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There have been 11 items by alphabet (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#510591 Naruto 661

Posted by alphabet on 22 January 2014 - 05:57 AM in Latest Releases







Apparently, according to tumblr, people are translating it as Sakura saying "At this rate, Naruto will di-" ... Presumably gonna say "die."

#506646 Naruto Predictions!

Posted by alphabet on 09 December 2013 - 02:32 AM in Naruto General

Sasuke reveals that he has been wearing a girdle and is secretly very fat


Oh, and Gamakichi and Madara get married.

#506644 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by alphabet on 09 December 2013 - 02:22 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Honestly, I think that's just the kind of relationship Kishimoto likes the best


And I believe Sasuke/Karin is going happen, too. Once I found out she was an Uzumaki, I didn't doubt for a second that this is how the cycle of hatred between the Uchicha and the Senju clan was going to irridicated. It vaguely reminded me of Harry/Ginny, and how that's how Harry found a literal way into the Weasley family. Like, this is how Sasuke and Naruto are literally going to become family. (On that note, I wonder how closely related Naruto and Karin are?)


Also, how freaking cute would a NaruSaku/SasuKarin family get together be? All those little bright red-haired youngin's running around everywhere, yelling. Sasuke and Sakura sighing and saying that, well, this is what you get when you dip into the Uzumaki gene pool. And of course, Sai's there too, the ever-reliable babysitter. And Killer B, too. And Gaara, who can bring Shukaku, for old time's sake. And Gamakichi turns up, with his wife and tadpoles. Sasuke can summon Manda 2 for the kids to play with and everyone can get a baby giant snake to take home with them as a party favor.


AHEM oops, a little OT.


I've got a question, actually. Does everyone remember the dark days of shipping NS? Like, right before H&E was opened? How NaruSaku wasn't nearly the popularity powerhouse it is today, and NH&SS were sorta the defaults? I remember hearing that NS was always the popular pairing of choice in Japan, even in those days. Does anybody know if this is true?

#504936 Hinata Hyūga appretiation thread

Posted by alphabet on 21 November 2013 - 12:35 AM in Naruto General

That is a beautiful, beautiful cosplay, I gotta say. /wolf whistles

#504935 Naruto Predictions!

Posted by alphabet on 21 November 2013 - 12:33 AM in Naruto General

1. Unfortunately, I think Tsunade will die. I don't forsee Orochimaru surviving, either. (Though I have to say, I would LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOVE to see a spinoff omake of Tsunade and Orochimaru being wary buddy-pals. With Jiraiya, cuz HE AINT DEAD SHHHH.) The Sannin will pass and it will come full circle: Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura will take their place. Also, if she dies, she's reunited with her king Jiraiya in the afterlife. YEAH!


2. Tentatively hopeful for Sakura to have Slug Sage Mode. Have we ever had many flashbacks to HER training? It may be Kishimoto being, uhh, Kishimoto but he could also be saving one. Point 1 could tie into this, with my Queen Tsunade being critically injured and SHAZAM! Sakura activates and truly takes her master's place.


3. Hinata thinks about something that isn't Naruto. Like ... I don't know, her lunch or something.


4. Shino is slighted yet again somehow and sullks.

#504931 Ino Yamanaka appretiation tread.

Posted by alphabet on 21 November 2013 - 12:25 AM in Naruto General

Ohhhhh, Ino, Ino, Ino ... How I looooove her. /googly eyes


Easily tied with Sakura as my favorite female character. And, unlike Sakura, my - errrrrr - fandom "bicycle", if I may. I can (AND DO) ship her with almost any character (along with Temari, though, oddly enough, I cannot stand Temari with Shikamaru, yet I adore ShikaIno - go figure). Ino bucks the stereotype of the "Alpha kitten" - hell yeah, she's loud and mildly abrasive and opinionated and hot tempered, but she's also sweet and kind.


Plus she's hot as hell. Get that curtain of hair out of dem peepers already.


Who does everyone ship Our Queen with?

#500246 Naruto 651

Posted by alphabet on 16 October 2013 - 04:49 PM in Latest Releases

1. LEEEEEE!!!! Ohhhh, my baby, look what you're doing <3


2. Nice, Kishi, nice. Keeping Sakura away from the group power-up, reinforcing that she IS Naruto and Sasuke's equal. Those three - ALL THREE - are now absolutely confirmed to be disconnected from the rest of their age group. YES YES YES YEYSSSSSSSSSSSYES YES YESS YEEEEESSSS


3. Sakura/Rin parallel coming up, like, next chapter? Hmm? Hm? EDIT: This makes me nervous, though. I have an iffy feeling that this parallel is going to be some sort of sacrifice from Sakura for Naruto, just to drive the Sakura/Kushina/Rin point home, especially since tomorrow is the anniversary of Kushi/Rin's death. I don't think that she'll stay harmed, but it'll harken back to her "I can only do the slightest of things for Naruto" insecurities, I reckon. 

#497260 Will Kakashi have a happy ending?

Posted by alphabet on 30 September 2013 - 04:36 AM in Naruto General

Dude, when has he ever displayed interest in a woman? I want to pair him up so bad, but he's not giving me much to work with :(

#497248 Will Kakashi have a happy ending?

