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There have been 495 items by Sakamaki Izayoi (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#548055 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 17 July 2014 - 10:25 AM in Otaku Square

Naruto Shippuuden, Mahou Sensou(Call of Duty: Magical Warfare).

Naruto Shippuuden - Fillers, the anime flows slowly, crap animation, repeated music ( you can mute your players and you're still capable to guess what background music is playing).

#564271 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 16 August 2014 - 04:43 PM in Otaku Square

Worst anime I have ever watched? Umm, I would have to give it to Dragonball Z and Gurren Lagann.

I notice a lot of people mention Evangelion, Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan and such with the reasons of how the plot kind of shallow and at times confusing, it is more about the gore, or the characters are too flat and too perfect or something like that. While I am not arguing that they are right or wrong, I am just want to say this...

All those complaints I see people make about those anime, Dragonball Z and Gurren Lagann crank all that up to 11.

Let me first explain Dragonball Z or I shall call it the "Micheal Bay of Anime."
The entire story is about Goku and how he trains to fight. Seems like an okay story and such, but soon you realize that it is the same plot over and over again. New stronger bad guy shows up, Goku trains to get stronger and beats opponent, the day is saved. Rinse and repeat. The plot gets really dumb at some points where you think that they could jsut solve the problem one way and yet they don't take that way. Goku is the Gary Stu in which he always the goodie goodie and he is always the strongest fighter that cannot be beat...or so Dragonball fanboys tell me. It's not all bad and there are some points I like, but the cons outweigh it. Not only that, but the Deus Ex Machina is a heavy element with the rules of said DEM changing each time it is used. I realized that this entire anime has a very shallow story and all it basically is is flamboyant with fight scenes and explosions. Gohan had potential to put some actual character into the show and it fell flat because the fanbase wanted Goku.

(Not only that, but Goku and the gang only seem to care about the Earth and nothing more.)

First off.

Goku is not a Gary Stu.

Second : The characters of Dragon Ball are charismatic and likeable.

Third : The plot is not good like you said but the charism and the fact the show starts not being demanding things like logic and explanation warns that he's not watching Naruto or some other shounen with start with logic.


In comparison with SAO, DBZ at least has charismatic characters and villains.


I never watched DB-Z.It didn't impress me and it was hella boring to me.But so  many people love this anime.  :blink:


DBZ was a classic of the anime, it belongs to a generation of other animes like YuYu Hakusho, Shurato, Saint Seiya, Samurai X and etc...

Many people has nostalgia towards DBZ.

However i dont watch it anymore it belongs to my childhood when i liked it nowadays i would not watch an anime like that but it's a classic to me.

#564262 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 16 August 2014 - 04:23 PM in Otaku Square

Sword art online.


Main cast:


Kirito = Gary Stu who attracts all the girls for whatever reason (even his sister!).

Asuna = starts of as a shy, mysterious and very skilled woman but turns into the generic helpless cute girl who is nothing without her man (Kirito).




Kirito ends up defeating Kayaba through Deus Ex Machina (the power of love overpowers even videogame rules, how about that), and then we go into another bullsh** arc that introduces a lot of other stupid kitten like IMOUTOS and TENTACLES and a pathetically cartoony and uncharismatic villain.


With that out of the way, the characters in SAO are all bad. Kirito is little more than a blank slate for anime and videogame otaku to project themselves onto; he has a super edgy black coat and sword, he has a SUPER SPESHUL DUBBL SWORDS power exclusive to him (so much for SAO being fair), all the girls want him, everyone wants to be him, he has a super kawaii waifu who cooks for him, gets to play parent with a not-really child, saves the day even though everything says he shouldn't be able to, etc. He's as dull as dishwater. Calling him the "Black Swordsman" is an insult to Guts, the actual Black swordsman, who is from an infinitely better series, is an infinitely better character, and is an actual badass IRL and not just dipkitten kid playing in a game.

#564486 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 16 August 2014 - 11:37 PM in Otaku Square

Dark, I could say the same thing about Sword Art Online (which one day people will see as classical as Dragonball Z) and Evangelion (especially Evangelion), but that's your opinion is it not? You may see it as something different than others, but that doesn't mean you are correct. I don't like Dragonball Z and I completely disagree with everything you said. If you like the series that is perfectly fine, but I don't. I think the story fell extremely flat after the Frieza Saga and was just extremely pathetic with Deus Ex Machina of "let's just wish everyone back to life." There was no threat and no fear of lose at all. Even the Dragonball Abridged series cracks jokes about this all the time. Death? Pfff...Dragonballs.

