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There have been 95 items by sushi. (Search limited from 22-June 23)

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#985112 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 02 September 2021 - 06:38 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Question... where were you when you first saw the ending?

I was at a summer boarding school on the countryside. I was real sad and then me and my friends just laughed

#985106 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 01 September 2021 - 10:50 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Hinata you can have this guy - hes all yours 😂😂 :lol: Minakushis offspring everyone. Two hotties made a nottieXDD


#985099 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 01 September 2021 - 03:33 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That's a recent occurrence? From what I remember nH stories generally ended up with Naruto having a Harem. Since the fans see Hinata as completely faithful and loyal to Naruto. She should clearly be fine with Naruto having sex with all the hot women; hell she often the one getting women into the harem from the fanfic I saw. Or is Hinata the one that has the Harem now?
...Hinata had Tsundere moment in the Boruto manga... when? Do you mean the anime?

It might have been a filler

#985093 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 31 August 2021 - 09:42 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Which is why current stuff in Shonen Jump like My Hero Academia, Black Clover, and even Demon Slayer despite it finishing up are known for showing respect to their female characters, even making them epic as heck, and able to do some crazy cool stuff!

I only watch OP right now, but I think the most important factor isn't physical skills, but character growth and contribution to the plot. Sakura is not useless in battle, she's the strongest girl in her generation, but she is underutilized in the plot. With the exception of the Sasori fight and a few other scenes, she's there to stir tension and be emotional support. Sasuke is actually what drives the manga, Naruto as well but I think after the pain arc his character was pretty much a closed book. He could've discovered more about diplomacy, the shinobi system, finding the answer to Nagato's question. Naruto's promise to Nagato opened a door he never walked into. I remember an interview which Kishi stated he killed Jiraiya so that Naruto could understand Sasuke more, but I think seeing eye to eye concerning Konoha's crimes would be more effective. Sasuke would be the revolutionary and Naruto would try to change the system from within. Sakura does not fit in here. Naruto is the moon, Sasuke the sun, there is no third symbol linked to those. It isn't entirely Kishi's fault, he wrote himself into a hole so Sakura can't escape her position as third wheel. The best solution would be to unlink her growth from them, individualize her. Like, she was never given a dream besides protecting her teammates and winning Sasuke's heart.


I went a bit offtopic here but my thoughts are so many..I'm a big OP fan and reading Oda's work makes you realize how he's miles ahead of Kishi. Every strawhat member is a complex character that takes turns on getting the spotlight, and there are 9 of them. Compare that to K9.. Oda draws big boobs on everyone but he would never ask an interviewer if they only liked Nami or Robin for their boobs. 

#985090 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 31 August 2021 - 07:54 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Kishi failed Hinata as well. Her tsundere moments exist in the Boruto manga and SD, which aren't written by him. In the Boruto movie, she's a background character, a mere housewife and quite docile at that. She's not the heroine she was in The Last. She gets injured off screen, and she's still a chuunin. Which means she's on par with Iruka in terms of fighting. The ending does not please Hinata, only some of her fans. Which makes it obvious they don't care for her either. She was a prestigious clan heiress stripped of her birthright, she should've either fought to become head of the clan, or find her own path. 


Kishi assumed people only liked Hinata for her boobs, but a good writer should value all his characters. He said that she stays in the background watching Naruto from afar, and late in the manga she vows to stand beside him. Then 3Y later she's still watching him from afar, they don't even spend time together as friends.. and Sakura has to matchmake them. 


This sexism extends to Sakura as well and frankly most female characters. Because it's about his conservative ideology not his opinion of Hinata as a person. 

