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There have been 149 items by Manara (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#331383 Naruto OVA

Posted by Manara on 05 July 2011 - 07:03 PM in Konoha Theater

QUOTE (Chew @ Jul 5 2011, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Could be 1 of one billion things

1) Could represent the birth of a new ninja generation beginning with the rivalry of Naruto and Sasuke, who were in turn like Madara and the First Hokage.
2) Maybe the birth of a new technique? Who knows.
3) The birth of mudkipz who will inadvertently invade the Narutoverse and whack everyone to death with their tailz of doom.
4) Sasuke (very unlikely) actually restoring his clan, or the rebirth of the Uchiha.
5) The end of one war and bloodshed era that leads to the beginning of another.
6) I'm just going to stop because honestly this list could go on.
7) One more- Mr. Director wanted to appeal to all audiences...including babehz. 'Tis all.

Anyway, SEE HOW IT COULD BE A DOZEN POSSIBILITIES?!?!? pictureem0.gif I personally think that the mudkipz will take over.

kkkkkkkkkk exactly wink.gif
But I believe a new generation and explained at length the because. So ....

#331376 Naruto OVA

Posted by Manara on 05 July 2011 - 06:17 PM in Konoha Theater

QUOTE (Outou @ Jul 5 2011, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't redirect a Q back at me. It's not very polite, you know.
+ you should motivate your replies. I'll ask this one more time: why are you so sure that the baby's cry has nothing to do with Sasuke or Naruto?

And why would it be? I do not understand.
Has anyone explained this above and I miss? Because really in my mind there is not a specific reason to this crying be to Naruto or Sasuke. Honestly.
Of course it can be anything ... But I can not find a specific reason to be the cry of Sasuke or Naruto.
I'm not trying to be annoying. I really wanted to know your opinion. This video really interests me and I´m open for change my mind.

#331366 Naruto OVA

Posted by Manara on 05 July 2011 - 04:56 PM in Konoha Theater

QUOTE (Outou @ Jul 5 2011, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Err... Can you explain why not?

Can you explain why should it have?

#331357 Naruto OVA

Posted by Manara on 05 July 2011 - 03:41 PM in Konoha Theater

Y'all are just kidding, right?
Of course the baby cry means something!
and has nothing to do with the birth of Sasuke or Naruto. pinch.gif

#331354 Uchihas and Sasuke's parents cooperated with the attack of Kyuubi?

Posted by Manara on 05 July 2011 - 03:32 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jul 4 2011, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pure speculation here:
The Kyuubi called the Uchiha a cursed clan and said Sasuke had an even more evil chakra than his, that he hadn't met anyone that evil a chakra since Madara. This was before Sasuke embraced hatred to the extreme that he has now. There's a hint, however there is something unnatural about Susanoo, this may be the curse the Kyuubi was talking about. Karin reacts to Susanoo as if it's unnatural. It could be the older son of the Rikudo Senin did something like what his father did to gain more power (finding and taking a demon into himself, but unlike his father he did it for dark means. It wasn't anywhere as powerful as the Juubi but it instead was more sinister- becoming a corrupting force in all future generation of Uchiha that became powerful enough to access it.

But this way, since Itachi had access to Susano's too. He also need be corrupted, not?
I think the opposite. The Susano's can be a weapon for good or for evil. See how the expression of Sasuke's Susano's is changing while he goes crazy, adapting it to the user's chakra.

I think that the Kyuubi meant by "even more evil than his chakra" was just that Sasuke had a powerful and threatening cosmos like madara had. (after all it seems to me, that the only Uchiha's that Kyuubi see were they both)

yes, I'm one of those who still believe in recovery. Or a redemption for Sasuke. XD

And I think the most important that we take about this story (which I believe will be confirmed.) Is precisely the reaction of our "antagonist" and especially our protagonist's when they learned of story.

