not having guts, just because he didn't confess to a girl he knows he can't do anything more for her to make her love him. Naruto used to supress his feelings back in part 1 when Sakura showed feelings for Sasuke, and he did the same thing when they became canon. BY THE WAY, SHE ALREADY kittening KNEW ABOUT HIS FEELINGS AND DID A FAKE CONFESSION. NARUTO DOESN'T NEED TO GET ANYWHERE NEAR HER FOR A CONFESSION AFTER HER SAYING "I LOVE YOU" TO SASUKE AND ASKING IF SHE CAN LEAVE WITH HIM. 





So I agree with Nostradamus it is Naruto fault after all he was the one that made Sakura fail more in love with him remember chapter 3 Naruto looking like Sasuke oh yeah that was never brought up by Naruto again Kishi not Sakura who you seem to keep blaming when any any writer would have had her move on but not Kisdhi again his fault not Sakura's SO STOP DIGGING AT HER!

Oh that's nice. People can talk and blame Naruto about not having guts for not confessing and moving on, but it is completely not okay to blame Sakura.


I damn well know kishi was at fault, but if someone says Naruto is at fault for not confessing, then I think definitely Sakura should be blamed very much for the reason Naruto didn't confess.


NS not happening the blame goes

1. KISHI (anything happening or not happening, he is to be blamed)

2. Sakura (according to the story she is the one who couldn't stop loving Sasuke, did a fake confession to Naruto)

3. No one else.


Even kishi said in his interview about that Sakura still loving Sasuke because her loving Naruto would make her a terrible woman( seriously what nonsense kishimoto), but this sentence justifies that Naruto only moved on after he was convinced that their is no chance for him now to gain Sakura's love.

This sentence clearly tells us that SS happening lead to NH happening, thus Naruto moved on only after he was sure that he is just a third wheel between them now in kittening way can make that stupid girl love him.



Nostradamus@ please ignore the troll who hates Sakura, its not worth it talking to him.

I am not a troll, and you just like many other people are just too much in love with Sakura to see her being wrong and start blaming Naruto for NS not happening, whereas how Naruto was their for Sakura, it is Sakura who was in turn the gutless, kitten who chose her abuser over the person who loved her so selflessly.

No unbiased Naruto fan(the series) will in his right mind think that Naruto deserves blame for NS not becoming Canon. It is just SUPER DOOPER SAKURA LOVERS blind to her stupidity like many people here that think Sakura deserved a confession from Naruto after what she said to Sasuke in 693 and 699 and NAruto is at fault for not confessing.

#670300 One Last Rant

Posted by lord287 on 23 November 2014 - 07:03 PM in Naruto General


But the way Naruto treats his own son is exactly the same he was treated by the villagers. Naruto didn’t become the solution to the problem, he became the problem. He’s own kid is treated like trash. He tells his kid to deal with it because he would rather spend time in his office doing nothing; I mean really what was he doing? Drinking, eating ramen and going on Facebook. His own son even wrote on the Hokage monument “sh*tty dad”. That’s catastrophically bad. And this shouldn’t even exist.

I mean ok he ended up with a girl he never loved. But why should the kid be punished because he never had the guts to tell Sakura how he really feels. He just gave up.


To be continued.

 Well the space reason about the children getting whiskers is kind of useless. You do realise that the kids are made from Naruto's sperms right? His genes do contain kurama's chakra now, so them having whiskers is completely legit.


And now about the thing I underlined. I feel that you can definitely blame Naruto for being a sh*tty dad(we all do), but you simply can't blame him for not confessing to Sakura. Why should a sensible guy under any conditions confess to a girl who just ignored him and was so ready to leave him behind for the man who tried to kill her and did nothing for her all these years? I think that was a good thing that Naruto didn't confess, but I would have liked to see some interaction between them where Naruto was shown with the sad smile or something like that when Sakura said she was ready to leave with Sasuke.


