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Rainy Daze's Content

There have been 324 items by Rainy Daze (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#403577 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 01 August 2012 - 11:39 PM in i-Blog

Guess I'll do a blog entry while I'm here, then.

blog entry#??? (I'll find out later, I'm on my itouch.)

So, I accidentally started shipping SakuIta more than before. This, of course is s crack pairing, but I'm starting to wonder if I like it more than SakuNaru.

Also, I ditched my other Tumblr blog due to some personal stuff. I don't think I'll be joining any new fandoms anytime soon. Tumblr will make you do crazy things, man...

On a lighter note, I had this zombie dream last night. I was on a school bus that was speeding through a forest that eventually led to a labrynth. Chasing the school bus at an impossible speed was a lunch lady who was being chased by a zombie, who was also running at an impossible speed. I stared out my window while the bus continued to travel for a while, but eventually, she stopped following the bus, so I'm assuming she was eaten.

I'm not really sure what happened after that. Were there more zombies? Who knows? All I know is, I'm afraid of zombie lunch ladies now. And also, creepy dark laybrynths.


#403573 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 01 August 2012 - 11:11 PM in i-Blog


Randomly comes back...?

#393897 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 18 June 2012 - 07:16 PM in i-Blog

@DK: Oh, yeah? What did you think? Annnd the blog is askhinohinata.tumblr.com

@Toasty: Well she lives across the country...but I care about her a lot...when I say love I'm not sure...like if it's actual love or just friendship love.
@Leo: Thanks! Oh, that's cool (: I like Gaara!

#393348 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 14 June 2012 - 10:52 PM in i-Blog

@Toast: Maybe some day! My love lives there...sigh.
@Shadow: Checked it out yet? Haha :3

Blog entry#19

Or you know...I do have a Tumblr now.

You guys aren't into Mirai Nikki so I won't post that one. But if you ever want to role-play, I just made a blog for my OC and it is here

SO wow. I'm so sorry, but I have been completely swept away by the Mirai Nikki fandom. This place is all about Naruto (which I actually have not been keeping up with. Gotta get on that!) but meh...Idunno, I feel so out of the loop. Help me get back in?

I missed you guys though. Things have been crazy. That fandom seriously took me for a freaking ride and I am still riding that roller coaster of awesomeness.


I rabbu rabbu <3


#390033 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 25 May 2012 - 02:41 AM in i-Blog

/takes a deep breath as well

Edit: @Leo: YAP. HERE I IS (:

Blog entry...18? Idunno anymoar: WHAT'S UP PEOPLE!?!

Been pretty busy! Also been pretty active on tumblr, but it's only for certain things so it's actually not that relevant. As of this moment, it's raining really hard and apparently my aunt's condo is flooding. I wanted to go outside while it's raining but I got kind of distracted so I'll go check it out later. Right now I'm watching Tsuritama. IS GOOOOOD. SO GOOOOD /cries happy tears forever

Anyway, how's it been? Amaged I think I gained like a pound today. I was really hungry for some reason. Fuuuuu lightning why are you lightning! I have to do this from my phone so you don't zap my computer! Amaged maaaaan! I have a new e-mail. That gmail icon is bothering me so I'm gonna go check it out now.



#389813 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 23 May 2012 - 02:48 PM in i-Blog

Woah...it's been a while since I've been here (: I've actually been super active on tumblr and fanfiction ^^; I'll put in an entry later...I have lots to talk about. Oh, and I missed you guys (:

#388370 Blood Prison

Posted by Rainy Daze on 14 May 2012 - 02:00 AM in Konoha Theater


#388134 Guess the next Poster

Posted by Rainy Daze on 11 May 2012 - 11:00 PM in Fun Cafe


I've returned!

Ahhh hm, how about Manga?

#388133 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 11 May 2012 - 10:56 PM in i-Blog

O.o There is manga?

I guess I find that odd because I never used to think of Pokemon as an anime. Since I didn't know what anime was when I was little, I always thought of it as a cartoon.

