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There have been 29 items by Living Lavish (Search limited from 12-June 23)

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#897650 So who is Bolt REALLY gonna end up with?

Posted by Living Lavish on 12 January 2016 - 12:49 PM in Naruto General


True. They shouldn't exist. But this time the love story is literally perfect. It honestly reminds me of NaruSaku, because it's so not onesided. So adorable

wow your reply is even worse! how the kitten is the love story perfect? LMAO the pairing should have never happened and the fact that your mindlessly falling for it and calling it another NS (witch can be further from the truth) is insulting to the fans and NS fans.

#897647 Suppose we had gotten a NaruSaku ending . . .

Posted by Living Lavish on 12 January 2016 - 12:44 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I really can't imagine NH/SS fans reaction being all that different than ours. Some would have raged and made empty threats, just like some NS fans did. Some would have been disappointed, but eventually moved on and just shipped their preferred pairing as fanon, just like many NS fans have. We really are not the better or more mature faction of the fandom just because of what we shipped. It's silly and nonsensical to pretend like we are.

I disagree 100% did you see how unnecessarily cruel NH fandom where to NS fans leading up o the TL? using fake accounts to confirm NS when it wasn't, fake interviews just to poke fun at us, etc. it was disgusting how they bullied us.I didn't and dont see ANY NS do anything remotely like that. so kitten no! its not silly to say we are mature and better fandom than Nh is. WE ARE!

#895041 So who is Bolt REALLY gonna end up with?

Posted by Living Lavish on 26 December 2015 - 11:15 PM in Naruto General

So I just came back from watching Boruto the movie.

My thoughts on the movie + Bolt pairing

ugh.. why are you even shipping that? don't you see how wrong it is? these characters shouldn't exist. It just upsets me more when i know it should have Naruto x Sakura having a child and staring in hes/her own movie.

#895039 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Living Lavish on 26 December 2015 - 11:07 PM in Naruto General

A million sell is good if not great.
It only show that the manga is still popular despite the lack of quality.
I don't think burito/naruto movie will have onepiece/gintama movie number.

Of course because the leftover mindless pairing fans that dont care about the characters or story just that Hinata got hers. its going to be popular no matter what but its lost a Hugh amount of its audience/readers.

#894746 Will you read the Boruto manga?

Posted by Living Lavish on 24 December 2015 - 07:55 PM in Naruto General



Hey what is this show called?

#894744 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Living Lavish on 24 December 2015 - 07:51 PM in Naruto General

I guess it would depend on what part of the story they might expand.


If the Itachi anime took off, then it could be early Team 7 NS moments.


Or it could be the intervening years between the end and when Naruto becomes Kage, when the novels were written. 


Or it could be during the war arc, a filler arc before the end, or a genjutsu spin-off from the war.


Or it could be something new, that we haven't seen before: like some new character stumbles across the formula for the genjutsu and reinacts the whole dream world on the next generation, including Naruto and Sakura. 


Or if they broaden the Itachi universe, making him interact with the Akatsuiki, Kabuto and Orochimaru, there could be some genjutsu sequences that come from those stories. Where Orochimaru is testing it out and a young Team 7 stumbles into it. And it's left to Itachi to save them, and return them to Konoha, forgetting their dreams and Itachi's involvement.


So there are thousands of ways they could bring back NS. And they did such a bad job on the ending — so many giant plot holes, including the genjutsu theory that the whole war is an illusion — there are just tons and tons of ways they could reintroduce NS to the story and have it still make sense, whether they give an alternate NS ending or not.


Hope this helps. It's a bit like coming up with fanfic ideas. But the ending was so slapdash and open, that it's not hard. The only thing that was focused on was Hinata's dreams and goals. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke's actual interactions were left almost untouched. Just a few sentences here and there. And the forehead poke from Sasuke, which was a familial gesture, not a lover one, so it's easy to work around. But no big declarations of love, no big rejections. No nothing. It's still wide open if they wanted to change it. Which, if the money was there, I wouldn't put it past them!!


edit: We could even do a new thread for theories on how NS might make another future appearance in the franchise, if anyone else wants to. Be good ideas for fanfics, at least!


I'm with you on the alternate ending. but this thing about just showing NS moments and and still have it end on NH is just to wrong and cruel. why would you want that as a fan?? the ending will still make no sense and Naruto and Sakura becoming scum wont change.

#894742 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Living Lavish on 24 December 2015 - 07:46 PM in Naruto General

You can put it on Japanese forum or advertisement.
After naruto gaiden, I really doubt it would be flop.

They sell ok, not great. witch is very telling. The last Boruto movie was advertised as the final Naruto movie once again tricking the fans.

#894739 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Living Lavish on 24 December 2015 - 07:32 PM in Naruto General


They will never agree that they are in the wrong, that I agree with. But the fact that they do make profit is why perhaps (no matter how small) the can add NS moments or even an alternate ending. They can still keep canon ending, but they offer a what if type of ending. That way all fandoms are happy in a sense. And even if they didn't, they can offer NS moments between ch 699-700. NH dosen't become canon until after the last. They can still offer moments that we can include into our fanfictions or fanart, like with RtN and some NS fillers. Some people in SP also ship NS. What I'm saying is that they might reach out to gain more money. I don't believe that they will come to NS when the franchise is dead, because there's the chance that they'll drop it altogether if there is another manga that will raise money. Rather they do it as a way to make more before the franchise dies.  


Stop it your making me sick! Why would you want NS moments when in the end it will still end up as NH? that would be cruel and upsetting to the fans if they cameback to just rub it in are faces. Alternate ending or nothing at all!!

#885939 The Neverending Debate over the End of Naruto

Posted by Living Lavish on 06 November 2015 - 01:19 PM in Naruto General

Found this quote in the discussion section.  Glad to know some people have sense

Joined: 04 Nov 2015
Posts: 3

  icon_minipost.gifPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:40 pm icon_quote.gif This article is certainly well written, and Amy McNulty doesn't show any ill intentions toward NS shippers or the like. However, no matter how much I try, I can never fully side with NH reasoning. Maybe because I was an NS shipper, and how the pairing itself was handled in the last chapter and in The Last, but no matter how long I think about it, the less and less NH makes sense to me. There's just too many contradictions to make it work for me, to many convolutions to ultimately make the pairing work in the end.

I'm not trying to be mean-spirited here (though honestly I have plenty of negative emotions with this subject matter, which I'm trying to suppress), but the article's main defense about how Naruhina works doesn't make sense to me. The author of the article is not being mean, or doesn't come across as unknowledgeable about the subject matter, it just doesn't really add up to me. Yes, in real life you wont end up liking the same person as you did as a kid. It is a part of growing up, it is when we mature and discover what we truly like.

Yet I call shenanigans on that because the world of Naruto was never an accurate depiction of the real world. In world where Ninjas have incredible powers to destroy mountains, it couldn't be farther to our own reality. But it doesn't mean we can't find similarities to our own world with it, so the theme of maturing and liking someone else can still be prevalent... except that theme is consist with the other character. As the author pointed out, Sakura still ends up with her childhood crush, she didn't grow out of it and there is even LESS justification for that pairing to get together. Further, Minato and Kushina knew each other since childhood and were teenage sweethearts. FURTHER further more, Jairaya has had a crush on Tsunade since they were young, and he never let go of it. It was never shown in a negative light, so readers were never under the assumption he needed to let go unless thought about it critically, as it can be looked as a problem since he never moved from it. EXCEPT it was implied right before he died that Tsunade was finally going to reciprocate those feelings. FURTHER further further more, the whole thing with the parallels with Obito and Naruto is now frustrating inaccurate, even though the Kishimoto made great strides to point out the connection between the two. Obito did everything because Rin died, because he loved her, which could have been seen as a negative way to show what happens if you keep hold of your childhood crush... EXCEPT he still gets with her in the afterlife!!!

Then there is the whole thing with The Last, which almost feels like Kishi's way of trying to make NH work outside the manga. I haven't seen it so wont make any judgements on the actually quality of the work, but it is just frustrating to me he needed to have movie made after the fact to justify Naruto and Hinata getting together. If it was really important in the first place, then there should have been more panel time with it in the actual manga. Road to Ninja, which also had Kishi's involvement, makes things even more confusing as that was a very Naruto and Sakura focus movie. While not romantic per se, there was still some interesting parallels between NS and Naruto's parents. It also came off as pretty anti-Sasusaku. Yes I know Road to Ninja is "not Canon", it's just weird that Kishi would be involved with something like Road to Ninja and than go on to make The Last.

The last paragraph was me going off on a tangent, though to also point out how the Naruto "romance" doesn't really work, unless not to me. Another major point that Amy points out as the reason why she is glad that NH became canon is the fact that she liked Hinata and is glad she got what she wanted. I see this all the time, and I can't essentially disagree with it. If you like Hinata, then of course you would be more likely to like the outcome of Naruto. Not only that, NH end pairing does give other shy girls/women hope and courage that they too can be get someone to like them through courage.

There's definitely a moral that can be view with NH, however I can't believe it in myself because I want another pairing to win out and the fact that it does contradicts many elements from the manga. Though, to be fair, the manga has many, MANY other contradictions. So in the end, I do disagree with this article, strongly in fact, but that doesn't mean it is wrong. It is just her perspective on a manga she obviously loves, a series that also loved, yet I feel I can never see a single image of it again for how it was handle (and I didn't talk about my issues with Sasusaku and the other issues with the final chapter). I just wish Amy showcase more on the NS side of things, but then again you can't please everyone.

(By the way, Naruto and Hinata have known each other since childhood too, so they still ended up with people they knew since they were young. Also, HINATA NEVER GREW OUT HER CHILDHOOD CRUSH EITHER, JUST LIKE SAKURA. Sure it isn't as bad as Sakura, but still...)


Is there anymore comments like this? could you post them here? i'm just happy people are calling this biased hack writer out.

#885938 The Neverending Debate over the End of Naruto

Posted by Living Lavish on 06 November 2015 - 01:15 PM in Naruto General

SMH @ this. Typical biased NH fan writing an article that made no sense or even tryed looking at this pairing problem neutrally. says NS was most accepted as brother and sister i nthe manga at one point by most fans. complete kitten, their relationship NEVER came off as bro/sis or even implied.  she simply didn't get the manga facts right. disgusting

#796553 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 06 April 2015 - 08:22 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

btw, in case you didn't know, this was actually in the sakura hidden novel.



but of course, you'll probably continue denying it's canonical value because you don't like it. 

Jesus kittening christ. WHY DO THEY POKE AT NS LIKE THIS? IN SAKURA HIDEN!? these panels are OCC that should be SAKURA NEXT TO HIM! not kittening Hinata. I know they replaced Sakura with Hinata but hanging around, Naruto asking for dates was NS thing to do!


why are they doing this to us?

#795434 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 05 April 2015 - 05:36 PM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

It feels like we went through the entire manga only to end up with a story with problems where no problems exist. Kishi was so rushed to finish his manga that he ruined it, now he wants to keep writing? Am I missing something? He literally ruined his own handywork because he just had to finish it in one chapter. 


I just don't get it, if I were Kishi I would probably walk far away from the Naruto manga and start working on a new project, probably building a new fanbase considering the Naruto fanbase is the most divided of any I have ever seen.


Maybe Bolt's story will be cool, I just don't feel like I can give it my attention in good conscience.


Its a mini series.


impossible to have a cool story with NH disgusting spawn burrito.

#795428 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Living Lavish on 05 April 2015 - 05:14 PM in Naruto General

Actually no one spread it as truth. It was a hypothesis based on the clone Sasuke thing and given the fact that at the end of the novel Sasuke actually doesn't appear but it's all Sakura's imagination. It did started as a joke tho...

its her imagination? does the translation comfirm that?

#795427 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 05 April 2015 - 05:10 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Why do they do THIS! SMH


The nerve of this kitten/or kitten to paint NS like its dysfunctional together is outragous and ridiculous. their relationship is more close, intimate and with real chemistry then any other pairing. second coming of Minakushi . a strong willed woman would not get along with Naruto!? i mean thats seriously sexist.