This time who will have "reasons" (according to the Sasuke's logic of revenge) to kill him is Naruto. After all, his parents were killed with the help of his clan, first and foremost. And with the likely forgiveness of Naruto, any reason that Sasuke could have, is gone!

Does this time he will have some clarity, or the folly and wickedness would definitely take care of him for ever?

#331237 Uchihas and Sasuke's parents cooperated with the attack of Kyuubi?

Posted by Manara on 04 July 2011 - 04:56 PM in Naruto General

Theory translated from: http://themanara.blo...-com-morte.html

Sasuke's parents would have collaborated with the death of the parents of Naruto?

The day that changed the history of Konoha

Amidst the beautiful moments of reunion of a loving mother to her son, that she had not seen for sixteen years. Many revelations were made. Revelations that changed dramatically the way we saw, or what we knew about many things in Naruto. Among many revelations bombastic something very important was implied. But maybe we were too impacted to notice, or just do not take into account. Some even do not see anything there. Well, for me the whole thing is at least very suspicious.

The facts: Kushiha was telling for a more than surprised Naruto, that she was the former Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki. So Naruto is confused: if the Kyuubi attacked Konoha 16 years ago under the control of the "masked man", so how could it be inside of your mother? Then we have another bombshell revelation: esxiste a time when the seal attached to keep the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki is weakened and this moment is: At the time of the birth of cutest blond of Konoha child-birth.

Well, knowing this from personal experience (after all, Myth of the First Hokage's wife had also been one of the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and almost lost control of it for their own deliveries.) the "good" people Konoha took precautions:

The time of delivery of Kushiha was pretty secretive. As shown in the following scene.

Kushiha end up talking more than she should (as seems to be typical of his character) just to Mikoto Uchiha, Sasuke's mother. And takes scolding by the third Hokage's wife.

In the next scene the nightmare begins. Naruto is kidnapped by the "masked man". Which Minato suspicious that is Madara, but not be sure. The Fourth Hokage defeated him. Leads Naruto and Kushiha to a safe place and is preparing to return to battle and protect the Konoha from Kyuubi attack. Not so far away, someone who looks after his younger brother, has bad feelings.

The next chapter starts with Itachi just wondering where their parents were:

Details: No one saw any Uchiha in front of war against the Kyuubi.

O que nos diz Madara/Tobi

Now, many chapters back (chapter 399), we have the one when Madara tells a lot of truths and, of course, also a lot of lies and half truths to Sasuke. He said the following about the Uchiha clã and his involvement in the attack of Kyuubi.

We learned that after the attack of Kyuubi, the suspicions fell on the Uchiha's clan, because "only the powers of the sharingan" could control the Kyuubi. And these then became segregated. The clan was under constant surveillance and even their land has been changed to a remote village.

With pride injured by the suspicions, the clan leaders began planning a coup. Having a Fugaku Uchiha as leader, exactly the Sasuke and Itachi father.

Natural disaster? Okay!

Fugaku in the middle.

But, wait. This "beautiful and heroic" story tell by Madara to a naive and shaken Sasuke, is full of flaws, that only a "naive and shaken and emo Sasuke" might not notice. Before the attack of the Kyuubi things were no longer any better between the Uchiha and the leaders of Konoha. Many were dissatisfied with their functions of "only" leaders of the Ambu.

Yes Here is proven without doubt that there was enough dissatisfaction before the Kyuubi attack.

Itachi and the tragic conclusion

These are the facts, but has a more important issue that makes me firmly believe that the Uchiha, including parents of Sasuke and Itachi, actively participated in the Kyuubi attack and therefore the tragic death of the parents of Naruto: Itachi's actions.

Itachi is painted in such a good and righteous man, that even being nice and peaceful, was capable of an act of coolness without size, in order to avoid a possible war. Killing his entire clan except her brother, because he loved him too much and perhaps because he believed in his goodness, just something he could not see (goodness) in his own clan, blinded by pride and power. His father was the leader of everything. And your mother? Itachi Surely, as a double spy who was, knew many things. Might even know that their parents were not the "worthy" people as Sasuke now think they were.