#388123 What are you listening to?

Posted by Rainy Daze on 11 May 2012 - 07:33 PM in Fun Cafe

Hnnnnnnng so good!

Asphyxia - Sense of Decay

#388120 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 11 May 2012 - 07:26 PM in i-Blog

@DK: The first part? Up to which point? Where Yuno starts killing all of Yukiteru's frans? Yeah man, I bawwwed too, so don't worry ):

@Leo: PFF! What is so great about Pokemon? DD:

#388028 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 11 May 2012 - 06:38 AM in i-Blog

HI SHADOW! biggrin.gif

Oh man I overslept today and now I'm up so late T~T

Let's see...

-Death Note is good! Watch it biggrin.gif

-Pokemon fff it does get repetitive and I feel like a five year old trying to play it.

-Bands/Artists...I'm gonna recommend songs too biggrin.gif

Tactical Sekt
-Damage Limitation

-Visions of Destruction

Die Sektor

-Sense of Decay

-Not The World That I Remember

-Mechanische Unruhe (I think this is actually a remix of a Tactical Sekt song. It's gooooood!)

There's a bunch of other songs, but these are the ones I've been listening to a lot lately biggrin.gif

Yes yes, no ear-stabbing, got it! biggrin.gif

Ciao! Enjoy the music :333


#388025 Lights On! Lights Off!

Posted by Rainy Daze on 11 May 2012 - 06:19 AM in Fun Cafe

Lights off, I'm lurking biggrin.gif

#387837 Lights On! Lights Off!

Posted by Rainy Daze on 10 May 2012 - 03:35 AM in Fun Cafe

Lights on! What's going on here?! o_o;;;
/stares incredulously

#387836 18+ section? [resolved]

Posted by Rainy Daze on 10 May 2012 - 03:28 AM in Council Hall

Well, alrighty then.

#387833 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 10 May 2012 - 03:06 AM in i-Blog

I went so it's all goooooooooooooooooood.

/shot for excessive use of consonants

@Leo: :Lul: Yes, however, according to the law walking outside in the nude is illegal. It's also socially unacceptable ): Bawww socially unacceptableness!

Blog entry#18

...My friends are playing Pokemon. WTF MAN!

/rolls around

...I dropped my DS into a cup of water and said kitten that kitten a lonnnnnng time ago.


I have a new obsession (for the worst, as I really need to focus on my Mirai Nikki fic) and it is called Death Note.

Death Note.

So three years ago.

I watched it over again for some reason I can't recall now. After I watched it the first time I remember being dissuaded from writing any fan-fiction for it due to its vapid fan-base (in its entirety; sorry if you are a fan and you happen to be sane) but now I've just...come to appreciate it more after a second go. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm older now and I actually have the patience to sit down and decipher what's going on. I somehow managed to get through it at that time, but I can pretty much conclude that by the end of the last episode I had only come to two understandings:



...Near is still pretty cool, in my opinion.

But I could never respect L's character, because I thought he was weird (he was the creepiest anime character I had ever seen at that time. Yeah, I know; I hadn't watched enough anime yet) and Light was such a pretty boy that I could only focus on what he was saying half the time. Now I understand his motives as well. He really cared about Light and thought of him as a real friend, while at the same time he struggled as he dealt with the fact that said friend might as well be his enemy. It's kind of tragic...but I get everything now.

And that, is why I've decided that I will eventually get around to writing something...eventually.

...Actually, I've already started. I couldn't help myself! See what I do to myself? I'm eight chapters into my other fic and now three--four chapters into another. It's something great; something complicated and I just love writing complicated things, however, I'm already writing something complicated...sheesh, this is what I do to myself.

Uguu...what am I going to do! If I leave it alone I might lose interest in it...maybe.

I'll have to think it over. I know the second story is going to be long, but it's not entirely planned out yet. The first one is pretty much just a rehash with a huge twist and a different outcome (okay, so not exactly a rehash then) so I know how I'm going to go about completing it. It's just that I don't want to only write that all the time. I want to write something different now and then.