Did the aurther even read the manga?? (before it turned horrible)

#794417 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 10:16 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I agree she didin't look very happy when she found out that Hinata is in love with Naruto, but in The Last, she is the matchmaker of the couple, it's kind of weird, or just poor writing I should say

It's sickening the writing pisses on Sakura as a character. not only that she was replaced by Hinata as the heroine.

#794412 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 10:11 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

That's pretty unfair, would it be OK if someone said you can't call yourself a Naruto fan if you don't ship NaruHina or ship NaruSaku?


You can support any pairing you like.

Being Naruto fan and supporting what he wants (before he became ooc scumbag)and that would include like Narusaku makes sense in context of the story. NH doesn't make sense and is a ass pull and only benefits Hinata.

#794403 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 09:54 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Not worth mentioning in the canon universe because it isn't canon. Nothing but the manga is and in the manga we don't even know what is making Naruto so busy in times of peace.

You haven't read the first chapter right? It doesn't mention Sasuke. Hell even in Shikamaru Hiden when Naruto and Sakura talk its clear that she is doing something of substance and not JUST for Sasuke.NS facebook community is good too now. Tumblr is still a mess though. Maybe you can check that out.


What do you mean?

is it confirmed the novels arent canon? how do you know for sure?

#794401 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 09:50 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

AH that was MY stand. There was this very cute one with Sakura acting like a congress woman and Naruto being jealous of Himawari's crush on Sasuke..and. NEVERMIND. I can sympathize. I felt the same way for two months after the ending.


I honestly don't see a shred of Karin in Salad. Like to me she is exactly the SS kid that i can imagine.The glasses used to make me rage because I felt as if they were added to mock the SK fandom. Sasuke finally has a daughter and that to with glasses. But not with Karin. Its like SS's middle finger to SK in my head. Poor people .Oruchimaru should've been given at least a few pages for closure. But Oruchimaru's slated too make an appearance in nextgen part so maybe they(TAKA) get it there? (I don't care for Taka apart from Suigetsu. Even him I don't deem important really. Simply find him entertaining..And agan nobody has to agree with me on this. )


Yeah feels terrible. But #ShinachikuforHokage all the way. He's way cuter than Bolt anyways. With a much better attitude.



I dont know what your smoking she looks far from an SS kid. in everyway shape and form. it felt more like it was to mock SS to me.


Yeah Shinachiku of course should have been canon. NS needing a daughter also. and maybe another kid.

#794388 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 09:27 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I don't care about what other people ship. I have several friends in the SS and NH fandom both online and offline. I don't like their ships, they don't like my ship. Basic common denominator is that we all love Naruto and Sakura regardless of who they end up with.


Hmmm....I have completely distanced myself from the ending. Like don't care for it/indifferent maybe is the word?. Not an ounce of anger. Still love Sakura and Naruto and the series and I have a fondness for both of their kids. 1#Shinachiku but also  Bolt, Salad and even Himawari. I don't like SS and NH couples' fanarts but fanarts with Sakura and Naruto being devoted parents to their canon and fanon kids are simply love to me.

Fondness for both kids? what?..sorry the ss and nh kids make me even more fustrated and disapointed NS didn't happen. sorry nh kids look wierd and not cute. bolt doesn't resemble Hinata at all. i even hearing NH having been editing the kids lol goes to show you there not happy with them.


ss kid looks and acts like KARINS daughter.

I cant look at any seperate fanarts of ss or nh being devoted parents. it makes me sick and and pissed. it just looks wrong after everything that happend with Naruto and Sakura!.


You feel nothing at all? after what  SP, JP and Kishi did to NS?


lol how could you not want to rip your hair out. lol

#794382 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 09:07 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

 I HATE THE WAY she loves Sasuke. Kishimoto always portrays her as this weak ,meek ,spineless girl around Sasuke and it makes me want to pull my hair out. Like the boisterous, fire-spirited girl that I love just fades away leaving behind an empty, hollowed out shell. I hate every single interaction between the two of them. Thankfully they don't ever speak to each other in this novel.


