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There have been 58 items by FoolishYoungling (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#972204 The Promised Neverland (Yakusoku no Neverland)

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 05 April 2019 - 04:21 AM in Otaku Square

Just caught up with the manga after finishing season 1.


Norman > Emma > Ray > Anna > Isabella

#972164 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 03 April 2019 - 11:43 AM in Otaku Square

With the release of the School Briefs, the visual novels are now 100% canon. Meaning Momo shipping KamiJirou is now canon.

#971865 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 18 March 2019 - 08:46 AM in Otaku Square

Name someone who carried both Robin and Nami at the same time. Did Roger? No? Sanji > Roger

#971850 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 17 March 2019 - 11:28 AM in Otaku Square

He didn't have to use the suit against Page One. Not to mention that you keep saying Sanji is not at Zoro's level and I keep agreeing with that. I never said Sanji=Zoro. I keep telling you that in no point in the series will it not be Sanji<Zoro. However, to assume that the big 3 will just cumble as Sanji gets left behind is insane considering Sanji JUST got a giant powerup. People like Law, Hawkins and Drake are gushing over the guy now. But now Sanji surpasses his black stealth legend, as he left his family to be a Straw Hat pirate.


If Sanji took care of Page One with ease in the first quarter of Wano arc, how massive will his next one or two foes be? He has attacked Big Mom, Vergo, and Doflamingo. The top dog of the last 4 arcs (not including Jack who was knocked away). He can't keep losing to them. Especially if the other Straw Hats are winning their fights. For example, Zoro can't have success in his Yonko commader fight while Sanji loses. And yes Sanji lost while others won in the past. That's because Sanji fought the toughest while Zoro and others took on much lesser opponents.


Proof that Sanji is already Yonko level

#971613 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 03 March 2019 - 09:05 PM in Otaku Square

Yes, Doflamingo is on Cracker's level, at least, in part because of the obvious counter to Cracker's ability. On top of that, Cracker was made to look better than he is based on the way he fights. He stalls people out until they run out of energy. If he had decided to square up against Luffy the entire time instead of hide behind his crackers, Luffy would have never needed Nami. You still have said nothing that indicates Oven is about Pica level and Diafuku is twice as strong as Pica. The only reason you even made that up to begin with was to try and put Sanji on Zoro's level, when it's clear that he anything but.

Zoro's bounty rose to 320,000,000 for defeating Pica. That's... nothing. Not in the New World. Daifuku was a Vergo on steroids, and both Oven and Daifuku led giant armies (because Smoothie got 0 spotlight). You don't lead a Yonko crew with the top dog out of commission if you aren't seen as very strong.

Yeah, that's not true. He didn't "best" Oven, at any time. He didn't "one shot a few veterans of a Yonko crew," and he didn't "tank shots from someone right below YC4 level without much problem".


He snuck up on Oven and bailed. He didn't "best" him. He kicked someone away from Luffy and we didn't see what happened to the guy. He never "tanked" anything from anybody in the arc.



He does if he's stronger and better suited for it, which he is. Sanji is not Zoro. Sanji does not need to do everything Zoro needs to do. Sanji is not on Zoro's level. Zoro obliterated Pica, meanwhile Sanji admits that he would have lost against Vergo, gets humilated by Doflamingo, and then an arc-and-a-half later, gets blitzed by Yuen and outshined by Germa. Sanji has to wear a raid suit to be competitive against NW veterans. Stop tethering Sanji to Zoro in order to make Sanji look better. 


Furthermore, it's funny how you'd put Sanji just under YC2 after the arc (when he needs a raid suit to achieve that kind of strength) and put Jinbe beneath him when Jinbe tanked a shot from BM and then blasted her off the ship they stood on in return. Meanwhile, Sanji hasn't even shown hardening. Your rankings aren't based off anything other than your character preference.

He isn't on his level. He is a tier below it. He always will be. Forever and ever, within arms reach but never past him or quite equal to him.


Jinbei also was fighting a Big Mom that wasn't all there, and beside water that he could draw from. All for a hit that Big Mom recovered from in no time at all. You also have to remember that there is a reason Jinbei stayed back on Whole Cake for them to escape. So he wouldn't be at Wano to get any big fights. Zoro and Sanji are young and full of potential, while Jinbei has almost maxed his potential. He could be past Zoro level, seeing as how he fought on par with Ace. With that being said, he won't be fighting any Yonko commanders this arc. Now Zoro and Sanji get their Ace fights. They grow far stronger. They surpass Jinbei. If he shows up, he won't be fighting someone stronger than who Sanji or Zoro are fighting.