#985048 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 27 August 2021 - 09:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

This first link is not working

Its a tumblr tsukuyomi theory by orenjisakuranbo. If you go to her site youll see why she thinks everyones asleep. Considering Kurama is dead and Naruto never changed the system, all that consider themselves fans should escape there now xd

#985030 Spider-Man No Way Home

Posted by sushi. on 24 August 2021 - 10:40 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I really liked the second one. And Zendaya is so cool

#985029 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 24 August 2021 - 09:06 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

tbh. It's funny. I'm not even mad. She had to become Sakura :')The canonverse is literally the RTN verse. (I found this theory and it's neat af https://orenjisakura...nite-tsukuyomi)





 I remember the og SD, a heavy dose of NS. ya know, I liked this too. http://images6.fanpo...873-493-301.jpg

#985022 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 22 August 2021 - 09:59 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

And here is a link on the Ame plot, for those like me that havent seen Boruto. https://orenjisakura.../broken-promise

This series started of as simple as MC wants acceptance from the village. In my opinion, because of how Itachi tortured Sasuke in P1, he was never meant to be good. Genocide was introduced when the series was prolonged. These dark themes werent needed, but if included it is a disaster to abandon it.

#985013 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 21 August 2021 - 12:48 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I think the worst thing about the ending is that the ships sucked up every other plot. The ending was reduced to solely who made babies with who, to continue the franchise and please the west. Its not the first time they utilize nh/ss popularity. Before RTN was revealed to be a huge NS movie, it looked to be NH/SS through the promotions. That to me means that the ships were a marketing ploy that went wrong.

The worst thing is, the ninja system was never changed. Naruto promised Nagato to bring his village peace, on Boruto Ame is a wasteland full of criminals, because of the void left behind by the leaders death. The Hyuuga slavery, Uchiha massacre and child soldiers was never changed. Sasuke was justified in most things he did, except joining the akatsuki. The political problems were reduced to feelings of loneliness and «hatred» by Naruto.

I would prefer another arc after the war, which would resolve the political issues, focus on T7, solve the lovetriangle and the traumatic aftermath of the war. And Id prefer Neji to live, for Hiashi to die instead of him. Itd redeem him somehow, and the older generation was supposed to protect the newer one, an ongoing theme. Then Neji and Hinata would fix the Hyuuga clan together, possibly through a marriage or just comradery, but their relationship could def unite the clan into one.

#984984 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 16 August 2021 - 04:41 PM in Naruto General

What if this was all Hinatas infinite tsukuyomi lol and it dragged everyone else into the dream she was having.

Shes not that relevant. Shes sidelined even in the boruto franchise and her dream hubby spends his night sulking in his office. I like this tumblr post more, and if anyone can break the genjutsu OUAT style its shinachiku XD

Also why does sasuke need sharingan to judge breast size i dont get it lol

#984981 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 16 August 2021 - 01:15 PM in Naruto General

I can't believe this exists even if its a gag manga https://twitter.com/...1453978624?s=19

I remember Naruto SD being very pro NS and anti-NH. How the tables have turned now that the franchise is turned over to the studios.:)

Besides Sas was never a pervert? He was reserved and imo, either asexual, demi or gay. I like him with Karin tho. And Im fine with SNS.

#984975 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 15 August 2021 - 03:20 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Huh, maybe Kishi should have just had Naruto and Sasuke hook up then.

I mean, we all know Kishi most likely wanted that, but that would have opened up a whole new can of worms and trouble.

For one the NH fans would have just lost their minds.

I myself have found allyship with SNS fans. Most of them are anti-ending and care that the ninja system, Amegakure and corrupt clans like Hyuuga was never changed. In fact, in Boruto - Ame is a wasteland filled with criminals, but Naruto promised Nagato to bring it peace. : ( 

Anyway I found this tumblr post I really liked it. https://siameze.tumb...8/ok-but-listen - I never thought of the Boruto world as Hinata's dream, for these reasons and that she's not a villain. I always thought of Naruto as Hinata's idol, not her big crush. She wasn't distraught when Sakura made moves on him, unlike Naruto's pained expression when Sakura hugged Sasuke. Anyway I'm gonna say Boruto and Naruto are like different universes because of how much established canon was changed in order to continue the series. And Boruto is not selling well, lol.