It is also said that one of his goals was to die without anyone knowing anything, especially Sasuke. His life in exchange for preserving the honor of the Uchiha (and maybe the shame he felt for them), especially in the eyes of his brother. He have wanted to keep the younger Uchiha away to the suffering that he faced: Having knowledge of the people who loved and even their parents were just terrorists killers .

At last. Remember when Naruto thinks, says, whatever... that he might be exactly the same position as Sasuke, just a misstep? This thesis makes this statement even more true. After all who had the parents killed in the first place was Naruto.

PS: Sorry for the bad English. ITranslate it a little hastily. Any questions just ask.

#331222 Uchihas and Sasuke's parents cooperated with the attack of Kyuubi?

Posted by Manara on 04 July 2011 - 02:08 PM in Naruto General

QUOTE (lupina @ Jul 4 2011, 09:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep, think you're right Manara.
I think this is the piece of story Madara didn't tell Sasuke.

I Have a complete theory about this on my blog ... too lazy to translate...

#331221 Naruto OVA

Posted by Manara on 04 July 2011 - 01:52 PM in Konoha Theater

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jul 4 2011, 03:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah the baby cry= new power for Sasuke sounds like wishful thinking from Sasuke fans. It's much more likely to be like you said a reference to the next generation.

Why would a baby's cry be anything related to the new sharingan Sasuke is going to have??? it doesn't makes sense to me it's silly.

Exactly. I do not think that crying baby can have any to do with Sasuke himself. So what could it be?

My guess is what I have already explained. Signal the beginning of a new era, a new generation.

Does anyone think differently here?

#331180 Naruto OVA

Posted by Manara on 04 July 2011 - 04:01 AM in Konoha Theater

I'll translate here what I posted in my blog about the ova trailer

The video begins with a Naruto apparently killed after a fight. Sakura is bent over his body and Kakashi arrives moments after, encountering such a scene and regrets. Then we entered a long flashback with scenes of combat between Naruto and Sasuke, that combines what had just happened a few moments ago with scenes from the past . At the end of the flash back, Naruto and Sasuke clash with his classic ranzengan shidori and then turn to the present. Sakura Tears fall from his face that is suddenly touched by the hand of the blonde, causing the pinkgirl fall in a cry of relief and embrace his companion. On the other hand, for a devastated battlefield, we have Kabuto and Tobi, who seemed to be just watching the whole thing. They withdraw. Sasuke stands up groggy, but alive. He takes one hand to the eyes and smiled wickedly. The focus now is going to evolve his Sharingan, from three commas to the full form of MS. The screen is completely red and heard a throbbing heart and a crying baby.

The first question that arises is whether this video has any real implications for real plot of Naruto. Of course I could be completely wrong, but I think so.
Let us make a brief visit to Wikipedia to learn what's even an OVA.

Original video animation (オリジナル・ビデオ・アニメーション Orijinaru bideo animēshon?), abbreviated as OVA (オーブイエー / オーヴィーエー / オヴァ ōbuiē, ōvīē or ova?) media (and sometimes as OAV by English-speakers), are animated films and series made specially for release in home-video formats. The term originated in relation to Japanese animation (anime).[citation needed] Most producers of OVAs release them direct-to-video, without prior showings on TV or in theatres; however, there may be very rare occasions where, for example, the first part of an OVA series is broadcast for promotional purposes. OVA titles were originally made available on VHS, later becoming more popular on LaserDisc and eventually DVD.[1] Starting in summer 2008 the term OAD (original animation DVD)[2][3] began to refer to DVD releases published bundled with their source material manga.

OK, now we know what is an OVA, but, interestingly, the video in question is also considered a trailer. What is a trailer in wikipédia?

