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Fūka's Content

There have been 2 items by Fūka (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#333372 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Fūka on 27 July 2011 - 02:58 PM in Otaku Square

Okay.. now I'm really confused. huh.gif
so who's the main villain now? Ginjou? ..or still Tsukishima?.. or both of them?..
man.... I also liked Ginjou alot.. I trusted him.. whyyyy Kubo, whyyyyy???

#333368 Naruto 549

Posted by Fūka on 27 July 2011 - 02:50 PM in Latest Releases

Wow, that was epic!
...so Madara wasn't lying about the Uchihas after all. The guy actually plays fair.. kinda.
After reading this chapter I feel like Naruto will definitely save Sasuke. Go for it, kid!!
P.S. I wonder what's the story behind that 'crow-thing' Itachi gave Naruto (wait a sec... now he's taking it back... what for??).