Posted by alphabet on 30 September 2013 - 03:54 AM in Naruto General

All of y'all talking about Kakashi pairing up... I think he's asexual. I wish he wasn't, though.

#497246 If you could meet Sasuke?

Posted by alphabet on 30 September 2013 - 03:51 AM in Naruto General

If I could meet Sasuke, what would I do?


... Probably pee on his leg. I hate that punk.




BUUUUUUUUUT at the same time, that means that I find him a really interesting character, POV-wise. He has so much potential to be fascinating, you know? I want to see Sasuke's point of view on love (is it duty to family, something that comes easily, something foreign? does he understand love or does he understand necessity?), life (does he live or does he survive?) (does he live to eat or does he eat to live? BAHAHAH- yeah I'm funny) and happiness (when was the last time he felt giddy?). He's had a lot of horrible things happen, yes, but his whole life, he's been glorified beyond belief. How has that molded his psyche?


Out of the big three (Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke - pretty obvious, but i'm explaining this to myself cause I'm drunk), Sasuke was THE CHOSEN ONE. Yet, he's a complete kitten. TELL US HOW YOU FEEL, IF YOU EVEN FEEL AT ALL, SASUKE.

#495005 How come Sasuke might end up with Karin?

Posted by alphabet on 19 September 2013 - 06:01 PM in Naruto General

I'm of the opinion that Kishimoto is gonna do something with these two. There's so much ambiguity, and, oh, THE FACT THAT SHE AWOKE HIS SHARINGAN LEVEL THING i can't remember the name and i'm too lazy to look it up. Karin's special to him and Kishimoto is consistently going out of his way to show that, and to be honest, it's leaving me a bit puzzled. Right now, as things are, if Sasuke's going to be paired up with anyone, it will be Karin, and I have no doubt about that.


Plus, I have a little pet theory that Kishimoto made her an Uzumaki for a reason: she's an obvious parallel to Naruto. I mean, come on. Karin could have been from any clan. Some small obscure family who's greatest power is, I dunnnnnooo, immaculate dry cleaning or whatever. But instead she's an Uzumaki who (literally) restores his life force. Both Sasuke and Sakura are going to end up with an Uzumaki.



But, Sasuke apologized. This is a feat from Sasuke. Sasuke didn't apologize before, and it was a sincere apology from what I have know that the word used was something referred to be a very serious apology


He used "summanakatta", which is the past form of "sumanai." It's used in VERY particular circumstances, to say the least:


"'d say the only situation when I can imagine that being said is by a man to his woman/girlfriend. When/if says it, he really means it sincerely.

So I'd say it's "casual/familiar" speech that you should not use outside your own family (provided you are a guy)."




す まなかった comes from 済む meaning to "pass" or "allow" and in the case of "sumanakatta" and also "sumimasen", it means "not pass" or in actual use, "I'm sorry" or an even longer interpretation, "what I did, is not allowed"

Other forms include, "すまぬ" (sumanu), "すまん" (suman) but I often hear this spoken in poetry, music, samurai flicks or by old fashioned Japanese like Yakuzas, though people won't lynch you for using it in conversation (they might think its funny that you know it).
I use "すまん、すまん!" in joking with friends/classmates when I messed up on something (complete with my hand rubbing the back of my head -- I'm so turning Japanes-ah!LoL)


(WHOA SORRY GUYS i've been away from here for so long, this formatting is making me short-circuit. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING SOMEONE RESCUE ME)



http://www.japan-gui...ay.html?0 76236


So it's, uhhh, pretty serious and the translations aren't doing it justice. He's apologizing to her the way a high-standing man would to his girlfriend, basically.


Also, I want to comment on Karin snuggling up to Sasuke, apparently just being all, "Well, you stabbed me but you're so hot LET'S DO IT RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!"


First I saw that and was like, "Oh, coooome onnnn, guuurrrl." But there's more to it, and it makes me laugh my ass off.


She says, "Shikata ne na." It's a variation of, "It can't be helped." But here's something interesting:


"I assumed it was simply Karin's usual rough pattern of speech 0gQ6Fqg.gif but look at this:

Also, if they are angry, they might also change the "nai" to "ne". This sounds very tough and rugged to them. Usually only men say it. "Shikata ne." Or even "Shikata ne na."


Right, so she was angry and rubbing up to him at the same time. But there's more:


At first I thought she was just faltering slightly when she starts with the "Shi...shikata ne na", but don't the typesetters usually use a plain space, dash, or comma to indicate that sort of trip-up? The ellipses make me think maybe she was starting to say another word: shine. With a little squeeze for emphasis.
"Die--er I mean--it can't be helped!" 2pys0vr.png

If that's really the case, it makes Sasuke's expression even more priceless.


Source: http://www.narutofor...2&postcount=225


HAHAHAHAhahahahahaha - so no wonder he looks nervous. She ANGRY. Basically, she's cuddling up to him and saying, "I'd sleep with one eye open, you handsome devil, you."


So, uh, yeah. I think Sasuke/Karin is the most likely option.