Trailer is a video clip to advertise a movie, television, an electronic game or other publication.
(From Portuguese wikipedia. I think the setting more objective and complete)

Thus, we might consider the video in question but as a preview of something that will still happen in the manga / anime.

Some say that crying is for the birth of a new power of Sasuke, or something. I doubt it. Notice that the red of the end is different.. It is not the same red characteristic of the sharingan. It is a more open red, resembling blood. So, we have a cry, what would be the emergence of a new generation. Generation is already born in a long war (remember that Kabuto and Tobi still alive) therefore, the blood.

Red of the Sasuke's Sharingan

Transition from red of the sharingan to a new red, with a more open tone

Fundo vermelho com as batidas e coração e bebê chorando

Recently in the manga there was some reference to the crossing of fingers between Naruto Sasuke, scene that is shown in the OVA. But in the manga the boys refuse to do so because of intense rivalry from the time of the academy. Kishimoto would be telling us something?

Naruto and Sasuke should cross their fingers as a sign of respect and friendship before the fight, but they do not, starting immediately into the fray and are scolded by Iruka.

In the ova trailer, this scene appears briefly in the middle of fight scenes between the two

I knew from this forum source, that in an interview, very old, that Kishimoto would be a good idea to do a third saga with the characters more matures. But he never talk about it again. Or he gave up the idea, or do not want to spoil the surprise. The fact is we can not forget that Naruto is now one of the best selling manga in Japan (being always between the second and third place). Not to mention the good audience from anime and movies, product sales, etc.. That is, it is a highly profitable franchise. And, in my view, would still yield very good if Kishi has willingness to continues the good work.

Algumas pessoas temem a possibilidade de uma nova saga. Eles temem o risco de cruzar com a porcaria que foi Dragon Ball GT. Neste caso, seria melhor do que Naruto tinha uma conclusão o mais rapidamente possível, de preferência no final do arco da guerra ou a luta entre Sasuke e Naruto. E um epílogo mostrando bom futuro dos personagens já seria mais que suficiente.

Maybe yes. But I honestly would not mind in accompanying a saga complete with the children of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru and Co. I really believe that the ninja worlds created by the talented Kishimoto has huge potential and many stories and characters to explore, just be creative and willingness to do so.

#330063 Naruto Shippuuden 217

Posted by Manara on 24 June 2011 - 11:12 AM in Premiere Screenings

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jun 23 2011, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What the anime adaption does has nothing to do with Kishimoto. It's been obvious since chapter 3 that Naruto and Sakura would end up together. Shonen Jump's editors aren't going to bother Kishimoto about romantic ships, narusaku has been more popular in Japan all along than in the west. The tsundere girl falling in love with the boy who has loved her all along is a well loved storyline in Japan.

I not only know all this things, as I using these and many other arguments in my writings. But times are changing, and I feel changes pro SS in the manga (damn picture of Sakura thinking in Sasuke and Hinata thinking in Naruto) and in the anime.

But I still NaruSaku till the end. Kishimoto did not ruin his work that way. No!

#329952 Naruto Shippuuden 217

Posted by Manara on 23 June 2011 - 04:49 PM in Premiere Screenings

Oh. Please this shapter as just Horrible! Sakura's smile while she observed Naruto was absolutely negligible. Meanwhile every time someone spoke of Sasuke she had some kind of reaction. It was completely different from the manga. They really are trying to make Naruto and Sakura looks "just friends"? After all that happened? The way fast and unexplained of the manga scenes was much better than these... slow, apathetic and aimless form in the anime! There was tension in the manga! Slightly broken by the way more relaxed of Naruto.

And the phrase of Naruto "Sasuke is Sasuke." It was absolutely out of context and ridiculous.

Worse Chapter of the Arch "team7 meeting." They all were bad! But this...F*CKOF!!!!

I'm scared about the intentions of Kishi and producers.

Very anxious for the next manga. If there is no NaruSaku, the Things are getting ugly on our side.

