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#686059 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 04 December 2014 - 10:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

And Naruto, who tried his very hardest to win over Sakura, ends up getting with a girl who did nothing to win his love except say "Naruto-kun" over 9000 times.


You know it's not actually true, i think the problem is not NH happening but how the end went.

HInata did things for Naruto but still are Naruto's feelings that matter, he didnt had a change of heart, in the movie he was actually rejected by Sakura a girl that chose to be with Sasuke and give a "love" lesson to Naruto saying that his love for her was never genuine.

How Sakura a girl that had no self respect and personality was in position to say that Naruto's love for her wasnt genuine and in the end there's a whole retcon to make it look like that Hinata was not a replacement for Sakura.

To be honest characters were destroyed in the ending, just like 4chan says Sakura literally became a slut as a bonus.

#707477 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 16 December 2014 - 07:26 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


This was to be expected after the presales fiasco and misleading advertisements. What I would do to challenge that figure is inquire on how much of that revenue was a product of nonrefundable tickets. Subtract that and the number of disgruntled viewers who watched the film based on misleading information, then you will have an accurate figure as to how well it is doing. 

I tend to disagree, i know it's a gross measurement but Road to Ninja had way more misleading advertisements than this movie.

Road to Ninja trailers give a notion of a battle oriented movie with special feature of the k11.

But ended as a casual family film.

In this ad we already know that it will be focused on Naruto-Hinata relationship, featuring a recycled brolly from DBZ.

#569784 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 27 August 2014 - 02:12 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Since people are talking about Hinata and Sasuke non-stop i'll join and go all out.


WOW just wow, Naruto + Hinata holding hands vs the villain Naruto robot + Sakura.

Lol it's canon already?

Naruto has feelings for Hinata?

It's happening

#569710 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 27 August 2014 - 10:23 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

>goes to this thread
>browses last 20 pages
>lots of Sasuke and Hinata

NaruSaku debate thread in a nutshell.

#569203 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 26 August 2014 - 06:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That looks more like a video game from the wii-u

#572138 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 30 August 2014 - 06:03 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Not only did Kakashi flat out explain chapter 540 and Sakuras feelings in general but Kishi said himself that SS is dead
Interviewer - "How does Sakura feel towards Sasuke?"
Kishi -"As for Sasuke, what about Sasuke?"

She has no romantic interest in him and simply wants to save him from darkness like Naruto, wake up people we say SS has been dead since 675? I say its officially been killed off in LOI

Kakashi explained nothing of chapter 540 it's you taking fast conclusions, Kakashi's reflection on 680+ chapter does have no relation with 540.

Second, Kishi never spoke about pairings overall neither killed SS he left it ambigous by saying she still "loves" Sasuke but Naruto is closer.
Assuming that's the correct translation and also if the whoel interview wasnt hickjacked.

#569228 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 26 August 2014 - 06:37 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

i feel as though Sakura & Ino's relationship could have been expanded on. too bad Naru/Sasu has to be focused on this much when it's so terribly written.

Everything was sacrificed for it.
Even the plot.
Part 1 looks like a different story compared to part 2.
It's more like a seinen to me while part 2 looks more like a kid's show.

#572180 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 30 August 2014 - 06:36 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It's funny like you say someone is taking fast conclusions and then you say "Kakashi's reflection on 680+ chapter does have no relation with 540."  

as if you weren't taking fast conclusions too. Just because he has no proof of what he's saying, it doesn't make the opposite right. You have to show your proof.

Does i need to post the pages?
because 540 was a random ninja saying that the one she loves must be a great guy and she's depressed by thinking about Sasuke involved on dark flames basically saying he's not a great guy, she had stabilished feelings for Sasuke on the summit due to her flashbacks when she was about to kill Sasuke, and the empathy moment between Karin and Sasuke, unless you're choosing to ignore it.
Her behavior is changed since she doesnt trust Sasuke anymore and doesnt view him as a victim.
Kishimoto doesnt show where Sakura feelings lie when it comes to Sasuke.
But he made it clear that she's not in love with Naruto yet by the ammount of meaningfull events that doesnt trigger romance or show Sakura having some sort of romantic feelings for Naruto.