Following the formula we're used to, Luffy vs No.1, Zoro vs No.2, Sanji vs No.3. Expect Luffy with co. against No.1, Zoro with co. against No.2, and Sanji with co. against No.3. If there is not company with them, they get one shot like what happened with Luffy 1v1 against Kaido. They have company and now they fight them for hours, getting strong enough to be on par or right below them by the end of the arc. That's what they need leaving this arc. To be able to take down a Yonko by themselves.

Or he won't, because captains have always been clearly superior than their subordinates, and it hasn't ever been close. Their bounties don't need to make a jump as quickly as Luffy's did, because their opponents won't make that kind of jump in strength. Luffy went from fighting a YC3 to a first mate, to now fighting a Yonko. His bounty reflects that. Zoro next few opponents aren't going to be any higher than YC1 and so on. 

YC1 bounties are over 1 billion. Heck, YC3 on Kaido's crew is 1 billion, and he is seen as the 2nd strongest Yonko beneath Shanks. So what are King and Queens bounties? If you can fight them for hours, your bounty will be 800 million, at bare minimum. Beat them and have a bird talk you up? 1.5 billion.


If Luffy is at 2 billion leaving this arc, his right hand man should be around 1 billion. Next in line 800-900 million at least.


Something else to add


#971079 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 08 February 2019 - 03:28 AM in Otaku Square

You have absolutely zero evidence to support Pica was around Oven level, nor that Daifuku is twice as strong as Pica. There's also no evidence that Sanji was able to match his haki, as they weren't fighting all out and they didn't fight for long anyway. Sanji still hasn't shown hardening. You're completely exaggerating to prop Sanji up.

Was Doflamingo even Cracker (YC3) level? I put Doflamingo in between YC4 and YC3 because I believe he could take Snack but not Cracker. At the same time, I put Doflamingo way above Pica. I would say Daifuku (and Perospero) are right below Snack. Pica, there is no way he could even last a few minutes against a YC. Unless he did nothing but hid and didn't even try attacking. Oven could take Snack for a while. The guy led a group with Snack in it. Snack isn't following Oven if he doesn't highly respect him.

How I would rank it post Whole Cake Arc:

BM > Luffy > Katakuri > Smoothie > Cracker > Doflamingo > Jinebi > Snack > Perospero > Daifuku > Zoro > Sanji > Oven > Pica

This is also not true. He's not much stronger than an ancient devil fruit headliner. We saw nothing but snippets of their fight, and Sanji has done absolutely nothing significant to him. He's not going from beneath NW veterans to above a calamity in one arc.

Bested Oven, one shot a few veterans of a Yonko crew in WCI, and tanked shots from someone right below YC4 level without much problem.

Sanji probably isn't going to solo Queen. Luffy had to fight two commanders in the same arc to surpass YC1 level. It doesn't make sense for Sanji to go from below YC level (getting humiliated by Vergo/Doflamingo) to all of a sudden being on YC2 level. Not to mention there's far too many characters in this arc for clean 1v1s, especially now that BM's crew has shown up. And that's not counting Jinbe, who is still stronger than Sanji and is not simply going to slow down. Based on what we've seen, if there are solo fights, Zoro and Jinbe are the only ones who have shown that they can handle it.

No way Zoro takes on a YC1 by himself if Sanji doesn't take on the YC2 by himself. They don't need to be stronger than them by the end of the arc, just need to get the final hit on them or go hours against them before being interrupted. Enough to be seen as at least right beneath them. Luffy should get closer to Yonko level in this arc. So by the end of this arc the big 4 should look like so:

Luffy right beneath Big Mom, Zoro in between YC1 and YC2 (stronger than Queen), Sanji in between YC2 and YC3 (stronger than Jack), Jinbei in between YC3 and YC4, but might be right at YC3 (as strong as or just below Jack).

Actually, they can. If the gap between Luffy and the rest mattered that much, then he wouldn't have been elevated to over 1.5 bil while his next highest was Jinbe.

And Oda fixes that in Wano.

#970961 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 02 February 2019 - 09:59 PM in Otaku Square

How? We haven't seen Zoro go all out yet, and he buried Pica. Meanwhile Sanji has struggled to even contend. The raid suit didn't put him "right back below Zoro", it made Sanji actually able to contend without getting clowned. He's not "just below Zoro" by any stretch.

Pica was around Oven level, and Sanji handled Oven with no problems. Daifuku was twice as strong as Pica and Sanji was able to match his haki at the very least. Signs of growth since the fight he had against Vergo.