And then...there's a THIRD thing I want to write.


I just see how much certain sections are lacking and I'm just like, "I COULD TOTALLY DO THAT NO ONE HAS THOUGHT OF THAT YET!" and then I'm like, wait...no...bad Rainy! No you musn't--! D'oh, you did it anyway now we have to finish this...You know how it goes, right?

Anyway....I just had to write about that because it's been bugging me.

But I feel better now because I made a decision! I'll work on both and allow myself to get up to the point where both stories are at the same amount of chapters...and then I'll upload the other and leave it there biggrin.gif Then I'll continue the first story...yep biggrin.gif This is going to be a long project /sigh
All that aside, I've gotten myself deeper into the music genre of Dark electro and industrial stuff. It's really great...I think I'm obsessed hnnng. No, I'm in love hnnng.

Okay, well all rants aside I'm gonna write now while my friend babbles on about Pokemon. I'll try not to stab myself in the ears with a fork.



#387824 Greetings all!

Posted by Rainy Daze on 10 May 2012 - 02:38 AM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

Hi! Welcome to H&E biggrin.gif

#386776 18+ section? [resolved]

Posted by Rainy Daze on 04 May 2012 - 08:25 AM in Council Hall

There's nothing going on there? I'm curious then; what exactly was that section made for?

#386409 Guess the next Poster

Posted by Rainy Daze on 02 May 2012 - 09:04 PM in Fun Cafe

/Casually strolls in



#386398 Rainy's Blog

Posted by Rainy Daze on 02 May 2012 - 07:36 PM in i-Blog

@Toasty: Thanks! But now I've been gone and I'm back again T~T

Blog entry#17: Uhhhh... hi.

Man, where have I been?

I haven't even lurked like once. I've just been away doing kitten. This week feels...really bad/off. I feel really weird. Like empty; that's all I can describe it as. There's been something I've been needing/wanting to do for the past week but I'm the queen of procrastination. So, here I am. Another day goes by and I haven't done that

I could to go now, but it's actually getting late. Creepy stuff starts happening around this time and I really, really don't want to encounter someone that I don't have to (did I mention my mom got beat up there last week and ended up in the hospital? Oh, but she was up to no good anyway) Worst of all? I have to go alone.


Down town.

Nope, I'm not going. Nope, kitten you.

You must understand that I...do not do well in places with alleys, creepy guys in alleys, hobos on drugs asking me if I've seen their dinosaur (true story) and just...walking around alone in places I am unfamiliar with. My city is very big and there are plenty of other places I would rather go.

Yes, I know it would probably be better if I went there earlier in the day; this is the obvious solution. However, I...don't have time to go any earlier. I would have to go just as it's getting dark and I would need to stay there for at least a couple hours...

I might have time to go there tomorrow at least by 2. I feel like...I should probably put some clothes on now.

Mmk bye.


#386394 What are you listening to?

Posted by Rainy Daze on 02 May 2012 - 07:14 PM in Fun Cafe

Secondhand Serenade - Half Alive

A character in a fanfic I was reading last night was singing this song. I read the story while listening to it and I couldn't help it...I cried.

#385192 Guess the next Poster

Posted by Rainy Daze on 27 April 2012 - 06:24 PM in Fun Cafe


Another two pages!


#384450 What Are You Doing Right Now?

Posted by Rainy Daze on 24 April 2012 - 11:41 PM in Fun Cafe

Writing (:

#384449 Naruto Shippuden: Road To Ninja

Posted by Rainy Daze on 24 April 2012 - 11:35 PM in Konoha Theater

Hmmmmmmm...so many ideas are brewing in my mind now. I'm so interested!

Fufu this isn't helping my resovle to write Near/Saku.

#384438 Fanfiction Plots and Pairings

Posted by Rainy Daze on 24 April 2012 - 11:05 PM in Writing Discussion

Yes, this probably belongs in the writer's corner (: