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Gulf of Mexcio oil spil

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#81 catsi563



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Posted 17 June 2010 - 01:40 AM

Im sorry but this whole hes not doing any thing argument is the biggest load of BULLS**T ive heard since the last time Sarah ""drill baby Drill"" palin opened her mouth.

I mean seriously people use common freaking sense here. what more could the man possibly do?????

invade england with military force and spark an international incedent with one of our closest allies? nope cant do that then hed be accused of being an imperialist.

Send in the foregin powers like sweden and other UN participants to help? nope cant do that then hed be accused of beginning his foreign invasion by the Morons *Ahem* i mean the birthers.

perform a cgovernment take over of BP and seize all its assets? nope cant do that because than hed be accused of inhibiting free economy and capitalism.

hell the mans allready been accused of putting his foot down on bps neck to hard. now when he gets a 20 freaking BILLION dollar fund set up to take care of people who are losing their lively hood.


I mean seriously W T F

so hes playing it cool and keeping a level head SO WHAT!!!!!? I mean seriously what do you want of him? is pissing and moaning and cursing and yelling gonna get any more accomplished then he already has????

this is ridiculous. Its bad enough we have loud mouthed biggoted wastes of oxygen like rush limbaugh and glen back running around accusing the man of everything from global warming to the second coming of adolph hitler. but now we have Sarah ""how in the hell does she walk and breath at the same time "" palin accusing him of not taking assistance from the very foreign powers they accuse him of conspiring with to take are precious freedoms away.

This ignoramous and pathetic excuse for a govenor is actually being considered for a presidential run by the tea partiers *** Shuuders uncontrollably*** has the unmitigated gall to say he hasnt done enough. Then has the brass ones to claim that the swedes or norwegians would have handled it better because and should have been brought in earlier Im quoting here "" they have experince with dykes and spills"" backing this idiotic statemnt up by the way with this picture

and no im not kidding here

palin is an idiot --Click here to view--

seriously people this stupidity and raw hatred for this man must stop. In only one short year hes allready began to help turn us around from the absolute fiasco of the last 8 years of republican run leadership, and corruption. hes actually ahd the balls to take on the health care industry and fight agaisnt lobbyists who have made hundreds of millions of dollars by buying politicians.

and now hes done quite frankly more to fight and counter the effects in what has become the greatest ecological disaster this country has ever faced then that retarded chimpanzee Geirge bush jr ever did in his entire 8 yeards in office.

im insulted that people keep expecting unrealistic things from this man when hes allreayd done eevrything that can be done shy of starting a war over it.

when in comparison the afformentioned chimpanzee heard katina was coming and said ""cool hope they have umbrellas"" followed up by waiting 2 weeks after the disaster to finally take a helecoptor tour over the disaster zone for which his responce was more than likely ""Darn thats a lot of water"".
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#82 Nate River

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 01:59 AM

seriously people this stupidity and raw hatred for this man must stop.

nope cant do that then hed be accused of beginning his foreign invasion by the Morons *Ahem* i mean the birthers.

and now hes done quite frankly more to fight and counter the effects in what has become the greatest ecological disaster this country has ever faced then that retarded chimpanzee Geirge bush jr ever did in his entire 8 yeards in office.

im insulted that people keep expecting unrealistic things from this man when hes allreayd done eevrything that can be done shy of starting a war over it.

when in comparison the afformentioned chimpanzee heard katina was coming and said ""cool hope they have umbrellas"" followed up by waiting 2 weeks after the disaster to finally take a helecoptor tour over the disaster zone for which his responce was more than likely ""Darn thats a lot of water"".

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

#83 Insurrection


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 02:11 AM

Punish them because it was the same plan from every company, their contigency plans were exactly the same for all of them! Not to mention the other oil spill taking place in Utah right now.

#84 Nee-sama


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 02:20 AM

Thank you Catsi, just today my Dad said that very thing "Obama hasn't done anything about the oil spill" and his explanation for this reasoning is "so he can pass Cap and Trade." Whatever the politics may be, Tea Party members like my Dad simply hate everything Obama does and says with an irrational passion. They will never be satisfied by anything he might do. I share your frustration.

Edited by Nee-sama, 17 June 2010 - 02:22 AM.


#85 Nate River

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 02:27 AM

QUOTE (Insurrection @ Jun 16 2010, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Punish them because it was the same plan from every company, their contigency plans were exactly the same for all of them! Not to mention the other oil spill taking place in Utah right now.

Ah, I see.

Punish a bunch of people who didn't cause the damage because their plan to deal with a potential disaster that had yet to happen turns out, in hindsight, not to work.

Besides making you feel better how is that anymore effective than the pundits anger Obama?

If the caused the spill in Utah. Fine, but punish them for damage they actually caused.

Thank you Catsi, just today my Dad said that very thing "Obama hasn't done anything about the oil spill" and his explanation for this reasoning is "so he can pass Cap and Trade." Whatever the politics may be, Tea Party members like my Dad simply hate everything Obama does and says with an irrational passion. They will never be satisfied by anything he might do. I share your frustration

While I don't think he has "done nothing" so "he can pass Cap and Trade," I have doubts its coincidental that some members of Congress are trying to revive a bill thought dead at this time. Members of his own base have criticized him for not taking advantage of that very opportunity.