Yamcha "You make it sound like death has no consequence..."
Tien: "It really doesn't. We're literally waiting to go back. Hell, this is Chouzu's second time."
Chaozu: "Next time, I get a free sundae."

Characters Charismatic and likable? Yeah, maybe for the first 5 minutes, but Goku is just a man-child or a little boy in a man body that everyone treats like Superman, yet is a terrible father and a piss poor husband to boot. The only character or characters that really stuck out to me was Future Trunks (Not kid trunks. Kid Trunks felt more like a mini-Vegeta done wrong with a messed up attitude) and Vegeta and maybe Piccolo, but soon he too fell onto the wayside of just being there. Everyone else was either too pathetic to be relevant, stood around gasping and and screaming, and/or hyped up to look important only to be brought down because of a cop-out and Goku forced to be the only one to save the day. Gohan was more powerful than SSJ3 Goku, but he lost the battle because everyone wanted Goku to fight and win. Literally the fans themselves ruined the series.

I grew up with Dragonball Z too and I even owned the whole series, but after a while when I grew up I realized that the series is not as good as I thought it was. It's not that deep of story many people hype it to be and its concept is just waaaay too simple. The world is too perfect except for the occasional outside baddie laddie comes along. Goku isn't as good of a hero as many think he is. He doesn't stop petty crime or petty accidents on a daily basis or inspire people like a real hero would. Only when the Earth is about to leveled does he get involved.

Nostalgia is both a gift and curse because it is basically rose-tinted glasses.

Don't even get me started on the Dragonball Z movies where it breaks it even more and even more crap occurs. (We are talking about anime here, not manga.)
And this is a good thing...why? People say the same thing about Transformers or some other movies and anime yet say it is bad when they did it, but Dragonball Z does it and everyone loves it? You basically just said that the plot doesn't care and "screw logic" and you think this is a good thing? Makes me wonder why you find Kirito's adventure so hard to believe and criticize it so harshly when Dragonball makes even less sense and uses a lot more Deus Ex Machina

Like I said, the only concept of the show is fighting, screaming, beams, and explosions. It is the Micheal Bay of anime.

They aren't goind to become classic, the classics of this generation are Naruto, One Piece, Bleach at some extent, Hunter X Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist and then comes to some minor ones.
Sword Art Online has no charisma and memorable characters.

Characters Charismatic and likable? Yeah, maybe for the first 5 minutes, but Goku is just a man-child or a little boy in a man body that everyone treats like Superman, yet is a terrible father and a piss poor husband to boot. The only character or characters that really stuck out to me was Future Trunks (Not kid trunks. Kid Trunks felt more like a mini-Vegeta done wrong with a messed up attitude) and Vegeta and maybe Piccolo, but soon he too fell onto the wayside of just being there. Everyone else was either too pathetic to be relevant, stood around gasping and and screaming, and/or hyped up to look important only to be brought down because of a cop-out and Goku forced to be the only one to save the day. Gohan was more powerful than SSJ3 Goku, but he lost the battle because everyone wanted Goku to fight and win. Literally the fans themselves ruined the series.

I thought you were describing Naruto's character.

#564724 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 17 August 2014 - 10:46 AM in Otaku Square

That's what they said about Gigantor, Voltron, Sailor Moon, and a few other old series too when they came out, but people see them as classics. Hell, Superman is a classic too and yet there are people like you who think just like you do about some anime. "He is a Gary stu, he is OP for no reason, his stories are boring, Desu Ex Machina."

But fine, Dark, you want to think you are always right all the time then so be it. Remember, people, Dark knows everything and his opinions are law. Whatever he says must go. Only his opinion matters and if you don't follow his opinion then I guess you are just too stupid to survive.

You just can't let people have their own opinion can you, Dark, but you want people to let you have yours.
Goku is a 25-40 year old man. Naruto is 16. Naruto is actually more mature than Goku is.

Do you even know what man-child means? Apparently not.

Dude i think you really dont know what a Gary Stu is.

#564943 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 18 August 2014 - 12:32 AM in Otaku Square

Why do i love series that take place in an academy like Senkoku no Dragonar (yest i know it's not good) but i'm saying the setting of an academy.

#550033 Worst Anime You've Ever Watched?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 22 July 2014 - 10:36 AM in Otaku Square

Sword Art Online it's another i have to add to the list.

