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There have been 153 items by Zero BD (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#309796 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 26 January 2011 - 05:42 PM in i-Blog

lol, I've been reading manga like crazy to figure out how to do panels correctly. I even gave my friend a ton of jump manga so that his drawings could move towards a more shounen type feel. it's all good fun. hope I can see your manga in the future!

#316168 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 10 March 2011 - 07:30 PM in i-Blog

It was more of an agreement that we reached. We were thinking of a mangaka name for our duo cause we didn't just want Aikani & Drixie. So we sat down and thought of a quality from anime/manga that really defines us. Drixie immediately came up with his fetish for futanaris and when he said his I thought, lolicon. So we combined them and started to go with FutaLoli. We're hoping, keyword hope, that the name brings more laughter then sighs.

#303286 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 17 November 2010 - 06:16 PM in i-Blog

well I try to hold off a full review till it ends. angel beats reaffirmed my commitment when I saw the ending and that affected its score in my opinion

#309777 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 26 January 2011 - 07:08 AM in i-Blog

26Jan11 0812hrs

Now this entry is something new to me since we won't be talking about my travels. It's a more personal blog cause I'll be talking about what's been going locally. So let's get start off with today's topic.

MHG. It is the name of my friends group. Formed around the single unifying thought that resonates with the name, maybe I'll tell you about it one day. From MHG there has spawned two filming circles, Old Guys Productions and Magicant Productions. I work deeply with Old Guys Production, chiefly as a writer, actor and the group's local military consultant. The Raid was our first and so far only script driven piece and will be until The Raid 2 is finished. The Raid was mainly a chance to see if our Old Guys could work with a script because everything up to that point had been improv. It was a tedious process designing the script but in the end it was enjoyable. I hadn't really written anything since my break from FF.net nearly 2 years ago. It was a spark that I hadn't felt for so long. After we finished with The Raid, I went to work for it's sequel. Another first for Old Guys. We're still in the production period so I've been really busy. Not too mention that Cata came out but I'll talk about that later.

The two experiences with script writing has lead me to an idea that I've never really took serious till now, and that's being a mangaka. I've gotten my three friends involved as well as they're all excited about trying it out. I'm in charge of story and creating the basic storyboard. My friend Drixie then takes the storyboard and draws the characters and polishes the paneling. We then hand it off to our friend Josh who will take care of backgrounds. The last person who sees it is Schneider who'll finish up with the tones and any lines. It eventually gets scanned and the speech bubbles are added at last. At least that's the idea I'm not done with chapter 1's storyboard yet. It's really hard coming up with 20 pages while reading a script. But I'm confident that I'll have it out before the week's done. I hope you guys will support us as we premiere Gonal in the near future.

That's about it for this log. Next time I'll be talking about Cata, the military and maybe even some of the stuff we do while filming. So till next time, later.

#315850 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 09 March 2011 - 03:45 AM in i-Blog

9Mar11 1345hrs

This past month has certainly been interesting. First off drill was something else with my unit going full force into combat exercises. Then my bank account gets f**cked up cause of $20 I owed the bank. And finally my friend and I start our own review series.

Drill for Feb was pretty crazy since we were practically in infantry mode. Out of the 3 exercises we did, only one was really something that engineers would do. The three exercises were Defend a Convoy, Unmounted Tactical Movement and the last was Route Reconnaissance. Not much happened during the Defend a Convoy which was pretty disappointing but the other two exercises made up for it. During the Tactical Movement, we proceeded as a platoon to meet with a mayor of a small town. However, we had intel stating that anti-coalition forces were in the area. My platoon leader came up with a plan to secure the outer perimeter of the town first instead of just walking down the street while using the buildings as cover. This proved to be in our advantage since the opfor had previously attacked the last two platoons in the street. We were able to outmaneuver and outflank them faster then they could react. This resulted in zero causalities for us and 1 dead and 1 wounded for the opfor. In Route Recon, I switched my role as a driver to that of a mine sweeper. Man that sucks. Not only does this thing go off with any kind of metal on your body but it's such a meticulous method that you have to have a standby sweeper just because you get tired of holding the damn thing. So here I am, with no gear, no helmet and no weapon out in the front searching for IEDs when the squad leader I was with says that his squad had spotted a sniper. Yay for me with no weapon. The a**hole then opens up and I have to kittening run back all the way to our vehicles only cause I have no weapon to fight with. That was a far run just to let you know. Although in hind sight it was a interesting experience mine sweeping.