Second, as I mentioned twice, welcome to what those of us on the right put of with for the last eight years. Of course, most of the left doesn't think it irrational. They think Bush sucked as much as they say he did. But then most of the right doesn't their irrational either.

Engage in the same behavior isn't productive nor fair, but with that said: I am all out of sympathy for a man and his Congress who still haven't left the Bush years.

#86 Miss Soupy

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:19 AM

QUOTE (catsi563 @ Jun 16 2010, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
seriously people this stupidity and raw hatred for this man must stop.

Yeah, it must stop. Of course, only if it's towards the party you support kruemelmonsteryn0.gif Why don't you think about that one and stop being part of the problem pimp.png

#87 Nate River

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:23 AM

Well, crap.

Did I miss something? I can't see a post insurrection made or my response. I know I just made it.

Insurrection? Can you see your response to the post I made about suing everyone else and not investing in anything?

#88 Insurrection


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:24 AM

Yeah, it kinda got fused with mine, so I deleted it. It looked like I was arguing with myself. I did read it though before.

Edited by Insurrection, 17 June 2010 - 03:25 AM.

#89 Nate River

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:25 AM

QUOTE (Insurrection @ Jun 16 2010, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, it kinda got fused with mine, so I deleted it. It looked like I was arguing with myself.


I hit edit instead of reply.

Sorry, my fault. Well anyway, you saw it, so that's all that matters.

#90 Insurrection


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:28 AM

Kinda puts a damper into our rantgument.....anyway...just getting tired of having to listen to the same Ween off of oil speech from 8 Presidents and not have somebody actually do something to do so.

Edited by Insurrection, 17 June 2010 - 03:28 AM.

#91 Nate River

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:39 AM

QUOTE (Insurrection @ Jun 16 2010, 10:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kinda puts a damper into our rantgument.....anyway...just getting tired of having to listen to the same Ween off of oil speech from 8 Presidents and not have somebody actually do something to do so.

It does.

Don't blame you. Everyone wants to find the energy source that is cheap, reliable, abundant, and 100% clean. It doesn't exist and President's simply can't make it so by decree. And oil isn't just a fuel source. We are highly dependent on plastics as well.

#92 Insurrection


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 03:43 AM

Curse you 70 year old need for Composite Materials! 111193.gif

#93 catsi563



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Posted 17 June 2010 - 05:09 AM

which is honestly very sad because weve have alternate fuel technology since the late 40s early 50s that was completely viable but was shutdown and or buried by automobile manufacutrers and oil companies go figure.

stupid thing about this whole nonsense is Im neither republican nor democrat im more of a middle of the road type. but ive jsut seen so much hatred blasted towards this man that its insane. its as if rightwing neocons have made this man their personal target, and worse his very presence has caused a large selection of the right wing to go clean off the bloody blue bend.

Heck I used to listen to glenn beck and respected his opinion even if I didnt always agree. now I cant stand to listen to the man because of the Crapton of vile and completely unsupported trash that is spewing out of him.

I mean seriously if this doesnt stop were going to have another Waco, or Oaklahoma city on are hands here. its one thing to not agree with the man, heck i didnt agree with a couple of obamas policies, but to call for outright armed innssurection like the teabaggers are doing is just plain crazy
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#94 Strangelove


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 02:11 PM

Okay, everyone is at fault here. Bp trying to cut corners to save money, the MMS ignoring the cutting of corners, and getting into scandals. Both the government and the industry is at fault here. The govt doesn't know how to regulate, and Bp didn't foresee Murphy Law.

Now both are paying the price. Government regulation lost its credibility, and BP stocks are taking a dive.

And the American People...well the American people are paying the price of its addiction to oil.

Edited by Strangelove, 17 June 2010 - 02:15 PM.


#95 Insurrection


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 04:35 PM

Yep, that's true. Not to mention BP fund also means British Pension fund. Brits are paying a price for it too.

#96 Sakura Blossoms

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Posted 17 June 2010 - 07:18 PM

'Bama is gonna do some BP ass-kicking! >.<

#97 Insurrection


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Posted 17 June 2010 - 08:17 PM

QUOTE (Sakura Blossoms @ Jun 17 2010, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
'Bama is gonna do some BP ass-kicking! >.<

You had to break out the Autotune.

#98 Dreamer


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Posted 18 June 2010 - 06:38 AM

Please don't compare Obama to the awesome Chuck Norris. emoticon_monocle.gif

#99 Black Rose

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Posted 19 June 2010 - 09:07 AM

Do you believe that even me is in panic? I feel like someone is burning my house! I heard on tv that the problem may take years to be solved. And i... GASPED.



#100 Dreamer


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Posted 19 June 2010 - 05:34 PM

QUOTE (Sakura_1_ @ Jun 19 2010, 04:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you believe that even me is in panic? I feel like someone is burning my house! I heard on tv that the problem may take years to be solved. And i... GASPED.

Oh yeah it will take a long time to clean the oil out of the ocean and especially the wetlands/marshes. I heard they plan on using the Mississippi river with its high silk minerals to flood out the marshes to help remove the oil from the weeds, mud, and water.

Edited by Uzumakikage, 19 June 2010 - 05:36 PM.

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