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There have been 3 items by The Tax-Man (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#959413 Analysis of NS scenes post-ending

Posted by The Tax-Man on 31 December 2017 - 09:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

It is even more apparent that he either didn't write the ending himself or anything when they ask him questions about the future and he is like "I don't know." I mean, you are the writer, how do you not know what happens?

"I don't know how SasuSaku got together"

How do you not know? You just put two people together and said "They are together. Not sure why or if there even is a reason, but it is there."


90% sure that he was up to his ears in meddling executives and editors for at least the whole last year of the manga. There's no way anyone can deny that, at this point. Slightly more debatable: his scrotum was in a vice for at least half of part 2. How else do you explain the inconsistencies in the plot? Even I don't think he's that incompetent. "Sakura wants to be strong and stand beside her teammates," to "I don't know how to write Sakura tbh," to "she's no more important to the story than, say, Kiba or Rock Lee," over the course of one year? Are you kidding me? The funny thing about Naruto, as a whole, is how little sense craptastic parts make behind the scenes. Like, is the guy a rebelling genius, or a comically lucky jackass who managed to accidentally write a story with a brilliant beginning and middle? If he's so terrible at writing romances (as he himself proclaims and as the evidence shows, if he's to be believed when he says that the current state of the story was all according to plan), how in the world did he manage to write a decade-long, believable slow-burn romance before bringing it all down in a raging inferno like it was a straw hut? Nothing makes sense anymore.

#959302 What are you listening to?

Posted by The Tax-Man on 30 December 2017 - 06:35 AM in Fun Cafe

Everything about this song and music video makes my day:


#959301 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by The Tax-Man on 30 December 2017 - 05:44 AM in Naruto General

I have a serious question to ask guys. In all seriousness if Naruto married Sakura and the plot happened the same as it does now with the new era project and Boruto, except that Sakura is the mother would you STILL hate this series? Now I know that that obviously plot wise Sakura would not be this passive doormat that lets Naruto stay in office,or would permit their children to become spoiled entitled brats like Hinata does, but for the sake of argument, that it does work out the same way. Would you hate this story or stick by it just because NaruSaku became canon? I have a point with this. That is, the difference between being a fan of the story or a fan of the shipping. I want to DISPROVE what the pro-enders say about us on how we would be eating this "garbage heap" like it was candy if NaruSaku happened


Let's pretend that this happened. Let's not even change the names of the snack gallery kids. As you already pointed out, Naruto's character assassination would make even less sense than it does now, and the children would have to have had some major early childhood issues to turn out the way they did. But the plot itself? It would become downright nonsensical (and let's not even go into how much of a terrible…everything Naruto is at this point). How many of us here would stick around other than maybe following along for curiosity's sake?


The point I'm trying to make is that not many would like it much more than they do now. Sure, there are some who would be happy since, apparently, the ships were their only beef with the ending and everything since then. But even when we were in the War arc and nearing the inevitable end (with the endless powerups, villains materializing out of thin air, things being pulled outta Kishimoto's ass left and right…you get what I'm saying), I saw plenty of discontent with how the plot seemed to be getting more and more unpredictable in the sense that anything could happen for no good reason. I know I was getting plenty tired of how major plot points were being dropped or handwaved away in favor of some Dragon Ball 3.0 level BS, and by the end, I was mostly just sticking it out to see if things would properly be resolved. Obviously, things were not. Resolved. They were the opposite of resolved. Nothing was resolved in any meaningful way, and there was zero substantial change in the setting itself. After all of that, it would have taken masterful planning and writing to get things back on track. Failing that, there was never really any hope for this universe. I suppose my answer is that no, I wouldn't stick around and I doubt many who took the story seriously would.


(Funny that I'm back and the first thing I do is b*tch and moan about that ending and the dumpster fire that the Naruto universe has become. Yeah. Good times.)