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There have been 495 items by Sakamaki Izayoi (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#538054 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 June 2014 - 11:14 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Yeah but here's the thing. If all of them went to Sasuke and started fighting him, they would've been dead. It doesn't matter how powerful Lee, Sakura, Kiba and Sai are, Sasuke would just murder them.

She going she also would die, the most reasonable thing was for her to no go, not her just going by herself.
Taking Lee, Kiba and Sai were just to locate Naruto and Sasuke, which she shows when she asks where Sasuke is and then puts them to sleep.
She didnt wanted to involve them and it shows clearly on her conversation with Sai that she was planning to do something by herself.

Sakura's plan was good, it failed but it was good. She went alone and tried to convince Sasuke that she wants to join him, so he can lower his guard and she kills him.
Through her actions she saved them. But sadly she failed in delivering the blow to Sasuke.

It relied on the fact her poison could work and her being capable of hitting Sasuke, there was no plan B, or C or D in case it fails.
It was pure kamikaze, her poison would not work on Sasuke as Kakashi stated because he worked on Orochimaru even she said during Naruto's training arc that Sasuke might used drugs.

Her plan had many failure points so it would not had worked.
The right thing was her going to tell Naruto what the k11 had decided and bring him back to the village but she didnt wanted to do it because from her POAL she didnt wanted to hurt Naruto anymore, in fact she wanted to take all the blame to herself, her mission since the begining if you haven't noticed it was for her to kill Sasuke and probably mgiht end dying too or even if she escaped make Naruto hate her.
She looked down at herself once again like many times of the manga and decided that she should end this whole team 7 thing by herself.

#538037 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 June 2014 - 09:02 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Both acted out of desperation and plans were wrong that hurt the situation but what differentiates one from the other in my opinion is that Sakura also thought of the people around her, she thought more on her teammates to put them under a soporific effect to avoid endangering their lifes

That's the difference pointed on your post but i'll disagree that she thought about the lives of her comrades because she put them to sleep.
In face she was selfish because they had agreed to kill Sasuke, on their notion but Sakura wanted to do that alone by herself, she thought it was her responsability not theirs.
Hence why later Kakashi told Sakura to apologize.

#538028 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 June 2014 - 07:34 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sakura can be so in love with anyone, but never put anyone else in danger, a good example of that was in confession, when she decides to protect Naruto and kill Sasuke (above any feelings for Sasuke ) enlists the help of Kiba and company but when the battle gets everyone is in sleeping potion because she does not want to put anyone in danger for her decision to kill sasuke, only endanger her life.

It's a double edged sword, Hinata did something similar on the pain arc and she was criticized for putting her own life at the stake and making Naruto feel guilty of her possible death.
She was desperate, and Sakura on this moment was desperate too.
Her planning to kill Sasuke was weak since the start and it was obviously pointed by Kakashi, if Sakura was on her right mind she would have done a better plan but sometimes she let her emotions take the best of her on that time.

We all know the right decision which was pointed by Kiba, which was for her to tell Naruto to MAN UP! and stop chasing Sasuke instead of a fake confession.
On which allowed Naruto to turn the table and inquiry Sakura on which replied he should worry more about himself and go home, which was one of the proofs that the confession wasnt true and it allowed Naruto to change the topic and end with Sakura leaving due to her innability of convincing Naruto.

About Kiba and her teammates, she needed them to locate Naruto and Sasuke, she didnt had any intentions of killing inside because the scene when she arrives tells that she was hesitant and didnt believed that they needed to kill Sasuke at first, her faultering at the begining tells everything, she was evaluating if he was really evil to make the decision to kill him.
She only decided to kill Sasuke after she was cornered when he demanded a proof of loyalty.

Not going to downplay there, she acted as an heroine but it's limited to the emotional aspect of being capable of leaving her feelings for Sasuke behind for Naruto's wellbeing.
But after that it was her desperate attempt of wanting to do something right, blaming herself for Naruto's misery on which is his own fault.

#537991 Naruto 680

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 June 2014 - 03:38 PM in Latest Releases

Naruto resurrecting people? No thanks.