In the end Naruto didn't give up, he just moved on, yes he might have made Hinata a silver medal, but that is how it is. Naruto couldn't have done anything else to show Sakura his love for her. Sai had already told Sakura about his feelings and Sakura just didn't came to feel that way for Naruto in the end. Sakura chose to be a fangirl whereas Naruto decided to start a family and not wait/hope for Sakura to get a divorce.


So I myself don't like anyone except Jiraiya, Kushina and Minato anymore, but still whenever I see someone saying Naruto didn't had the guts to confess, it is just wrong.



#666737 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by lord287 on 20 November 2014 - 06:09 PM in Naruto General

LOL, this comment of his just proves how we blindly followed and trusted a stupid person for so many years.


So he thinks Sakura loving Naruto after all the development given will make her a terrible woman, but Naruto choosing Hinata just because Sakura rejected him will have positive impact on Naruto or Hinata. I still won't blame Naruto for giving up on Sakura because he couldn't actually do anything more to show her how much he loves her.



That stupid kishi should be made to see a talk between their children asking Sakura/Sasuke and Hinata/Naruto how they came together.

It will really be funny to hear Sakura say "Your father tried to stab me twice and third time is a charm, he stabbed right through my chest and I knew he was the one I will make babies with", whereas Sasuke will say "You are just an annoyance, like your mother". Hinata will probably be saying "Naruto-kun, I, umm, Naruto-kun, I should help you guys with your homework", whereas Naruto will say "I loved Sakura, but she loved Sasuke, and when I had already did everything I or any man could do for the woman he loves and still my feelings didn't get requited, I decided to marry Hinata, don't you see why I don't spend much time with you guys."


"You guys are just an excuse to continue this Stupid series made by a Stupid man."

#661539 Retcons and abandoned subplots

Posted by lord287 on 15 November 2014 - 09:52 AM in Naruto General

Abandoned subplot:


  • Sakura's developments
  • Naruto's never give up nature
  • Naruto funny nature
  • Sasuke I, me, myself nature
  • Orochimaru

#660538 Kishi Interviews Request Links

Posted by lord287 on 14 November 2014 - 06:46 AM in Naruto General

Anyone have the interview of Kishi claiming that Sakura was being honest with her confession? Or is this fake info too?

I think what the Sasuke fan kishimoto meant be honest with her confession was just the part where Sakura says Naruto has always been there for her. I don't think he meant she was honest with the "I LOVE YOU" part. Also I also think maybe this interview was also fake. Everything that kishi spoke etc seems fake now. All the databooks, interviews were just a way to give useless info and create confusion or lead fans away from the actual path kishi was writing.


Kishi also said in one of his interviews that he likes writing romance, and his next manga will be based on romance, but seeing how that bastard ended Naruto, Romantically and otherwise, he seriously is not worthy of being called a writer.


DBZ, Death Note, One Piece, Fairy Tail all are far more worthy of praise than this stupid kitten called Naruto Sasuke.

#657294 DOn't f**king blame Naruto(character)

Posted by lord287 on 11 November 2014 - 05:10 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

lord287@ I always knew you were a troll and a Sakura hater. Don't hate Naruto but its okay to hate Sakura for still loving Sasuke. You do realise Kishimoto originally was planning for NS to happen. I bet if NS becomes canon you would be p*ssed because you won't have an excuse to hate Sakura. Whatever me on the other I won't blame any of the characters not even Kishimoto, but I will blame his editors. They're the ones who pressured Kishi to make NH and SS because making the pairings that are world wide popular will please the fandom and will bring a lot of money.

Not a troll at all. This site was made for people who liked NS, not for those who were hopelessly in love with Sakura. So I came here for NS not to meet Sakura's biggest fans. And yeah, after how Sakura did turn out I do hate her and prefer her dying, but if NS would have happened, it would have depended how it happened. Because for me only justifying way for NS to happen was if chapter 693 also didn't happen, but that's all in the past.


