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There have been 227 items by Hiraishin (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#891617 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Hiraishin on 06 December 2015 - 05:20 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

The controversy isn't really the "misleading" in general (because if it was truly meant to be a red herring and actually well executed, there wouldn't be a problem...but it wasn't, lol), but rather following it up with saying that the fans (with common sense, not just NS fans) "read the manga wrong" and therefore insulting a huge portion of the fanbase by basically passing off his now-obvious ineptitude and inability to plan, to stick to the guns of the story, and so on, onto those fans as if it's that portion of the fandom's fault the story turned out so badly (when it was the NH fandom, SP's bias, and, again, his own ineptitude) is what really burns people up. It would be like if Michael Bay blamed the Transformers fans for Revenge of the Fallen being such a bad (Transformers) movie.

And in terms of NH being "planned/decided", the most specific he got that I recall was actually during the earlier interviews after the manga was done, where he said it was decided only three months before the ending (which would be believable and help explain such BS, if only a tiny bit)...only to change it to "since the beginning" literally the very next week in another interview.

I was talking about the controversy that the interview and Kishimoto were referring to.


Could you provide a link to where he said he decided only three months prior? I don't recall that, and really, he would have needed to decide on nh earlier in order for the The Last to be written (or have nh decided for him).

#891581 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Hiraishin on 06 December 2015 - 01:54 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

beautiful cosplay of sakura vs sasori



hi there, welcome back! :rainbowsheep:


uh, not sure what you mean.. off the top of my head, a list of things that he said


-sakura might look like a bad woman if she changed :kappa:

-he decided the pairings from the beginning

-no wait he decided it from the middle :kappa:

-his wife is upset that narusaku didn't happen :kappa:

i love this interview because in response to whether his family is more like the SS or NH family, he says neither because his wife is strong—meaning sakura is not a strong character in SS. straight from the horse's mouth, guys.


beautiful cosplay photo btw.

Okay. The more I know what that guy is saying everytime, the more I think he's a liar when answering.


At first, he said it was from the beginning then now he says from the middle he decided.


Second, he had no idea and didn't realize he caused such controversy ? He lives in Japan where the NS fans are way more than NH fans. Even his wife is with NS.


Third, I saw it he's lying much when he said at the end that his wife might secretly realize that Hinata wasn't a model of her that contradicts what he said before in the interview.


The anime industry has gone very greedy...

not to mention that he said he wanted to mislead fans into thinking it was ns. how could he NOT cause controversy if he deliberately fooled fans into believing it would be ns, only to reveal otherwise in the end?


also, have you heard nh fans' arguments against nh being decided on in the "middle" of the story? because, according to them, before, he said he "planned" nh from the start, which is different from "deciding" on it. apparently. and iirc he never actually used the term "plan" when referred to nh, always "decided." he at first said he decided on nh a "long time ago" (very vague, could mean anything from a year to ten years), then said he decided on nh in "quite an early stage" in the story (lol). later he said that nh was decided when he began part 2 (which imo most people think of as the middle of the story, even though technically it's not). that's the most specific he's gotten. and while i don't believe he decided on them that early—definitely not—in general i would be more inclined to believe his later interviews, because he probably didn't prep for them as he did for the ones directly after the manga ended.


also thanks for that scarf info hanabi. just more evidence that kishimoto is a liar.

#891578 So when did Kishi REALLY switch to NH?

Posted by Hiraishin on 06 December 2015 - 01:12 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Unlikely for multiple reasons.


1. Obviously The Last Was rewritten since a movie (especielly a Naruto movie which only take s few months to write produce and animate) would take 2 years


2. If NH was decided then Minato would have interacted with Hinata in some way shape or form and Naruto's sudden "Hey you know mom's final words? umm yeah kitten that" wouldn't have been shoehorned in the final act of the series to make it seem less like he let his parents down entirely


3. Minato gave NS his blessing and was there on his deathbed...with Sakura. Sakura and Karin parallel during the CPR scene and while Hinata disappeared for a good 30 to 40 chapters. 


sometime early 2014 I can even understand someone saying late 2013 but 2012? 

lol no

It had to have been at latest ~Dec. 2012 because that's when Neji was killed, and remember, Kishimoto killed him in order to bring Naruto and Hinata closer together (a "cupid"). They also announced the next movie (The Last, the idea for was brought to Kishimoto by SP) at this time, saying it would come out in 2014 instead of 2013. And while I haven't seen it myself, the animation, production, etc. does seem to be on a higher level than the previous Naruto movies (even though the art style itself is horrendous.. seriously), coupled with the designs Kishimoto had to do, the databook that came out with the movie, all those things...


