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There have been 10 items by rikakim94 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#982700 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 04 January 2021 - 07:22 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

All things considered, I'm glad that such move resulted in:

- Less than 1 million manga sales in 2019 (to be precise, it sold 600.845 copies for all volumes in the whole year of 2019). As a comparison, the franchise sold ~250million accumulative total between 2000-2015

- Kishimoto's new manga got axed within 5 volumes. He was planning for at least 10.

- No movies since 2015 while every other franchise enjoys growth as anime market is expanding twice the size compared to a decade ago (https://www.animenew...ion-yen/.166579)

- The latest major game they produce (Shinobi Striker) sold 10k in the first week. Storm 3 sold 9 times more in the same timespan.

And many more facts that indicated the move to pivot the story at last minute has killed the franchise financially.

One can't justify an F mark to be seen as good. It is what it is. The fact that such move backfired will ensure that other series should not follow suit.


I'm curious do you think somewhere down the line Naruto might get a reboot? I personality think its better if this franchise is completely buried and forgotten. It should never get a reboot especially if a mediocre author like Kishimoto is involved. 

#979671 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 16 July 2020 - 01:40 AM in Naruto General

Is this proof that the naruto brand is no longer valuable to the Japanese audience?

The theme park looks very deserted and empty.



#979660 Percy jackson adaptation on disney plus.

Posted by rikakim94 on 15 July 2020 - 04:41 PM in Arts & Entertainment District



Im i only one thats against the whole political correct and woke culture? It really annoys me that the fans are requesting rick riordan to make Percy a non white/bisexual character. Even tho the books and the official art, comics and the musical adaptation made Percy white and straight. It annoys me even more that riordan said that he intended Percy race to be open to interpretation and yet in the official art and other adaptations percy is constantly made out to be a white guy with a Mediterranean skin color.

#978910 Percy jackson adaptation on disney plus.

Posted by rikakim94 on 27 May 2020 - 06:37 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

I certainly am!



Especially since Rick Riordan is behind it 100% and by his words he wants it to be an accurate representation to the  books. 


Each Season  would equal  per book. 



Season 1: Lightning Thief


Season 2: Sea of Monsters 


Season 3: Titan's Curse 


Season 4: Battle of Th Labyrinth 


Season 5: Last Olympian 





Heroes of Olympus I think will be it's own series.  



Really curious as to who they are going to cast. 


Riordan also confirmed that the main cast will be 12 years old Unlike the movie were all the cast 20 years and up. I hope disney dosen't get too controlling and do something shady behind riordans back. I don't trust disney that much lately and i heard they messed up another book adaptation call artemis fowl.  

#978879 Percy jackson adaptation on disney plus.

Posted by rikakim94 on 25 May 2020 - 03:40 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

So this news broke last week on social media that percy jackson will get live action adaptation on disney plus is anyone interested in this?



#978371 Stay safe, watch anime

Posted by rikakim94 on 18 April 2020 - 07:07 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Don't mean to go off topic but Can i ask about diebetes? Whats the difference between type 1 and type 2?  And how can you tell if you type 1 or type 2?

#978318 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 14 April 2020 - 04:29 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Kishimotos writing in general isnt very good, I think naruto manga was suppose to flop in the very beginning if it wasn't for the editor that he had. 



This crap would have made into the story if wasn't for good editor saying no to it.


To start, the program confirmed Kishimoto's interest in naming two characters differently. Gaara was originally created as Jotaro, but his first editor Kosuke Yahagi suggested Gaara was a better option. As for Zabuza, the editor gifted the mercenary his name after Kishimoto tried to name the Hidden Mist rogue Momotaro. Oh, and the editor gave the artist a scolding for making Kakashi talk like an old man when he was said to be the Sharingan Devil.

As for other changes, the program confirmed a few more changes which the editor suggested to Kishhimoto. You can check out the full list below:


“Cutting out a ton of exposition.
Putting in Sasuke.
Making the Wave Country arc (with Zabuza/Haku).
Stopping him from making the hokage and teachers animals.
Having all the characters take the Chunin Exam all at once.
The models for Rock Lee and the other Chunin Exam characters.
Turning Naruto from a fox into a human.
Changing Zabuza’s partner Haku from a bear into a human.
Giving the protagonist narrow eyes and the rival wider eyes.
Having him make the names of jutsu consistent for worlbuilding’s sake, rather than random and all over the place.”

As you can see, those changes alter some of the most important parts of Naruto. From Sasuke to Rock Lee, no one was spared from a few alterations, and fans agree the changes were for the best. After all, it is hard to imagine Tsunade as some sort of animal Hokage, but something about Haku becoming a bear does sound great.


#977985 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 20 March 2020 - 02:23 AM in Naruto General

Kishi really should have listen to his father and brother when they told him his manga work wasn't good enough. His art is okay he should have stuck with that writing is something he should have never done. 

#977984 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by rikakim94 on 19 March 2020 - 10:25 PM in Otaku Square

Im not surprised that his new manga didn't do well. The story had too much exposition, characters are nothing more than flat cliche tropes, I also feel like kishi's storytelling in general feels outdated and rushed.

#977435 Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

Posted by rikakim94 on 14 February 2020 - 02:29 AM in Otaku Square

Kishimotos ideas are very rushed and too generic, Im not saying cliches are bad but you gotta give it some freshness to it and it has to be well written. kishi to me just copys a textbook example of a cliche and just pastes them. yu yu hakasho is generic to but it was well written generic shonen and did something fresh with the tropes without just copying and pasteing them.