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Chapter 437 Discussion

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#141 Leney


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Posted 27 February 2009 - 11:57 PM

ot to Verilance --Click here to view--
Kinda off topic but I've only usually seen aikitteneru used w/ existing couples when they're being particularly lovey-dovey. Or in songs when people want to be poetic. Japanese is weird. But I guess love/like/affection is one of those abstract subjects so it's hard to translate. I dunno. XD

WTF Fanfic Quote of the Moment

"I nearly threw up in my mouth" exclaimed Sasuke, mentally scarred by the experience."You should do that!Except let her try and kiss you whilst you do!"laughed Naruto exitedly."That is WAY funny, and all the same way more creepy that that time at the preliminaries!"retorted Sasuke, remembering."uuughh! I feel so sorry for the shadow clones I made whilst we hid.I hear one of the sound genin got AIDS and CHLAMIDIA from Hayate"said Naruto pulling a face.

#142 papo


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 12:03 AM

really good chapter..i think that this is setting naruto up to hit rock bottom. It said in the chapter that the villagers are going to get involved with the search, if that happens they might see naruto in his state and blame the desruction on him since pain did all this just to draw him out. i do think the possibility of her dying is really high 'cause sakura had little to no chakra left to heal at the hospital tsunade is out the fight because she used all her energy for that blast and that mean no more chakra is being sent to those slugs as well. i believe with hinatas death much more can move forward in the series; her father never thought of her as much of a successor, neji might change in some way because of this...i just confidently believe she will not pull through, and all this will fall on naruto or be blamed on him. i do really enjoy pain as a villain because his gols make sense and being a ninja from another village who suffered because of the hidden leaf can he really be called a villian? and i cant see sauske doing any of what pain has accomplished doing to the village...anyways im not gonna worry bout hinata being a threat to anything i just see her as a needed death to move other pieces of the chess board. oorah..

Edited by papo, 28 February 2009 - 12:06 AM.

#143 Guest_Aethos_*

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 12:55 AM

off topic but --Click here to view--
It's insane over on NF right now after this. It's like everyone is now saying NaruHina is canon.

#144 VNgal


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 01:04 AM

Finally! there's some action going on here. I felt really bad for Hinata though, cindessing her love at such a place

#145 Ani


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 01:13 AM

Why are you guys freaking out over the confession? It's just a confession. Hinata has guts to get it out, but it doesn't mean her feelings will be returned.

I find that if this is Hinata's sacrifice, then I hope they dont bring her back. It would make it seem like her sacrifice was for nothing. But I do think it was pretty dumb to go in and even fight Pein since she knew she had no chance. I also don't want Kishi to think of some stupid way to ressurect her. I don't want everyone to be saved from death in this series. They are ninjas and it's not uncommon for then to die. I don't see how her living = NaruHina either. It would be bad writing if it turned out that way, but it is his story to tell. He can do what he wants.

And Sakura really isn't out of the picture as it has been said. Since in that so called interview that Sakura was going to be having some sort of part in the upcoming chapters. This might be where she is able to shine again. She dealed with Kyuubi Naruto before and who knows, maybe she has prepared for this to happen again and has thought of something. Something smart I hope.

That's my 2 cents. :/

#146 Radon


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 01:34 AM

QUOTE (Ani @ Feb 27 2009, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why are you guys freaking out over the confession? It's just a confession. Hinata has guts to get it out, but it doesn't mean her feelings will be returned.

I find that if this is Hinata's sacrifice, then I hope they dont bring her back. It would make it seem like her sacrifice was for nothing. But I do think it was pretty dumb to go in and even fight Pein since she knew she had no chance. I also don't want Kishi to think of some stupid way to ressurect her. I don't want everyone to be saved from death in this series. They are ninjas and it's not uncommon for then to die. I don't see how her living = NaruHina either. It would be bad writing if it turned out that way, but it is his story to tell. He can do what he wants.

And Sakura really isn't out of the picture as it has been said. Since in that so called interview that Sakura was going to be having some sort of part in the upcoming chapters. This might be where she is able to shine again. She dealed with Kyuubi Naruto before and who knows, maybe she has prepared for this to happen again and has thought of something. Something smart I hope.