2. This is assuming Kishimoto is a good writer. Which he's not.


As for 3, it was either because Kishimoto wanted to "mislead" the readers (which he said himself is what he did), or because he continued to write the story in the way he intended it, as tricksie said, but just tacked on the ending. Or it could be a mixture of both.


And before this (end of 2009) is probably when he got the biggest backlash from Sakura haters and proclamations of love for Hinata from her fans, despite Kishimoto trying to portray Sakura as a heroine, prompting him to give up on her.


I think it happened around the release of Road to Ninja which was a narusaku film by saying something that it is something that he won't be able to do in the manga. He probably knew that the magazine and SP would make NH canon no matter what.

Which is funny, because that's what NH/SS said—the reason for all the NS in Road to Ninja is because he wouldn't be able to do that in the manga. That's how they interpreted his statement and that movie (which doesn't make sense coming from them because that would mean Kishimoto wanted to write NaruSaku, he wanted to put that in the manga but wasn't able to, so he put it in the movie instead). So, perhaps they were right after all...? haha.

#891496 So when did Kishi REALLY switch to NH?

Posted by Hiraishin on 05 December 2015 - 02:57 AM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

At the latest? Before 615 was released (late December, 2012). Although probably around when he started writing the war arc.

#882024 new kishimoto inteview about ships

Posted by Hiraishin on 14 October 2015 - 07:43 PM in Naruto General

I don't buy that he "didn't realise he created controversy" with the couples. Maybe he didn't know about this happening in the US, because, well, it's in a whole different country, plus he probably figured everyone here loves NH + SS.. But he had to know about the situation in Japan, even if only vaguely.

How come he listened to his wife about Kushina but not about Narusaku (which was, let's admit it, far more integral to the story?) She's a "strong" character after all. I'm guessing it's because by the time she found out, it was too late -- the storyboards were planned, The Last movie was in production.. Coupled with the fact he cares way too much about popularity and he has no spine/is wishy washy.. Welp, that's how we got that ending, pretty much.

At least we now know that there was at least a couple people in Kishimoto's circle that knew what should have happened. What's the moral of the story? Always listen to your wife.

(Also, how lame of him to try to convince his wife she was the model for Hinata. She sounds nothing like her, what a jerk, and a liar. I won't even comment about how he decided on NH, it's all a bunch of kitten and he knows it.)

#866887 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Hiraishin on 10 August 2015 - 04:54 PM in Konoha Theater

hinata is still a chuunin lmaoo


forever stuck at fifteen years old.

#865274 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by Hiraishin on 06 August 2015 - 05:39 PM in Latest Releases

Did Kishimoto forget that the byakugan cannot be 'activated' like the sharingan. Hahahaha this is so ridiculous. I guess he realised that the kids don't have byakugan like they're supposed to and probably figured, "well, I should probably give it to one of them," and why not the Hinata clone? It's not like she'll show up pretty much at all. He's broken the rules of his own story plenty of times so it's not like it matters.

There's a page where Himawari goes to attack Bolt and Naruto protects him with his body.. Couldn't he have grabbed Bolt out of the way? I thought he was the Hokage (well not yet then but..). Taking him out of the trajectory of a five (?) year old should be no problem. And apparently cause of that he can't go to the ceremony any more.. Cause of what a little kid did. Seriously? and why would she attack her brother with such force..

#864555 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Hiraishin on 04 August 2015 - 09:58 PM in Konoha Theater

God I hate the art style of this movie. Makes the characters, especially Naruto, look hideous.

#852319 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Hiraishin on 03 July 2015 - 03:04 AM in Latest Releases

Saw someone call the Saku/Karin friendship "beautiful." We didn't even see it? At all??? Hell, that could have just been something Karin said to try to get Suigetsu off her back. In fact, it seems pretty kitten from Sakura's side considering she a) never told her daughter who delivered her, who must have spent a significant amount of time with her, b) covered up a picture of her, and c) never told Salad who gave her her kittening glasses. what the kitten.

#851656 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Hiraishin on 02 July 2015 - 07:18 AM in Konoha Theater


confirmed that lee jr. is lee's son.


and his name is... metal lee.  :facepalm: really kishimoto? really?




blonde kumo kid -- new hachibi jinchuuriki? or at least somehow related to Bee...

#851638 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Hiraishin on 02 July 2015 - 06:48 AM in Latest Releases

"Sasuke decided to tease sakura instead of kissing her." he'd rather 'tease' his wife than show some kind affection towards her after twelve years of not seeing her? Sasuke is truly the king of romance.

"It's just like SS from part one." You mean sakura coming on to Sasuke and Sasuke totally shutting her down? Yep, exactly like part one SS!

