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#991288 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shadow Wolf on 14 August 2024 - 07:23 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Hah... being inactive for so long and coming back to this was not on my bingo card.


Sure, we all knew this ever since all those years ago, but to see it finally being brought to the light gives it a sort of poetic justice that I only thought would exist outside the Infinite Tsukuyomi that is the ending and everything after it. This only reinforces my belief that NS was and always will be the correct pairing on this manga (save for a few other obvious choices, like ShikaTema, of course).


You know, now I feel sorry for NH fans, since they can't really justify their pairing now. Not that they couldn't all those years ago anyway, but we kinda had to stay quiet -so to speak- because they had everything after chapter 698.


Heh, now I need some good NS fiction to immerse myself into with this great news. Hope you're all doing well. :)