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There have been 25 items by Heaven on Earth (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#648037 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 07 November 2014 - 06:12 AM in News and Announcements

Thank you, Smiter.
well, our ship sunk. But I went down with our ship no matter what. We'll live in the bottom of ocean as a mermaid :D
beautiful mermaids with you, guys.
I don't want to live up there where everything is a bunch of lies and Kishi-moto as the king of trolls.

#636105 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 05 November 2014 - 10:51 AM in Latest Releases


don't need to watch ,

watch The Hunger Games :pimp:



The newest trailer:




I want to say that to Kishimoto.

#634892 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 05 November 2014 - 05:11 AM in Konoha Theater

it's spite shipping. i just refuse to submit until i see the last chapter. if i'm wrong, then i'm wrong.

luffy, your words about how we, fans, hit so hard and keep moving forward got me cried for the first time in today. Somehow, I hope there's Twilight trap, the end when the world showing genjutsu.
I wish I have your confident. Seeing your post always make my heart warm... T.T

#624785 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 01 November 2014 - 04:20 PM in Konoha Theater

Not all Naruto fans watch Naruto movies. Some of them only reads the manga and have no interest for movies. So seeing NH in the epilog will be an asspul. Really, came out of nowhere. People who only read manga be like, "Whats the point of Minato seeing Sakura as Kushina-lookalike and 'girlfriend'-things then?"

#624775 What You Wish From The Final 2 Chapters

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 01 November 2014 - 04:14 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

-Couple pages Sakura healing Naruto. Short and cute dialog between them.
-Couple panels where Sasuke said Sakura that he appreciate but doesnt love her as woman.
-Couple pages of Naruto and Sasuke dispelling MT.
-Couple panels for Sasuke and Karin interaction.
-Cople pages with Orochimaru and Kages.
-Couple pages of Sasuke tells everypne he want to make an adventure around the world to think about peace.
-Half of epilogue. Naruto in his Hokage office, adult Shikamaru, 40+ years old Kakashi, some rookies like Ino and Hinata. They speak about smth intriguing.
-Another half. We see Naruto coming home and two kids - one blonde, another with pink hairs - meeting him.
-From the kitchen we hear Sakura's voice. "You are late again!"
-Naruto says: "Im home".
Smth like that.

-Couple pages Sakura healing Naruto. Short and cute dialog between them.
-Couple panels where Sasuke said Sakura that he appreciate but doesnt love her as woman.
-Couple pages of Naruto and Sasuke dispelling MT.
-Couple panels for Sasuke and Karin interaction.
-Cople pages with Orochimaru and Kages.
-Couple pages of Sasuke tells everypne he want to make an adventure around the world to think about peace.
-Half of epilogue. Naruto in his Hokage office, adult Shikamaru, 40+ years old Kakashi, some rookies like Ino and Hinata. They speak about smth intriguing.
-Another half. We see Naruto coming home and two kids - one blonde, another with pink hairs - meeting him.
-From the kitchen we hear Sakura's voice. "You are late again!"
-Naruto says: "Im home".
Smth like that.

aww thats cute
for the epilog, I want to see a wild blond haired kid running in the village, make a mess, doing everything little Naruto did in the past, then some Anbu trying to catch him. And the panel shift to Hokage office, and we see Naruto standing near the window, seeing the whole Konoha in peace.
And then, the little kid comes to Naruto's office, with some scars on his body. He said he wants to go to somewhere. Both of them walks through the village, greetings people (we'll see the new Konoha with grown up rookies), then Naruto and the kid make it to the hospital. The kid running to someone, hug her legs, and saying, "Mom."

Then we'll see Sakura smiling, "Another new scar?" then she looking at Naruto who standing not far from her, scratching his head.
then the three of them walking to Ichiraku, and the panel shift to Hokage monument, with Naruto's face on it as the seventh Hokage.

I can dream, right?

