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There have been 106 items by Tsuki Hoshino (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#990459 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 18 August 2023 - 11:14 PM in Naruto General

Honestly, I just glossed over Burrito's new design because to me, he's always looked like kitten and nothing has changed :zaru: 



From the promo image. Salad's face didn't seem to change from 12 to 15; as likely the model/image Ikemoto based her on hasn't changed. Compared to Part two of Naruto where their were differences in the facial features from 12 to 15.


Ikemoto has terrible sense of ascetics.


Shouldn't Konohamaru be the next hokage? Since his dream was to be the one after Naruto. 

I was gonna say she still looked like a child in the face but in connection with me saying she still dressed like a hooker--it made me feel icky. (The person who should feel the ickiest is ikemoto though. What a creep.)


#990458 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 18 August 2023 - 11:07 PM in Fun Cafe

I guess the blind-mole people will inherit the universe in supreme victory  :argh:

#990451 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 18 August 2023 - 03:20 PM in Fun Cafe

Is being able to see in color considered Over-powered?  :umm: Asking for the poor oppressed colorblind people who are waiting to take over after the rainbow-seers have been annihilated. 

#990450 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 18 August 2023 - 03:16 PM in Naruto General

Who was expecting them to be any good?

Himawari just looks like a mix of her mom and DB GT Pan. Midriff shirt, baggy pants+belt. I find her design to be the least offensive. 

Love to see Salad out there living her best hooker-aesthetic life. (Literally, that's what she looks like; a seedy streetwalker.) Somehow her face seems mismatched with her body. 

You think to yourself "Well, it can't get any worse." and then it does. 

#990439 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 17 August 2023 - 11:27 AM in Naruto General

Meant to reply, got busy, forgot. RIP. 

And I've stated in the past,  it's a power-up that she never utilizes outside of this movie nor is it ever indicated in Boruto that she even still has it.  It's a one-time deal and even her sycophants over at Pierrot don't seem eager to change that. Especially now they're finally accepted that Hinata isn't profitable.


Lets say for all intents and purposes that she DOES have it...makes her an even worse mom for telling her kids to go protect their dad in a fight when she could have done that kitten herself :zaru: or that she lets herself get sucked up with her hubby instead of fighting. 

And just to clarify (and I've said this before.) I don't have an issue with Hinata not being a fighter, I think its clear that being a Ninja wasn't really what she wanted to be. Its a path that was chosen for her from birth and she tried to make the best of it partly because she had to and partly because loser Naruto inspired the loser in her. Stay at home moms are great. What I take issue with is people trying to swim in both pools. "SAKURA IS USELESS AND HINATA IS SUPER POWERFUL." There is hardly (No) justification for either claim. 



It wasn't the first time SP came up with a power for Hinata that Kishimoto rejected once he saw it. Remember the chakra net wall thing she made in the great filler arc so they could use that as an excuse to drawn her naked dancing over a lake?


Also they did try to make the Last tied to Boruto by giving Bolt his own mangekyo equivalent for the byakugan. Which the manga has ignored and just gave him a byakugan due to the karma seal. 


A big problem with how they try to power up Hinata and why it keeps getting rejected is they always give her overpowered abilities. When Neji is suppose to embody the ideal of how the hyuuga fight. Precise strikes to the chakra point with a few defensive abilities.


I half suspect that the reason Hinata was thrown in stasis alongside Naruto was both to prevent the anime team from complaining the Hinata should be totally immune to it, and to stop them from making more filler of her.

I have legitimately blocked 90% of filler from my mind. Easy to do since I didn't watch it...but I do vaguely remember that----it was back when they were genin. she was like still 13  :argh: 

I think its more likely they wanted Hinata to be the perfect waifu and that means going to purgatory with her husband. Besides, imagine how miserable she'd be without him  :umm:

#990438 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 17 August 2023 - 11:14 AM in Fun Cafe

Fools, you'll loose yourself amongst the myriad of other eyes I've stolen and be unable to tell yourselves apart! WE'LL ALL JUST BE ONE BIG EYEBALL STARING OUT INTO THE MULTIVERSE. 

#990422 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 12 August 2023 - 02:15 AM in Fun Cafe

Speaking of Uchiha, I'm going to mimic them and just steal everyone's eyes. That way when I win you can all win with me  :hehehe: (but not, because you'll be eyeless.) 

#990421 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 12 August 2023 - 02:12 AM in Naruto General

Any thoughts? Imo hinata being stronger than tsunade is about as true as naruto telling sarada he was super popular as a kid

The only justification for this is based on a retconning, asspull movie. Also, so what if Hinata is "Stronger"? (I use quotations because I personally find it to be wishful thinking on the part of her stans.) she never does anything useful  :zaru: Sakura is touted as the useless one but mythical byakugan princessu is the one with the mightiest power but does the least with it.  