Me too but i think he somehow can do this too... :(

#537954 Naruto 680

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 June 2014 - 11:43 AM in Latest Releases

Didn't Naruto already fight with Minato in the climactic "father-son duo" against Obito some time back? The old man has to be feeling a bit antiquated right now since his best efforts failed against one-eyed Madara and now he doesn't have any arms to speak of. Tobirama is pretty much in the same boat and the "Professor" promptly had the upper half of his body destroyed when he tried his hand against a mindless Juubito. Their hearts might be in the right place but they're probably going to end up like Kakashi unless Hashirama can work a miracle with his Mokuton. 
More Tobirama/Minato antics would be fun though. Hearing those two bicker with each other about ridiculous names and the unoriginality of their movesets was one of the finer points of the Juubito fight.

I have that feeling that Naruto might restore his arms and he can ressurrect people.

#537833 Naruto 680

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 15 June 2014 - 12:38 AM in Latest Releases

I understand what you mean but still that wasn't the context he wasn't telling him that he only told him that He is the reason why they are here this is what Naruto understand . Also  Naruto didn't necessarily agree in here Naruto at best in here only agreed that he's superior because he has the full moon or sun to Sasuke's moon LOL XD   But not that they are useless acknowledging that you are superior doesn't mean the others are useless . Its like Me for example acknowledging that I'm  superior to my friend because i'm the manager(hold a higher position ) in the company we work but does that mean that he's useless ? Most definitely not .
I still can't see how him understanding means that he's agreeing and this is not the only factor that goes against this notion there are more that you guys are discarding them  but i agree with @JILLNYN no one is changing anybody's opinion in here so lets call it a day .

NarutoFireFox that was really the context, the context is two aspects.
Sasuke telling Naruto that Sakura and Naruto aren't usefull and then telling him that because of this he should not worry about protecting Sakura and Kakashi.
Naruto said he understood but he's not going to let them die.

She gets depressed at Naruto "agreeing" with Sasuke about her usefullness.
If you have any doubts, Sakura confirms this otherwise there was no reason for her to had agreed with Sasuke.

Thank you for all the goals you scored in world cups.

#537767 Naruto 680

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 05:59 PM in Latest Releases

TheFirstEvil100 I also think that, but in that battle against Sasori She had all the information to fight with him, she knew was the weaknesses of his puppet and had a well-planned strategy and sometimes improvised

Just to pinpoint, she didnt had information about him, only about the poison the rest she figured it out during the battle.

#537766 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 05:56 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Never understood why the Mexico supporters scream "Puto" everytime the other's team goalkeeper does that free kick.


Let's see how will be England vs Italy  or Japan.

I'm supporting england against Italy because english supporters are funny, i mean they say their team sucks and are totally pessimism but still if their team wins one match they start screaming they will win the world cup.

England team and the pessimism of millions.

#537761 World Cup 2014

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 05:08 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I'm rooting for spain, germany , england, netherlands and south korea 
LOL, it does. Similar with spain and netherlands. I'm upset that spain lost but watching their lacklustre play, they got what's coming.
Haha, at least xabi alonso scored a goal.



#537760 Naruto 680

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 05:02 PM in Latest Releases

@mangareader, luffy, redragon and Dark - right on all counts. And I should have added that I wasn't thinking about Sasuke's reasoning supporting SS or Sakura's feelings. 
@NarutoFireFoxUzumaki — No, I don't think Sasuke's going to turn all warm and fuzzy in the end. That would be tremendously OOC for him! 
What I meant was, reading all the justifications SS fans are giving for how Sasuke really feels, the things they are gleaning (twisting) from the slightest hints, I thought that even though I think it's ridiculous, Kishimoto is going to have to somehow justify everything Sasuke's doing right now if he's going to redeem him in the end.

He will turn somewhat like Kakashi in the end but with a good ending not the bad ending he had after he lost his teammates at that time.
I just dont hope it turns out something similar like Rin and Kakashi, like Sakura confessing once again and Sasuke calling himself he's trash and dont deserve her feelings.
God plz no.

