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There have been 24 items by lupina (Search limited from 19-June 23)

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#987430 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 06 July 2022 - 03:10 PM in Naruto General


In theory, Naruto fixed the system...we know he didn't.


His solution was: "You absolutely must become friends with me, and if you do not want to, I'll beat you to it."
If you don't become his Ally, you're dead. I'm pretty sure that this is how the world always worked.

#987363 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 26 June 2022 - 07:26 PM in Naruto General

I know this is a filler episode, but how dd I notice???





Okay so for whatever reason the pics can't work, but if you remember the filer episode where Naruto and Sasuke kissed again.... Look at the shape the splash takes after they fall into the water:




Nice treasure!

Do you remember that Twillight Joke? It just got to a new level.

#987333 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 24 June 2022 - 09:58 PM in Naruto General

Okay, let me be more specific just to make sure what we are talking,

So the Edo Tensei requires a sacrifice of a person's body to bring another back to life. Correct? So after Madara used the rinnegan to literally bring himself back from the dead, whatever happened to the sacrificial body he was using?

I think this is fridge horror material here

Ok - I didn't remember that. Now I understand.
Good question tho. I can't imagine Kishimoto thought of that while writing.

#987324 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 24 June 2022 - 03:45 PM in Naruto General

The Uzamaki Clan and the Wood release were said to be MASTERS of sealing techniques and yet we see barely any save for the Death god seal. 

Random thought, whatever happened to the body Edo Tensei Madara was using after he revived himself? Does it just fade away or discarded? Seems like a fate worse than death.

Maybe Orochimaru experiments with it in his Labs, because with Naruto being Hokage, there is no Problem a criminal like him can do as he pleases.

#987309 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 71

Posted by lupina on 22 June 2022 - 05:23 PM in Latest Releases

Sorry, but I'm gonna dig it in a bit more just to make the point clear to all.


'At age 13, Boruto (Bolt) and Kawaki (Nail) are stronger than all the Hokage, all the kage, any ninja that has ever existed, all the characters you know and love from Naruto. They have become so strong that when they fight any of those character you loved would just be in the way because they are too weak compared to these two. Ultimately, they became that strong not because of any training, not any hard work, nor even innate talent. But, because the karma seal download power, experience, and abilities into them that made them the strongest beings the ninja world shall ever see.'




There you go. It was all for nothing.

#987305 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 22 June 2022 - 03:16 PM in Naruto General

The rules of the wood release is so enigmatic. Like, the only way one can have it is if people takes Hasihirama's dna ONLY, but t doesn't past down familiarly. 

Yes, I know. But it never got explained why it can't be inherited or how Harashima learned to use it, right?

#987303 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 22 June 2022 - 10:24 AM in Naruto General

Dosen't Sakura have Water and Earth als her elements?

How was the 1st Hokage able to do a wood release (Water and Earth!), if it can't be inherited?

The description says that wood relase would essentially convert chakra into a sorce of life. Sakura is a healer.


I really do wonder if they did consider to have Sakura learn wood release, due to her being smart and determined.

#987298 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 71

Posted by lupina on 21 June 2022 - 08:46 PM in Latest Releases


Bolt and Nail are now the most powerful people in the village, that no one can even try compare to, since everyone else are just so beneath them, and they got this power not because of training but through the karma seal that made them that strong with no real effort on their part.


It kinda hurts to read that, honestly.

#987296 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 21 June 2022 - 07:21 PM in Naruto General


It would've been better to just combine her training with Tsunade (medical ninjutsu/enhance strength taijutsu) with her original "Genjutsu" potential. That would've made Sakura competent and stay near the levels of Naruto and Sasuke. 

Or that. Just something that defines her, and only her!

How about a Jutsu that heals from afar? Strength of the healing depening on how strong her bond with that person is, or on trust. Or give her the ability to manipulate chakra. Could've been used to help Naruto to control the 9-Tails chakra. Would've made her pretty relevant and useful.


She dosen't need to be strong like the boys ... Her strength is supposed to be her smartness, right? Why not just go with that? Make her the reason for winning battles that seem lost. Kakashi is also smart. Why not let him train that side of her? The Potential is Endless.