That's my 2 cents. :/

It's Kishimoto's story to tell yes but I expect him to tell it well. If he wants NaruHina or wants to service the NaruHina fans, than that's fine with me it's his choice, but I expect him to give it some decent development after this if he expects me to continue on reading.
"Fact: The fandom makes characters look hotter and act hornier than they actually are..."

#147 Denim88


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 01:54 AM

Dang, I wasn't expecting that at all (though the title art had me suspicious. I'm not going to go and say that I'm worried about pairing though, right now, the story is more important for me. I've been waiting for this (though I was hoping Naruto wouldn't go insane so quickly. Hinata actually did something I've been hoping for; she friggin' stood up for her beliefs. She actually showed no fear. What I found interesting was that she admitted she was being selfish.

Looks like Naruto seeing one of his friends getting attacked (very brutally, yet efficiently, I might add) spurred him into a rage. It kind of bums me out a little though. I was hoping Naruto was going to be able to overcome the Kyuubi, though like we've seen before, Naruto's anger was always the quickest path to the Kyuubi getting out. I must admit, that form he's taking is a bit unexpected. He has a skeleton over him now. No doubt that's a symbol of the Kyuubi being more influential over the blond now.

So now we're witnessing Naruto and Pain getting ready for what I hope to be one of the most explosive battles yet. Kishimoto has an idea here, though I'm hoping he at least doesn't end this fight too quickly, but not drag it on like Sasuke vs Itachi. Hopefully Naruto will also be able to reign in the fox before things get to bad. I'm worried though that the Kyuubi's power may do more damage than good for our hero.

Gimme a break, 'kay?

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#148 dl316bh


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 01:57 AM

QUOTE (Aethos @ Feb 27 2009, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's insane over on NF right now after this. It's like everyone is now saying NaruHina is canon.

She could glance at him and they'd say it's canon. Big deal. The more desperate the shippers, the more they'll begin seeing what they want to see (by the way, any sensed snark is not directed at you).

But then, some of us here absolutely panicked just because Hinata finally got out a confession, so what does that tell you? For all the analysis of Kishi's writing and the way things have gone in this manga, it sounds like a lot of people here aren't as sure in NaruSaku as they come off to be.

Edited by dl316bh, 28 February 2009 - 01:59 AM.


#149 Guest_Aethos_*

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 02:12 AM

Well a lot of the neutrals have jumped ship to NaruHina too. Saying this chapter made the pairing a sure thing if Hinata lives.

#150 dl316bh


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 02:19 AM

QUOTE (Aethos @ Feb 27 2009, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well a lot of the neutrals have jumped ship to NaruHina too. Saying this chapter made the pairing a sure thing if Hinata lives.

Nuetrals don't matter. They're fair-weather shippers. Or they were NaruHina shippers originally and just figure this was an excuse to kick aside the nuetral facade.

It happens more often than you'd think.

#151 Broken Figurine

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 02:38 AM

Oh boy, this chapter...

I may come off as snarky, but I was not as impressed with this chapter and not just because it has 'hints' of NaruHina. No, while that was mildly annoying I was mostly taken back by Hinata in general. It's no lie that as a character I don't respect her; mostly because she just seems like (to me) a character who's entire basis surrounds her love-interest and nothing more. People tell me she's kick ass, smart, sweet, but I'm getting a lot of telling and none of really showing from her. I don't even know why she 'loves' Naruto other than him being her idol. I don't 'get' her character and I don't feel sympathetic to her because I relate to nothing. Her 'confession' came a little too late after chapters and chapters of nothingness, so abruptly in the middle of an intense battle, and it's giving me the impression she's there as Ms.Expendable. If you've heard the term 'women in refrigerators' I mean that. It's nice that her fans get to see her big moment and yeah, you can say she now has a backbone, but again a little too late.