#851580 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Hiraishin on 02 July 2015 - 05:24 AM in Latest Releases

why was sakura worried about salad being hurt? she saw her before, she was fine.


where'd they have dinner? sakura destroyed their house.


"when's the next time you'll be back?" last time it took sasuke twelve years... actually, he didn't even come back for them, if it wasn't for salad looking for him he probably would have never come home. so, probably never.


wtf was sakura expecting from sasuke? a kiss? another forehead poke (maybe next time, lol)? kishimoto never fails to make sakura look pathetic around sasuke. he is at least consistent on that front.


why does salad want to be hokage? so she can be family with everyone?? so even if her dad's gone she'll have connections? i liked bolt's little scene because i also think that's ridiculous. kinda want him to kick her ass lol.


WHY did sasuke leave AGAIN? we don't even get a reason! how come sakura and salad are perfectly okay with this? ugh.


^ all my paragraphs started with a w lol.


anyway. karin looked pretty this chapter. i always liked suigetsu and karin's interactions so i liked her scenes. the "i just want sasuke to be happy" thing was kinda forced to me tbh. seemed like a way to appease karin/sk fans. kinda the same with the "friendship b/w women" line. like, "sakura and karin are not rivals!!!!" how would they even meet though. just along the road?? as sakura trailed after sasuke? and going by what she said, sasuke came home one day, knocked sakura up, then left, making sakura chase after him... for nine months apparently (but there could be a translation error so we'd have to wait for mangastream). why did karin keep the umbilical cord? weirdo. and KABUTO. this guy helped out with orochimaru's experiments too! he killed a bunch of people! he is allowed to be free, around children no less? how- what. seriously... i wonder if the shins will participate in the chuunin exams lol. maybe they'll enter the academy.


i know we didn't get a very good look at ino but i thought she looked beautiful haha.

#850894 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 01 July 2015 - 04:34 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Originally Posted by Needless2say View Post
not before giving Sarada the "infamous" head poke I presume :hurt

knew he was going to leave again.

Yes he does.

The forehead poke is the Jedi Mind Trick.

Anything he wants done, just do that and it's all good.


^ too true



Originally Posted by Raiden  View Post

we never hear who the mom is

Nah, we know who Sarada's mom is, it's pretty unambiguous.


Originally Posted by Abanikochan  View Post

So then why won't you say anything about the birth? 


Both Karin and Sakura were there when Sarada was born.

[insert how you like me now video]

so one of my predictions came true..


#850878 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 01 July 2015 - 04:12 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Probably. But it's way more entertaining than the chapters themselves, so I'm okay with it.

Originally Posted by vered  View Post
Evil just spill it out. We can't be more surprised than 2 weeks ago.
What about dojutsu related stuff??do we see dimension hopping?

Sasuke leaves the house to go on his adventure again.

We already knew this because of the Bolt movie, but w/e. also sakura destroyed their house...

#850872 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 01 July 2015 - 04:00 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Some more Evil stuff:




Oops fell asleep. 


I should have mixed up the paragraphs so you wouldn't find that so easily. Ah well, hindsight is always 20/20. I guess I should probably clear this up, we do find out who Chocho's real father is in this chapter.




Wow you guys are really stuck on this whole Karin vs Sakura as the mom deal, why do you care so much. It's not that important.


[insert frozen let it go video]


But if it makes you feel better, Sarada is totally okay with Sakura not being her biological mother, because of all that beautiful nonsense Naruto said with his TNJ.





Originally Posted by Klue  View Post

Where is Karin now, Evil? 


She returned and gave Suigetsu kitten for touching her stuff.




also i just wanted to laugh at this (not from evil obviously):


Seriously though....if this is the last time we get to see the Narutoverse in manga form, I would hope Kishi would go out with a bang. 700 was so perfect and 706-709 have been meh. Kishi didn't leave well enough alone




#850792 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 01 July 2015 - 02:00 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

It still doesn't explain why sakura put fake family photos and don't have photos of her with sasuke their marriage or photos of her holding baby sarada or pregnant. Don't tell me its gonna be explain in the movie to lure more money :mad:

Right? It's probably never gonna be answered. That stuff was just there to create drama. Just like Kishimoto.

Nice one, evil.

but this one: "Karin shows up after all the Shins have been defeated, and tries to explain to Sarada why their DNA Matched. Appearently the healing effects of Karin's blood where enhanced by some of Orochimaru's experiments on Sasuke which also resulted in him carrying her DNA and this was passed on to Karin."

Is crazy enough to be true as well.

Yeah, I could easily see this happening, too.

#850772 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 01 July 2015 - 01:20 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Oh, and this:

Since you guys like spoilers so much, and I like trolling so much. I made a bunch of spoilers for you- though one of them is real, can you find the real one?