#987284 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 21 June 2022 - 10:47 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


All the more reason that she SHOULD HAVE tried to befriend Naruto in childhood if the story was going for her as a love interest. The lack there of once again, shows she was never intended to be anything more than a Naruto fan girl. I have a video by the waywhich perfectly demonstrates how I feel about about NH



Skip to 0:18 if you have not played or heard about this series. Point being it perfectly describes the situation regarding Sakura and Hinata. Sakura ticks off multiple if not every love interest trope in the writing, so if she was not intended to be the love interest and Naruto was "not a romance manga" as per the anti-NaruSaku arguments all of that B%!! $#!& was a waste of time, And Hinata WAS appellation to lonely terminally online pillow kitteners.  


She's the perfect pure innocent waifu (to japanese standarts) you're supposed to fawn about.

And you're obliged to be happy that little dumb goofy Naruto, who could not distinguish his liking for food for a love he supposedly had for a woman he barely knows, is allowed to be with the holy godess Hinata-sama in the end. What a horror story.

#987282 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 21 June 2022 - 10:21 AM in Naruto General

Those eye jutsus were so damn OP, it is not even funny.

He should've made Sakura develop her own Jutsus and show her some love as a character and not make her into a slightly stronger Tsunade clone that thinks of nothing else besides Sasuke.

Would've added way more to the story than stupid eye power.

#987267 How Did YOU Get Into Naruto?

Posted by lupina on 19 June 2022 - 02:13 PM in Naruto General

Because of the Team 7 dynamic. And Sakuras' silly crush on Sasuke. I saw the scene in the Zabuza Arc, where Sakura literally said "Huh? This feeling ... is this Naruto?"
I was hooked. I wanted to see Naruto to overcome himself. I wanted to see Sakura move on from her superficial, girly persona, for her crush and become a geniuine, caring and strong person. I wanted to see Sasuke move on from his path of hatred and really bond with his teammates (and not to marry a girl with the emotional age of 12 out of pity, lol). I wanted to see CHANGE.


This had so much potential. But well ... turns out it was a waste of time.

#987259 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 18 June 2022 - 10:02 PM in Naruto General

Those are fake subs, but it might as well be true considering Naruto handed out no punishments for Orochimaru and allowed him to continue working as he pleased.


It's a thing the fandom likes to ignore since there is no legitimate explanation that can be made why Orochimaru shouldn't be in prison.

Oh, ok. But well ... it is quite telling that I considered this to be a real thing.
Criminals do have a big plot armor in Naruto after all, an Anime about Love and Justice :wot:



I prefer to call it retcon. But what else is new? they had a time travel arc showing Hinata "politely" telling Sakura off for "abusing" Naruto


Its kida funny on how hard they still try to trash the relationship between Naruto and Sakura. They were set up for each other, everybody knew it.



it's for kids that were not even born yet or too young to remember when Naruto was being published/running on air.


The typical cash cow.

#987246 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by lupina on 17 June 2022 - 11:44 PM in Naruto General

Just found this:




I can't ... I just can't ... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Guess it is confirmed now. "Boruto" really is an AU :twitch:

#987244 When did Naruto jump the shark in your opinion?

Posted by lupina on 17 June 2022 - 12:12 PM in Naruto General

It's made worse too with the claim by Sakura in The Last about Naruto's feelings for her which twists how she felt too in the end, and that's what some of us seem to be pissed about.

I remember.

People from opposite fandoms were like "Ahahah, see? It was so obvious that it is fake and those stupid fools belived it". Then Kishimoto himself said that he had the intention to show an honest (but stubborn) girl. But he said a lot of things, right? Like N/H planned from the middle, than from the beginning and then N/S was just supposed to be one big red herring (lol). Theese people are not trustworthy and their words probably don't mean anything.

#987239 When did Naruto jump the shark in your opinion?

Posted by lupina on 16 June 2022 - 11:48 AM in Naruto General

Yeah I don't think sakura was trying to manipulate naruto here with his feelings, given how angry she got when he accused her of lying.

I was not saying that she was lying.