Like I mentioned the bank closed the account that my military pay was going to and it took a while to open a new one and set that kitten up again. Now I have to wait for a new card, which will be coming in next week, before I can get at my money. Oh well. I think I can manage until then.

If you didn't see my post in Show Yourself In Motion!, then I might as well tell you. One day my friend and I while waiting for one of our assistants to hurry up with some artwork for our manga decided to watch a anime review. Because we were extremely bored we decided to do a review show of our own. And thus FutaLoli Review was born. We've only done Yosuga no Sora and K-ON! but we're looking at doing a review per week so the episodes should be booming soon. My Youtube Channel

And last but not least, I recently picked up a Otaku USA magazine and was surprised to see a review of Evangelion 2.0 written by V from Revolution of Evangelion. I enjoyed but felt that there was a little bit of information that seemed like it didn't belong. Overall it was still a good review and I suggest reading it.

That's all for now, till next time.

#310788 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 01 February 2011 - 02:25 AM in i-Blog

1Feb11 1111hrs

This is gonna be one of those rare occasions where something happened and I need to talk about how awesome it was. Now over the past weekend my unit pulled drill. What was fun about this drill was that it's main focus was a training exercise called "Defend a Convoy Against a Ground Attack". Being either the driver or gunner gotta be one of the most fun parts of this exercise.

We started off pretty slow for a convoy pace. Usually you'd be hitting around 70mph which is supposed to be normal. However, because of the intel that we got my plt leader played it safe and kept the convoy at a slow distance up till the first IED. After the IED was spotted and confirmed we backed up around 300meters and then peeled off into a open area to form a cigar formation. After the IED was cleared we then proceeded with the mission. The lead vehicle then spots another possible IED and the orders come in for the convoy to stop. We then back up again without fully confirming it. While that happens opfor appear and attack the lead vehicles. They return fire WHILE backing up. Crazy. Afterwards the decision is made to push on through. My gunner is so stuck on his sector of fire that he completely ignores the enemy on the left while facing his right.

Now I'm the fifth vehicle, and my TC is our plt sgt, so the majority of the people in the humvee were thinking, "we're definitely gonna get hit." That wasn't the case and instead our plt leader's vehicle got hit which was the third vehicle. Behind it was a LMTV which stopped and tried to open comms with the down vehicle. While my humvee is parked behind it with my plt sgt waiting on comms tp assess the situation. Then we got hit from the right and not only does my gunner's 249 malfunction, the damn bolt pops out as soon as he tries to find out what wrongs with it. So we're sitting there with no gunner atm, and what do we do? My sergeant rolls down the window and returns fire. Now the simulation we were going with was that we were in up armored humvee. I mean the humvees that are fully enclosed and need an ac for it. So technically the window isn't suppose to roll down. What we should've done sooner was to pass up a weapon to our gunner so he could return fire. The LMTV in front of us decides to finally pull up to the side to assess the down vehicle. We form a box formation and get the vehicle up and running. We then wait again on the LMTV in front of us to get moving since which takes a while and this puts nearly everyone, myself included, pissed off at the fact that we're still sitting ducks. Finally arriving at the FOB we quickly form up, secure the area and call in the reports. Overall a fun experience but something that the platoon needs to improve on greatly. But our instructor says for a engineer company, "not bad".

Overall it was a very enjoyable battle assembly and we did a lot of cool stuff. Can't wait to try it again.

#310954 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 01 February 2011 - 10:35 PM in i-Blog

lol, yeah all I was thinking was, "wtf is sarge doing?"