#329862 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread!

Posted by Manara on 23 June 2011 - 01:39 AM in The Museum of NaruSaku

Oh god. If the anime makes some references to NaruHina. In the case of NaruSaku then ... in the anime they are practically an official couple.

She draws the picture of him in the steam of glass in the bathroom!!! with the track: "I need dig out with a small spoon and find someone to share my happiness" my god!!!


#329515 NaruSaku in Twitter. What's your ID?

Posted by Manara on 20 June 2011 - 01:37 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (SageNaru @ Jun 16 2011, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Twitter ID: @SageNaru

Someone else?

#329377 How many more chapters do you expect?

Posted by Manara on 18 June 2011 - 04:10 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jun 18 2011, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not really, the anime tried to slant it that way, but even the foundation is better for sasukarin. Catsi can go into detail about that as she's a shipper for that pairing. I'm not, I just noticed what Kishimoto was doing and it plays out quite differently. We shall see if redeemed Sasuke does go down that path or not, but if he ends up with any female Karin is the only one Kishimoto even builds the slightest case for.

I completely agree with Ciardha. Just take a look in databook 3. Kishimoto describes her like someone worthy from Sasuke (this is how I see). I think the pair can work yes, although I do not like them together. From what is shown in the manga, I see Karin as a character who goes from comical to ridiculous. Sorry fans.

Although, the databook3 has improved a little bit my opinion about her.

#329014 Naruto OVA

Posted by Manara on 15 June 2011 - 11:59 PM in Konoha Theater

QUOTE (Fyuria'sLeo @ Mar 30 2011, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wasnt saying that they were going to make another series. I meant her baby was a symbol for the next generation of ninja.

I agree with that. Note that the red in the end is not the same Sharingan's characteristic red . It is a more open red, resembling blood.

This may mean the end of an era of blood (marked by war and fighting Sasuke x Naruto) and the beginning of a new generation...

Recalling that in a recent flashback of Naruto in the manga (made after the OVA). He remembers the scene where he and Sasuke cross their fingers. Exactly as shown in the OVA. And this scene was never shown before. Kishi might want to remember us for pay attention to the OVA.

#328804 How many more chapters do you expect?

Posted by Manara on 14 June 2011 - 05:14 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jun 13 2011, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do, and it's fairly typicalin manga to have at minimum an epilogue chapter showing the kids as grown up and with families.

Who said Naruto and Sakura wouldn't be married before the kid was born? I assume Chiyo and Tsume were married before they had their babies...

Kishimoto's in Naruto has basically gone back to the Japanese premodern age of adulthood- 15. In premodern Japan 15 marked a sort of junior adulthood- they could marry and start a family, but were considered adults in training essentially until around 17-19. (17 for women, 19 for males)

"I assume Chiyo and Tsume were married before they had their babies..." Why?

Over these ages, I doubt it. They already have around 17 years and seem, even physically, very childish.

But anyway, if you belive so much in a new generation...

How about Sasuke? What do you think will happen to the last Uchiha? He will die? The clan will be actually instincts? Or is there an Uchiha in this "next generation"? Who will be the mother?

#328718 NaruSaku in Twitter. What's your ID?

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 07:34 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I will suggest here that: people, who find interesting, provide their twitter's ID.

We are already in touch with people in Japan. Here we have people from many countries and we can link us through this social network, which is already one of the largest and dynamic in the world. And maybe one day realize the TTs goal. Or at least keep us in touch.

So, my twitter id is: @themanara

just tell me you saw this on H&E.

#328710 What if we lose?

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 05:20 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Fyuria'sLeo @ Jun 12 2011, 11:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where all family so we have to support eachother.


I will need much support. And maybe a good drunk.

Mainly after having already been call by all kinds of nice names on my blog and in brazilian communities by the SS and NH people. If these people are right I'll be really humiliated.