With the raid suit he is much stronger than an ancient devil fruit headliner on the suits first use without any adjustments added. And why have Sanji fight a headliner so soon with the suit, talking as if this headliner with an ancient zoan is nothing more than a quick win and test run for the suit? He is obviously fighting a calamity. There is nothing else for Sanji on this island.


The minks have Jack. Sanji has Queen. Zoro has King. Luffy/Law/Kidd have Kaido/Big Mom. There is a reason the editors are saying the series is almost over. We are in the Yonkou Saga. If Luffy is considered a true Yonkou after this saga, then Zoro, Sanji and Jinbei are his top commanders, and must all be at Jack-King level.


What might happen is Zoro and Sanji receive some help like Luffy did against Doflamingo and Katakuri. They are damaged because of something else (Law and Katakuri's pride). Regardless, if Luffy can go from 500mil to 1.5b, then his top 3 men/commanders can't be around 500-600mil after the next arc ends.

#970907 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 01 February 2019 - 06:02 AM in Otaku Square

How do you win a battle against a faster, more durable Sanji who can also just be invisible whenever? There was always a gap between him and Zoro, but the gap doubled in size when Oda made Zoro train under Mihawk. Sanji's ties with Germa made up for the gap. Now with the suit he's back right below Zoro. Biggest plot twist of the chapter was the raid suit not being a pretty princess dress.

#970558 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 18 January 2019 - 01:09 PM in Otaku Square

Sanji about to get a quick win against a headliner? Yeah he's 100% fighting Queen at the end of this arc. Sanji and Zoro going to get 3x stronger in this arc like Luffy did in Whole Cake.

#966160 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 21 June 2018 - 12:44 AM in Otaku Square

If any of the princesses die we riot!


Also, so happy to finally see future yonko Bonney back in the plot.

#965956 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 16 June 2018 - 12:04 AM in Otaku Square




#965585 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 02 June 2018 - 12:36 AM in Otaku Square

Luffy in the recent SBS.



Becomes Garp at 60.

#965584 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 02 June 2018 - 12:17 AM in Otaku Square

Ok so Endeavor is 100% gonna die. All this pass the torch down crap has me thinking he will die with a smile on his face, similar to that of All Might.

#965008 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 12 May 2018 - 09:03 PM in Otaku Square

Not sure about now I just said endgame Sanji is def >Jinbe.

Yeah that's how I feel about it.

#964965 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 12 May 2018 - 12:19 AM in Otaku Square

Your debates with FY never really go anywhere so I'll leave it at one post.

Sanji > Jinbei thoooooo :th_yeah:

#964964 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 12 May 2018 - 12:16 AM in Otaku Square


#964916 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 10 May 2018 - 11:00 PM in Otaku Square

Lol do you not know how to read? It literally says word for word in the fourth panel on the page "It went up because of that cursed Germa name." Sanji didn't do anything in WCI. The panel confirms that across all translations, that his bounty only went up because of Germa. It isn't a "personal assumption that nobody else has", it's a statement by Sanji himself. Sorry it doesn't fit your headcanon.
Morgans saw Sanji block BM's punch with Luffy's help, and of the two, Morgans cares about Luffy, not Sanji. Morgans would have seen Sanji block one attack from Diafuku. Dodging Katakuri's bullet means nothing, and the part about "betraying Big Mom as the husband of Pudding" means literally nothing as well, neither one of those constitute the bounty raise. Not only that, but Morgans wouldn't have cared given that Luffy burst out of the cake right after. Both of those are irrelevant. Sanji carrying Luffy is not the same thing, as Morgans already knew that Luffy beat Katakuri. Sanji "saving" Germa also would have meant nothing. All he did was stand on a table. The story there would have been Luffy's arrival, not that. We do know that nothing went around about Sanji doing what he did to Oven, because that was the entire point of what he did. The purpose of what he did to Oven was to attack without being seen. He kicked Oven in front of a group of civilians and nobody noticed, because it was too fast. Honestly, with how fast you pull out these random things that have no bearing on Sanji's bounty, I half expect you to say that Sanji deserves 333 mil just for breathing.
No, he didn't. Sanji blocked a normal attack, right alongside Luffy. Jinbe tanked a raging Yonko's serious attack, and then sent her off their ship. Sanji would have gotten obliterated. The two scenes aren't even comparable. Sanji's raid suit makes it so that he can fight in the New World, as everything that he has shown thus far coupled with the presence of the raid suit suggests that he cant keep up with the top dogs.
You have zero evidence to call Cracker the weakest commander in the world. Jinbe would beat Cracker. In case you forgot, Jinbe's FK works by using water around him. I don't need to remind you why that's important against Cracker. Also, by what made up metric are you judging how much defeating Jinbe and Doflamingo is worth? They only moved up around 100 million each. That isn't that impressive, and would be something Jinbe would likely give them if he got defeated by them. He's tremendously respected in regards to his strength, as Sengoku proved. Since FY tried to overrate Sanji. Bounties are guidelines, and they're a relative guage for where a character is. They incorporate strength, but outside factors can exist and be taken into account. For instance, Sanji's bounty is 330 million because he is related to Germa, and not because of feats performed on his own.

Oh ok, didn't see that. Don't know how I kept missing it. My bad.


Like I said, we the readers saw what he did. We know he is worth over 330 million, just as we know Zoro is already worth double his bounty without a jump in haki. It makes sense now why only Luffy got a higher bounty, and people like Jinbei, Nami and Brook just didn't, despite feats in battle.


As for the feat against Big Mom, remember that not only was he fighting a handicap Big Mom, but he was surrounded by water. All of that, just to have her charge at him again and beat him if not for Nami and Brook being right there to do the stun attack. The attack relied on a weak Big Mom, water being all around them, and her being in a stuck position in air, not allowed to use her Yonko-level speed to easily dodge. Remember Zeus not being a riding option for her as well? All that, to just give her a tickle she would quickly respond to. We see 2 panels later her about to attack. Take away Brook and Nami zapping her with Zeus, and you have a defeated Jinbei real quick, even with all the handicaps against Big Mom there.


The main argument for Jinbei > Sanji is saying Jinbei will continue to grow in strength, while the main argument for Sanji > Jinbei is that everyone but the guy who has been a great pirate for about 20 years now will continue growing. I know every Straw Hat except Luffy is getting 2x stronger in Wano. But why would Jinbei?  He has been battle tested multiple times. Yeah Zoro can fight somebody 1 billion+ in Wano, and be pushed to his limits. Yeah, Sanji can fight someone at 700-950 million and be pushed to his limits. Even if Sanji was meant to be #4 in the crew, he is still fighting somebody at bear minimum 600 million in Wano. It's time for the people supporting Luffy to all be considered threats in their own rights. But here's the thing. Why would Jinbei being pushed to his limits make him 2x stronger?


Cracker was the lowest commander on the weakest Yonko's crew. Yeah, he's the weakest one. Jinbei can't use the water in his body against him if he is in a suit, and there is surely a limit to how much water he can make appear. Unless he keeps sending waves of water at thousands of cracker suits, he's taking the L.

Oh Just a bit of "return fire" For Jordan, since he insulted a pairing of mine recently. :fu: Nami won't get together with Sanji, His eyebrows are ugly :zaru:

The only ship I care for in OP is Zoro x Tashigi. Sanji x Nami has a solid 0.1% of happening.

#964878 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 09 May 2018 - 12:16 AM in Otaku Square

It says that in literally every single translation. Raws, MS, JB, and the official translation:




Sanji knows that his bounty only went up because of Germa, because they bothered to print his real name on the Wanted Poster. That is evidence enough.


Where did I ever rank Diafuku? All I said was that you have absolutely no evidence that he's stronger than Pica, let alone by a significant margin. My point was that he was absolutely ravaged by Zoro. He didn't get the better of Oven. He snuck up on him. Not to mention, Morgans was not there to see that. So that statement is irrelevant, in that it wouldn't have had anything to do with the bounty increase anyway. He didn't one shot two pirates over 100 million. If you're counting Bobbins in that, again, Morgans didn't see that. As for Raisin, we didn't see what happened to him, and then immediately after that he got slammed by Yuen. Both of those instances offset, and Morgans would have seen those. He also would have seen Germa saving Sanji, if you really want to go there. So no, Morgans didn't see anything that Sanji did that would have resulted in that increase. That again backs up the fact that Sanji's bounty increase came from his name, which he said himself. And none of what you mentioned is deserving of that regardless.


He didn't get "that much haki". Sanji has still yet to show that he has hardening. He didn't take Daifuku's black blade. The genie wasn't using hardening either, or Sanji would have ended up like he did against Vergo. Sanji had trouble defending against an normal spear blade when he fought Judge. He did not gain haki like you said he did.


Sanji was only the third strongest in the crew because nobody else joined that was stronger than him. That doesn't mean that somebody can't join in the future that is stronger than him. Jinbe already joined, and is stronger than Sanji at this moment which is displayed by the presence of the raid suit. With or without the raid suit, it doesn't matter. Sanji isn't getting the raid suit to be stronger than Jinbe, he's getting the raid suit to compete in the NW. That doesn't mean he will be stronger than Jinbe or Zoro, it means that he has to catch up. Jinbe has fought against a Yonko. His strength isn't going to just plateau so that Sanji can save face. There's no reason to think that Jinbe will be weaker than Sanji, when Sanji would need a raid suit to begin with to even keep up with him.

What... You think that means his name gave him that bounty? He gets depressed that they put his full name on there because he doesn't want to be labeled a Vinsmoke. Where does it say he got the increase from the name? For all he did in WCI, he deserves 330. You don't get out alive of the stuff Sanji went through there without being worth that much. We have nothing in that translation saying his name gave him the bounty, just your personal assumption that I see next to nobody else having.


Morgans saw him kick Big Mom and deflect some of Daifuku's attacks. As well as being one of the 4 main fighters for the Big Mom assassination attempt. Add to it they know he dodged Katakuri and betrayed Big Mom as the to be husband of Pudding. You attack Big Mom and live to see tomorrow? You getting 300+ million from me, at the very least even if you have done nothing else your entire life. You also mentioned him being saved by Germa (while carrying Luffy btw), but fail to mention Sanji saving Germa. Also, we don't know what word traveled around WCI of Sanji's actions on Oven. 330 really isn't that much. That's why him and Zoro are due big jumps in Wano, because they need to reach Yonko Commander level. Sanji IS worth 330, before a haki jump and putting on a suit. That isn't saying a whole lot.


Sanji fought against a Yonko too. So what? Ain't like they either could hold their own against them for more than a few minutes of falling back if they 1v1'd. They would be demolished. His raid suit helps him keep up more with Zoro and the Yonko Commanders for Wano.


Based on what? Why would Sanji go from needing a raid suit to even be competitive, to being way above Jinbe? Jinbe right now is commander level, so you’re saying in essence that Jinbe would plateau. There really isn’t a reason that Jinbe shouldn’t be at or above Sanji’s level, and not below give what we’ve seen.

Wait... WHAT!? Cracker, the weakest commander in the entire world, is stronger than Doflamingo. That guy, he gave Luffy and Law a 500 million bounty because they thought they double teamed him. You know what people get for double teaming Jinbei? Probably 250 million a piece. Jinbei doesn't beat Cracker, no way in the world.  And he sure as heck doesn't come close against Doffy either. Even if Jinbei is higher than Sanji with the raid suit, Jinbei has like 10x more experience to be a fragment stronger than a 21 year old Sanji? Yeah, just like Zoro, he would jump him if he wasn't already stronger.

#964853 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 08 May 2018 - 12:51 AM in Otaku Square

Lol I'm "really sticking to that Vinsmoke crap" when MS, JB, the raws, and now even the official translation of the manga have all confirmed that Sanji's bounty went up solely because of his name, and that otherwise, he did nothing that warranted the bounty increase. Hate it all you want, but it's fact. Daifuku was irrelevant (btw, nice exaggeration on his "crazy fast and strong haki", again might I add).


First, you have absolutely no proof to say that Diafuku is stronger than Pica. Also, I said that Zoro obliterated him, and that's what mad it a good feat. Sanji got absolutely humiliated by Doflamingo and Vergo, and Daifuku isn't nearly the feat you make it out to be. Coincidentally, Zoro squared off briefly and had a good showing against Fujitora, who if you remember, is a Navy admiral and far stronger than those that Sanji had faced (or had been humiliated by).


Yeah, actually he wasn't. You have absolutely zero evidence that Sanji's haki was getting better. None. Vergo broke his leg. Sanji hasn't even shown hardening yet. The suit doesn't "secure his spot at #3 for everything beyond Wano," it makes it so that he can compete in the New World. Sanji was not at a level where he could do so, the raid suit is an admission of that. There's nothing that says he'll be stronger than Jinbe.

He says his bounty says Vinsmoke and gets depressed. In what translation does it add "my germa name made it go up." Why would Sanji even say that? How in the world would he even know that? The paper says Sanji was involved in the Big Mom assassination plot. Give me one translation where Sanji adds to it. A picture, panel of one of those sites, anything. MS sure doesn't say it. Sanji says "my name... it's... vinsmoke sanji..." That sure isn't it. So where is it? That's the only time Sanji mentions his family name.


You really put Daifuku that low? Oven was wrecking the fishmen and Sanji dealt with him pretty well too. Both Oven and Daifuku were top 7 pirates on a Yonko crew. 1 shotting 2 pirates over 100 million, getting the better of Oven, keeping up with Daifuku, being one of the main fighters at the Big Mom party. That is worth 330 million, more if he had more time and could beat Oven or learn enough haki to surpass Daifuku.


He broke his leg against Vergo and then could deflect Daifuku's black blade. From next to no fighting, he got THAT much haki. Get ready for Sanji and Zoro to go crazy in Wano. Him being the 3rd strongest in the crew for about 850 chapters now and just now getting a suit that makes him 2x stronger and quicker after Jinbei joining? Yea, that secures it. The suit allows him to keep up with Yonko Commanders in about 100 chapters.

#964758 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 05 May 2018 - 03:01 PM in Otaku Square

I bet you guys would pick Bakugo with Uraraka over NaruSaku being canon anyday. :fu:

#964747 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 04 May 2018 - 11:10 PM in Otaku Square

We got one more chapter, 100% Jirou, and we're done. If Jirou isn't the main character for the next chapter, Ima just drop the manga.

#964746 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 04 May 2018 - 11:03 PM in Otaku Square

You know, it's pretty funny that I gave you the place you could find it, and yet you still "need that link". The denial is strong with you, on this (also, JB has updated the translations to reflect this):




Doflamingo was around as strong as Yonko commanders, and his bounty was frozen at around half of what the commanders bounties were. Once it's frozen, it's frozen.


No, we got confirmation that he's worth 330 million because of daddy's last name. It was related to his affiliation to Germa, nothing else. Doesn't matter if it's being delayed, he's going to be there. It makes perfect sense. The same reason Luffy is well beyond Zoro is the same reason why Zoro is well beyond Sanji. He's fighting people that are well stronger than the ones Sanji is fighting. That only gets more pronounced as the series goes on. We just had confirmation that Sanji was never as strong as you made him out to be, and there's no reason to think that he's beyond Jinbe or will be beyond Jinbe. The fact that his bounty only went up because of his affiliation, not his strength, supports that. The suit is an admission that he can't keep up with Zoro, as it artificially augments his strength.

Doflamingo never left.


Man you really sticking to that Vinsmoke crap. Yeah, 170-330 wasn't because of the 2 100+ million guys being 1 shot and him kicking away Daifuku's crazy fast and strong haki. Nah it's all the name, right? Cause Sanji at 330 plus the raid suit is going to make him at least 700 million, and you're not sure Jinbei will be there after Wano? But I'm in denial? Nah. I still love you though.


You just said Zoro is fighting stronger guys. Vergo, Doflamingo, Daifuku. All stronger than Pica and pill-less Hody. Remember you just said the other day Pica was a joke. That has been Zoro's best feat so far man. Yeah, Zoro is waaay stronger than him, and yeah he is getting a fight with Jack or something in Wano, but nah, he ain't fight nobody even close to the names Sanji has fought. Sanji will fight someone at Doflamingo/Daifuku level in Wano, with his raid suit. Zoro will fight someone even better. Jinbei? He'll probably show up half way through the arc and be support or be fighting someone real tough like Sanji's opponent (not as strong as whoever Zoro is taking care of).


With or without the suit, Sanji was getting better haki at an unbelievable speed come Wano and other arcs. The suit? Oh that just secures his spot at #3 for everything beyond Wano.

#964697 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 01 May 2018 - 11:19 PM in Otaku Square

Yes, he actually did. In the MS translation, Sanji says that "My bounty only went up because of Germa's notoriety." JB is typically better than MS, but MS got that particular scene correct. Sandman confirmed this on AP. Sanji's bounty went up purely because of his last name. He didn't do anything this arc otherwise that would cause his bounty to rise.


That's not true at all. Again, nothing that they do during their time as Warlords is incorporated to their bounty when they leave, because all of their actions are legal. The government can't acknowledge that they were doing illegal activity while under government employ, because that lowers the government's credibility and defeats the purpose of the Warlords. Jinbe's bounty went up solely for his actions in Impel Down and Marineford.


No, the gap between Sanji and Zoro is "not very small". It's sizable. The same logic that applies to the gap between Luffy and Zoro, which is large, applies to the gap between Zoro and Sanji, which is large. The mere presence of the raid suit implies that. Sanji is not close to Zoro. Also, what evidence do you have to say that those traits are "nearly doubled"? How is it that you've even determined that? Nothing of that has even been said. And Sanji's strength comes from his legs, haki, and speed? Haki? Sanji has yet to show proficiency with haki that implies it enhances his strength by a great margin. Again, he hasn't even shown hardening yet.