Loving Sasuke no. I don't hate her for it. Naruto either for that matter for the same thing. I'm fine with them for loving him. But their sheer desperation to save him makes me rage. 

I would have been fine with Sakura loving Sasuke if we had seen a more caring Sasuke and if his very presence didn't destroy Sakura's spirit. Maybe something like Jerza yow know? 


hmm. it whats fustrates and angers me to no end. it boggles my mind how anyone can call themselves a Sakura fan and support SS its amazing. they just like them because they good drawn together. THATS IT!


I'm fine if Sakura cared and loved Sasuke but romantically is out of the question she was supposed to have realised she never really loved him that way. you could see her feelings grew stronger for Naruto anyway. but even was if sasuke was caring at all, it still wouldn't feel right. Naruto was her soulmate.



I'm so angry because i feel like NaruSaku development was just tossed away and kitten on. Sakura feelings ignored and everything retcon to death. SMH.

#794372 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 08:42 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Because it never really dive in outside the fact it's there to get a mission because the funds went to Anbu or whatever. So it's like me trying to supply for my newly opened store, only to find out my supplies never came and was addressed to elsewhere, thus my mission on why begins! That's an afterthought. It wasn't really highlighted and really, the main plot isn't about that rather about Sakura's desire to see Sasuke again. So you can say the reason why everything happened to be Sasuke related (clone, drink to become Uchiha, etc.) is because Sakura's plot said so.

I don't even know what secret feelings does she has.

Oh well, tumblr is nice today for once, so kitten this novel.


what are tumblr saying about the novel?


I've seen some negative stuff from ss fans.

#794369 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 08:36 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I agree with the first statement. But I'm thinking that's probably done to show that after the ending and 699 Sakura has come to trust Sasuke. He's "reedemed" after all.smh.


Sakura gains strenght from BOTH Naruto and Sasuke. It has always been about saving both of them. Trying to be on par with both of them. Romance doesn't come into this.


Nobody "saves" Sakura in this novel thankfully. But yes I agree if she was put in distress Sasuke wouldn't really bother. Most of all Sakura's first thought would be of Naruto; Like in the pain arc.


Did you bother reading the summary? Sakura foils her own kidnapping, destroys the enemy-nin in an impressive fight scene and doesn't need to be saved. So how are her ninja abilities ignored? 

The Clinic thing is literally in the preview, the first chapter gives a detailed account of the clinic's services. So how does that seem like an afterthought?

Yes i agree she gains strenght form both, but Naruto was always the one she counted on, increasingly drew strenght from, was inspired by and needed him more then anyone. i'm glad you agree.


Ok she got away from the kidnapping but her abilities arent explored or shown to surpass her master. she has a fight with who cares type fodder.


the clinic thing is good but it gives the impression and seems like she only did that to stop her thinking Sasuke. witch is disgusting.


do you agree her when it comes to Sasuke he destroys her character?

#794362 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 08:21 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Is it true that Sakura is jealous of the Naruto/Hinata couple ?


I heard that in one of Sawyer review



But way back Pain arc she was clearly jealous of Hinata. but as you know. Sakura feelings were completely ignored and tossed out the window when The Last came about.

#794348 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 08:03 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

Sasuke doesnt actually save her in this. She defeats the villain by herself.

You say that like its impressive of her.

#794340 Sakura Hiden

Posted by Living Lavish on 03 April 2015 - 07:42 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

^^^ she has to be strong for yourself now? because she knows sasuke has her back? wtf!?


NARUTO was the one who gave her strenght and inspiration Sakura always believed in herself after watching him and being with him, Naruto ALWAYS saved Sakura NOT Sasuke, that was hes job. another kittening retcon.


I'm sorry but the whole novel just doesn't feel like Sakura we all knew and loved. her character is just pathetic when it comes sasuke. the clinic while good idea, is a after thought and not fully explained and not exactly surpassing her master. her ninja abilities are completely ignored.