#620328 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 30 October 2014 - 03:37 PM in Konoha Theater

i'm starting to believe that hinata really is trying to be like sakura with the whole outfit change to try to appease to naruto.

the clothes-shop with Sakura and Hinata being there already hinted it.
she changes her outfit much like Sakura's, with Sakura's... advise.

#620310 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 30 October 2014 - 03:31 PM in Konoha Theater

If this movie is supposed to stay true to the manga, if NH were to become canon, that means it must have happened in the epilogue and I see no reason why that would happen.
If it does, that must mean he wrote all that NaruSaku development in the manga just to troll it with a pairing that makes no sense.

so, the timeline of Naruto's story:
Last chapter then The movie then The Epilog.

If in the last chapter we see team 7 and IT dispelled, then I agree with you. Seeing NH suddenly in the manga makes no sense.

in The Last, Kakashi is the Rokudaime, then I believe, in epilog, Naruto will be the next Hokage (Nanadaime, right? The 7th Hokage)

#620292 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 30 October 2014 - 03:19 PM in Konoha Theater

The picture with Sakura standing between Shikamaru and Sai, and Hinata standing next to Naruto,
I think, Hinata makes a gesture/body language (damn english, I'm not good in english hahaha), I think she's uncomfortable. Now her outfit exposes more of her body (because the outfit mirroring Sakura's outfit).

Maybe, in the end, (if Sakura really plays matchmaker-stupid plan and makes Hinata as her carbon copy so Naruto would acknowledges Hinata), maybe in the end, after Naruto tell Hinata the truth about his true unconditional love for Sakura, maybe in the end Hinata will approaches Sakura and says that things doesnt work well as Sakura's advise. Maybe Hinata will tell Sakura that her current self isnt her truly self.

Hinata being Sakura-ish with the outfit n confident will never attract Naruto's heart.

oh, dont forget about Sai. He is NS fans too. Maybe he will knock out some sense from Sakura's stubborn head.

just saying.

#620266 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 30 October 2014 - 03:04 PM in Konoha Theater

Well.. this time they'll be friends so there won't be any bromance and excessive flashbacks. It'll be action all the way and I would love that. I never get tired of seeing the Rasengan-Chidori clash  :hehehe:

Very interesting choice of words here. Everone's 'unwavering feelings' cross time and 'clash'
The unwavering feelings most likely refer to Naruto's feelings for Sakura and Hinata's feelings for Naruto. They clash..?
Well.. this movie is looking to be a war between NaruSaku and NaruHina. And I always believed the love triangle existed between Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke...!  :zaru:

We, NS, versus the SS in the manga, and now, we face NH in the movie.
it's really amazing to be NS shipper. Not easy but we still survive.

#620124 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 30 October 2014 - 01:44 PM in Konoha Theater

I'm not gonna be negative here, but let me share my prediction.
this movie theme is love. I am a romance novel writer myself. So, I have a vision about this movie plot.
for me, its clear that Sakura knows about Hinata's feelings towards Naruto. I dont know why, but Sakura supports Hinata to get Naruto's attention. She takes Hinata to the shop, give her some fashion advice, and it ends up with Hinata has the same outfit model with Sakura's outfit. Sakura gives Hinata couragement. In my prediction, while Hinata makes a move, Sakura avoids Naruto and makes some distance. This explains why Sakura stands a little bit far from Naruto. She supports Hinata. I dont know why, but maybe its because of "undeserving"-thing.
But then, lets remember the cover CD and NH's "happy" face.
Hinata tries hard but in the end, no one can change Naruto's true love. In the end, Naruto will tell her the truth.
Think about it. The main casts of this story are Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata as the top three. This is the main love triangle. If Sakura just plays a simple matchmaker, there's no need to put her name in the second cast. No need to put her in the rescuing-mission. Just like Kakashi who busy with his duty as Hokage, they can easily put Sakura in hospital, busy with patient in Konoha as the head of the hospital. I say this again: remember the CD cover. Naruto's expression tells us something.
If you gonna say Sakura being in the main cast because she's main character, I predict that Sasuke wont play very important role. Maybe just like in Naruto Bonds movie.