#989792 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 13 June 2023 - 12:39 AM in Naruto General

Of the two newest Disney Movie's I think Wish has the most potential for success, it feels like its going back to Disney's roots in a respectful way. As for Elemental, this is just personal taste but I didn't like Inside Out--I thought the concept was too wacky and i have the same feeling for Elemental ( That and its kind of been done before. 1981; The Sea Prince and The Fire child. )

I'm sure Disney is going to make lots more Revisionist Villain films. They already did Maleficent and Cruella, I'm expecting Lady Tremaine and Ursula as secretly good all along  :hm: 

Yea, Temari rescuing Shikamaru would be the exception to the rule. 

I wouldn't mind Sakura losing to Sasuke, since its expected the main point of it is to see that yes, she is in fact willing to go against him and fight him when the situation necessitates it. That she CAN put aside her feelings to defend herself, or someone else rather than making her Sasuke's doormat. 

The main problem is that in order to give her any other interesting fights during the War Arc, Sakura would have to be in a different place (which she should have been because the way Kishimoto set up those squads was just another nail of stupidity in his story. "Lets put all long rangers together and all the short ranges over there and all the hyuuga can be together too~" ) 

#989787 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 12 June 2023 - 10:18 PM in Fun Cafe

Guys Im back from an alternate universe where it rains chocolate milk and Ash and Misty became a couple and Disney never brought Stars Wars and more.

Plus I made a time of money in that universe too. And BlueStar is king of the World.

That sounds disgusting, the whole world probably smells like rotten milk  :argh: GO BACK TO YOUR STINKY ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. 

#989786 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 12 June 2023 - 10:16 PM in Naruto General


Sorry I didn't see the connection with those cards and Naruto. If I had to guess why they are selling those cards with Naruto characters on they probably figured they could get a little profit of from a female market and fans who would buy anything, whether  or not that would work I do not know. I would probably say those Naruto's movies are more of a moderate success rate for the time they came out in terms of anime. I wouldn't say Marvel and Disney are dead yet, as Bob Iger did announce a couple of Disney movies that people are more likely to go see like Toy Story 5, Zootopia 2 and Frozen 3, can't say they will be good or not though people are bond to go watch them.  I don't doubt that they will try to market Anime besides games, mostly try to do live action anime adaptions, though I think  they have managed to crack the code with game adaptions first. Meant to say One Piece Live Action tv series not film, it probably won't be out until oda approves.


I wouldn't really say that about the west, as recent polling showed most American's find it more positive than negative, heck I find some get rather off putted if one goes too far in the other end when they go too anti woke and take extreme positions. Some of the countries in those areas you mentioned aren't exactly the best on humans rights issue in general, though I won't say which ones as that might be too political for this thread





I wouldn't necessarily say sakura and chiyo tramming up is bad as it was a good fight with both needing the other for the thing they lacked at the time, Sakura lacked experience while chiyo lacked the strength and to an extent the medical skills to deal with Sasori's poison. Also sasori underestimated them at the beginning and became more serious as he started to acknowledge their skills. Plus I think it's fine that at the begging of part 2 that it takes more than one ninja to take down an akatuski member, because they are supposed to be strong heck naruto teamed up with kakashi against a fake version of itachi and Deadira. Problem was that we never got a solo fight with her afterwards to see her improvement, the best options I could think kishimoto could of done this with are konan, kabuto, an edo chiyo and maybe even sprial zetsu.

I'd argue that the Jungle book Live Action was pretty good, as it did its own story for the most part. Heck while dumbo wasn't exactly considered one of the best I will at least applaud it for trying to do its own original story , though probably because the original film was only an hour long. I Hear they are now attempting to do prequels or sequels to these live actions so they might be more original, like a mufsa prequel.

To be clear, I'm not complaining about Sakura and Chiyo teaming up. I loved it for a lot of reasons. The tenacity and ingenuity of the young matched with the experience of the old, Chiyo having to fight along side the successor of her rival and a girl from a village she has a lot of reasons to hate and coming to respect her despite all of it. 

Its just that its repeated throughout the series that every fight that involves a woman, she either fails, or needs someone to come in and help her. If it happens once or twice, that's hardly a problem but when its EVERY ONE you start to pick up on it+ all the other stuff. 

Edo Chiyo+Sasori are useless without puppets, the only thing they can do is uselessly respawn/ body snatch people and make them fight for them. And STILL It would have made more sense for Sakura to face the two of them than Kankuro. That's a fight I wish we got to see. Sakura against Kabuto would have been good too. 

Sakura VS Sasuke even better. :hm: 

Jungle Book wasn't bad, but TBH I always think of the org first but by the time Dumbo came out I was just done with the LA's and skipped it.  Its like Disney has become creatively bankrupt. I didn't even like toy story 4 and the idea of there being a 5 makes me cringe. 

#989781 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 12 June 2023 - 08:08 PM in Naruto General

Sakura has the problem most of the cast has, "people wanted her to have a story, while kishimoto was content with just having a moment at the last chapter." This bit him in two ways. One, him doing nothing with Sakura most of the time made people think he was sexist because she wasn't as important as her teammates. Two, most fans developed headcanons to fill the voids in the story, some that even contradict what actually happens...hell that SS manga clearly contradicts how the ninja world was set up.


Sakura clearly at least had the ability to invoke strong feeling in the audience. Most writers dream of having a character have as strong of an impact as some Naruto characters did.

Unfortunately, Kishimoto not going through Neji and Hinata story lead to fans filling in the blanks, some ended up working at SP, and their desires even up overwriting him. Of course they felt pity/sympathy/lust for her so they made her perfect. The hyuuga plot was Neji's with his death it was dropped. For Hinata Goddess Princess of the Moon.


Oh I heard something recently. Apparently, in Japanese folklore the moon is suppose to be the pure land of divine beings/gods live. So by making Hinata the princess of the moon is short hand in Japanese to making her the Princess of the Gods. The more I learn about Japanese culture, the more blatant you realize they were in trying to shove her down everyone throats.


It is how I sum up how I've seen people reaction/how they connect to her. No one really likes her obsessing over Sasuke...to some extent not even SS fans; as they would at least like some development.


Kakashi was made Hokage for Hinata's big movie. Then he had to stay hokage to justify him being there for that movie. Shortening the amount of time Naruto could be hokage and screwing over Tsunade's role in the manga. As she was suppose to be hokage till Naruto was ready.


Part of it was him being upset for his mother. Of course when she keeps explaining that his father has an important job, he still act like a brat.


A story can only be deep if its set up beforehand. The problem is Naruto isn't allowed to reflect on anything too much, which prevents him from learning or growing too much. Because Kishimoto didn't want to or know how to deal with it. Which means in order for Naruto to work it has to be kept simple and avoid the hard topics as much as it can. It did that under Yahagi but afterwards it slowed down and tried to be deeper and more nuanced without any of the build up.


Look at what One Piece is doing right now with the Reverie arc, that story has been set up and building since at least the Drum Island arc.


Now compare to... Dark Naruto. When Naruto meets his evil side containing all the dark thought he ever had they only thing that is brought up is that he didn't give those two random mooks at the start of the arc his autograph. And he find inner peace by coming up with an autograph that he will give out to anyone who asks from then on.


Sasuke had two scenes: he was the first to offer Naruto food during the bell test and he protected Naruto during the wave arc. Those two scenes had to hold up the entire story from then on. Which includes chasing after him for what...ten maybe twelve years real time? No matter how good those two scenes are, those years will stretches the believability of Naruto still chasing after him, and more importantly the audiences' patience. 


Kishimoto made Sasuke returning the village=saving the world because he wanted them to be the final battle without really justifying why it should be.


In theory, Naruto wanted ninja to see themselves as humans instead of tools of war...wasn't as explored as "how to get Sasuke to return to the village?" Of course the lessons Boruto is learning how to beocme the perfect ninja weapon...which goes to show how far Naruto failed.


Its not just what he did with Sakura that had people thinking he was sexist Its how he wrote all his female characters+ words from his own mouth that leave people feeling that way. Example 1: "Oh, I don't know how to write women." Example 2: "Sakura would be a bad women if she moved on from Sasuke." 

Almost every single woman in the series is inferior skill wise to their male teammates. The only exception I can think of to this is Tsunade who is visibly shown trouncing Orochimaru+Kabuto at points (Although she had an assist from Naruto, Gamabunta and Jiraiya so :zaru:) and is the sole reason why the Kage's survived going toe to toe with Madara as long as they did. In fact what female other than Konan is shown soloing a big bad? None. Even Sakura's big fight with Sasori was a team effort. Her character defining struggle with the Sound 3 required outside interference. The only (Shown) solo fight she had was against Ino. 

I'm not even going to go too much into Kurenai or Hinata because I don't have an issue with women choosing to build families over their careers but there absolutely is something about the way that Kishimoto writes women that feels dismissive.  And I'm someone whose mad that Mei didn't fulfill her dream of getting married. 

Yes, it is a shounen, yes the main character is Naruto, followed by Sasuke, but Kishimoto is the one who set up the expectation that Sakura would have a bigger part to play and didn't follow through on it. 

You're absolutely right that the fandom is mostly sustained by headcanons and fanfiction tho. Every one knows the story and the characters had so much potential and EVERY ONE was ultimately left disappointed even if their pairing happened. 

The least Hinata could have done after getting Neji killed was take up his mantle and work on abolishing Branch and Main families but I guess the feeling was that she's not an important character, so why give her any substance at all  :hehehe: 

If you look at what SS fans write in their fanfictions you'll get a clear idea of what they want SS to be and its the exact opposite of what they got in canon. Sasuke is deeply passionate about Sakura, possessive, wants to be near her, protective and apt to kitten her up a wall at the drop of a dime :zaru: He chases her, makes affectionate gestures. He's aloof on the outside, doesn't talk a lot but physically touchy.

Nothing about fandom Sasuke is like Canon Sasuke other than his name, looks and skill set. 

If I recall correctly, Kishimoto wanted another arc between the Wave and the Chuunin exam but Yahagi in a rare mistake rushed him forward. That extra arc might have helped. (or not, since its Kishimoto.) But he had every opportunity to slip something in there that was believable... instead he just pulled some kitten "They're reincarnated brothers and you can never abandon your brother!!" move. It really doesn't help that from the chuunin exam onwards, all we really get from Sasuke towards Naruto is absolute SALT that Naruto has improved himself and become "stronger". Sasuke only liked Naruto when he thought he was better than him. 

At the end of the day, despite Kishimoto setting Naruto up to be some kind of Ninja civil rights activist, nothing was more important to him as a character and narratively than "Reforming" Sasuke--and even that he did such a sloppy job of. "ninja are human beings and deserve to have emotions and the right to self determination! They shouldn't be hunted like animals for refusing to follow the status quo" -proceeds to hunt Sasuke because he refuses to follow Naruto's dictations.-  :twitch: mixed messages galore. 


Just found this. Don't know to laugh or..... :chuckle:


New official Naruto tarot cards



I actually like Tarot cards--not because I believe in the cards but because I think its fun in the same way horoscopes and fortune cookies are. But 1. These cards are ugly, artistically lazy and 2. do not match their assigned characters.  

I'm going to separate my complaints into two camps 1; looks. There is no reason for Sakura and Hinata to both be holding books,  this is proper for the high priestess (Who is my fav card) but NOT for the empress who sits on a throne with a crown (typically 12 starred.) and wields a scepter. 

As for meanings, The High Priestess is ruled by the moon (huh, that sounds more like Hinata.) Balanced between Peace and Severity ( Okay I can see Sakura in that.) but also about mystery, balance, patience and science. In the reverse it can be about Vanity, instability, selfishness, deception, lust and for lack of better wording; ignorance. okay maybe this one fits her :zaru: 

The Empress is associated with Venus, motherhood, earth and wisdom. Luxury and abundance. She is growth and fertility. (I actually think Tsunade would have fit this card best.) In the reverse she is overindulgence, dominance, barrenness and sensual pleasure. 

Naruto is no way similar to the Emperor who is all about material wealth, reason and logic, restrained emotions, protection, regulations and unyielding power.  In the reverse its rigidity, miserly-natured, lack of self control, confusion. obstruction, and immaturity. 

Maybe I'll do more of these deconstructions later. They put like 0 effort into these and it shows. 



Yeah Im hoping Japan stays as far away from ESG weve all seen what that can do to a company. Look at Bud Light? They hired that inexperienced woman who single handily destroyed them the same with Kennedy with all the things shes done and then all the kitten happening at Marvel.

I mean I dont care what they do with Naruto hell Id welcome the woke to destroy Naruto even more as they can be crazy.

At this point they are just doing all they can to get the Naruto name to sell money but it wont.

I'm about as far from a "woke liberal" woman as they come without verging on weird and the issue with Bud light is that they forgot who their target audience was--and that's endemic to media as a whole right now. They keep trying to play to the vocal, fringe minority after the majority have just silently stood around letting them say and do whatever they want (because they're scared to be called bigoted for saying "No." ) but the slippery slope is real and they've slide down too far. 

As for the Live Action Remakes, they're essentially copy-pasted versions that can never live up to their originals. They ONLY one that some how managed to be GOOD and likable was the first one they did; Cinderella. beautiful dress, beautiful actress who managed to capture the look and spirit of the animated version. Disney got lazy after that. Beauty and the Beast: Emma Watson can't sing, she refused to wear a dress with a "corset" because muh feminism and frankly I find her to be a kitten actress in general.  :hm: 
Aladdin? What Genie could ever compare to Robin Williams?

Lion King? Failure because hyper realistic lions can't sell emotions the way animated lions can. 

Realistic Flounder/Sebastian, dingy grey underwater, mishmashed characters (If you're going to commit to making Ariel black maybe have her family match. Just a thought.) tweaking song lyrics to be more "modern" (They did this same kitten with "Baby Its Cold outside" ) Even when Ariel OBVOUSLY wants/needs Eric to kiss her are just some of the poor choices that movie made. (And this was literally my fav movie as a kid, touching it was basically heresy on Disney's part.) Awkwafina as scuttle  :arg: 

"woke" writers suck realistic, human emotion and the ability of the audience to draw their own conclusions out of everything. 

The real issue with Marvel isn't their movies, its their comics from the last 10yrs or so which they are now trying to inject into the movies. 

Oddly, Captain Marvel/Carol in comics twenty/15 years ago was likable, then they made her into a kitten and then adapted the kitteny, unlikable version into the movies.  :shifty: 


#989743 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 07 June 2023 - 05:17 PM in Naruto General

Naruto and Sasuke did connect--initially. That's the major issue for me. Is the wave arc enough to sustain a bond with someone who saved your life once but then left you, who is opposed to your ideals and has tried to kill you multiple times? is it enough to make up for Naruto's complete lack of support for what Sasuke believes he NEEDS to do? (which is kill his brother.) I don't think it is and I don't think Kishimoto did enough for Naruto, much less SAKURA to harbor obsessive tendencies for Sasuke. 

Whatever was between Sasuke and Naruto clearly wasn't enough for Sasuke either because he left it all behind and was willing to kill Naruto to get away. (Sure he had a cursed seal blah blah blah) but its not enough for him to attempt it once, he does it multiple times. 

Its like, In Naruto's mind saving Sasuke is saving the world because if he can't do that, then he literally can't do anything. Naruto's whole being comes to revolve around him rather than the larger, arguably more important goal of "changing the Ninja world." What does that even entail? Its never explained and other than the ninja version of the UN everything is more or less the same. They are still being told what to do by Daimyo, they are still training kids to fight/spy/kill and be mercenaries for hire. The evils of the world remain, whether its people like Orochimaru, regular kittenbags or aliens from alternate dimensions.  :zaru:

And Kiri, where some of the worst atrocities were committed didn't require Naruto to do anything. They were already changing after Yagura was removed.

I don't think Kishimoto had any real idea on how to "change the world/system" other than "War/fighting is bad." (which in itself is naïve and simplistic but most of his broad sweeping "messages" are.) his story and the sequel require fighting--particularly children who fight since that's the target demographic therefore the status quo cannot change.

#989741 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 07 June 2023 - 01:37 PM in Fun Cafe

Only I, the Queen of Cheese, Master of Misfortune can be the victor!  :argh:

#989740 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 07 June 2023 - 12:19 PM in Naruto General

My feeling is that Sakura was always "popular" maybe not as popular here in the west as in some other places, but she wasn't so hated that it warranted losing panel time/position as the "heroine" and love interest. What these poll results actually tell me is that all the Hinata fans have mostly left the franchise for one reason or another and that Sakura's fans linger. 

I don't think its due to SS happening, I just think Sakura's endearing enough to people that she left a lasting impression on them. It wouldn't have mattered who she ended up with in the long run because the main draw is HER. 

As for Hinata, she really doesn't have anything substantial to her in the OG manga or in Burrito. She tries suiciding for Naruto twice, gets her cousin killed, knits a scarf to replace Naruto's dead mom's scarf. BECOMES BYAKUGAN PRINCESSU!! gets married, has kids. She's not doing anything outside of Naruto, seems retired from service. Even her clans "issues" are magically resolved without her help. Her son complains about being lonely "suck it up bucko." the village gets attacked or w/e "OH KIDS TAKE CARE OF YOUR FATHER!!" meanwhile, Sakura is raising her kid (alone.) if her kid's in trouble she goes berserk and protects THEM like a mom should. She's still working (someones gotta put food on the table and pay them bills. Ain't gonna be the Sauce.  :zaru: ) Still fighting, so she's got the cool-factor left. 

Why would/should Hinata's popularity eclipse Sakura's? 


Sakura always had appeal as an insecure girl trying to figure out her place in the world and what she was going to do. This however was overshadowed by people that saw her as a friend-zoning slut that hit Naruto and was obsessed over Sasuke like an annoying fangirl. Kishimoto was too slow and indecisive in getting her away from that image.


The side manga, the poll result, and anything happening in the Boruto anime is probably why she is having more defenders recently.

To me, Sakura always came across as a mentally normal teenage girl. Yes, she could be a kitten, she could be bossy, haughty with a hair trigger temper, but she could also be insecure, courageous, strong, selfless and emotionally vulnerable in equal measure. She's all those things, jumbled together like most teens are at that age. Its that realistic mess that made her relatable. 

The whole, "Still obsessed with Sasuke after everything" Actually makes her less likeable imo. Most teenage girls would eventually realize "that ain't happening." and move on especially when told point blank to kitten off especially when there was never an actual romantic relationship to begin with.  :hm: 


Sorry for reminding you of your childhood.


Anyways Naruto seemed to be Hokage for only a short amount of time. He could have honestly been Hokage less than a year as everything always treats him becoming hokage as a recent thing. 700 he just became Hokage, about to have his first 5 kage meeting, and Boruto was already acting out.


My impression has always been that Boruto was so unused to the idea that his father was not there 100% of the time, that he instantly acted out. Naruto understands why Boruto is acting out, but he busy trying to deal with an important job he always wanted but wasn't trained for, and with Boruto being so hostile it was easier to focus on that. Of course, that was fixed after the chunin exam, while Boruto is still a spoiled brat who refuses to bond with his father due to still not being at home 100%.


As for the Sasuke issue again. The group did that and got shot down by Naruto. She was the only one who had a chance he wouldn't just brush off due to his promise of a life time to her and his feelings for her. Him learning that even she had given up on Sasuke and was planning on killing him, was a major cause of his panic attack. Then he just double down afterwards.

Oh, I wasn't bothered--I volunteered that information.  :hehehe: My parents were busy to be sure, but most of my issues were being a teenager with unbalanced hormones.

I'm not terribly bothered by Naruto not leaping right into being Hokage after the war--but I don't see why KAKASHI should have taken the post when he never had an interest in it--even when he was nominated during the summit arc he seemed pretty reticent. Tsunade should have just carried on until she'd trained Naruto into the position. It sounds almost like--Burrito is offended on behalf of his mother who would want to spend 24/7 with her husband rather than his own issues.

Like, at Burrito's age having your parents around ALL the time is actually a drag. 

No one should ever talk to Naruto because he actually doesn't listen to anyone's opinions but his own. The only person to blame for Naruto's "unrealistic and idealistic perspectives" is Kishimoto, just like he's the only one to blame for whatever happened to Sakura's entire character. He tried to inject themes that were a little bit to big for his writing ability into the narrative and the whole story suffered for it. That and he just really didn't want to harm his precious Sasuke. 

#989696 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 02 June 2023 - 12:15 PM in Naruto General

He is fine with other kids because they are not viscously hostile to him. I don't know your personal life, so may have never experienced this, but sometimes people have such awful personalities even if you should, you just don't want to be around them. They just keep pushing you away that eventually you just give up on them; even if you know you can't let that happen.


Boruto resents that Naruto is working as the Hokage -where the lives of everyone in the village is his responsibility- distracts him from his family. Boruto does not want his father as hokage, he wants Naruto to devote 100% of himself to his family. Anything less is an unforgivable sin in Boruto's eyes. Of course this only applies for his family, Sasuke is his role model despite not seeing his family for over a decade is the coolest guy ever and everything he wants to be. So anytime he saw his father he chews his head off no matter what he does even if he is in theory doing exactly want Boruto would want him to do its never enough.


So what ever he did this is what Boruto would say: "Die! You kitten old Man! I Hate You! You worthless pathetic kitten old man! You're a failure at everything!" Just imagine that every time he tried to spend time with his family after becoming hokage.


Of course, that was at the start of the series, in theory, this was resolved after the chunin exam. He still act like a bitter spoiled brat that constantly snipes at him.


As for the Sasuke stuff I get the feeling the people in the village know they can't convince Naruto to back off, so they don't bother. Even with Gaara, Naruto had a panic attack and then double down. I think they went to Sakura one, because her feelings for Sasuke were fading and growing for Naruto. Two, they hope she would be the one that could convince Naruto...of course she realized she couldn't convince him to back off so opted for killing Sasuke without Naruto learning she would and dating him so he would focus on her instead of Sasuke.

I was that kid  :hehehe: when I was a teen, my catch phrase was basically "I hate my life/I hate you mom/dad/I wish I were dead." But my parents still didn't avoid me even though they probably worked more than Naruto  and one of them was periodically over seas for months at a time. both of them still made time for their kids, If they COULD be at an event/birthday/holiday they were and I wasn't angry at them for working--I was angry at everything. 

It was a pretty poor choice on their part to make Burrito that combative with Naruto but the whole thing is ultimately a clusterkitten of how not to write family dynamics. (Unless you're purposely writing families in crisis  :zaru: )

I think it would have been more effective for the entire k11 to plead their case to Naruto personally rather than using Sakura as a sacrificial lamb. At least then he's somewhat forced to explain himself and be countered with multiple points of view. but, NARUTO CANNOT BE QUESTIONED ABOUT SASUKE~ (Nor can Sakura.) He's the team 7 taboo. 


Sorry for the double post. I know the it against the rules but I thought it was necessary because I have a question.

Do you guys remember the flashback scene where SP animated a child Naruto and Hinata? If I remember correctly that Hinata was about to be abducted by bandits but Naruto rescued her when he attempted the shadow clone jutsu.

I remember back then we'll all criticized SP for retconing that scene because never learned that jutsu until the opening chapter and episode.

Where was this from? Was it during The Last movie or a filler arc?


I'm pretty sure it was the Last, but its possible they also added filler to it. 

#989691 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 01 June 2023 - 09:28 PM in Naruto General

I see Naruto's problems as a father is being worn down -both by Bolt's hostility and not being prepared for the role of Hokage- more than not caring.


As for his ideological issue. Kishimoto never allowed Naruto to question his beliefs. Naruto had two ideals, reform the ninja system which was only barely explored in part one, and return Sasuke to the village no matter what. The first idea was barely touch on, but 'return Sasuke to the village' almost consume the manga. As every lesson Naruto learned in part two had to have an, "and this will help me return Sasuke to the village," attached at the end. Of course no one was really allowed to seriously question Naruto about this that would just be shouted down and him doubling down. Which means Naruto is stagnate as a character throughout part two. Which I see highlighted by the end fight where Sasuke has at least gone through some growth due to the war to come up with his insane plan while Naruto has not but shouting him down; when he should be countering with his own vision of change... which kishimoto never focused on. In order for a character to grow, they must be challenged and questioned.

IDK, he seems fine with other kids. Maybe Burrito reminds him of himself, and he's full of self hatred--who knows. I'm not going to seriously claim he hates his kids, but I will say he's lacking as a father and that's not at all what i expected for him. But then, nothing about their adult lives is what I wanted for them so meh. 

Whats funny is that there are really only a handful of characters who talk kitten about Sasuke and how bringing him back is "pointless" IIRC Gaara goes as far as to say that as Kazekage, if he got the chance he'd kill him. Its just that almost no one ever says it to NARUTO'S face and presses the issue. Some how Naruto says "Imma do it" and every one goes "Well, okay." Just like when he said to Sakura and Kakashi that he was going to die fighting him and they just stood there like idiots. 

And all of K11 basically ganged up on Sakura and told her SHE needed to do something about Naruto and Sasuke instead of IDK, calling Naruto out and having a heart to heart. That would have been a good thing for Shikamaru to do, since he's the genius and future right hand man. "What do you expect to happen when you drag him back? do you think he's magically going to change his mind and want to stay here? What is your plan for AFTER?"  :hm: 

It probably would have been appropriate for Kakashi to step in and say "hey, when i said those who abandon their teammates are worse than trash, I should have mentioned it only applied to LOYAL teammates." And again, how come TSUNADE allows this buffoonery to go on? Oh, because she likes Naruto and apparently lets him do whatever he wants instead of pointing out her own experiences with traitorous teammates  :zaru: 

Despite the title of the series, It's actually Sasuke's world and it all just bends around him including the MC. 

#989688 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 01 June 2023 - 05:18 PM in Naruto General

Ouch! SHOTS FIRED. But seriously, he tells Boruto to suck up his loneliness rather than trying to be there for him, which tells me Naruto blames his family for his missing his inauguration and such, though that's just me reading too much into it.

I'm not sure if Naruto's the one who said that, but Hinata definitely did. And Naruto doesn't have to say ANYTHING to give his son the feeling that he's less important to him than everyone else, its all in what he does/doesn't do. 

To be fair, it was his family's fault he missed his inauguration.  :hehehe: 



What's more infuriating/hilarious is that Kishimoto *dares* to complain about Naruto's characterization as a paragon by stating that he ultimately finds him less empathetic than Sasuke as a person due to his attitude and ideals being too naive and unrealistic. Buddy, you're the one wrote him into becoming a damn Jesus Christ expy to begin with, so you have no right to kitten about it. You had a opportunity at exploring a more complex narrative angle with Naruto regarding forgiveness and him being more realistic about it(such as when Naruto empathized with Pain but still condemned him all of the same for his actions), but you chickened out. 

Forgot to respond to this last post, Rip. 

One of the reasons Kishimoto had to write Naruto that way was probably to explain why despite everything Sasuke did or might have done, Naruto could continue to chase him and claim they were "Friends/brothers." Most people wouldn't do that after someone tried to kill them once, much less twice but Kishimoto pinned himself in with his Sasuke-boner and PoL--which he later decimated anyways  :hm: 

Kishimoto wrote Naruto as the guy who physically beats people around to his POV for the sole purpose of Sasuke. (imo.) Sure, there are times where that will work, with characters like Gaara and Neji, but notice that for the most part Naruto doesn't get to fight the truly reprehensible villains like Hidan or Danzo. He's almost exclusively matched up against people with conveniently sad backstories. 

#989686 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 01 June 2023 - 04:05 PM in Naruto General


It is sad how Homer Simpson... a father who chokes his son... is still a better father than Naruto.


This is incorrect. Naruto is a good dad. 

Just not to his OWN son  :zaru: He's a good dad to Salad and to some random orphan he picked up off the street tho. 

#989680 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 31 May 2023 - 04:51 PM in Naruto General

Or how about plunging them into a "War" All because he was sad over his Never-Girlfriend throwing her life away at the hands of his friend and her crush, forever scarring both himself and Kakashi?  :zaru:

Words cannot describe how disgusting I find it that both Rin and Hinata were cool with getting their blood splattered all over the guys they recently confessed to and half the fandom is like "Thats soooo cute <3 <3 <3" 


Obito also helped Itachi kill 99% of their clan, ruining Sasuke, Naruto's soul brother's life and the MF is just like "Omg you're so cool for doing a last minute reassessment of your life!" 

Objectively, Obito is pretty cool, but NARUTO should never be the one saying that. Its okay for the audience to think so, its not OK for the Hero who was personally impacted by his nefarious deeds to feel it. But this is all because shortly into part 2 Kishimoto decided he needed to hammer-fist "Forgiveness" down everyone's throats. 

Meanwhile, Sakura fights Sasori, manages to destroy his kittened up world-view, get him to more or less admit he was wrong and at the end she's just like "What a kittening weirdo." It was perfect.  


#989677 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 31 May 2023 - 04:07 PM in Naruto General

To be fair, Obito was pretty cool  :hehehe: 

The issue is it came out of Naruto's mouth. That was just nasty. 

#989674 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 31 May 2023 - 11:42 AM in Fun Cafe

You only say that because you're lactose intolerant  :chuckle:

#989673 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 31 May 2023 - 11:30 AM in Naruto General

You did not see Kurama's death, I have never seen a death scene with so little emotion. The idea was there, which allowed the anime to do it properly, but in the manga its only memorable as you question how bad it is.


The only time Brouto has an ability to attract a large viewership is when Naruto is doing something. He still has fans that want him to be what he should be, but the people writing it are ikemoto and SP.


Ikemoto, I have felt took the job because he thought he could just coast off Naruto's legacy and soak up some of the cash he saw Kishimoto was getting from Naruto's success. Of course that could have been possible, even with Ikemoto's different art style, if it wasn't for the ending; which he was a part in convincing Kishimoto to go through with. Instead of Naruto having a happy family, he has a broken family with many issues. Instead of being Hokage and fixing the ninja system he has only been Hokage for a short while; as Kakakshi needed to be Hokage for Hinata's big movie. Sasuke is some random wanderer acting as the second Danzo ready to train Naruto's son as the third Danzo. Sakura while raising her daughter well has clearly been driven insane by her relationship with Sasuke as seen by her thoughts on edo tensei. No ones' dream came true but Hinata's. The new main character is an unlikeable spoiled brat with Daddy issues up the wazoo who was made to be the opposite of Naruto...except when he act exactly like Naruto. That would take effort in handling those issues among others. But, Ikemoto's coasting cost this series any real chance of success. I think the executives have finally have enough especially after the initial hype of the side manga and the poll and told him to put effort into it or else.

I guess my expectations were too high  :umm: I didn't think Ikemoto could fumble something so easy...maybe I'll at least look at that manga chapter for the lolz (probably not tho.) 

The only one whose taking a "W" from this mess is ironically SP lmao. They've somehow managed to make Boruto better than the source material in a complete reversal of their hatchet job on Naruto. 

Everyone "Wants" the og chars to be better than they are but that's not allowed because the new chars have to be "better" in every way.  :zaru: (It seems even eastern media isn't immune to this pitfall.) 

No body should be a danzo and it remains weird as kitten that they decided to do that to Sasuke considering what he did. Just let the guy live his hermit life as an asexual Jiraiya-type wanderer. You need a Uchiha just throw in the child of some bastard who no one knew about. For Mangaka they're so uncreative. 

I lol'd. 


#989666 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 30 May 2023 - 04:26 PM in Fun Cafe

How many licks does it take to get to the center of the moon? hmm.gif

#989665 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Tsuki Hoshino on 30 May 2023 - 03:50 PM in Naruto General

I doubt it. They back off killing Naruto when his death was foreshadow from the first pages. Kodaichi might have been the one that wanted to do it. Since he been gone, they completely back away from killing Naruto. As the only time they get a boost is when Naruto is doing something. Sasuke despite supposedly being weaker than Naruto is still presented as more capable than Naruto from what I have seen in this manga. He at least treated as strong enough to help Boruto train and asset him in a fight. While Naruto has been treated as completely useless dead weight once Kurama died. I feel if they could risk Naruto's death they would have done it, but I never felt that with Sasuke in this manga.


Throughout this entire manga I have never seen a signature or iconic moment in this story (that comes from Ikemoto.) Ideally, a writer would want their entire story to stick into their readers mind, but that is obviously difficult. So most mainly aim to make the important scenes memorable. I find these moment are especially important to manga as they draw in readers that they need to make sure their manga doesn't get cancelled early.



For Boruto, I can only think of four things if I'm being generous: One the passing the torch rasengan though that was from the movie, two Kurama's death but that only because the anime put in more effort into the scene, and three the switch between Bolt and Nail if I am being generous as people keep hyping it up as a clear sign that part two will be better...wait sorry forgot about this one till it cooled down a bit the open scene the flash forward which apparently was suggested by Kishimoto. Ikemoto is a very lazy dispassionate uninspired mangaka. His manga's slow pace and cyclical nature makes it very forgettable and hard for any scene to stand out or be memorable. If it wasn't for Naruto's legacy, I can't see anything he does ever lasting more than a year.


As I see it, all the companies are doing are confirming if its true or not. If yes, be done with it. If not, what can they change that will make Naruto sell anywhere close to where it once was?


Honestly, its really just wishful thinking since I want all these clowns to die (But I know that they won't so  :superior: )

Lmao, Naruto's (Mostly the character but also the series.) Continuous fall from grace is funny in the saddest way possible. He went from being the loser to the chosen miracle child to absolutely useless and irrelevant  :zaru: I feel bad for the fans he still has. 

I don't/haven't watched it so I can't speak to the memorability of any of it but Kurama is an OG character, so killing him off is going to pull at the heartstrings no matter how lackluster the writing might be. That's just a freebie imo. I'll say this much for Ikemoto (If he's even in charge of these designs.) Code looks cool but he's basically a Gaara rip-off so, not exactly original. 

On the subject of memorable animes; Demon Slayer is just pacha-perfect.gif
Kill off your new fav character 5 chapters after they're introduced but you ain't even mad because they went down like a boss. Its a nice, tight story without any wonky curve balls. Really helped me recover from my post Naruto-fatigue.