Secondly it comes to Kakashi, he basis Sakura's behavior towards Sasuke "A.k.a not fangirling" and her "objective" and says that her feelings for Sasuke had changed, whilist it could be ambiguous since he could be either refering to the nature of her feelings (selfish or selfless) or (love or not loving) Sakura's feelings for Sasuke still need a closure since i dont think Kishimoto shown that he's going to make Sakura move on based on the fact Sasuke is evil because if he did that the other scenes would have played kind of differently.

The whole "jumping fast to conclusion" is from my point of view on which is see desperate people trying to make true statements of 150+ chapters behind.
It makes no sense in my opinion.

#574084 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 03 September 2014 - 11:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Thanks for replying! I have nothing to disagree on your other parts of the post. Instead you gave me some new insight.

I'll just reply about the quoted paragraph. Now don't mistake me, I agree that Naruto makes her happy. I agree with you in terms of "how she feels". My post was based on "how her character treated". From that standpoint, I refused to say that SS is the ONLY pairing that degrades her character.

Hinata and Karin are other examples where they are happy being in love with Naruto/Sasuke but are treated poorly and hence the "pairing is degrading their character".

I feel that it's more likely the fact Sakura doesnt have an objective, she's treated as a main heroine but only in name she act as a side character.
Even if you remove NS she will still be bland, however when it comes to NS i think it's the opposite, her lack of personal development and her satellite behavior towards Naruto and Team 7 is what degrades the pairing and her character.

#574076 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 03 September 2014 - 10:43 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Where did Naruto actually put effort for the pairing to move foward?

Idk, maybe when he shoved his happiness aside and put her happiness above his, even if it made him miserable.

A promise where holds no significance.

He didn't accept her fake confession because it wasn't right to. She had unresolved issues lingering with him and Sasuke, and he didn't like the fact that she lied to herself about not caring about Sasuke anymore. Is it really to much to ask that he wanted a completely honest relationship from that point? It's conceivable to think that had they move forward at that point, that Naruto might have had insecurity issues in that relationship regarding Sasuke, especially since he knew she wasn't being entirely sincere regarding Sasuke.

He wasnt meant to accept nor i implied he should have accepted a fake confession but he needed to speak with her for her to stop feelings trash and putting her always looking down at herself not only cheering up her when it's something regarded to Sasuke or she's sad because of him or team 7.

Regardless of what you think, Sakura is one of the few people that he elevates over his friends, considering the lengths he goes to make her happy at the expense of his health and his own happiness.

Sorry never see him elevating her above his friends, i must been reading the wrong manga.
"Considering the lengths to maker her happy at the expense of his health and his own happiness"
He put his own health and happiness at risk to protect his friends, Naruto is capable of doing anything for his friends, Sakura is not special.
Naruto put his own health at risk to save Gaara, his other friends nearly died on part 1 for him.

As for the Naruto not going after Sakura, he loves her. That is clear. He doesn't "pursue" her outside of asking her on dates because he wants her to choose him, not go out with him because of what he has done for her. He wants her to choose him and acknowledge him because she loves him, and he her, not because the schoolgirl crush hasn't worked out. Naruto has done nothing wrong in pursuit of Sakura.

No it's not clear, it's just stated he loves her and deal with it.
He distanced from her and his "romantic" approachs are always done in comedic moments.

This whole "Sakura is a prize" thing is an absurd argument that doesn't even belong anywhere near the NS pairing. Why? Because Naruto has never, ever, thought of Sakura as a prize. If he doesn't think of her as a prize, then that line of thought is totally irrelevant.

Yes she is, because he didnt put effort in that relationship, he doenst moved it forward, he never did anything for her on a romantic level.
He never treated her like his love interest she will either jump on his arms on an open ending.
He doesnt need to do anything really because other people had done that for him, Sai confessed for him, Yamato challenged Sakura earlier, the random lover ninja said that Sasuke wasnt a good guy an etc...

#569160 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 26 August 2014 - 05:14 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I miss Sonic X.

Gotta go fast!

#572140 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 30 August 2014 - 06:07 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

What's your take on it?

540 she just doesnt view Sasuke as a victim as she used to do.
She wasnt refering to someome else other than Sasuke becauses makes no sense.