Think back to Itachi in part 1. It didn't matter how bad he was because he was the prime villain. So he could do as much awful stuff as possible and no one batted an eye. And when he turned "good" then all his past bad behavior was swept under the rug because it was just that...in the past.

I dont think Itachi become good, the fact is that the audience forgave him(something he failed with Obito, Pain...), he became a dark hero, he did bad things in order to keep the good things going on, he accepted he did mistakes but never looked to make up for his bad actions in fact he only helped Naruto but he wasnt doing that to make up for himself.

But now we're getting to see Sasuke's bad behavior alongside the knowledge that he is somehow going to be redeemed. It's not going to be a surprise, like with Itachi. Each bad thing Sasuke does is going to have to somehow be justified to redeem him. 
So when I was thinking about SS and all the crazy theories about how Sasuke is really still a good guy, still has good intentions, yadda, yadda, yadda...I started thinking that somewhere in there is the reasoning Kishimoto is going to use to save his character.

The main difference i think about is that, Itachi accepted his way and wasnt looking for redemption.
But Sasuke doesnt want redemption it's Naruto who wants to redeem him, Sasuke only needs to see how wrong he is that Naruto will take care of the rest, it takes out accountability from Sasuke because Naruto and the others view him as some sort of victim.
It's somewhat like "He killed countless of samurai and ninjas from the could village he cant be forgive, my village destroyed my clan and i was an orphan so it make an even" plus the fact he never crossed the line.

I also dont know what he message he wants to deliver by redeeming Sasuke it goes totally against the fact that the evil path is what Sasuke chose so he had to deal the consequences.

Cause Naruto can't not save him. And yet to have Naruto save Sasuke, but still have Sasuke be behaving ridiculously selfishly to everyone around him, diminishes Naruto's role as hero. (Naruto won't look like the big hero in everyone else's eyes, instead he'll just a guy who could give up some old friendship, even though the friend was crap and the friendship died years ago.)

I think that the worst problem of this is that Saving Sasuke become the major plot of the manga, everything circulates towards it, Jiraiya struggled so much to bring peace to the world and never managed to find the answer, Naruto's asnwer is save Sasuke nonetheless.

Kishimoto is going to have to explain Sasuke's callusness. And personally, the 'my body moved on its own' is weak and sidesteps responsibility on the part of the person saving. So if that's what this whole thing hinges on — it won't paint Sasuke in any better light than he already is seen. We know he decides to kill or not kill on whim, but 'my body moved on its own' means that he saves others the same way. That doesn't make him worthy of redemption. It makes him no different than Kabuto (or most of the other villains), who kills or heals according to how useful it is.
Sorry - my little thought has turned into a LAP.
Ultimately, as the Sasuke show goes on, it will be interesting to see what kind of gymnastics Kishimoto has to do to back away from all of Sasuke's bad behavior.

My too because i seriously have no idea how it's going to turns out.

#537744 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 01:46 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Xavi and Iniesta even if they are past their prime they are still gold and the best midfielders in the world even now there is no better then these two even now . LOL they were the only ones who were playing for Spain oh man the passes the passes and the opportunities that they were creating those were awesome  :cry: but even that's not helping when you have idiots in the offence and the defense .
LOL so true about Maradona but will see what happens how they play their first game but with Messi and the others like Aguero , Di Maria  and Higuain they have a solid chance i would say .
Well i will put it like this there a 5 favorites who are capable of wining the cup those imo are : Brazil (the Host) , My favorite - Argentina , Germany (can't believe i forgot about them :facepalm: ) , Netherlands and Spain . I would have also put Italy in here because you never know with them they play very strong defense LOL XD ,  
You Are A Chelsea Fan!!!! Well Hello There Arsenal Fan in here :hehehe:  .

Netherlands only became favourite because they beat Spain 5-1 yesterday.
Argentine has a good offensive team but their defense is bad, Germany lose Marco Reus.
I think England can manage to go far.