#319343 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 05 April 2011 - 06:55 AM in i-Blog

Just a brief post about a triumph review and the fact that our show has been on schedule for a good month. Cheers!

#310861 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 01 February 2011 - 10:11 AM in i-Blog

lol it was a real humvee bro. the problem was that there's three types currently. soft cover which doesn't have any metal canopy, the hard cover which has a complete body, and the armored which is currently in use in theater. we were supposed to pretend we had the armored versions.

#303251 Zero Memoirs

Posted by Zero BD on 17 November 2010 - 07:57 AM in i-Blog


Damn its been a while since I was last on this thing. So today, hopefully I can get through most of my year so far. Hopefully.

This year has been one of the few memorable years in my anime watching life. A lot of big name studios went in different directions, a lot of brand name anime got some really good sequels, and a lot of excellent manga, light novel, or visual novel got an anime adaptation. I'll be mainly talking about my 10/10 anime from winter/spring/summer since fall's anime schedule is still running.
Starting with Hanamaru Kindergarten. This one really caught me by surprise considering it's really innocent looking nature. Studio Gainax(the crazies behind Evangelion, FLCL, Gurren Lagann, ect.) took a different approach then usual with their production of this comedy manga. I mean the last time I can remember of these guys doing something without fanservice was back in 98 when they did Kare Kano. However, it was a wonderful adaptation that my friends and I enjoyed. And that was the weird part since after the anime ended we all stared at each other and wondered, "Did we really watch a show about toddlers that Gainax made?" Moe, that's all I can say about how Gainax was able to once again prove why they are one of the big dogs when it comes to anime studios. They were able to master a theme that I would never expect from them. gg gainx...
The next anime is Working!! Now I didn't come into this anime with a lot of info about it's origins. All I knew was that my favorite male seiyuu, Fukuyama Jun(Lelouch from Code Geass) was voicing the male lead and that was enough to keep my interested. But as soon as I started watching it, it engaged me like few anime could and I was hooked. It's a teenage slice of life show, the only difference is that instead of taking place in the typical school environment, the show centers the setting on a family restaurant called Wagnaria. It's a crazy ride since the cast is filled with unique characters that I don't usually see that often in these slice of life shows. This makes the relationships even more complex then I'm used to. In general Working!! does a really good job in taking a already established genre and kicking it up a notch. Also the OP is among my top three OPs of all time.
K-ON!!(if you don't know, the extra ! is the indicator for the second season), if you watch K-ON!! then I'm sure you know it's another life of slice moe anime. However, to myself at least, it masters the genre and theme so well that I rejoiced when I heard the damn thing was getting a movie. I'm sure that a lot of people didn't watch K-ON!, that's perfectly fine since it would be my honor to tell you about it. K-ON!! continues the story of the Light Music club(aka Keionbu)
members and the people around them as the four original members enter their final year of high school. The majority of the show is basically their day by day interactions with each other and their close friends. As well as their eventual graduation and the realization that the youngest member of their club will be alone next year. I don't want to ruin the rest of the remaining and only plot of the show so I'll stop before I do. I really love this show and I'm a big fan. I hope that the movie is released in the winter or summer of next year so I can go watch it in theater.

It was rather unfortunate that my planned amount of money changed very drastically compared to the actual amount. For a one week trip like this I usually bring 1k spending. Thats spending money, not food money, not hotel money, not airfare money. That was cut in half to 500. So I did the only thing I could and sacrificed good food in exchange for an awesome time. However, what I failed to realize is that the food they have at convenience stores are actually quite good. In comparison with the food of the NEW ramen guy. If there was one thing I always looked forward to, it was the ramen that the "ramen guy" cooked. He was a old football(soccer) coach at the international level. Spoke pretty good english and was a all around nice old man. However it was troubling when I entered the ramen shop to find all his belongings gone. All his football photos, trophies, and stuff from foreign countries gone. Replaced by a very nice hd tv and someone who spoke with a heavy accent in Japanese.
Comiket 78. Probably an experience I'll never forget just like 76. Three days of circles, doujinshi, big gaming and anime studios, special items from shops like K-Books, Cospa, Gamerz and Animate, and cosplay. I was finally able to get confirmation from their international staff about the rules and regs regarding Comiket. A cool guy named Tetsu helped me out and gave me alot of interesting information. Also, I think he's a brit cause of his accent when he spoke in english. My spoils from 78 weren't as many in comparison from 76. But I value quality or quantity when it comes to things like this. Two doujin manga, one cd, one autographed artwork, and a ton of awesome pics. Not bad considering I was trying to save money.
The days before and after Comiket where your typical trip. All I did really was go to Akihabara and Ueno to pick up my friends gifts and have a tour in Shinjuku. Nothing really exciting.