#984968 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 14 August 2021 - 09:28 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

This just brings more questions, Why pre ending? Why Naruto and Sakura and not just Naruto? , Why not something from Boruto?. Wish know what's going on in Kishimoto's mind

Because thats not his legacy. And idk if he is apathetic to boruto or dislikes it, but if he had any interest he wouldve written it himself. And when he does, he goes hard on SNS because thats the only thing that survived the retcon. And the anti nh/ss vibes are obvious when he writes it. Wonder how this is gonna go now that he has the pen, lol

#984919 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 09 August 2021 - 05:13 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

At least they look their normal selves, who the f is that balding sad old man in burrito anyway

NH fans can have that one and we can have the normal nardoxD

Oh, and Moongirl, I just read a boruto movie overview and now Im even more convinced. Naruto is even worse a dad than I thought, I thought he was just neglectful like Sas. But hes worse, hes downright abusive and spends all his time in his office to purposely avoid his family. There are good SNS moments, mild anti nh/ss, but Naruto barely smiles and looks depressed most of the time. Its like a dystopian whatif verse.

The boruto manga actually has some happy family moments, but its not written by Kishi, until now.

#984878 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 05 August 2021 - 05:03 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

You know what just occurred to me about NS fans and SS fans about Sakura? We care about Sakura's well being. We want her to be with a person that treats her right rather be with a douchebag like Sasuke.

Sakuras confession, and Sasukes reaction to it, ruined both NS and SS. He plainly said he wasnt interested. Its like it was done on purpose, at that time Sasuke was supposed to be good. And usually I dont blame Sasukes treatment of Sakura because she really does annoy him, but putting a genjutsu on her that he kills her was a bit much. And SS fans say Sakura thinks Naruto is annoying which is a bit lol). Kishi couldve made the best out of the situation, instead he made a bigger wreck of it. TL couldve included some NH moments in the manga but it made up retcon moments instead.

The same with Hinatas tripping. Both moments were so late in the series Kishi had got to know the ending at that point. I always felt like Kishi was very bitter about his ending. Would explain Himawari knocking her dad out on his most important day, Narutos treatment of Hinatas bento etc.

Besides Sakura lost her position as the heroine the moment she was no longer the love interest. SS fans should be mad. When asked if NS was to be endgame, Kishi said Sakura was not a heroine, no more important than Kiba, even though that was not the question. He also made her jealous of Hinata being the heroine.

#984834 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 27 July 2021 - 02:27 PM in Naruto General

That's where I'm generally my stance when it comes to Masashi Kishimoto.  Kishimoto bares a good degree of fault for the current state of the series, but I'd be a prick to ignore the fact that he was in mourning during the final stages of Naruto over his father while constantly harassed by meddling television executives, editors and even overseas fans over a moe doll that even he derided.  I just wish he'd stop trying to cover his and Studio Pierrot's ass by making claims that "NaruHina was always planned." I mean, he had no problem badmouthing SasuSaku as toxic and openly suggesting that they'd divorce in the future, and its popularity is on the same scale as NaruHina or NaruSaku. 

I dont remember saying SS would divorce is that really true? There are many contradicting statements, Chie apparently was told about SS from the start but thats unbelievable lol, and she also said Sakuras confession to Naruto was genuine.

#984764 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 19 July 2021 - 01:57 PM in Naruto General

Question is kishi writing the new boruto manga? All I think is milkmilkmilk


Poor guy should retire :/ manga authors barely get to have a life 

#984752 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by sushi. on 17 July 2021 - 09:46 PM in Otaku Square

I haven't completely caught up - why couldn't just Tama give BM a part of her cheek? Would work better than bean soup :/

#984723 Kaika Saisei

Posted by sushi. on 15 July 2021 - 09:49 PM in The Library Coffee Shop

This feels so much more canon to me because the art style is similar, Kishis new art is not only ugly but unrecognizable. Naruto looks like an old fish and Sasuke has no duckbutt. :/

Also since the ending and adult characters deviated from the rest of the series, I consider the ending a split from that and the AUs a continuation. So happy people are writing this<3


And I haven't read the chapters but I hope they don't involve some struggle between nh/ss because I don't think that was ever a question, at least NH. Although too negative SS has a lot more merit than NH, and Sakura's feelings needed a resolution. I also thought of SS as a possibility along with NS in part I, but NS soon surpassed it by miles. NH though never caught my attention.