Giving a confession does mean something, even if it was not given with the intention of getting close to the person you like (which was obvious). She was probably very suprised that he refused her.

Sakura could've just admittet that she still cares deeply for Sasuke and wants him to be saved, but that she is not a child anymore and Naruto now means more to her than Sasuke ever had instead of just pretend that she's completly cold now. Sakura was (for whatever reason) still in love with Sasuke, and after all her efforts to hide this from Naruto and most likely also herself (she was planning on killing him! You can't do that to someone you love!) Naruto still saw right through her.
He "hit" her where it hurt and Sakura responded with anger, which is quite understandable.

It is also not likely that the feelings Sakura confessed to Naruto in this stage were more than platonic love, IF they were still planning on going with NS while writing this scene, which I highly doubt. There were a lot of scenes that hinted Sakuras' heart yearns for more than that in the future, but up to that point she has never thought/adressed/confronted herself about it, not to mention the conflict with the feelings she still has for Sasuke (which also have not been adressed/resolved to this point) this would've caused.

#987238 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 16 June 2022 - 10:29 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sure, but she didn't do anything with that till after he started getting accepted by other people. She did not take the first step. She looked and wait for other people to do it before even considering trying.

Yes, I know it didn't do anything for him, which is the reason why I dislike N/H.




He made Sakura have Inner Sakura to show she wasn't being honest with herself and her feeling as well as that it would go away as she spent time with Naruto showing the positive effect he has on her.


... which could have been elaborated on, if they didn't decide to go with NH and SS after the Pain arc.
I recently saw a video from Chatte Georgiana on youtube, where she explained that Kishimoto might have signed non-disclosure contracs, so he is not able to talk about this freely (it might would done damage to the "Boruto" Series). It would also explain his contradictonary statements on that matter.

#987233 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 15 June 2022 - 10:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


I wouldn't give any praise of Hinata for that. By the time Hinata was introduced Sakura had already move passed the not spending time with him because of social issue. Now she spends time with him, but is frustrated by him being an idiot. Naruto really needed more arcs before the chunin exam. Hinata never spent time with Naruto at the academy. 'Support from the shadows' is not what Naruto needed.


What I meant was, that Narutos' social status played no role in Hinata having a soft spot for him. It is just a part of her character that I like.

#987232 When did Naruto jump the shark in your opinion?

Posted by lupina on 15 June 2022 - 09:58 PM in Naruto General


My question to anyone that BELIEVES that Sakura was lying to Naruto about falling in love with him is, "What was the point of lying to him about her love for him?"


Emotional manipulation. This is evil, even if she thought she was doing this for his own good.

This scene was just horrible and an unreasonable attempt on destroying Narutos' and Sakuras' Relationship, implying that their is a fundamental lack of trust, honesty and (platonic) intimacy between those two that forced Sakura to act the way she did.


This was just so painful.

#987227 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 15 June 2022 - 06:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku


Not sure about the parents because we barely see anything. Her mother seems strict with her, and he father liked to make jokes.


Controlling, over"protective" mother while the father takes a backseat. It would fit the pattern. :ermm:



In the end doesn't matter people are just inserting into her so they can have the dreamy bad boy fantasy


It's kinda easy to do so ... Sakura has feelings, ambitions, wishes, etc. but they are very detached from a solid/established background/reasoning. You can only assume and I seriously wonder if this was done on purpose.
As the series went on, I was wondering when Naruto and Sakura will finally reach a point (everything pointed towards this!) where all mental armor falls of. When they would just stop acting strong in front of each other or being each others "wish fulfillers". A point, when their feelings and wishes finally connect FOR GOOD, without just throwing glimpses (like the Hug after the Pain fight or what Yamato said after Naruto turned 4-Tails). 
They have a lot of connection points besides just "bringing Sasuke back" and comic relief (which got pretty annoying after a while, because the Ship was not moving anywhere). They are just never adressed.

That reminds me ... why was Sakura so sure that Sasuke would understand her? In what way? He was so far away from her in EVERY aspect I can think about.



She likely hated Naruto bugging her because he was unpopular and disliked and if she was friendly with him then she would suffer for that.