If we are looking at the characters, Sakura did turn out to be kitten, I can't blame Naruto for the romantic part, but I dislike even Naruto for how he turned out to be towards his kids and how he just became so serious. This Naruto is complete kitten, but still I won't blame him for moving on from Sakura or maybe even giving up on her.

#652868 In the end, which was the main pairing? NH...or SS?

Posted by lord287 on 09 November 2014 - 09:33 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think SS happened first then NH, because I don't think Naruto would have suddenly moved on, until he was sure that their is nothing more left for him to do to prove Sakura he loves her. When he completed POAL we saw how Sakura just forgot Naruto, so maybe Naruto thought it is better to move on now, since his Sakura-chan was happy and then he decided to settle for Hinata.


So for me I think SS turned out to be the main pairing, which is so much worse then an open ending/NS

#651443 Did Kishi really mess up or was it planned?

Posted by lord287 on 08 November 2014 - 05:22 PM in Naruto General

Why shouldn't you be thinking about a stupid ending of your favorite series?


It's only been two days at most.  


No, I do not think Kishimoto wanted to intentionally hurt NarutoxSakura or the fandom.  Fandom is an abstract concept to many writers, they really do not learn about it until they log onto a computer!  And Kishimoto does not even know how to use a computer! The big man said it himself too. 


NaruSaku moments...that was his love child, with the amount of parallels and foreshadowing he did? No way he was spitting on it.  However the panels with Sasuke insulting Sakura, making her feel bad, and with Naruto ignoring Hinata up until the end.  Oh, no mere coincidence.  We literally got zoomed in of Sakura feeling bad after Sasuke insults her, and Naruto's reaction.  Haha.


The ending seemed not ideally planned. Just as he planned to end it around Pain Arc, but was denied. Just as he was denied delaying Sasuke's return.. just as he..the list goes on. Again, as I stated before, it is entirely plausible this is the ending he was forced to do.  SJ are not angels, they really kitten with people's stories.  That's also a fact.  


Please do not hate this man, dislike him yes, but do not hate him.


There is no ways to forget this. It happened.  Embrace it for it's badness, and in time it will bother you no more.  Deny that it bothers you and eventually it will drive you mad.

But it couldn't be like he didn't know that he is not going to make NS canon for last 1 year atleast.


The Last Movie must have taken atleast an years work, and he continued to give us NS hints.


I mean why couldn't he just stop when he knew he was just going to throw all the development, so why keep on giving development.


He should have just stopped long ago and stopped from Sasuke keeping on saying Sakura is useless. If he would have made Sasuke do that earlier maybe in the end it would have been atleast 1% believable, but no suddenly in 699 he cares for Sakura.


Why don't make Naruto be with Hinata for some more time after the hand holding part. Hell unlike SS he didn't even interact with her in 699 or 700. Maybe the people who will see the movie will get to see the development, but still it will always be unbelievable to me that SS/NH happened over an open ending/NS.

#651287 Did Kishi really mess up or was it planned?

Posted by lord287 on 08 November 2014 - 03:30 PM in Naruto General

I know I shouldn't be still thinking about the stupid ending, but whenever I see the name Naruto anywhere(facebook, manga sites etc), I just couldn't stop but think about the stupid ending.


I think since we all know for sure now, that the last movie will be NH and SS, I think kishi must have known this for at least 1.5 years that he was going to end up his manga with NH/SS, and still he kept on giving us NS scenes. I don't know what was his mind thinking exactly, that if he already knew he was going to end with NH/SS, he should have stopped giving pro-NS(girlfriend comment, obito's thought about Sakura always wanting to help Naruto, CPR moment etc) and started giving anti-NS(the only anti-NS was 693, others were all pro-NS).


I think kishi intentionally wanted to hurt NS, otherwise their is no reason for him to do something like this(or he intentionally wanted to do this and is so greedy that no amount of money is enough for him in comparison of justified ending to his manga)


I kittening hate him more and more by each passing day, dammit. Somebody tell me ways to forget that I ever even read this stupid manga, whose main character ended up being a huge ass looser.