#537741 Naruto 680

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 11:06 AM in Latest Releases

To make Sasuke be a good guy, to redeem him, he will have had to have been thinking about Sakura and Kakashi, deep down, as Naruto is implying.

However it was hinted he still "cares" about them in some flashbacks, but those are in the middle of his objectives.

#537740 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 14 June 2014 - 11:01 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Is not bad to be displease about the way Kishi treat his characters and to be honest many of the secondary characters fans also have a reason to be unhappy with how this Author writes them, but some user here acts as if Sakura is the only reason why this Manga exist in the first place, every single week is a train of people unhappy about something regarding Sakura to a point where is becoming monotonous and repetitive.

Because recently she has been on focus while people like yourself expect her to do something awesome and it doesnt happen, but the opposite, she got in damsel in distress and people said "Wow Sakura was badass".
People wants to turn negative moments into positive ones.
Monotonous and repetitive is Sakura constantly caring about Sasuke's opinion about her and her going in damsel and distress situations.

Also the same argument you uses to criticize NH.

Some of you guys are even arguing against the users that are happy enjoying when something positive happen for NaruSaku and some are constantly repeating that they care more about Sakura than NS but guess what not every user here feels the same way and to be look down by some because they like the little positive NS in the last chapter is silly.

I'm arguing against people who are calling out people who are cricizing people for not enjoying the current Sakura.
"THey care more about Sakura than NS"
The same can be said about people who cares more about NS than Sakura.

Yes many like Sakura but they are others that like other character and not only Sakura but at the same time they love NS and that feelings is no longer pleasant because of the constant complain about Sakura portrayal in the Manga.

You say you loki Sakura however criticize people for liking Sakura i'm confused now.
Also NS is not just romance relationship it also involves development of both Naruto and Sakura, pairings get better when the heroine is supportive and help the main character not like Naruto admiting she's a burden on the recent chapter but saying she and Kakashi are important to him.

Why not create a section that is only dedicated to Sakura so the participation on this site becomes once again the same way is was before where there was many different NS fans posting on the site.
Again In NaruSaku.com Many user likes Sakura but not everyone likes Sakura above all characters and the story itself.

It's the same old argument of "No True Scotsman".

#537640 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 June 2014 - 11:51 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

But Sakura is a strong and intelligent character that never had to faced her greatest weakness and its most vulnerable point as a character, which are her feelings for Sasuke that bring negativity and misery.

She was faced against her weakness when she fought up against Sasori, she didnt had Naruto and Sasuke or Kakashi she had to rely on her abilities.

That has nothing to do with her skills and strength, are there have not disappeared, because she is more human doesn't mean that she is more weaker, all those times when she shine as a character was not present negativity of Sasuke that not was facing then.

Her only aspect of being human is the fact she let her emotion get the best of her.
She "died" when Sasuke tried to kill her two times, she let her emotion takes the best of her during those moments and she was finished, if apparently she had learned that lesson up until now.
Like she did previously, she put her feelings aside from a moment and did great things as a member of team 7 and saved Naruto.
And now suddenly is wanting to know Sasuke's opinion, and let her emotions took the best of her when she charged against Madara.


I think Kishimoto is making that Sakura facing with her feelings for Sasuke with the utmost brutality, this had never happened, that is why she has missed many opportunities to shine for her emotional state, I think it's a purpose for drama factor and makes her character believable if she struggles and shows how awesome ninja she is right now any reader don't understand that she is in an emotional crisis.

As much as people want to believe, she's not facing against her feelings for Sasuke becase this "development" leads to nowhere, the buildup is horrible, it's being based on Sasuke not caring about his former teammates and that's ridiculous since he will be redeemed and he will care about them afterwards.

Before and after the war Sakura was depressed, sad and disappointment  and what happened? overcame and did all that she could to reasonable scope of their powers to help the alliance, is not the first time that Sakura enters in emotional crisis, has already been through a lot and all have recovered, but this is the largest and hardest of all that has been face her emotional vulnerability.