#306147 Yo!

Posted by Zero BD on 21 December 2010 - 07:48 PM in Ninja Academy Enrolment

The cataclysm has shaken all those around us. Weaken their resolve and has strengthen our enemies. In this trying times I can only keep the faith while leading those who have gone astray back to the path. And continue to lead by example. Young one, remember that the light will never forsake you and even in you most dire times it will never abandon you. This holy sanctuary known as H&E is one of the few bastions of defiance against the darkness left in the world after the shattering. Never lose faith even in the face of the aspect of death. Soon the hour of retribution will come and all must answer that call. To stand united against the world breaker. Go in peace young one.

#304339 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 29 November 2010 - 08:15 PM in Gamer Lounge

also wanted to throw up the previews of tier 11 and season 9 for pvp.

#311750 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 09 February 2011 - 04:36 AM in Gamer Lounge

so 4.0.6 is coming down the wire. and I really wanted to see how you guys felt about the various buffs and nerfs that happened to classes as well as any other changes that occurred with this patch.

as a paladin I really liked the buffs ret was getting making us more viable for pvp and in some cases pve. prot was mostly left to itself with the inclusion of a interrupt. and of course holy got some nerfs due to the fact that we were basically cheating at the beginning of this expansion when it came to healing.

also the changes to tol barad make the battle more balanced in theory. I can't wait to que up and try them out myself to see if the battle is truly even now.

#304943 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 06 December 2010 - 11:01 PM in Gamer Lounge

cata came out but we cant play the content cause we have to wait for the rest of you guys in the states

#304316 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 29 November 2010 - 05:04 AM in Gamer Lounge

the only parts now thats really a grind is the 60-70 experience. 1-60 is the most fun I've had in WoW and is actually face paced compared to the original version.

#309578 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 24 January 2011 - 09:38 PM in Gamer Lounge

I would like to be the first to say, "Welcome to Azeroth." I hope you enjoy you're stay and be sure to note that Blizzard has intentions on fixing the quests within not only BC but to also fine tune those from Wotlk as well.

We started to raid 2 weeks ago and... Only managed to kill Algaloth... Seriously these new bosses are no joke. Especially if you're barely meeting the gear requirements. So far we've only tried BWD and both Magmaw and the Defense system are making quick work of us, although 5 mins isn't really quick in a boss fight. Still we'll continue to strive forward and try again when the raids reset this week. Hopefully some t11 pally tank gear drops from BH and we can continue raiding like normal.

#304977 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 07 December 2010 - 02:49 PM in Gamer Lounge

been trying out the hyjal questing and I am enjoying it cept for the fact that there are 50 other people leveling at the same time

#309651 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 25 January 2011 - 05:48 PM in Gamer Lounge

Fifty?! All active members? Or just characters that belong to the guild? I wish we had those numbers. XD

#304337 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 29 November 2010 - 07:49 PM in Gamer Lounge

I'm saying the 1-60 experience is better cause quite honestly all I've been doing for my alts is questing. Questing is actually very fun at the low levels and by the time you're ready to leave the zone you'll be surprised by the 5 levels you gain in that short amount of time. Every 5 levels, starting at 10, you will need to go back to a capital city and check the Hero's Board. The Hero's Board is kinda like the job ads page in the newspaper. Depending on what level you're at, 10-15-20-etc., you'll get choices on where you wanna head to next. Nearly all the zones after 10, with the exception of Darkshore and Loch Modan are the only ones 10-20, WILL level you for 5 levels if you came to the zone at the appropriate level. Also with the creation of the Dungeon Finder system it is super easy to find a group within your battlegroup to go do a instance with. Remember those days when you had to either a) Rely on guildies or b) spam trade channel for a group? Those days are gone and it is now as easy as queing up for a BG. And yes they already implemented the 20% exp reduction for 70-80. So enjoy leveling!