Honestly, I'm disappointed with this conflict (Hyuuga centric). I'd prefer Uzumaki stories. But this is all I can think about the movie plot. I still ship NS and I still believe NS will be canon.

I cant see any pairing other than NS. Manga supports NS.
this movie can be all hinata centric, but it doesnt mean NH will ends up together.
the scarfs? Lol. Red from Sakura, blue from Hinata. Its silly if Hinata gives both scarfs.

#613304 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 25 October 2014 - 02:19 AM in Konoha Theater

lol is it routine to get new info late at night now? :lol:

it's 9 am in my country and I'm sure, it's still morning too in Japan :D

#613301 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 25 October 2014 - 02:14 AM in Konoha Theater

the advertisement makes me want to puke. its as if hinata is replacing sakura.

yeah. I still believe in NS and dont see NH canon in this movie.
but the replacement of Sakura in team 7 (in those keychains) really annoyed me.

this hinata adventisement here and there really too much.
or maybe the manga gonna end with NS, but in order to satisfy hinata's fans, they create hinata ads everywhere just so her fans interest in the movie. I mean, she's not gonna appear soon in the manga. She's still in her lalalaland while the true team 7 struggles n trying to save the world and humankind

#613279 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 25 October 2014 - 01:59 AM in Konoha Theater

Rikudou, you said that Sakura's name was on the second list of casts after Naruto.
its still legit, right?
SP really put Hinata everywhere while all I can see, the ones from Kishi, I mean the skretch, it favors Naruto n Sakura.
Man, I dont understand SP :/

#606824 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 19 October 2014 - 03:12 AM in Konoha Theater

SasuHina will rise in this movie. Bet on it :hm:

theyre already in RTN. Thanks to drama CD charasuke

#606816 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 19 October 2014 - 03:04 AM in Konoha Theater

The scarf, was from the poster, right? Its not from Kishi's sketch. In Naruto's skecth, there's no scarf. So maybe its just a tease from wsj. And there's no info who really knitted the scarf. Maybe Naruto just bought it. Why ppl said it was from Hinata? I'm really tired with all the 'Hinata made the scarf for Naruto' talk. Because I dont see any evidence. Or did I miss something?

Sasuke's quote and Hinata facing Sasuke in the poster. Will it possible to see Sasuke has a duty to guard Hyuuga heiress and Hinata doesnt seem to be like it? And no, I'm not really SH fans, but their sketch isnt out yet (along with kakashi and taka). I smell something.

maybe Hinata will play a role in this movie. But it doesnt have to do anything with pairing. I wonder what role Sai gonna play...

#591557 Chapter 693

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 29 September 2014 - 12:36 PM in Latest Releases

hooray for the silver medal  :down:

“if you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

quote from Johnny Depp. Well yes, I dont have any problem being the second (hopefully the last). I still think that Sakura already developing new feelings towards Naruto, which different with Sasuke's place in her heart. It started with friendship, mutual caring, and a lot of aspect that built step by step.

unlike SS.

I think Sakura tried so hard to convince herself that she loves Sasuke when the reality, she has no reason to love him. Or maybe James right. She thought that Sasuke has a soft spot for Sakura while actually, its Naruto that complimented her a long time ago in bench scene.

#588814 Chapter 693

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 26 September 2014 - 05:41 AM in Latest Releases

This is nothing compared to 615. It was the Apocalypse around here.


I cried a lot around that time.

Sakura's feelings towards Sasuke never bothered me. It's not something new.

The only thing that scared me is, if Naruto showing some interest or (romantic) acknowledge towards Hinata.


Because, Naruto's happiness is the only thing I care for now. I want him to be happy. And I know nothing can make him happier than if Sakura returns his feelings.