I'll go into some sort of support group or someting. LOL

Just kidding. We will win!!

#328708 How many more chapters do you expect?

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 05:01 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jun 13 2011, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not 100% sure NarutoxSakura will have a baby before the ending, but seriously Kishimoto's being dropping practically anvil hints the past year. laugh.gif

It seems so out of the contest by Naruto. I do not know. I can not see these clues so clearly as you ... but maybe ....

Having children outside of marriage does not seem to be very acceptable in the world of Naruto. I really do not know. And why Naruto and Sakura before everybody?

Mentions about the new generations, conversations between parents and children about marriage and kids, are there ... but I can not see Kishimoto writing about it.

#328686 I don't want Naruto to save sasuke

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 05:35 AM in Naruto General

Again. Pay attention in to manga that we are reading !

Everyone, even Kakashi and Sakura, take the same conclusion: Sasuke is lost and needs to die. Even though he was a victim of hate in the world shinobi, he has no more salvation and must die.

Everyone! Less Naruto.

And that's is it because Naruto is deeply in love with Sasuke? Of course not! That's is it because Naruto is the boy of the prophecy, that will bring peace to the world Shinobi, breaking the cycle of hatred, iada iada iada.

And there's only one way of him doing that. Bringing Sasuke back for the good side.

In the latest chapters, Kyuubi provoked hin: You could not even save his friend.

In another moment Naruto said, "How can I become Hokage if I can not even save a friend?"

Naruto also said, "How can I declare my love to Sakura if I can not even keep a promise?" (save the friend)

Naruto will never kill Sasuke.

Maybe he dies to redeem himself, or anything like that. But only after returning to the side of good.

Although I bet in a happy ending for the team7 wink.gif

#328682 How many more chapters do you expect?

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 04:59 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jun 13 2011, 01:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not really, look in the manga- the Chouza and Chouji conversation flashback was quite recent, the Asuma flashback conversation Shikamaru thinks of although overtly about AsumaxKurenai's kid also points to that generation growing up and having families was recently, Kushina's final words and the whole flashback being about families and birthing the next generation is another recent one, etc... If anything Kishimoto is pushing that even more overtly now.

Kishimoto is laying the groundwork too overtly now, expect to see a fair number of Naruto's generation with families in the standard manga epilogue chapter. Naruto and Sakura perhaps before the epilogue.

Oh Ciardha. If your predictions are correct, I'll be a happy person ^____^

#328681 NaruSaku in TTs now!!! WorldWide

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 04:56 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Mik3 @ Jun 12 2011, 03:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like Ciarrdha'd idea. Don't attack the other ships, but increase the awareness of narusaku together on a singular page. It can work, Ichi Ruki trended not too long ago.

Well, lists of Twitter are very limited. Only allow a maximum of 500 people. And I think they work as a kind increment of friends to your own profile.

I will suggest here that: people, who find interesting, provide their twitter's ID.

We are already in touch with people in Japan. Here we have people from many countries and we can link us through this social network, which is already one of the largest and dynamic in the world. And maybe one day realize the TTs goal.

So, my twitter id is: @themanara

just tell me you saw this on H&E.

#328669 How many more chapters do you expect?

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 03:16 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

QUOTE (ciardha @ Jun 11 2011, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chouji's conversation with his father being the most overt, (Chouji outright says something along the lines of: Not everyone starts a family young, meaning he's ruled out for being first, but if his pretty likely partner is Ino, and Sakura and Naruto get together soon, count on them being second, remember Asuma's final words to Ino about not losing in love in competition with Sakura, it wasn't about chasing the same guy, but getting together with the guy she actually loves, and you know Asuma knew it was Chouji and knew that Chouji loved Ino but felt too intimidated to make that first move ....