#304691 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 03 December 2010 - 01:16 PM in Gamer Lounge

The new world.

#304281 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 28 November 2010 - 05:48 PM in Gamer Lounge

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Nov 27 2010, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Been on a bit of an vacation from WOW but ill probably back on with Cat. Spend most of my time of Draka and some time on Exodar.

If you haven't checked out SW yet, it is beautiful.

This is the new level flow from 1-60 and the 80-85.

#309778 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 26 January 2011 - 07:15 AM in Gamer Lounge

@cat Blizz put just as much love into the 80-85 zones as they did with the worgen and goblin starting zones. You'll enjoy you're experience in Azeroth once again.

@whirl Yeah that is a small guild. Right now my guild has around 15-20 active members so the guild is full of alts and bank alts and just characters that are still in the low levels.

@cloud Every time I go in that instance I'm always in my ret spec for some reason... If you confidently feel that you can handle one add on you're own then tell the group leader and have either the two other dps on the other add or you can also get the tank in to help as well. Positioning isn't that big of a deal when the adds are summoned.

#304059 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 27 November 2010 - 03:19 AM in Gamer Lounge

With Cataclysm's release less then two weeks away (only nine days if you live in the pacific), I'm willing to discuss some of the latest WoW news. The latest patch to hit servers was 4.0.3a, last Tuesday.

What came with the new patch are:
* Portals in Dalaran/Shattrath Removed
* Class trainers in Dalaran where portals once were
* New race-class combinations (excluding worgen/goblin)
* New Gnome/Troll starting areas
* Changes to existing zones
* New cata load screens
* New cata intro cinematic
* New cata login screen
* New music
* City Quartermasters, with rep tabards
* Bug fixes
* Class balancing
* Druids, paladins, priests, and shaman will have their talent trees reset
* Experience required to gain levels 71 through 80 is being reduced by 20%
* New tamable hunter pets (Monkey, fox, dog, and beetle, as well as new skins for existing pet classes.)

What didn't come with the new patch and NEEDS the Cataclysm expansion are:
* Creating worgen/goblin characters
* Worgen/Goblin start zones
* Archeology
* Professions past 450 (Illustrious Grand Master)
* Guild leveling
* Guild achievements
* Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor flight
* New Zones (80+)

I hope you enjoyed the information as I am enjoying leveling two new alts. Now, unlike a vast majority of the players I play with, I am a child of the Wotlk expansion. I was not there when the gates of Ahn'Qiraj was opened, when the scourge commenced it's second invasion of Azeroth, when heroes ventured into the dark portal, or when the Sunwell was reactivated. My experience with WoW has only been these past two years. However, I am a deep convert. So I greatly enjoy the game and its contents. I've dealt with nearly all of Wotlk's content with the exception of Yogg-Saron and Helion. In the future I intend to talk more about WoW and its newest expansion. I look forward to meeting you online if you ever decide to visit my home server of Aman'thul. Later.

#307671 World of Warcraft

Posted by Zero BD on 07 January 2011 - 08:48 PM in Gamer Lounge

So it's been about a month since Cata dropped in on our lives. How's you and your guild doing? Are you enjoying your new abilities? Are you awaiting for blizzard to do something about the extremely challenging Tol Barad? Are you enjoying the new instances? What level is your guild atm? Did you do CoC? (half my guild loves to joke about this) Let's continue to talk as we try out those new raids or those two new bgs.

#304441 WikiLeaks

Posted by Zero BD on 01 December 2010 - 03:36 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

If Interpol is getting involved, I'm just wondering when the next leak will finally push DoD to act.