It would've been great if the series dealth with this sort of superficiality. But it never did.
This is the only point where I give kudos to Part 1 Hinata.

#987223 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 15 June 2022 - 03:13 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Instead, she thinks deep down he loves her but her awful comment about Naruto disgusted/upset him and his running to the bathroom was him being shy. So, she thinks she just has to be be near him devoted and remorseful. He will eventually he will open up return to the loving man during the time on the bench, she just has to stay devoted.



This is definetly the mentality of someone who suffered mental and/or physical abuse in their childhood....
You did not recive the propper love and care you were supposed to when you were the most vunrable (as a child!), so when someone is just remotely nice to you, you might fall madly in love because this might've been the best thing you've ever recived. You fit yourself to crap and are ready to endure whatever it takes just to get that tiny little breadcrumb again. What a miserable life. And they portray such behaviour as "Strong and desirable". URGH. 



#987217 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 14 June 2022 - 11:41 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Oh yeah! And also making Sakura more or less a pathetic woman unable to move on from the terrible feelings she had for Sasuke and how he treated her, in spite of how "pure" her love for him is, which is still BS since she never had a real good reason to love him!

This is something I've never understood. Why was she so attracted to him?
He was the popular guy and she wanted to be recognized by him. Ok. Typical childhood crush. But why? What was she thinking she'd gain out of this, in case he really did recognize her? Social status?

Why was she sooo desperate about being loved by a guy she barely knew and was emotionally distant? Did Sakura grew up in an absuive household? Was she emotionally neglected and thought that such behaviour was no big deal? Did she thought her "love" will heal him someday (Oh wait ... she actually thought that. LOL)

Why was she chosen as a bully victim? (Mentally stable children are NEVER picked!) And about something so superficial? Why does she care about looks so much?


This are the only valid reasons I can think of, honestly. The "Sakura was just a good person and wanted to save him from the darkness" explanation lacks just as much substance and, on top of that, is pretty self entitled. I understand Team 7 has been through a lot together and bonded through that. There is no way around it. But that guy ... he did not want to, nor could he have been saved by Sakura or her love. Why do you keep pushing yourself onto him?


De deeper you go, the more shallow it gets, and the more reasons you find that it would've made so much more sense for her to emotionally connect with Naruto, rather than Sasuke - if she was just a normal girl.


#987210 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 13 June 2022 - 10:38 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

The writers of the movie apparently never saw the series, neither watching the anime or reading the manga, Luminary. It's why things in The Last do NOT make a damn lick of sense like what Sakura said to Naruto about his feelings for her, or how other things were. But it's not like Studio Pierrot cared. All they wanted was to get what they wanted and they did, so they didn't care.


Why am I not suprised.

What could've been archived with this movie:


- Show how Naruto transformes into a true leader

- Show how Naruto and Sakura matured emotionally

- Show how Hinata grows into the leader of her Clan

- Give Team 7 some screentime, show how Sasuke changed and matured

- Show the difference of Leadership between Kakashi and Tsunade

- Show how everyone ... enters a new chapter of their life. Make them Team leaders. Give them jobs. Maybe some left the village? Or joined? (Temari?)


What was archived:

- Naruto became "the worst scumbag" who was guilt tripped/brain washed into loving a girl he barely knew
- Hinata was given Sakuras' backstory and got reduced to a damsel in distress in a overly sexualized outfit

- Sakura ... well ... Sakura became ... some sort of plot decive that was supposed to make people belive in stupidiy and nonsense?

- Sasuke came to show his new Hobo-Outfit

- Kakashi was also allowed to give proof that he's still alive

- Scarf-kun was introduced and never heard from again

I don't remember much more, tbh. But it isn't really worth much more time, isn't it?
It has been so long ago and the older I get the more I'm amazed on how shallow this whole show really was and what it could've been if you just went through with what you've already established. But it dosen't matter anymore. We have Bolt and Salad now, right?

#987205 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by lupina on 13 June 2022 - 11:56 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I just remembered that Sakura actually said that Narutos' love for her was only the result of his rivaly with Sasuke.

This movie was such an Insult, I really wondered if the creators were even familiar with the source material.