#648528 If Sakura wasn't a character controlled by Kishi, would she still have ac...

Posted by lord287 on 07 November 2014 - 11:18 AM in Naruto General

My option goes for maybe, because their are many real life situations where women took all the abuse just because they loved the man or some other reason.


I would have really loved to see NS becoming canon with Sakura not thinking about Sasuke as her love in part 2 but kishi did actually kept on giving us hints that Sakura still loved Sasuke(LOI FAKE CONFESSION, chapter 540, after pein arc when the old man from the very first arc of Naruto asked about love triangle, sakura shedding so many tears when she came to know Sasuke joined akatsuki,chapter 693 etc.) so it wasn't surprise to me that she reverted back to her fangirl mode and completely forgot Naruto.


What surprised me was how the hell Sasuke suddenly got so close to Sakura, when not even 3-4 chapters ago he called her an annoyance, and said Naruto was his only friend.

#648443 NaruSaku Doujinshi by LadyGT (and more pics)

Posted by lord287 on 07 November 2014 - 09:47 AM in Artists' Square

I love her artwork and always Favorited/liked her arts and it will be nice to see an alternate ending, but at the same time NH/SS fans will say that the NS fans are so in denial of the real canon manga that they are still making fan arts of alternate endings. I think we should accept our defeat and simply forget this manga ever happened. No matter what we do, the canon pairings won't be changed and we will have to live with loving a pairing that was brutally murdered in the end.


Doing an alternate ending will exactly be like how NH/SS fans Photoshopped NS moments into their pairings. I don't want for us to fall to their level. Kishi has declared the result and we should accept it no matter how bitter it is.


In my case I will just forget the whole manga existed ( already deleted all the episodes of Naruto and stopped watching the anime), otherwise I will always hate myself for loving such a manga.

#648351 Realistically...

Posted by lord287 on 07 November 2014 - 08:40 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

yeah but he gave up on her afterwards. He wanted to be with her as well and he gave up on her. He ended up being her delivery boy. NARUTO was supposed to achieve his dreams but he failed and he gave up.

I don't think Naruto gave up, he just moved on. I mean he must have saw how Sakura went back to her Sasuke fan-girl mode, so when he must have seen that even after his doing everything for her and also completing POAL she still loves Sasuke, he did what needed to be done, MOVED ON.


Naruto was trying hard to get her since part 1 but at that time he haven't actually done much for Sakura and then he did all things for her, and then he said to Sai he will confess to her after keeping his promise, but sai already told her and he got a confession which now was finally proven to be fake when he saw that Sakura just sidelined him after Sasuke is back. So he must have been hurt and decided to move on.


As I said in another topic

The person who is to be blamed very much is Kishi, followed by Sakura. As far as I can see Naruto's fault is MOVING ON and leaving Sakura happy with the man she wanted to be with.


I would have never confessed if my story would have been like Naruto and Sakura. Maybe 0.1% males in the world would have the courage to confess after what kishi made Sakura do to Naruto. She for god sakes didn't even react to his "Sakura-chan" statement, said him "Thank You", but instead she was ready to go with Sasuke.


It was like Naruto lets bring Sasuke back together, so that later on I and him can leave you and go together on our journey of sex


I am not in any way saying Naruto marrying Hinata is justified or Sakura not even interacting with Naruto since chapter 692, but I think kishi will just do some more kitten in the movie which will make NH/SS fans even more justified with their pairings and will completely ignore the 15 years of development of NS(many of them never actually considered that development anyway).


Actually, I don't think Naruto is to be blamed in any way for NS not happening, it is just kishi followed by Sakura, we all know Naruto loved her deeply, and only if Sakura could have moved on way earlier from Sasuke. But Naruto did turn out to be a disappointment in the end, like how he was lecturing his kid and giving excuses for not spending more time with him.