#586998 Chapter 693

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 25 September 2014 - 11:01 AM in Latest Releases

Guys, stop trying to play with the obvious.


Sakura STILL loves Sasuke.


And Sasuke never loves her.



I just felt heartbroken by Naruto. I mean, he said nothing during Sakura's speech. He just calmed. Maybe he's.... heartbroken too. Oh, Naruto :cry:

#586988 Chapter 693

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 25 September 2014 - 10:52 AM in Latest Releases

I dont have any problem with what SS-fans called as hint or whatever. I still believe in NS.

But the way Sakura portrayed in this chapter... its heartbreking and disappointing me.

I dont like when she cried. It makes her weak.


I need to see the OVA-moment becoming true.

#585679 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 22 September 2014 - 07:25 AM in Konoha Theater


official what? Thats fanart.

#584513 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 20 September 2014 - 02:09 AM in Konoha Theater


I still love Naruto better than Sasuke's design :pimp:


@butterbean: It's Naruto's "I got something to tell ya, just wait for me." << sounds like a delayed confession to Sakura

#583797 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 19 September 2014 - 09:00 AM in Konoha Theater

@DarkRadeon: It's not only Hinata, but also Shino, Kiba, Ino, Tsunade, Shizune :hm:

#582643 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 17 September 2014 - 04:27 AM in Konoha Theater

Something flashed on my mind. Maybe, I know this sounds ridiculous, but maybe, if there will be a pregnant woman with spiky long hair, it would be Karin carrying Sasuke's child. Sasuke was dead in the end of manga, so he'll never show in this movie. The child is the last Uchiha.

argh, sometimes I felt that this animanga should be named Sasuke instead of Naruto.

honestly, I want Sasuke dead in the last battle in Naruto, with Karin jump in the battle, give him chakra that contains poison inside Karin's body. I mean, it would be useless for Kishi to made Karin an Uzumaki without any purposes. I want her kills Sasuke hahaha. Maybe she loves him too much to let him being evil.

#511957 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 27 January 2014 - 02:53 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I just found this on tumblr:

"It's up to the character in question to decide whether she forgives Sasuke or not. And while Karin is most likely going to rub it in from time to time to get away with things, sly as she is, it’s obvious that what Sasuke did hasn’t made her love him any less.

And Sasuke at least bothered to apologize, so there’s that, too.

Basically: if the reader doesn’t want to forgive Sasuke for it – which is completely understandable – it’s their right. But this stopped being an argument and became just a matter of personal opinion the moment Kishi returned Karin to Sasuke and had Sasuke apologize for what he did, because it’s easy to see that the stab won’t keep them from becoming canon if Kishi intends them to."


hundred percent agree for the last part. We dont know yet what Kishi intends to. The last page of 662 was unexpected (I expected the NS, but not for SK, so its a big surprise. Didn't see that coming)
So, I think we need to move on from the SK vs AntiSK topic and keep analyzing what will happen next.

Have any of you read a chinese comic named Impeccable Twins--that I found really similar to Sasuke and Naruto. The heroine (medic n tsundere n has pink-white hair) cried because the death of the blond/silver haired hero, but after the biggest enemy of the story revealed everything, suddenly he opened his eyes (yep, his head on the girls lap that silently cried) and he lived again. He used some pill that makes his heart stopped beating for a little while.

cant help that I've got deja vu lol

what do you think if Sasuke becomes Hokage? Because dunno why, I could see Naruto becomes more than Hokage and he builts the Uzumakigakure again.

#504442 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Heaven on Earth on 16 November 2013 - 10:54 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Cooking is oppression of women? Wait..... what? I most probably completely misunderstood what you said, so could you be more explicit?
Also, I don't remember any comment about Kushina being a good cook. We just knew she did it thanks to that "what if" cover page of the Uzumaki family during the Kushina flashback, but we never really knew how skilled she was at it.

I remember Naruto SD anime. The chibi Naruto said that Sakura is the best cook and she blushed. I know its filler buttttt... ;)