Karin shows up after all the Shins have been defeated, and tries to explain to Sarada why their DNA Matched. Appearently the healing effects of Karin's blood where enhanced by some of Orochimaru's experiments on Sasuke which also resulted in him carrying her DNA and this was passed on to Karin.

Appearently, Shin is Chocho's father.

Rinnegan appears in one of Sarada's eyes, possibly a result of Uzumaki Blood and Uchiha Blood mixing.

Itachi shows up to save the day again. He used his Sharingan to take over the afterlife and has ressurected all the people who had ever died. Including Kaguya, who is currently dating the Third Hokage.

Naruto wins the day by glaring at the Shins and then gives them a bit of TNJ telling them he will fix their bad manners, and they all returned to Konoha to live happily forever. Possibly.

It seems that the older Shin had created some kind of self-destruct link between himself and the other shins, as shortly after Sarada's attack all the Shin's start to fall apart as a seal covers there body after it first appears on the Older Body. They don't say for sure though, and Sasuke thinks that maybe it was something Orochimaru implanted.

Sarada's attack from the last chapter pretty much wiped out nearly all the Shin's, but some of them survived and Sakura feeling all motherly decided to take them back to Konoha to be raised at an Orphanage run by Kabuto and Urushi.

Mugen Tsukuyomi, or at least a smaller version of it, is used to place all the Shin's into an eternal Genjustu cast by Sasuke using the eyes implanted in the dead older Shin.

Orochimaru shows up to assist the team and ends up sealing all the Shins with some kind of mass summoning where a large number of snakes arrive to coil around and swallow the Shins whole before disappearing. Naruto is worried that Orochimaru won't deal with the Shin's properly and that they may return again.

Madara appears with Hashirama and they play Rock-Papaer-Scissors to decide who gets to be the 8th Hokage.

first letter of each paragraph spells Karin is mom..

#850768 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 01 July 2015 - 01:03 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Okay I'm going to be looking for Evil's posts. Here's a couple:

Now for something super exciting! I'm sure you guys have been waiting for this stunning ninja's return!


Originally Posted by Jpororo viewpost.gif
Not the biological mom troll again...My heart can't handle itcatdespair.gifcatdespair.gif

I think I can go for a penta.



What if I post and say that Sakura is the biological mother? How kittened are you guys then?



Well, I'm too lazy to copy and paste the other stuff i've seen from her but she says she's going to have a lot of fun, more than she did two weeks ago. I'll see if i can find more. oh btw penta is a brand of bottled water. reference to suigetsu maybe? or maybe it doesn't mean anything haha. and that's kabuto's "brother"


I meant spoilers in regards to Sarada's mom mystery

What? My point was that she's showed up already so we should already have some spoilers, which we do. there is some mom bs up there though.

#850759 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 01 July 2015 - 12:46 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

So, how soon till we get Evil spoilers?

I heard Evil confirmed it's the last chapter -- not that that wasn't obvious already, but my point with this is that she's showed up already lol.

#848445 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Hiraishin on 25 June 2015 - 05:49 AM in Latest Releases

She said Sakura's catchphrase in the epilogue too you know. Its not really a problem considering she is Sakura's daughter (biologically or not)

It takes away from Sakura's uniqueness (not that that wasn't a problem before, what with her being a Tsunade clone in skills/fighting).

And yeah.. salad is way OP. The strength which comes from top notch chakra control, at twelve? Already being able to utilise the sharingan, when she's not even a full Uchiha? Baloney.

#848411 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Hiraishin on 25 June 2015 - 04:45 AM in Latest Releases

A question:


Do you guys really think Sakura was drawn beautifully in this chapter? 

I think Kishi lost his hand with her ( and a lot of other characters) 

Sakura looked kinda manly..




why is her hand so small


(yes, i agree with you)

#848124 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Hiraishin on 24 June 2015 - 04:54 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

Well, I have a feeling it's going to get really bad in these next two chapters. So yeah, the previous chapters won't suck as much.

Kishimoto does have a record of kittening things up in two chapters.

#848088 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Hiraishin on 24 June 2015 - 04:06 PM in Konoha Theater

That stil doesn't explain Himawari's age. She's becoming a space time continuum.

Yeah, but it doesn't matter because Himawari's even more irrelevant than her mother. I don't think Naruto even knows he has a daughter.

#848085 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Hiraishin on 24 June 2015 - 04:04 PM in Konoha Theater

Idk, in Gaiden the kids look at least a few years older than in 700.

#848064 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Hiraishin on 24 June 2015 - 03:17 PM in Konoha Theater

How the hell is Himawari only five prior to the movie? She and Bolt were nearly the same height, so they had to have been one or two years apart?

She must have been like two in 700..