I'm betting they'll be the only young couples, Kishimoto made it pretty clear Shikamaru and Temari will wait, and the other couples just haven't been developed enough to make them anywhere even hinting toward certain. He's kind of playing around with Hinata, hinting a bit with Kiba, then a bit with Neiji, I'm guessing KibaxHinata and NeijixTenten at the end though. Also GaaraxMatsuri (fairly certain but left as very minimally developed because Matsuri is only a very minor character) but again that likely won't show up until the typical epilogue timeskip chapter.

There are subtle hints even as far back Chiyo's final conversation with Sakura where Chiyo emphasizes to Sakura how much like her she is. It's dominantly about Sakura's personality, but Chiyo says enough to show it's also about her choices, including romantic ones... That context comes out more as Kishimoto builds in other romantic parallels for Sakura and Naruto. Kishimoto does this a lot, you see a scene have an obvious context when it happens, but later you see there are more subtle ones that connect to later scenes....

Chiyo is one of the two known kunoichi that had her first child at or before she turned 18. The other is Tsume, Kiba and Hana's mother, she gave birth to Hana 4 months before she turned 18, meaning she got pregnant just before she turned 17. Chiyo died at 73, her grandson Sasori was 35, the picture of her son and his wife with infant Sasori are of a couple in their early 20's.... so the math works out at the oldest Chiyo was 18, but she could have been as young as 16 when she became a mother. (Sakura has just recently turned 17...)

QUOTE (Highandnow @ Jun 11 2011, 09:12 AM)
Might happen, but I'm getting a feeling it could be earlier than we all thought. If anything, they could go for engagement first and wait out the wedding. I think it could be possible that after her dad is sealed, I think at the end of the war Naruto will figure out how to undo ET through Fuuinjutsu. It's likely that he'll override the talismans, leaving him in control of the ET. He'll then leave some of the ET alive for a while which will give them a bit of time for omiai between the two of them. I think her father would want to do this, and insist on it. (Betting Kankurou's going to be the one to spill the beans about them) He'll probably do it to make up for the times he hasn't been much of a father for her daughter. Saying something along the lines of: "this is the least I should do as a father"

err ... you people are not seeing too much? Why do you believe in so many pairings?

Have you thought about the chance of not having any official couple?

#328667 How many more chapters do you expect?

Posted by Manara on 13 June 2011 - 03:08 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

QUOTE (Boom...Winning @ Jun 11 2011, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What does Kubo have to do with this? Sounds like a Freudian slip, LOL. I'm a Bleach fan too.

But I think the story still has a ways to go. I know that 2011 OVA isn't canon, but it seems to imply that Naruto and Sasuke's final battle won't resolve the Sasuke redemption issue. I'm guessing that the final Naruto/Sasuke fight will take place sometime this year. The OVA came out around the beginning of the year, so it would kind of fit. But then we'll either have to wait for a final final Naruto/Sasuke fight, or a Naruto+Sasuke vs. Madara fight sometime next year.
If that OVA is to be taken seriously though, then I think the pairing dispute will be more or less resolved after the next Naruto/Sasuke fight. I feel that's what's sort of being implied anyway. wink.gif

I agree completely! That's exactly how I think.
And we saw who was in the arms of a desperate Sakura. wink.gif

#328521 Kishimoto about Sakura "an honest girl"???

Posted by Manara on 11 June 2011 - 09:58 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

QUOTE (Meek @ Jun 11 2011, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The rate is low, but the actual sex crimes are very high. mellow.gif
+ look at all those whore houses + : Enjo kosai service I mentioned before. And hey, all those hentai goods what sometimes even include sex with little kids at the age of 5-6 years, necrophiliacs and other dirty animation/magazines (you probably also know about doujinshi, which are mostly filled with porn content). You can buy buy that kind of stuff almost in every Japanese bookstore (and from what I heard even under-aged kinds can purchase that dirty stuff). You think it's OK?

I have to agree that the "sexual culture" in Japan is, at least, complex. On one hand they are extremely conservative (until kiss is a little kind of taboo). And another way... all these things ...