The only real favorite characters left for me from the manga are Minato, Kushina and Jiraiya. Now I am even happy that they died, otherwise Kishi would have somehow messed their characters as well. :wallbash:

#648212 What would you rank Naruto as a Series?

Posted by lord287 on 07 November 2014 - 07:23 AM in Naruto General

I am giving a 2,


because first of all I like a story only if it's ending is also justified with the whole story. I will never be able to disregard chapters 699 and 700, because no matter what, they are to be considered canon, whether we like it or not. It would have been around 8 for the part 1, 7-8 for early part 2(i.e before LOI confession), 4-6 for before 693, 1 after that, but giving 2 because of Naruto at least shown to be a Hokage, even though he turned out to be a kitten to his son, which I never even imagined in my dreams and of course straw hat Jolly Roger.

#648186 Why were YOU disappointed?

Posted by lord287 on 07 November 2014 - 07:14 AM in Naruto General

I will just list the top 3 disappointing things


1) No interaction between Naruto and Sakura


2) Naruto not giving enough time to his son. I expected Naruto to be way better than this. Even if he told his son he is busy, that is no way to treat his son like that. The way real Naruto was developed, he would have found out time for his son and also would have helped him paint his face monument. That was the goofy and fun-filled Naruto, I and most probably many fell in love with. Not the Naruto, who gives a lecture to his son about not doing pranks.


3) SS and NH happened. One pairing is super abusive and also has negligible interaction and the other one also didn't have any development. Seemed like naruto just fell in love with Hinata for sake of having children, but NH maybe developed a bit in the movie, but their also I don't think the way his feelings for Sakura vanished will be explained


Their are many more things which disappoint me like bringing Sakura to her part 1 self, only caring about her Sasuke-kun, why Tsunade stepped down, whereabouts of Orochimaru, Yamato etc.


THe ending was like the whole part 2 didn't happen at all, and only the part 1 where Sasuke was nice to Sakura and everyone was considered and we got the ending of the stupid manga Naruto Sasuke.

#645838 I'm not done with Naruto but....

Posted by lord287 on 06 November 2014 - 06:08 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Same here, but I need time away to sort things out in my head.  I've been through this before (Harry Potter), so hopefully this time it will take me less than ten years to feel like coming back.


If you in any way is saying that NaruSaku not happening is the same case as HermoineXHarry not happening, I think you are mistaken.


Even though J.K Rowling said he should have made harryXhermoine canon, I think ronxhermoine is a very beautiful pairing. Unlike NH/SS it was developed from the very beginning and in goblet of fire it was developed very much. So please don't say you have been through this before in Harry Potter. the pairings which happened in it were developed one's, and did not look like an asspull.


The kitten kishi made was one of a kind which has never been seen before and hopefully never will be seen in future in any other manga, well his future works will have the same kitten so can't hope for avoiding such kitten in all future mangas

#645527 Naruto and the failure of the hero's journey

Posted by lord287 on 06 November 2014 - 04:49 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Well, the final chapter of Naruto came out today.  Long story short, it sucked.  HARD.  And you're probably asking "What, are you just a butthurt Naruto x Sakura fanboy or something?"  Hell no, that ain't it.  It sucked because it made no sense.


A story that was from Chapter 1 about an underdog struggling to achieve the respect of those around him is thrown out in favor of the villain getting everything he wants handed to him on a silver platter, and the hero not getting anything he struggled for.


The story just kind of crashed in the last few chapters.  Keep in mind the main villain at this point, Sasuke, killed several people and threatened to take over the world, leading to the final battle.  What punishment does he recieve?  




He is literally given everything after merely saying the words "I'm sorry."  Sakura, whose growth from fangirl to indepdenent woman was a major focus of the last several hundred chapters, has all her development undone so she can fangirl over Sasuke.  The same man who has verbally abused and physically attacked her less than 7 chapters ago.  The hero's lingering feelings for her, never acknowledged!