The anime starts well, with it's dark setting theme, exploration and action filled, but after you get to episode 14 everything start changing the story starts to focus on romance and pairings, Kirito and Asuna's relationship everything start being an obstacle towards it, and start showing "muh feelings" everywhere up to the last episode.
The anime loses it's meaning and it's dark setting, and started focusing on love between characters and pointless drama plus less exploration and action.(which was the best part of the anime).

The plot is pratically non-existent.

About the second arc the episodes 18 - 25.

THis guy pretty muchs sums up the arc
Without going into spoilers, the 2nd part of the series takes place in a different setting, with a mostly new cast aside from our main hero. This part of the series probably deserves the award for most unnecessary story in the history of anime. This arc is pretty much a mario game. Our hero must save the princess in the castle. Not really much to say about it. Oh yeh deus ex machina finale here too...oh and there's an incest subplot...for some reason. This concludes the plot section. I think I'm being pretty generous with a 4 here. "

#579355 Worst and Best Anime Finales

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 10 September 2014 - 04:48 PM in Otaku Square

Best ending is School days. It was so beautiful and colourful! :))))))

At least the main character was an alpha male.

#542249 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 29 June 2014 - 07:47 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Mexico became overconfident...they thought defensive, and they're defense broke. It was to be a 1-1 with extra time, but that penalty man...

That penalty was legit, despite Robben not being able to reach that ball, it was kinda obvious that Rafa Marquéz was incompetent by leaving his leg there to prevent Robben to continue his path, right in front of the referee.

Obviously Robben did some acting to valorize the foul he received but the blame is entirely to the defender, inside the box you cannot has the same attitude when you're outside the box.

You should put your leg as long as you're sure, you're going to touch the ball.




Also Mexican commentators said it was a penalty so end of story.

#537766 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 05:56 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Never understood why the Mexico supporters scream "Puto" everytime the other's team goalkeeper does that free kick.


Let's see how will be England vs Italy  or Japan.

I'm supporting england against Italy because english supporters are funny, i mean they say their team sucks and are totally pessimism but still if their team wins one match they start screaming they will win the world cup.

England team and the pessimism of millions.

#540325 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 24 June 2014 - 10:14 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Biting someone is crossing the line.

It's the third time actually, last time he was banned for 10 matches, hope he gets a year long ban.

1-4 this is just embarrassing now. Looks like Japan has given up, and who can blame them?

I'm totally surprised with them, Japan and South Korea are second-rank football countries in terms of power, last worldcup they managed to get to round 8 they always proceed on groups stage and this team, is by name the better they had, srsly, Japan started exporting players to europe, and even Shinji Kagawa plays on Man.United, Honda for Milan(which sucks hard nowadays).

Colombia didnt managed to go for a worldcup since 1986.

#542726 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 01 July 2014 - 10:58 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Yeah. That's true. I almost give up when they scored two. But then, I heard my family going nuts because USA scored. Then, never again. Top 16. Oh well. It reminds me of Pokemon.

Just this.

#540196 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 24 June 2014 - 10:36 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Mexico will get #rekt by Netherlands.

#541667 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 26 June 2014 - 09:51 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I think it's an achievement to exit a group constantly billed as the Group of Death.

There were three groups of death.

(England, Italy, Costa Rica, Uruguay) - (Netherlands, Spain, Chile, Australia) - (Germany - USA - Ghana - Portugal).

I wish i could know why people on the U.S hates soccer/football.

#540036 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 23 June 2014 - 12:50 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA that's why i'm loving this 2014 world cup, the best.
2-2 in the end good one now to cheer for Portugal so they can pay off their debts.

#539453 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 21 June 2014 - 12:36 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

Honestly I'm not surprised from this outcome... sultriness and humidity don't help italian players while costa rica is usually get used to this weather conditions (like all south american teams).
So, under this climatic conditions (the game was started at 1:00pm local), the  "azzurri" team, who doesn't have any runners (maybe only cerci), collapsed under a good team like costa rica. Now we cannot lost against the Uruguay, which will be very difficuls. They have a strong forwards like Suarez and Cavani. Besides, we have some lousy and overstimated players (especially in defense).

This weather excuse is totally bs, i mean Balotelli alone wasted two easy chances to score.

#539180 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 19 June 2014 - 06:59 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

HEre comes let's see Rooney fails once more.


#542682 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 01 July 2014 - 07:45 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

US or other team has to eliminate Argentina then final will be Colombia vs Costa Rica

Uruguay was weak without their best player Dracula.
I dont think Colombia is that strong i think Brazil showed better play than Colombia.