Sakura has to face her inner emotional battle to cope after their battle to be respected in team 7, Kishimoto can not develop without the other and the emotional battle is Step 1
yeah this my opinion and think that we must be wait for this.

She will never be respected as a team 7 if she doesnt respect herself, her internal battle is ridiculous because she's a medical ninja and to make matters worse she doesnt value her accomplishments, she thinks she's useless and her self esteem looks like Mr. Bones "The ride never ends".

Just my opinion though.

#537632 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 June 2014 - 11:02 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I am  angry with those who judge Sakura for 2 chapters of  Kaguya battle are you kidding me?! ,I have seen more positive comments on Sakura haters :wot:

By the way, and to change the subject (I'm a little tired of the useless Sakura paranoia) are you realize that all fandoms are beginning to attack against NS?

I Entered on deviantart and find 10394865 anti-NS and all from  NH, SS, some SN vs NS

I think that the more NS approach the canon they will become more aggressive is madness :twitch:

No one here's judging her on two chapters, those two last chapters were the pinnacle really.
War Arc until last few chapters.
Let me begin on this arc : She gots a powerup, raises her self esteem that was really low, she says "I'm Sakura Haruno the disciple of the 5th hokage", "i'll no longer be a damsel in distress".

Positive -> Manages to cooperate with Naruto's powers, speech towards the alliance.
Negative -> Once again is put on a damsel in distress.

Comes a key point to display of her powers, Shikamaru is dying and needs help, Naruto cant save Shikamaru and it comes down to Sakura, Sakura also cant manage to save Shikamaru, Tsunade jumps in and heal.
Accomplishments (Positive).

Second part.
Positive - With Obito's help saves Naruto's life.
Negative - Cares about Sasuke's opinion about her, put in two damsel in distress situations in less than 3 chapters, becomes desperate at not reaching Naruto and Sasuke's asspulls, goes back to low self esteem once again.
Kishimoto doesnt prove she's stronger than Tsunade, makes Sakura to care about Sasuke's opinion about her when earlier she didnt give two kittens about him, and later damsel in distress.

In contrast when on the begining she was strong, self confident, wanted to protect her teammates, showed how intelligent she was.
Kishimoto just neede two chapters to destroy all this, by her not being capable of helping Naruto during the 4th bridge and later because Sasuke doesnt care about her.

I mean really.

In my opinion, we can cut Sakura some slack, but we shouldn't do so when it comes to Kishimoto. He's the one behind the heroine pulling the strings. And I'm pretty sure he provided a lot of opportunities for Sakura but chose not to act on those. And that's why I feel what I feel when so many opportunities (and my own expectations) were tossed aside. Yet I still hope that Kishimoto knows what he's doing and will rectify the situation because I'm really tired explaining to others why Sakura's recent behavior can be justified. In essence, I'm tired of justifying Kishimoto's depiction of the main heroine.

Me too, i know this.
Every time i fail to realize what he really wants to accomplish with her character, she does heroineish stuff but none of those related to battle prowess but rather feelings and proving she can do everything to the hero "Naruto", example confession and etc..
But the problem is that this is not shoujo or a simply shounen but a battle shounen so the heroine is not just a girl that support the hero emotionally, but also complimenting his abilities not necessarily being strong as he is, and to add quality they have their own path/backstory.

Sakura had glimpses of being capable of helping Naruto in battle, she did it recently before Naruto's powerup when she managed to heal the alliance and make Naruto to not worry about saving people around because she had his back (that's the job of the heroine) but to finish comes my personal side, i find it bad the fact she has no background or her own path to walk, she's tied to Team 7 as whole and her development is completely emotionaly driven towards romance.
Kishimoto has very little focus on her path as a ninja.

#537625 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 June 2014 - 10:19 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

People will always.find a reason to complain:

-OMG, we haven't seen Sakura in the past 2 chapters
-*Sakura appears* OMG, Sakura hasn't fought
-*Sakura fight* OMG, Sakura doesn't have a power up in ages
-*Sakura gets a power up* OMG, power up is crap.
-*shows power up with similar abilities to Tsunade* OMG, she's weaker than Naruto amd Sasuke
-*Sakura struggles with her feelings, juat like everu other himan being* OMG, just get over Sauce already...

I came to the realization that peopke like these will never be satisfied. As you can see, their expectations have reached a level where they will not cut any slack to the author because the atory is not going how "they" want to go. This is Kishi story, so enjoy the ride or comllain about it. However, don't go trying to ruin other people's optimism. I used to visit this site cause I cobsidered it a haven for NS fans. Now, it pretty much dissappoints me what almost everyone has left this place to become. Reply all you want to this post and put any consequence to it, but do know this: none will take the happiness away fron me and from those NS fans who are here to support each other instead of complaining because the story is not going as they want it to go.

Do you realize it's literally everything.
What's left with her character then?

She's not strong as Naruto and Sasuke, she doesnt have valid reasons to struggle neither her feelings for Sasuke werent strong to begin with to justify her long standing battle against it, she vows to stand as equal alongside Naruto and Sasuke, Kishimoto shows her punching some fodders and that's it, tells us that she's stronger than Tsunade and yet she is trolled by Tsunade on Shiakamru's moment, she gets powerups and ends up being trolled with Naruto getting powerups that outshine her healing abilities.
Says she's smarter than Naruto and Sasuke and ends up being once again in another damsel in distress situation, is called as useless by Sasuke and her self esteem is crushed.

Then what's left to expect about Sakura's character?

If you have no expectatives towards Sakura then it's better to admit she's a failed character than calling people out.
That's basically how i feel towards her character, from a heroine of a battle shounen on the begining of part 2, to a pairing drama character.

#537622 Naruto 680

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 June 2014 - 09:51 PM in Latest Releases

He said Hashirama died in one of many battles on wars.





not sure if serious

#537544 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 June 2014 - 03:10 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

This is the only part of your post I am going to comment on because I feel this is where the problem is.

When it comes to everything else there is always some technicality or some kind of excuse or some kind situational awareness that explains why the battle went the way it did, but then you never apply the same logic to Sakura and her encounters in this war. We have to even about this. You can't use logic one way and then not apply to another.

It's the whole Batman vs Superman argument all over again where people say Superman is OP. When compared to Batman, of course he is, but if you compare him to the villains he faces he is nowhere near being OP. Speaking of which, how is Batman not OP when he is just a regular human who can do things that not even some other human characters can do?

"They were Edo Tensei"
Yeah, and that gave them an edge. Obito and Madara probably would have taken them out sooner if they weren't Edo Tensei and then they would just be dead. The whole point of the Edo Tensei was to give them an edge in the fight and it worked.

It's canon and stated not just by them and it clearly shows they're not a their max power, we saw Hashirama taming a kyuubi and owning Madara.

"Madara was juiced up."
It's funny that you use this logic on when everyone, including Sasuke, gets their ass handed to them, but when it comes to Sakura you never mention this. You never mention how broken both Madara and Kaguya are that even they are too much even for the strongest Ninja to tackle when it comes to Sakura, but if Sasuke gets his ass beat down you try to use this to explain it.

No, it doesn't work like that. You either apply the logic to all of it or you don't use the argument at all. This is why I stopped taking you seriously because you pick and choose what applies to what. You can't hold all mistakes against Sakura, but not hold all the mistakes against Naruto or Sasuke. You can sit here and say that Sasuke is a master tactician when some of his plans are basically the same thing you criticized Sakura for.

I use it as an argument because it's canon, Kabuto states he's special, he got the cells of Hashirama and was revived at his prime.
His edo tensei version was stronger than when he was alive.

In comparison there's stuff like "Sakura surpassed Tsunade, Sakura's smarter than Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi"
And yet where's the deliver?
There's no panel showing Sakura doing something superior to Tsunade i've seen the inverse, i've saw Sakura struggling to save Shikamaru and Tsunade healed hin in seconds.
I didnt see Sakura creating a single plan that would prove to me that she's smarter than them.
Sakura's plan to kill Sasuke was total fail which was pointed by Kakashi, and her plan to attack Madara the same thing.