2. You are purposely ignoring that Sakura herself said in the Kage summit that she doesn't want to be with Sasuke anymore that she isn't happy with him  so how in 540 she can look so calm almost happy and say that she has someone else and that she's referring to Sasuke as that guy ? See the contradiction in here why would she be saying that ?.  Now with this I'm done and take it as you wish I leave you with your own opinion .

"Fake confession"
She also said she was in love with Naruto.
That she wasnt hiding anything from Naruto.
That nothing happened on the village.
That she would kill Sasuke.
and guess that none of this happened.
She's not a saint that cant lie.

this whole "she doesnt want to be with Sasuke" is not due to the kage summit.
Is after it when on the war arc, it gives countless of panels of she beign unconfortable and seeing him as someome dangerous on whose sometimes she wants to trust Sasuke again but is holding back to not be surprised with his behavior.

#568827 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 August 2014 - 07:45 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I never said it was a masterpiece, nor anything about how good it was. You said it only pleased NS fans which is clearly wrong because it's the highest grossing Naruto movie (something doesn't have to be good in order for people to enjoy it).

You also used it to counter my argument that the movie was bad.

Kishi said that he made Sakura's (and Naruto's) personalities at the start of the movie close to the personalities they had at the beginning of Part I, so as to show their development throughout the movie. I dunno what's wrong with her at the end or how she was dependent on Naruto.

Even if he did that, it's untrue sicne on the ending they go back at square zero with the only development is the fact Sakura learned her lesson towards loneliness and her approach with Naruto was the same.

To me, that was to drive up interest for the movie (and exemplify how the characters have opposite personalities in the genjutsu world). Haven't you ever seen a trailer of a movie and when you watch it in theatres one of the scenes you saw in trailer wasn't in there? Besides, Minato & Kushina were at the foreground of the poster along with Naruto, and there were interviews with Kishi and the cast talking about how the movie is family and all. People may have missed that because they were too caught up with the AU versions of Sasuke and Hinata.

It also give the notion they would fight.
The movie started with a joint cooperation of a few minutes against zetsus.
But nothing else more.
About movie is family and all that's what i said but he said that after the movie was aired.

I'm not sure when the Sasuke perfume came out, but I think it might've been afterward. But either way Sasuke is an extremely popular character and, unsurprisingly, the AU version of him turned out to be, as well, so of course they'd capitalise on his popularity. Not sure what that has to done with whether or not RTN is a good movie.

It was before the movie aired along with food products and posters.

#552909 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 July 2014 - 11:42 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

im sorry, i couldnt express myself correctly, i mean, for me , is a sad ending for naruto, im not talking about the drama part, you know? just talking about his feelings, and its a sad ending for his feelings. Hope you got it

Sorry i had to go to the university and i could not reply fast.
I understand the "sad ending for Naruto" but coming from a perspective from NS is it really a sad ending for Naruto?
Because there was never been a drama or even Naruto putting Sakura into a special place because she is always put alongisde his other friends, even when Naruto comforts Sakura it always end up with him saying something about Sasuke or he's the topic about it.
They never shared moments like as an example, Obito and Rin had, surely Sakura supports Naruto's dream for hokage but did they shared a moment together and she told him this?
I never see that.
From my perspective bad ending would be SS happening because it destroy Sakura's character, NH happening because lack of development and Naruto dying and Sasuke being hokage.
I dont think NaruSaku doesnt have much appeal from the main character side for me to consider NS not happening a sad ending.

#554918 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 30 July 2014 - 01:40 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

but after he even forgave Obito, how can he forgive Sakura for all terrible things she made to him, especially after the false confession? :wallbash: :hm: naruto hates her.

Yeah go figure, i never understood that too.

#552827 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 July 2014 - 07:25 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

lol, i feel like if NS doesnt happen, it will be the worst ending ever, and thats why i believe so much in NS, if naruto doesnt end up with sakura it will be a very sad end for me, first of all,every time i read/watch a anime/manga i get so much involved with the character of the story (naruto on this manga) and i cant see him with hinata, seriously.

i was watching a anime yesterday, and it has only 13 chapters lol, and i got so much involved, in the end, the girl finally tells the guy that she loves him and kiss him. But, when the girls go to the fight to protect him, she lost all her memories and the boy was like ~are you ok?~ and she was like ~who are you?~ man, thats so sad, and what i feel is that, if a 13 chapters anime can make me that sad, i cant imagine how sad i will get if a 600 chapters manga like naruto ends with a horrible final, like NaruHina.