#542667 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 01 July 2014 - 06:53 PM in Arts & Entertainment District


#537761 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 05:08 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I'm rooting for spain, germany , england, netherlands and south korea 
LOL, it does. Similar with spain and netherlands. I'm upset that spain lost but watching their lacklustre play, they got what's coming.
Haha, at least xabi alonso scored a goal.



#759281 Why was Sasuke so cruel to Sakura in the end?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 February 2015 - 02:56 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

So I was wondering, since Kishimoto knew how the series was going to end, with SS together, why did he make Sasuke so outright mean to Sakura in the final chapters? Sasuke mocked her, left her for dead, called her caring for him a fantasy, and then stabbed her with a genjutsu through the chest. What good was that to the story? When Kishimoto has so often written things vaguely, in a way that could be interpreted in mutliple ways, what was the point of making Sasuke so unequivocally cruel? He saved her once in the end, but it was without the intent he had when saving Karin. It just seemed like something effortless he could do, not because he deeply wanted to because he cared about her.


So what was the purpose of Sasuke's cruelty? In the end, was it just to heighten the atmosphere of NS? Or was it to once and for all detonate Sakura's character once the truth came out and she accepted Sasuke? His behavior doesn't make Sasuke look like a saint either, so was it to reduce Sasuke and Sakura in the story, thus lend more validity and credibility to Naruto's choosing Hinata?



edit: a bit off topic - my autocorrect keeps changing Sasuke to Seasick - lol!

Because he's going to fix that with another movie.

#555238 Why Naruto Flying A Bad Thing?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 31 July 2014 - 12:57 AM in Naruto General

The only bad thing is that he obtained this power through this destiny reincarnation crap.

Naruto got massive powerups when Kishimoto started with the whole destined child thing on the manga.
It started when Jiraiya died since then Naruto's progress is infinitely superior than the whole part 1 and pre pain arc, the difference of powerup is huge.

#552324 Why NaruSaku?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 24 July 2014 - 06:35 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That argument makes no sense, besides she did insist that she loved him and accused him of making excuses that he didn't like her.

Insisted to a point that she'd give up?
If she was really in love with Naruto she would have been in tears in front of him.

Had she really been dishonest it would have been flat out stated or you know....at the very least not have word of god saying otherwise.

The problem is that people wants to believe that it was a real confession because they think saying it was fake confession hurts her character.
Sakura lied to Naruto and was dishonest despite acting like an honest girl, but she wasnt selfish neither wanted manipulate him intentionally.
If you truly want to understand Sakura's confession you must understand the reasons behind it and how she reacted after knowing Naruto loves her.

#551677 Why NaruSaku?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 23 July 2014 - 08:46 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Please tell me why you ship NS? I'm genuinely curious and thanks for the welcome by the way ^_^

Actually i'm not an enthusiast for it but that doesnt spare me from giving thoughts about NS.


Your rant you says that Sakura and Kushina only has similirities on their fiery personality aka textbook Tsundere.
However Kushina was self confident with only issues about her appeareance which is normal for woman, but no woman on this whole manga was self confident like Kushina.


"Reasons to ship NS" It's simple the way less horrible of the other two pairings that can happen.
Hinata has self confidence problems and is a total waifu with no other ambition on her life and she's not even a strong kunoichi or leader to begin with.(she barely appears on the manga). 

Sasuke-Sakura - is an abusive relationship since the begining with no sight of improvement anywhere while the author already made that relationship past the redemption state.


Also the rest of your post past the "if NaruSaku happens" look more like excuses and damage control than actually arguments.

#551911 Why NaruSaku?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 24 July 2014 - 12:10 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Literally nowhere is Sakura admitting she was lying to herself in fact later on Naruto refers to it as an excuse

It's not Naruto saying what she was saying is a excuse but what she says after Naruto tells her that she's lying to herself.
She comes out saying that she just wants to bring him back to the village and tells him to stop chasing Sasuke because he needs to think more about himself.
If she was truly honest she would have kept saying she loves Naruto or even be emotionaly hurt.
Not being angry at him and saying that.

, and Sai even flat out says that she "didn't originally come here to confess her feelings to you" as opposed to "she didn't originally come her to lie to your face and kitten off"

Obviously because she deceived them, the plan was for Sakura to tell Naruto that the k11 had decided to kill Sasuke and Naruto has to deal with it but she wasnt able to do that, she knew that telling him that would make him feel sad so confessing to him was the easiest way out, for Naruto to stop chasing Sasuke.
So you're basically telling me she was honest on a confession with the sole purpose of making Naruto stop chasing Sasuke and come back to the village, i seriously hope that you're not implying this, with nothing more than a interpretation of an interview that might not be reliable.