That doesn't make any sense. Sanji isn't getting the raid suit only to discard it. It's clear now that he has it, that his peak is relative to the suit. That's like saying that Luffy is going to outgrow his hands, or Zoro is going to outgrow his swords, or Nami is going to outgrow her climatact. Regarding Jinbe, you just simply assume he isn't going to fight anyone of like caliber. Sanji is not now stronger than Jinbe, and will not be. You seem to forget that Jinbe will be fighting people just as if not stronger. Jinbe does not need to be the 4th strongest on the crew. That's literally you just looking over Jinbe because you're a Sanji fan. We've literally just got confirmation that Sanji was never as strong as you made him out to be. There is zero reasons to assume that Sanji would be stronger than Jinbe.

Mmmmh this chocolate milk is so good. Anyway, I still need that link, boss.


If they know I can beat up an admiral, they aren't keeping me at 200 million.


We got confirmation that he is worth 330 million without a full fight (and the development it brings to the young straw hats) or raid suit perk. Jinbei needs to get to Wano first. That is being delayed. I'm a Jinbei fan too. Just doesn't make sense for Zoro to leap to being 2x stronger than Sanji, giving room for Jinbei to be #3. If Sanji wasn't intended to keep up with Zoro (but never be on par), he wouldn't of got the suit.

#964664 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 30 April 2018 - 10:22 PM in Otaku Square

I won't be, because she has to know how to use him for him to be effective. That's on her, and is her skill.


That's not true. His bounty went up because he is now affiliated with Germa. Sanji said that himself, and the raw text confirms that. He did absolutely nothing against Daifuku that warrants a bounty increase. He blocked one attack. That means nothing in regards to the massive bounty increase he saw. Again, it was confirmed that Sanji got his bounty increase because of his Germa roots. If you honestly look at what Sanji did this arc, then you'd know he did nothing to get that bounty.


That's not true. Jinbe's bounty didn't move after he left the Warlords. His bounty jumped up because of his actions at Marineford. The 200 million increase came from the fallout. The bounties don't account for actions taken while the warlord is with the government, because their actions are legal. There's no accounting for it. That's also not why Sanji has the raid suit. Sanji has the raid suit because he's not good enough. This is confirmed by everything that's happened in the New World, and again shows that Sanji was never as close to Zoro as people tried to make it seem. Sanji will put it on because he has to, because he isn't strong enough. It's also not comparable to Franky or Nami, and I never said that the "fanbase won't take away from Sanji for it," I'm not really sure what that's referring to, or why you mentioned that (along with Franky or Nami, given that they're entirely different from Sanji).


Roger and Whitebeard were friends as well as being rivals. From the glimpse we got at the relationship between those two, it resembles what Luffy and Law share. They hold high respect for each other, and are rivals. Their disposition is similar to the dynamics of Roger and Whitebeard. Kid is not comparable to Whitebeard. Kid is legitimately evil and murderous, whereas Law is more composed. She didn't seek out Teach, she ran across him and he annihilated her. There was no guts involved. Having a past with Akainu and Whitebeard doesn't really mean anything, because we don't know about it. You can't assume someone is strong because they know somebody else, much less assume that she's stronger than her peers sufficiently enough to be a Yonko, despite having zero feats to back that up.

Sanji didn't say that. He said they added the Vinsmoke part to his name. That is all. You keep bringing up raws having him say it went up because of his name. Show them.


If I had a 200 million bounty, and I was to take down a 600 million pirate bothering the marines (completely legal). Then the next day, I tell them I don't want to work for them no more, there is no way I leave without a giant bounty increase of 400+ mil. They know that's how much of a risk I am, at the very least. Jinbei went from 250 million to 400+ million from everything he did at Marineford/Impel Down, and everything he did as a Warlord. We have no idea what he did as a Warlord. We just know Luffy did more at Marineford and Impel Down, and got a bounty less than Jinbei's, so there is no way Jinbei did nothing as a Warlord.


Sanji and Zoro have always had a gap, sure. However, the gap isn't by much. 320,000,000 to 177,000,000 only happened because Sanji wasn't there for long in Dressrosa. 320,000,000 to 330,000,000 only happened because Zoro wasn't in Wano, and Sanji wasn't able to show everything he had. You're right, the gap was larger. Sanji's power comes from his legs, haki, and speed, but also his Vinsmoke family. They have to use science to truly let their powers unleash. Speed, strength, special ability (for Sanji, that's flame). All 3 are nearly doubled with science that only applies to their family. Whatever gap there was between Zoro and Sanji is now very small, but will separate with Zoro getting more haki than Sanji will.