But i dont mind, i know NaruSaku is the end game and everything i just dont want to happen is naruto ending 

First off i dont think NaruSaku not happening will be a sad ending.
Sad ending for me is Naruto dying and Sasuke being hokage


NS matters little in terms of a good ending or not, because there's not drama from Naruto towards Sakura.

It will be your preferably ending but i think NS being canon or not doesnt alter the status of the ending of the story.
There are much things significant missing on NS that makes it not happening a big issue to the overall quality of the ending.

#552783 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 July 2014 - 06:22 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Awwww so cute. Still don't like Frozen though.

Still better than guilty crown.

#552145 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 24 July 2014 - 12:09 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sometimes they says....sons tend to exceed their fathers....
I must agree here... Minato is sexier than adult naruto. His cloths are horrible.

it's worse than shippuuden.

#555746 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 31 July 2014 - 04:00 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

hard times for us...

What makes me mad is that despite combating piracy they make no efforts to make those mangas avaiable to all.
i would glady buy all the volumes of Mondaiji but they arent released on english, the same case for other mangas.
Animes is the same thing aside from Crunchyroll but it's not all the animes.

Secondly i'm not making excuses i'm just pointing out the bad business decision because i would keep pirating anyway.

#568560 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 24 August 2014 - 10:56 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

More damsel in distress.

#568791 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 August 2014 - 06:34 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Naruto got raped in Blood Prison :3

When i remember of blood prison :3.
It always give wtf feelings because how did Naruto ended in that prison, none of the reasons made sense, Naruto even had an alibi, there was no logical way for him in a single night had left konoha and attacked the raikage on the cloud village.
they simply throw him to a prison their only one jinchuuriki with no reason only to the end they say "jk it was all part of the plan".

The movie barely start and is already a clusterkitten.

#568779 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 August 2014 - 06:26 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

If it only pleased NS pairing fans it wouldn't have been the highest grossing Naruto movie.

Since when grossing rates a movie?
There a lot of masterpieces were launched recently like Transformers Age of Extinction.
The fact is that a lot of things can contribute that made Naruto gross higher, the amount of advertisement i personally thought it would be a nice movie packed with action and we would seen more action from Minato and etc...
And we got a family themed movie centered about feelings of Naruto's loneliness for his parents and a souless villain to be defeated in the end.

When did Sakura act unnatural? In the beginning?

The begining and the end, plus a dependence towards Naruto until the point she goes to end the genjutsu by herself.

And the story wasn't about the K11 so?? They're neglected in the manga too.

The poster says it all.

Look at Sasuke, they launched products of AU!Sasuke, make a lot of pairing advertisement for both NS and SS but the guy barely has screentime basically he only appears three times.
And to finish up, being honest Road to Ninja "Title name" had nothing to do with the story at all.

#568755 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 August 2014 - 05:53 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Ba dum tiss....

#568747 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 25 August 2014 - 05:30 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm just not interested in Rtn. I guess if Sakura had her own movie I might watch it.

RTN only pleases pairing fans(NS) in my personal opinion despite being inconsistent and Sakura acting unnatural, it was a bad movie, the plot was bad, k11(aside from Naruto and Sakura) were negleted on the whole story, the pacing was horrible(too fast), the villain had no soul.
All this to pass a message about parental relationship.
I would even rate "the lost tower" higher than RTN.
Still the third movie (heirs of the will of fire)is superior.

Blood prison sucks :3

#546036 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 July 2014 - 05:52 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

'sakura just cried'
not like she casually KO a pain summon for a child and grandma, saved as many people as she can at the hospital, evacuate konoha civilians after the nine tails explosion, and saved hinata.
but those doesn't matter because a 'i love you' is an instant heroine upgrade -_-

Battling fodders, saving fodders...
She deserved better than that, i can even say Konohamaru did way more things than her and Hinata combined.
On which Hinata actions basically equals to zero.