Everything from her character before had been building up for her to become a better person. Instead, apparently, it was building up to her sacrifice for Naruto. She's always watched Naruto, always wanted him, always loved him, and the impression I got was rather she would grow away from this idolization and learn from him. She's learned brashness, and I don't mean to downplay the significance and courage sacrificing yourself for a person you love, but the fact that her entire character was amounting to this moment is just sad. Not sad as in tear-jerking or 'awww', but sad as in Kishimoto just wasted away a character. Please, correct me, but this chapter just felt like a justification to put Naruto into his ultra-kyuubi mode and to add justification to Pein's "love breeds sacrifice" statement.

Being sympathetic to Hinata, she had tons of potential as a character. I think we agree that it happens to a lot of characters in this series where they have unused potential. If Hinata dies here, she does not fulfil any of the theories surrounding her. She does not fix or take initiative into her family problems, she does not come to do something important in shaping the village, she doesn't even help Naruto out much other than giving him a reason for an incredible amount of rage that may even backfire because he can hurt more people this way. All she has achieved is a moment where she gives a powerful speech, a confession, and provided the foundation for further plot twists that may have nothing to do with her.

Yet, everywhere I look I see that this was Hinata's big chapter. She's finally done something. I don't see that, and I'm sorry if this is bashing or if I come off as biased, but this is what my perspective is when I read critically.

Edited by Broken Figurine, 28 February 2009 - 02:41 AM.

#152 dl316bh


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 02:44 AM

I'm oddly unsurprised that it led to this. Your problems with Hinata are many of mine as well. As I mentioned earlier, people like Hinata so much, but I can never get why. You could probably count the chapters where she's had any significance or real character on one hand.

I've long suspected that the sole reason many people like her is because they can relate to the shy girl who pines for a boy dynamic; often enough they want her to get the boy for a bit of a hidden desire for hope that their own plights may not be hopeless. I know at least one girl who likes her and NaruHina mostly for this reason. Otherwise, there's not a lot I see to like. Any time she had any inkling of development, it was right back to the crush.

Hinata's always come off to me as the token one trick pony or one note character. She's even died for that one note or one trick. Doesn't exactly say a lot of good things about the character.

Edited by dl316bh, 28 February 2009 - 02:46 AM.


#153 Askia31


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 02:47 AM

QUOTE (Broken Figurine @ Feb 28 2009, 02:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Everything from her character before had been building up for her to become a better person. Instead, apparently, it was building up to her sacrifice for Naruto. She's always watched Naruto, always wanted him, always loved him, and the impression I got was rather she would grow away from this idolization and learn from him. She's learned brashness, and I don't mean to downplay the significance and courage sacrificing yourself for a person you love, but the fact that her entire character was amounting to this moment is just sad. Not sad as in tear-jerking or 'awww', but sad as in Kishimoto just wasted away a character. Please, correct me, but this chapter just felt like a justification to put Naruto into his ultra-kyuubi mode and to add justification to Pein's "love breeds sacrifice" statement.

Yup she's a plot device.

#154 MagusKyros


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 02:53 AM

Kishimoto did say that some people were going to die. I wouldn't be surprised if Hinata was one of them.
A NaruSaku Manifesto - A presentation on the NaruSaku pairing using the manga.

#155 Grizzly1



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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:15 AM

I call that 'gift' itachi gave naruto earlier on is gonna give naruto control over his kyuubi state.
If not this, it is resistance to mangekyou attacks.

#156 Kyuudaime



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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:15 AM

QUOTE (Aethos @ Feb 27 2009, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's insane over on NF right now after this. It's like everyone is now saying NaruHina is canon.

A lot of them are saying it's officially cannon.

#157 FullmetalNinja25


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:17 AM



#158 Illmatic


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:18 AM

QUOTE (UzumakiEdward85 @ Feb 27 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

which is why i never bothered joining there

#159 Kyuudaime



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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:22 AM

QUOTE (UzumakiEdward85 @ Feb 27 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


#160 True


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Posted 28 February 2009 - 03:26 AM

I've said it before but to remind you guys, absolutely NO forum/fandom bashing. We have rules on forum-to-forum conduct and I'd like you to respect that.

I don't mind discussion relating to the chapter, but do not speak of "NaruHina/Hinata fans are doing this/that'. Keep it to the subject at hand and about the manga and not fandoms.

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