My guess is Sanji uses the suit for Wano and maybe 1 or 2 other big arcs, then he is so fast and strong, the suit doesn't help anymore. His max is beyond the suit, so to speak. Regardless, with the suit, Sanji will surely fight and beat someone in Wano who is stronger than anybody Jinbei has ever beaten. Then, with all the improved haki, and suit, he will be stronger than Jinbei. Jinbei will get stronger too, as he needs to be the 4th strongest on the pirate king's crew. That means he should be around 1 billion at the ending. But I think Jinbei is already worth around 600-700 million. He just hasn't shown that to the world yet.


Already said the Bonney stuff was 100% speculation. Nobody in the world except Oda and some editors know who the 4th strongest will be in the Supernova. Bege tanked some Big Mom hits. Monk took out the 6th strongest Big Mom pirate. Bonney has an interesting backstory yet to be told. Who knows? Somebody has to be #4.

#964648 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by FoolishYoungling on 30 April 2018 - 01:39 PM in Otaku Square

Nami got stronger because shes smarter. She played Zeus because of her weather knowledge, and got stronger as a result. Thats not zero effort. Also, you want her to create better storms? So you mean you want her to do exactly what Zeus is made to do?

Thats not true. Sanji got his bounty because of his affiliation with the Vinsmokes. That was confirmed in this chapter, and was explicitly stated in the raws. He did not get better haki. He also did not get a bounty because of the raid suit. Nobody knew about the raid suit until this chapter, which means that the bounties came out before anyone knew Sanjis raid suit existed. Sanji didnt get a bounty for any reason that had to do with Diafuku. Keeping Daifuku at bay is not better than beating Pica. Not to mention, it wasnt that Zoro beat Pica, its that he obliterated him.

Jinbe said that its difficult to go up after 400 million, not 300 million. Also, it didnt take Jinbe 20 years to get his bounty. His bounty got frozen when he became a warlord, and he went years without accruing any bounty while he was a warlord. He jumped to 450 million when following his actions after the war. They government didnt count anything against him that he did while a warlord because he was legally doing whatever he did. Thats an exaggeration on your part to try and make Sanji look better in comparison. Sanjis popularity is irrelevant. If he actually cared what Sanjis fanboys thought, the raid suit wouldnt exist, as it destroys the idea that Sanji is close to being on Zoros level, as its meant to make Sanji better. He also wouldnt have Jinbe join, because Jinbe is stronger than Sanji. Jinbe is going to get stronger. There really isnt a reason he cant get a power up if need be..

Its pretty clear that Law is the WB of the generation to Luffy being the Roger. Thats already been established, given their interactions on Sabaody, following Marineford, and Punk Hazard and Dressrosa. So no, its really not speculation, as we already know the top 3. How does Bonney losing make her qualified to be up there with Luffy and the rest?

Alright. If you're okay with it, that's good for you, but don't be mad when Zeus is 90% of Nami's big fight in Wano.


Sanji did not go up from being a Vinsmoke. He held back Daifuku, 1 shot 2 pirates with 100+ million bounties, and attacked Big Mom while living to see another day. They just put Vinsmoke on his bounty because they know his full name now. I know he got the bounty before the raid suit. He also got the bounty before getting a big fight to increase his haki. He'll show the world both of those in Wano, and get a huge bounty increase. Like Zoro, but fighting against someone with a bounty 100-200 million lower.


Bounties freeze, sure. They also jump up after leaving to what they would of been. When Jinbei left, his bounty rose up 150+ million. When Luffy and Law tag teamed Doflamingo (Government thinks so), they both got 500 million bounties even though Doflamingo was below 500, meaning his bounty was going to be 700-800 million if he left the Warlords. Sanji got the raid suit because he must also throw away his pride for Luffy, like Zoro did. Nami is nothing without the staff. Franky is nothing without the cyborg parts. So yes, Sanji can put on a raid suit that only he can put on. No the fandom won't take away from Sanji for it, because we don't do that to the other Straw Hats who use science to fight. Be ready for a beat up Sanji to face his family's name for Luffy's sake and throw on the raid suit.


Show me some comparisons. Not saying you're wrong, because I can definitely see a Law-WB and Kid-Shiki comparison making sense. Bonney fighting a Yonko before anyone else takes guts. She also has a past with Akainu and Whitebeard. She knows the biggest players, and doesn't mind going up against them as a rookie. She'll be strong. Saying she'll be stronger than Drake, Monk, Hawkins, etc is a complete speculation though.