So yeah, the hero's struggle was deemed pointless.  The moral being - Effort is worthless, as long as you win the gene lottery, you'll get everything you'll ever want.  If not, sucks to be you!


And then we get the most ridiculous fan pandering crap ever.  Chapter 700.  Orochimaru and Kabuto?  Never explained.  Why Kakashi was appointed Hokage and then stepped down?  Never elaborated on.  Instead we get lots of random pairing fodder (with no explanation as to where the couples began or how they got together) ending with Naruto scolding his son, who's implied to be neglected by his father.


Gonna go over that again.


The son of the orphan is being neglected by his father.


The hero has gone from the theme of beating the odds of the previous generation to repeating their mistakes.  The dozens of lingering plot threads were never wrapped up in any satisfactory way.  And the main villain gets the hero's love interest, turned into a battered housewife, in literally every sense of the word.


The manga had 700 chapters to do two things if this was the ending they wanted to come up with.  Make Sasuke have some redeemable qualities, and make Hinata important.  The story did neither.  It pushed Hinata to the side, making light of her unrequited crush, and make Sasuke more and more conventionally evil, finally ending with his plans to take over the world.  But at no point is he ever acknowledged as being in the wrong.


The moral of this underdog story is - Be a jerk, be abusive, be unrepentant, but as long as you say you're sorry, everything will fall into your lap.  Hard work is for chodes.


Very well said, and what's more annoying is many many people actually like this ending because they were NH/SS and they got there pairing.

It is all alright, Sasuke did say Sorry to Sakura, Naruto always had feelings for Hinata that's why he didn't respond to her confession during pein arc. This is what we are getting from NH/SS fans. Hinata rarely interacted with Naruto, but atleast that pairing wasn't abusive. How the hell did SS become canon. Sasuke got everything because he was the main character actually. The biggest troll is not SS/NH happening, the biggest troll is the Title of the manga, because it shouldn't have been Naruto, it should have been Sasuke.


Naruto didn't surpass the previous generations at all. Hashirama defeated Madara, Ashura defeated Indra, but Naruto loses an arm and lost in his conquest of love to his rival, despite doing everything for her including the completion of POAL.


One more surprising thing, Sakura didn't even say a "Thank You" to Naruto. He deserved at least that much. Sakura just confirmed she was using Naruto, and he was nothing but a backup plan in case Sasuke never came around, because Naruto was so stupid to love her no matter what selflessly.

Poor Naruto had to GIVE UP and move on in the end due to Sakura.


Kishi just made Sakura top the list of my most Hated characters of all time, even more hated than Sasuke and guys I don't hate characters that easy.

#645471 Realistically...

Posted by lord287 on 06 November 2014 - 04:35 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

is it in anyway possible to change the sites name though. It doesn't feel good to type the crack pairing name after how badly it was destroyed by kishi, because for me official thing does matter and officially NS is dead and SS/NH were victorious.

#645196 Funny meme's on our condition.

Posted by lord287 on 06 November 2014 - 03:38 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar


#644989 Funny meme's on our condition.

Posted by lord287 on 06 November 2014 - 02:46 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar




will keep on posting more if I find good ones.


Sorry I don't know how to insert a picture so giving links.


You guys also please post such things. It will help lighten the mood.

#644709 Ranting Thread

Posted by lord287 on 06 November 2014 - 01:41 PM in Naruto General

Maybe in the movie naruto will confess to Sakura and people who by any chance are still going to watch it might see sakura telling naruto how she just used him and is thankful how naruto saw through her fake confession back in LOI, if he would have fallen for the trap sakura would have felt guilty that Naruto actually got tricked and now she will have to tell him that she was with Naruto to keep him as a backup plan.

Seriously that kitten kishimoto and the stupid character sakura. I even hate naruto for loving someone like sakura and hate myself for loving NS at some points of time.