You can think whatever you want, but you have to stay consistent with it otherwise this is how favoritism and bias comes into play.

I'm not being favoritism, my only complaints are that Kishimoto states things about Sakura but doesnt deliver.

People are mad that Sakura can't keep up with Naruto and Sasuke. I get it. She is not as strong as them, but how can she keep up with two guys who gain powers out of nowhere all because they are reincarnations of a previous person? How can she keep up when Kishi keeps moving that finish line as soon as she gets close?

No one here expects her to keep up with Naruto and Sasuke, in fact i expect her to have at least one thing that make her important to the team, i've seen it on the three way deadlock but then Naruto gains OP healing powers that surpass her's.
She goes back to being irrelevant to team 7 once again.

This is why I am not mad at him for what he did with Sakura. She is actually a perfectly written character. What I am mad at is what he has done with Naruto and Sasuke. Even more with Sasuke who he asspulls his powers every chance he gets. So I think the hate is misdirected and really they should look at why he keeps writing Naruto and Sasuke so crappy?

You're not mad because you keep downgrading your expectatives about her character, from your point of view and the way your express on your posts, your only expectative is Sakura and Naruto being a couple in the end.
With being downgraded from a heroine(begining of part 1) to simply pairing drama device.

If you really think about it, Sakura is the ONLY character he has written well because unlike other characters her powers are never asspulled. She would be equal to Naruto and Sasuke sans reincarnation powers, but again they cheated. "You gain new powers all because you are meant to inherit those powers."

She's the only character who hasnt asspulled on the series so this is "writing well" i would agree for Naruto's standards.
The only perfect character in my books was Kabuto.
He was a great villain and wasnt like the others who were like "muh revenge".

#537530 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 June 2014 - 12:31 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I still find this funny how no one really applies this to say other characters either who were said to be legendary.

Tsunade is the weakest of the kages ever i even think Mizukage is stronger than her really.

Remember when the 4 Hokage were said to be really powerful? Now look at them. They were taken out like nothing when Madara showed up. Madara has made a mockery of all the characters that were said to be super powerful. All the Kage and the 4 Hokages were said to be these powerful people capable of amazing feats and they were just beaten so easily like they were nothing.

They are Edo Tensei.
You might bring up Madara but his body was modified so i dont think it counts.

Sasuke himself even got this treatment if you think about. Orochimaru said he was as powerful as Madara and yet his track record is pathetic. Lost to Itachi, Killer Bee, and some contenders with some only winning due to a technicality. He got stabbed by his own sword by Madara and died. He is said to be a master strategist and yet all of his plans have sucked and even backfired.

Depends on what Madara you're talking about, the one who got the 6 paths or before that?
Madara's track record is pitfull too, he lost all his battles against Hashirama, and he was strong.
I think that Sasuke without rinnegan and Indra's power he's even with Madara who lose to Hashirama.

About strategies, Madara is asspuling, Naruto asspuling and Sasuke asspulling, you cant predict nothing neither create a plan.
Sasuke died when he tried to stab Madara, but Madara stopped gravity itself.
Naruto and Gaara managed to seal him but he got revived on the last second, then later he uses a single jutsu and removes Kyuubi from premises in a matter of seconds when Akatsuki used to take three days with the (It takes a lot of resources and chakra to seal a bijuu) yeah all this went to space.

Kaguya is even making Naruto's and Sasuke's powers look like nothing. Actually, she even made Madara look like a chump as well.

They have plenty to asspull yet, Naruto learned how to float on this chapter.

Sakura isn't the only one Kishi hyped up only to be knocked down.

You mean Lee - who hasnt fought.
Raikage - who lost to Sasuke.
Kabuto - who lose pathetically with Itachi's asspull and his jutsu that doesnt make sense. ( srsly why the hell would you sacrifice your eye to make someome good again?)

#537417 Which of the 7 deadly sins have you committed?

Posted by Sakamaki Izayoi on 13 June 2014 - 12:30 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

There was a time on my career as a developer that i stayed overnight making money.